中祖 晴香 大滝 令嗣 野口 麗奈
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.191-196, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

The objective of this paper is to gain implications for measuring and visualizing employee engagement instantaneously by using AI called "A; " (Laboratik Inc.). Currently, employee engagement scores in Japan only attains the half of its universal average score while some study concluded that employee engagement impacted on its corporate performance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to contribute for improving current employee engagement score in Japan by seeking for a possible solution to measure and visualize employee engagement more instantaneously without survey questions in the future, specifically, utilizing technology. The research hypothesis is that there are correlations between changes in sentiment scores with "A;", and the change of employee engagement survey scores before and after coaching sessions. We conducted this research toward 2 groups of 6 employees in each within targeted period. The research result supported our hypothesis. In addition, we found that two teams employee engagement factors that correlated to the sentiments' changes were different. In conclusion, the findings implied the possible utilization of A; to a real-time measure of employee engagement score though it is mandatory to accumulate results with larger samples.
井形 元彦 繁桝 博昭 桂 信太郎
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.299-304, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

In this research, we aimed to give new findings to marketing strategies for flowers. Especially purchase of flower plants is decided not with functional value but with sensibility value. Therefore, we quantitatively and structurally analyzed the sensitivity of subjects' preferences using Kansei Engineering method. Furthermore, based on cognitive neuroscience method, fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) was used to evaluate the impression on the way of presenting flowers and the effect on brain activity. Based on the results, this paper explores the possibility of applying the neuromarketing which integrates the fields of marketing, psychology, and neuroscience to the flower business in the future.
池田 浩 森永 雄太
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.3, no.1, pp.62-67, 2014-08-25 (Released:2014-08-28)

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale measuring multi-faceted as well as multi-dimensional work motivations in Japanese organizations. It also sought to verify the scale’s validity and reliability. In study 1, items of the scale were developed based on Barrick, Stewart, and Piotrowski’s (2002) work on a prior scale, and included additional content on motivational aspects of learning. These items were further elaborated and examined in two preliminary investigations to determine whether each reflected three core dimensions: directivity, persistence, and strength. In study 2, web surveys comprising the items were administered to 600 Japanese employees whose responses were later analyzed. An exploratory factor analysis was performed to ascertain the scale’s validity and reliability, which revealed 4 factors: accomplishment, competition, cooperation, and learning-oriented motivation. This factor structure was confirmed in Study 3 with two samples of 209 nurses and 467 system engineers. This final phase of our research also demonstrated that competition-oriented motivation was associated with decreased negative job performance among employees of Japanese hospitals.
西口 敏宏
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.200-205, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

This paper examines community-level social capital, or community capital for short. Building on existing literature on social capital and supply chain networks, we specifically look at the community networks that evolved among the natives of China’s Wenzhou, often referred to as the birthplace of spontaneous Chinese capitalism. A key is to understand in depth whether and how individuals interact in local contingencies, to form a coherent pattern that may facilitate or inhibit further collective action. To what extent, moreover, is such pattern generation a product of community norms, values and strategies shared by community members? How does such pattern generation differ from other communities whose collective performance is less impressive? And why? This research directly addresses these issues with original evidence. Drawing on extensive fieldwork, we investigate, at the community level, the emerging networking patterns of Chinese entrepreneurs from Wenzhou, whose striking economic success has been widely noted. In particular, we examine the extent to which Wenzhounese entrepreneurs’ rapid rewiring of their links with various transnational locales and the concomitant efficient network search and information sharing on the basis of community cohesiveness is related to Wenzhou’s success. We find “commensurate trust”shared and enjoyed among its exclusionary community members a key to decode the secrets of their success as well as to limit their evolvability.
山内 裕 平本 毅
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.3, no.2, pp.41-46, 2014-12-24 (Released:2014-12-18)

This study examines customer interactions at traditional-style sushi bars in Tokyo using an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic approach. Actual interactions were videotaped and analyzed in detail. The findings suggest that sushi chefs test customers by posing a difficult question, that less experienced customers show their orientation to whether their answer is appropriate, and that experienced customers produce a concise answer without such orientation. This is all done in a routine, mundane, and matter-of-fact way. The chefs define that their customers should be able to answer the question without any problem and customers demonstrate their competence through minimal and concise actions. The customer interaction is not only about exchanging information as to what the customers want but also about presentation and negotiation of selves. As an implication, it is briefly discussed that services can be seen as a struggle; beyond meeting customer needs and satisfying customers.
上野 善久
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.142-147, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

This study extracts hypothetical components to build an M&A reference for top managers of small to medium-sized enterprises through case analyses of 43 business units (BUs) acquired by five small to medium-sized headquarters (HQ) in mature industries. Special attention is paid toward the unintended outcomes of the M&A application. This comparative approach explains why the same HQ succeeded in utilizing its competences in a BU, whereas it failed in another. It also explains why for one HQ, the same BU generated bounties, whereas for another HQ, it remained barren. First, in order to determine useful resources in a newly acquired BU that can become future core competences for the HQ, the HQ must be furnished with the capabilities of optimizing its resource allocation across organizational boundaries. Second, in order to apply its competence(s) to a newly acquired BU, the dominant logic of the HQ must suit that specific business.
藤本 昌代
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.1, pp.7-12, 2018 (Released:2018-08-17)

This report analyzes about the graduates of the French high-level engineering schools who were given the "engineer" qualification (the advanced profession or people who go on senior management career). We surveyed about the industrial field where they work, the industrial field with high income, the tendency of the overtime hours, work satisfaction and norms. They were employed not only in fields where high incomes were obtained, but also in public institutions, government agencies, and international organizations, with less incomes. It was seen that the height of the social position of the organization was given priority over economic rewards. They were not only preferential in status and income, but also worked very long hours. However, young people tend to join in high-income fields such as the financial insurance business. They are in a harsh working situation, except that they can control the work time themselves, and their spirits are not altruistic, they work selfish, and the oblige seems to collapse. It is necessary to reconsider their way of working which is exhausted. In France, there is an educational inflation in the humanities, but educational investment is not rewarded by the way of working like a science profession in Japanese manufacturing industry.
宮尾 学
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.2, no.1, pp.50-55, 2013 (Released:2013-07-30)

Though a body of research has revealed that the early definition of a product concept is beneficial for new product development, some authors have suggested that concept shifting during is necessary in a particular situation. Concept shifting is crucial in some case, but its process is not well understood. In this study, in order to understand concept shifting in more detail, I try to develop a framework based on Daft and Weick’s (1984) organization as interpretation system perspective. Four product development cases, where concept shifting occurred in three cases and does not occurred in one case, are studied and two major findings are obtained. First, project team’s assumptions about the environment is changed from analyzable to unanalyzable with a concept shifting. When a project team faces to information inducing concept shifting, the product concept becomes unstable and thus the project team changes their information scanning mode. Second, based on first finding, a process of concept shifting can be broken down into three patterns, which is “unstable concept shifting”, “active concept shifting” and “passive concept shifting”. My conclusion is that these patterns help us to understand an organizational process of concept shifting as an information interpretation system.
林 侑輝 坂井 貴行 山田 仁一郎
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.8, no.1, pp.216-221, 2019 (Released:2019-08-23)

It is expected that the inventions created by universities will bring about innovation and contribute to the economic growth of the country and various regions. However, it is difficult to claim from an international perspective that the industry-academia collaboration and technology transfers in Japan are doing enough in activating university research on societal and organizational levels. Through analysis of practice of our second author, who has 19 years of experience with industry-academia collaboration, we tried to elucidate in this research what sort of conditions need to be reached and what sort of technology transfer management needs to be in place for university technology transfers to be put on the market. The results of the analysis showed that the success or failure of university technology transfers being put on the market were greatly influenced by whether research development management was done after licensing on the industrialization process. On the other hand, it was also decided that there is another path (the “praying to god route”). In the future, to advance our country’s industry-academia collaboration and technology transfers, we need to organize the easier route and debate what the best practices are for taking technology transfers to market.
勝又 壮太郎 西本 章宏
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.5, no.2, pp.1-9, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

This study focuses on the process of market generation and diffusion. Especially, we examine the relationship between market attractiveness and legitimation of the product market. We conduct the study following two steps: First, we refer some previous work to analyze the transition of market such as socio-cognitive and institutional theories. Second, we propose a method to measure the legitimacy which change along with the market expansion from published newspaper articles. In general, it is difficult to observe the transition of the market change from behavioral outcome such as sale amount and diffusion rate, this study measures the latent market change from the change of the word. Third, we develop a quantitative model to examine the relationship between observed degree of legitimacy and marketing performances. Our empirical model is based on the bass diffusion model which enable us to estimate market diffusion rate and examine the impact of the legitimation on the diffusion rate and profitability. As a result, we find that market size and profitability increase at the formulation stage of the legitimacy, on the other hand, the market size and profitability decrease at the stabilized stage. Based on the findings, we also discuss the optimal market entry strategies and desirable new product development strategies. For example, we can obtain an implication to entry observing the change of the word.
鈴木 康宏
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.9, no.1, pp.33-38, 2020 (Released:2020-08-27)

This is the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and rapid digitization is bringing about tremendous changes in our society and business. In particular, new technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are evolving with tremendous momentum, and companies are required to drastically transform their businesses themselves by utilizing digital technologies. This is called "Digital Transformation (DX)", and it is essential to transform corporate management through the reform of corporate IT departments. DX is progressing overseas like this, but, is Japanese companies able to cope with this change? And if not, what kind of change should we make in the future? In this research, in the global management environment where digital transformation is progressing, we focused on the corporate IT department, and surveyed on problem recognition and organizational reform of each company, and analyzed the tendency. In Japan, Ambidexterity's theory is too biased toward "exploitaion", and has not been able to shift to "exploration". Especially, Japanese don’t like change and have slow organizational decisions. Therefore, IT department and the digitalization department should be separated first. And, cluster analysis proved that the involvement of top management to DX departments contributed to the progress of DX.
水谷 浩之
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.3, no.1, pp.20-25, 2014-08-25 (Released:2014-08-28)

With the increase of decentralization, local governments are left to solve their own policy problems more than ever. Existing research focused on the decision making process of local government are scarce and fails to consider both organizational hierarchy and many participants. Based on these point, the purpose of this article is to investigate the decision making process of local government by expanding upon the Garbage Can Model of Cohen et al. (1972). I did both interviews and questionnaires targeted at staff in the Affairs Department of local government X. I found postponement of problems that the Section did not tackle problems and interruption that the decision making process went back former stage. This postponement had an effect to tackle important problems to be solved in the short term inside of the Section. In addition, in the situations where decision making process was in progress, postponement was to develop decision making process related to other important problems, and to solve these problems. Interruption had an effect to tackle important problems that the Section overlooked. The result shows that postponement of problems and interruption played an important role in the decision making process of local government X.
吉永 崇史
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.6, no.2, pp.47-52, 2017 (Released:2017-12-23)

This paper proposes three ideas for the possible roles of an organizational studies researcher (hereafter referred to as an OSR) when practicing the narrative approach described by Yoshinaga and Saito (in press). First, in order to device a method for extracting diverse narratives, it is necessary for an OSR to have a sufficiently trusting relationship with the practitioners. The positive attitudes of the practitioners trying to incorporate an OSR in order to encourage diversity management and of the researchers that are trying to contribute to co-constructing narratives in the field are required. Therefore, the OSR must appeal to the practitioners and demonstrate that the researcher can become someone who will promote diversity management within the organization. Second, by witnessing how the narrative approach is practiced, an OSR can be involved in the field without interfering with the autonomy of the practitioners. In addition, the OSR will be able to present positive meaning for each practitioner's practice. Finally, for an OSR to administrate the organizational practice of a narrative approach, after OSRs have been grouped into teams, they can conduct a process that consists of four steps: 1) a dialogue between the OSRs, 2) a presentation of the dialogue summary to the practitioners, 3) a dialogue with the practitioners and the researchers, and 4) a dialogue between the practitioners. The process needs to be designed as action research.
伊佐田 文彦
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.447-452, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

The objective of this research is to clarify empirically the influence of the network structure between companies on research and development (R&D) in Internet of Things (IoT) business. In IoT business, R&D beyond the border of a company becomes important. Furthermore, advantageous positioning in the network is thought to enhance the result of R&D, and ultimately contribute to profit. In this research, the relationship between the network structure and the result of R&D was analyzed with a method of social network analysis. Joint-application patents related to IoT business were extracted from the intellectual-property database. As a result, the difference in the network structure of a company was related to the result of R&D and profitability in IoT business.
今永 典秀
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.332-337, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

The focus is on a knife industry, one of the traditional local industries in Seki, Gifu Prefecture. I consider the case of Nikken Cutlery Co., Ltd., one of the small and medium enterprises, whose business successor made innovation using crowdfunding. After working for several years as an engineer at a big enterprise, the business successor joined the company for business succession. After exchanging constructive ideas with younger employees there, the successor developed a new product. Then, utilizing crowdfunding, the person sold the new product in new markets. This action is a thinking process to take advantage of "effectuation", starting actions from means already possessed, acting to positively aim at constructing new partnerships that were not originally anticipated and creating the environment, which I found it to be an inspiring approach. In addition, utilization of crowdfunding may contribute to reform of corporate culture and promotion of new business. Utilization of crowdfunding in traditional industries in the local area can be one of the useful ways in which business successors make innovation and reform an organization.
中野 勉
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.5, no.2, pp.41-48, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

What is “good” sound to listen to music? How does the market work? This paper investigates market mechanisms of Japan’s high-end audio industry as linked to the global markets, from the point of view of pragmatic valuation as tasting of hardware products. It aims to test its validity and potential with relevance to the network analysis. The industry is a “creative industry” where art, technology and culture intersect to produce “good” quality sound for serious audiophiles who buy luxurious high-end equipments to enjoy listening to the aesthetic music. The serial work by Hennion on taste discusses attachments as a moment of sensations as to become music lovers or alcoholics. By contrast, applying network analysis of relevant social networks and fieldwork interviews of audiophiles in Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, UK, and US markets, this research study focused on the hardware, which mediates the art of music and human minds as agents, the point largely ignored by the existing literature. As a result, the study found that the concept of “high fidelity” is the foundational notion of “good” sound as a shared benchmark among the stakeholders. However the complexity of valuation of sound as combination of art, culture and technology generates ambiguity or ambivalence regarding the definition. The fact requires a multi-dimensional approach to the tasting or evaluation with a rich and sophisticated repertoire of pragmatic knowledge from seasoned experience, highly subjective judgements as well as objective metric tests from engineering and technology. This ambivalence of high-fidelity is the engines that drives the market by creating the dynamic market valorization mechanisms where intermediaries coordinate stakeholders to stabilize value of the products through collaboration, confirmation, information sharing, legitimation, and updating or upscaling as agencement. This approach thus can elaborate on the coordination processes as well as the competitive dynamics of social networks in the marketplace beyond the relational structure.
髙橋 省吾
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.154-159, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

This research presents ways in which companies engaged in industry-academia open innovation manage risks. Recently, importance of industry-academia open innovation is increasing. Universities, in particular, find it difficult to administrate risks; such as, information leakages, breaches of contract, conflicts of interest, etc. One of the reasons for this is multiple organizational structures of universities, which include bureaucracies, collegiums, enterprises, and corporations. In contrast, corporate governance is comparatively easy to administer because the organizational structure is bureaucratic basically. Therefore, companies that introduce industry-academia open innovation should manage their risks, including the ones mentioned above.
中本 龍市 野口 寛樹 高井 計吾
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.477-482, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of clients on knowledge and organizational performance. The research question is how breadth and depth of client relationships affect breadth and depth of organizational knowledge and organizational performance. We collected data of the top 100 patent-law firms in Japan for 5 years to construct panel data and employed fixed effect panel regression. The results of empirical analysis show the following three points. First, breadth and depth of client relationships increases breadth of organizational knowledge. Second, depth of client relationships enhances depth of organizational knowledge, meanwhile breadth of client relationships does not. Third, breadth and depth organizational knowledge increase organizational performance, but client relationships have no effects. In sum, client relationships do not directly contribute to organizational performance but they affect organizational performance through accumulated organizational knowledge.