岸山 睦
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.853, pp.1-10, 2011-11-01
井原 奉明 Tomoaki Ihara
学苑 = Gakuen (ISSN:13480103)
no.942, pp.26-44, 2019-04-01

This article is the second part of a series of research on the theme of subject in Wittgenstein’s early philosophy. The period is defined as his middle-period, which roughly lies between Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations. In this article the author deals with the first phase of his middle-period philosophy, which started in January 1929 and ended in April 1930. He must have accepted the criticisms to the Tractatus ontology from Sraffa, Ramsey and Schlick, and couldn’t but abandon the mutual independence of elementary propositions, which is the key concept of Tractatus. Then, he put a new focus upon immediate experience and language by introducing a novel notion of grammatical form and space instead of logical form and space. It seemed to him that the problems raised with the help of his friends would be solved in the new ontological framework, but he found out another problem right away. This article discusses why and how he changed his theory.
森 明子 山田 直子 吉田 知加子 高尾 恭一 小池 文彦 風間 宏美 須賀 比奈子 高尾 哲也 Akiko MORI Naoko YAMADA Chikako YOSHIDA Kyoichi TAKAO Fumihiko KOIKE Hiromi KAZAMA Hinako SUGA Tetsuya TAKAO
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.782, pp.57-63, 2005-12

RT-PCR法を用いて,葉状乳頭における味覚受容体の発現を検討した。すなわち葉状乳頭部から擦過法により取得した組織を使用し,味覚受容体候補であるTHTRファミリー(THTRs)およびT2Rファミリー(T2Rs)の発現をRT-PCR後,マイクロキャピラリー電気泳動により測定した。40歳以上の健常者ではTHTRs,T2Rsの受容体において,多数を発現していることが認められた。これに対し30歳以下の被験者ではいくつかのTHTRsおよびT2Rsで発現を認めたが,典型的な発現パターンはなかった。さらに薬服用者や高齢の味覚異常者においては,健常者に比べてTHTRs, T2Rsともに発現していない受容体が多かった。これらのことから,まず青年期では味覚受容体が成長段階にあり,20歳の成人になっても味覚の成長は十分ではないことが考えられた。壮年期になると味覚受容体が十分発達し,高齢者になってもその味覚受容体の発現数は減少しないことが示唆された。また薬剤の服用者や味覚異常者も,味覚受容体の欠落の可能性が示唆された。
大塲 貴志 Takashi Oba
学苑 = Gakuen (ISSN:13480103)
no.946, pp.(1)-(9), 2019-08-01

The purpose of this article is illuminating the theoretical and pedagogical perspectives on grammar instruction in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) research and educational settings. In many educational contexts, although communicative activities have been strenuously implemented into language lessons, grammar instruction has not been appropriately integrated in the lessons. In this article, theoretical perspectives on grammar instruction will be explained and a systematic framework of grammar instruction, “form-focused instruction (FFI)”, will be demonstrated. Then an instructed model integrating FFI and communicative contexts proposed by Lyster (2007, 2017) will be illustrated. Finally, empirical findings regarding FFI will be reviewed.
堀内 正昭 Masaaki HORIUCHI
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.766, pp.62-68, 2004-07-01

Quedlinburg, in the state of Sachsen-Anhalt, was a capital of German kings and Holy Roman emperors at the time of the Saxonian ruling dynasty. The city had prospered as a trading town since the Middle Ages. The numerous high quality timber-framed buildings range from the 14th century to the Modern Ages. The variety of their construction methods and decoration makes Quedlinburg an exceptional example of a medieval German town. The author traces the architectural history of this town and is of the opinion that the Collegiate Church of St Servatius (c.1070-1129) is a faithful successor to Ottonian architectural style and an outstanding example of this type of building.
西尾 克明 Katsuaki Nishio
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.812, pp.70-101, 2008-06-01

Changing values in contemporary society confront educators with complex, multi-faceted demands. These changes in society make necessary a reform of school governance and management. Now, more than ever, we need competent and able teachers. Effective teacher training and professional development is essential. Especially important is self-study by teachers themselves, and it is necessary that school-based, in-service training programs promote teachers' self-study and guide teachers in recognizing the importance of such self-study. School-based, in-service training for teachers must be regarded as a part of teachers' regular work. It is important this training should enable teachers to understand the importance not only of school-based training, but also of self-study. This paper examines actual cases of school-based, in-service training and focuses on how they have influenced teachers' development and educational activity. The study suggests that the effectiveness of in-service training depends on teachers' attitude towards the training. In light of this, a major concern is that in-service training administered by the board of education (for example: teachers' induction courses and 2nd/3rd/6th/10th year follow-up courses) may not be as effective as it should be. In the prefecture here studied, the board of education administers several kinds of in-service training: job-specific training such as student guidance and educational counseling, as well as subject-based training and curriculum, and mandatory in-service training once every 3 years. Such training should be informed by and relevant to the changes in contemporary society. Further, individual teachers need to make use of the contents of the training within the context of the actual conditions and assignments in their own schools, and the training itself must aid them in applying what they have learned to their individual situations. This investigation makes it clear that the training administered by the board of education is not being used effectively. It is important that school-based, in-service training be employed extensively and effectively. To that end, the leadership of vice-principals or chief supervisors is invaluable in creating an environment that ensures relevant and effective training. Such leaders must take responsibility for creating effective training programs.
若林 功 八重田 淳 Isao WAKABAYASHI Jun YAEDA
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.904, pp.68-78, 2016-02-01

The importance of support in the workplace for persons with disabilities to adjust to working life has long been recognized in the literature. However, the effects of workplace support on the work adjustment of persons with disabilities have not been well documented. This paper examines whether workplace support is related to job satisfaction, performance (as evaluated by employers), organizational commitment, workplace integration, and their intention to quit their jobs. A survey of people with intellectual disabilities was conducted, and 169 answers were collected. The results of analysis of the survey are as follows: (a) workplace support consists of three factors: education, negative feedback, and supports for work performance, (b) moderate correlation was found between education and job satisfaction, (c) moderate correlation was found between organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and between workplace integration and job satisfaction; a moderate negative correlation was found between intention to quit job and job satisfaction, (d) only a weak negative correlation was found between intention to quit job and workplace support.
臼倉 美里 Misato Usukura
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.834, pp.15-27, 2010-04-01

This study investigated the necessity of learners' explicit knowledge about the usage of English personal pronouns in anaphora comprehension. English and Japanese anaphora expressions by personal pronouns have some different features in their usages. It is assumed that Japanese learners would have difficulty understanding English anaphora expressions by personal pronouns due to the interlingual differences. It is believed among quite a few Japanese English teachers that these differences may have negative influence on their students' reading comprehension, and quite a lot of time has been spent on explicit explanation about them. The effectiveness of such explicit knowledge, however, has not been investigated enough. The present study examined whether Japanese EFL(English as a foreign language)learners need explicit knowledge about the usages of English personal pronouns to understand anaphora expressions. Also, if learners are able to comprehend English anaphora expressions without any explicit knowledge, what component of English ability complements the absence of knowledge? In the present study, the degree of automaticity in sentence processing is considered to be one of the possible factors and an investigation was carried out. The result indicated that learners were able to comprehend English anaphora expressions without explicit knowledge, but the relevance of sentence processing automaticity was not proven.
阿曽 かずき 岩田 宏美 清水 史子 小川 睦美 Kazuki ASO Hiromi IWATA Fumiko SHIMIZU Mutsumi OGAWA
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.818, pp.27-30, 2008-12-01

In order to examine and compare the content of resistant starch (RS) under different conditions, the amount of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in boiled rice (A. boiled, B. boiled and frozen and defrosted), purchased bread (A. just after purchase, B. frozen and defrosted), and retort rice (A. microwaved, B. microwaved and frozen and defrosted) were measured using the Englyst method. The results were as follows: There was no difference in the content of NSP in the boiled rice A and B. The amount of NSP content in the purchased bread A was lower than that in the purchased bread B. Therefore, we could not calculate the amount of RS. The NSP content of the retort rice B was higher than that of the retort rice A. The RS content of the retort rice was 1.0±0.8 (g/100 g). The NSP content of the purchased bread was significantly higher than that of the boiled rice and retort rice.
友野 清文
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.907, pp.1-16, 2016-05-01