近森 高明
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.48, no.3, pp.35-51,144, 2004-02-29 (Released:2016-05-25)

The flaneur in Benjamin has often been thought of as an observer of the street, which is comparable to a detective. Yet there is another aspect of the flaneur in Benjamin, which is an intoxicated walker wandering on the street. In order to focus on this "ontological" aspect against the former "epistemological" side, this article deals with the Konvolut P titled "The Streets of Paris" in the Passagen-Werk. The Konvolut is about street names, which attract and intoxicate walkers on the street. To understand the magic of street names I focus on Benjamin's theories of language and memory. The idea of Sigrid Weigel (1996) that there is a similarity between Benjamin's theory and Freudian psychoanalysis plays an important role in the course of the investigation. What becomes clear through the comparison between the two theories is that street names could be interpreted as memory traces in the Freudian sense. This implies that the flaneur attracted to street names is in the place of the consciousness towards memory traces in the Freudian model, which is, in Benjamin's theory of history, in the place of the "Now-of-recognition" (das Jetzt der Erkennbarkeit) facing the images of the "has-been" (das Gewesene). It follows that the secret of street names is in their nature as memory traces, which attract and dissolve a walker into the memory of the city itself by way of enigmatic figures and the sounds of those names.
富永 茂樹
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.23, no.3, pp.1-17,107, 1979-03-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

Nous allons examiner, ici, la notion d'association qu'a proposée Alexis de Tocqueville dans son De la démocratie en Amérique et qu'il a considérée comme un des meilleurs moyens pour défendre la liberté menacée à la société démocratique. En résumant ses analyses, nous pouvons dire qu'il faut pour constituer une association les quatre conditions: (1) un but commun, (2) la participation volontaire, (3) la validité du contrat, et enfin, (4) l'existence d'une action réciproque. Ensuite, ce type de groupe a deux fonctions sociales; c'est d'une part d'être un groupe intermédiaire dans la société totale, et d'autre ·part, de jouer le rôle important de rapport entre les individus qui s'engagent dans )'association. La première fonction est politique et la seconde est morale ou psychologique. Quant à la première fonction, nous pouvons y trouver la ressowrce d'une force restreignant le pouvoir de l'Etat qui va toujours s'agrandir avec le dévelowement de la démocratie. C'est un rôle pour ainsi dire de contrepoids à la centralisation dont est chargée l'association. En ce qui concerne l'autre fonction, il est possible de la considérer comme une sorte de controle social, de régulation sociale pour les individus qui se trouvent atomisés et solitaires au sein de la société démocratique. Ce n'est rien d'autre que le lien social disparu que Tocqueville allait rechercher dans l'association. L'importance de la théorie sociologique de Tocqueville se comprendra bien, quand nous remarquons ses deux fonctions de l'association dont chacune devait répondre aux problèmes sociaux de son temps (et peut-être aujourd'hui encore). C'est à partir de l'examen rn inuti eux de la notion d'association que nous pouvons situer Tocqueville au milieu de la tradition féconde de la sociologie française au XIXème siècle.
坂田 勝彦
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.64, no.2, pp.21-38, 2019-10-01 (Released:2022-04-07)

本稿は、ある詩人の半生と作品をもとに、炭鉱労働者にとって﹁文学﹂とはいかなる営みであったか検討することを目的としている。 一九五〇年代から六〇年代にかけて、日本各地では、労働運動と連動した多様なサークルや個人によって、詩や小説、うたごえなど、様々な表現が模索された。とりわけ詩は、労働者にとって当時、もっとも身近な﹁文学﹂であった。そして、炭鉱においては、その過酷な労働環境やエネルギー革命に対する怒りを表現し、社会的な差別や排除の中でなお連帯を模索した実践として、無数の詩が労働者の手で綴られた。 しかし、当時の文化運動の多くと同様に、炭鉱の文化運動もまた、高度経済成長と大衆消費社会の到来とともに衰退していく。そうした中で、石炭産業が崩壊し、炭鉱という場がなくなった後も、元炭鉱労働者の中には様々な形で表現を模索した人々がいた。例えば、かつて炭鉱で働き、そこを追われたある人物は、一度は詩を綴ることを﹁断念﹂しながらも、その後、再び詩を綴るようになる。そのとき、彼にとって詩を綴ることは、日常生活で出会う様々な出来事や感情を対象化し、第二の人生における新たな生き方を模索する実践として、炭鉱で働いていた時代とは別様の意味を持つようになった。 そこで本稿は、﹁社会現象としての文学﹂という視点から、炭鉱労働者にとって詩を綴ることがいかなる意味をもっていたかを検討する。そこからは、それまでとは大きく異なる世界を生きる中で、詩という表現行為が彼らの悩みや苦しみを癒し、第二の人生を歩んでいく上で大きな支えとなってきたことが明らかになる。
郭 雲蔚
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.62, no.1, pp.97-113, 2017-06-01 (Released:2021-06-04)

本稿の目的は職場における非正規労働者の割合が同じところで働く正規労働者の雇用安定満足度にどのような影響を及ぼすかを解明することである。 非正規労働者は欧米のみならず、日本においても特に一九八〇年代以降、絶えず増加している。非正規労働者の増加は季節的に変化する労働需要を満足してきたものの、非正規労働者自身に不安定・低賃金・社会保障の不備といった一連のリスクをもたらしている。しかし、同じ職場で働く正規労働者の視点からどのように非正規労働者の存在をとらえるかという問題が日本における先行研究では十分に検討されてこなかった。果たして正規労働者は非正規労働者の存在を自らの仕事の地位の脅威として認知し、雇用安定満足度を低く見積もる傾向があるだろうか。こうした傾向に関して異なる従業形態の非正規労働者の間に異同が存在するのか。こうした問いを解明するために、本稿では「多様な就業形態に関する実態調査」のデータを用い、非正規雇用をパート・有期社員・嘱託社員といった三つの類型に区分し、それぞれ正規労働者の雇用安定満度に及ぼす影響について計量分析した。 分析の結果から、非正規労働者の三類型ごとに正規労働者の雇用安定満足度に与える影響が大幅に異なっていることが明らかになった。第一に、パートのいる職場で働く女性の正規労働者は雇用に関する不安が高い傾向が示された。第二に、有期社員の多い職場で働く男性の正規労働者は雇用に関する不安が高いという傾向が観察された。第三に、嘱託労働者の雇用は、男女ともに雇用安定満足度の低下を生じさせないことが示された。
本多 真隆
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.60, no.2, pp.21-38, 2015-10-01 (Released:2020-06-20)

近代日本の家族とセクシュアリティに関する歴史社会学研究において、「近代家族」規範の浸透と連動した「妻」と「娼婦」の分断は重要なテーマのひとつである。この分断は、近年の先行研究においては、幕藩体制では必ずしも蔑視の対象ではなかった芸娼妓が、明治期以後、「妻(家庭婦人)」に対する「娼婦」の側に位置づけられる過程として描かれてきた。 しかし近代日本の言説を検討すると、「娼婦」を「公娼」と「私娼」に類別して、前者を家族規範と共存させる論調など、先行研究とは異なる局面も散見される。また、戦前期においては、婚姻外の性関係を一定程度許容する「家」規範も優勢であった。本稿は廃娼論と存娼論における、「公娼」と「私娼」の分断への着目から、近代日本における家族規範と買売春の関連の一端を明らかにする。 検討の結果、廃娼論は「近代家族」的な家族観と「性」の問題は個人の倫理観に委ねるという発想から公娼制度を批判し、対して存娼論は公娼制度との共存で保たれていた「家族」を擁護するという発想から、「私娼」を批判していた様相が示された。結論部では、近代日本における廃娼論と存娼論の対立、および「公娼」と「私娼」の位置づけの違いは、存続の危機をむかえていた公娼制度と、新たに勃興した性風俗、そして「家」と「近代家族」のあいだで変動の過程にあった「家族」をどのように整合的に位置づけるかをめぐる見解の相違であったと位置づけた。
岡本 智周
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.49, no.1, pp.3-19,190, 2004-05-31 (Released:2016-05-25)

This paper presents the current identity status of U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry living on the West Coast and in Hawaii, and focuses on the way in which members of the younger generation connect "being a minority" with "being an American." In doing so, this paper examines the relationship between the empowerment of ethnic minorities and the conservative tendencies of American society. Neoconservatives claim that racial discrimination and racial equality should be considered only on the level of the individual, not on the level of ethnic groups. In the "color blind" United States of the twenty-first century, this logic can be adopted even by minority groups that have obtained some social power. This paper reviews previous studies about Japanese Americans' identities, and shows the result of the author's own research on the contemporary conditions of U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry. Japanese Americans on the West Coast and Hawaii share the following two characteristics. First, among people of Japanese ancestry, those of the younger generation assert the priority of their American identity. They evoke their Japanese ethnicity secondarily in order to claim their uniqueness and to promote the diversity of the American nation. Second, the separateness of the Japanese ethnic group is disappearing. As seen in the examples of Japanese American Citizens League and Japanese American National Museum, the goals and the membership of the organizations are no longer exclusively and specifically Japanese. This paper therefore concludes that the democratization of national unification in the U.S. has proceeded in conjunction with not only the risk of populism in connection with overwhelming individualization, but also with the possibility of hybrid identities.
妹尾 麻美
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.59, no.3, pp.39-55, 2015-02-28 (Released:2019-05-24)

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether what university students “want to do” correlates with their success during the job hunting process. Recently, career education emphasizes that university students have personal goals, in other words, what they want to do, in order to find a job. Some studies on the transition from university to work, which has influenced career education, point out that university students should have long-held personal goals for work. Meanwhile, the research on unemployment among youth shows that personal goals are not necessary, and studies on the recruitment of new graduates argue that having personal goals is only important during the job hunting process. However, it has yet to be revealed whether university students’ personal goals are connected to the results of job hunting. Therefore, this study analyzed the connection between personal goals before and after job hunting and their result, with the data collected from a two-wave panel survey conducted in 2011 and 2012.The results showed that there was no correlation between having personal goals for work before job hunting and the result, while clarifying personal goals during the job hunting process correlated with finding a job. These results suggest that personal goals university students had before job hunting was not as important as career education had emphasized, and this also implies that career education might have not provided proper support for them to get a job. Thus, this paper suggests understanding job hunting as an activity that required of university students to adapt to society.
西村 大志
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.42, no.2, pp.43-64,160, 1997-10-31 (Released:2016-11-02)

This article is a socio-historical study about children's sitting body technique. The discourses presented here are gathered from Meiji-Taisho era scientific journals of medicine, hygiene, pedagogy and paedology. In the early Meiji period, the western-style chairs and desks were introduced into the elementary schools, and the new style of body technique was imposed on the school children. There were arguments in the medical and educational world whether school children should sit on chairs or not, what the healthiest way of sitting should be and the best form of chairs and desks were. At the same time, how to measure the sizes of children's bodies and how to cure their improper posture were taken into question. Early school hygienists investigated the nature of school children's bodies, chairs and desks. Much importance was laid on designing the whole classroom including the form of chairs and desks, and taking into consideration the way they conform to the children's bodies. They tried to gauge the effect of the school environment on the children's bodies. They believed that almost all of the school children's diseases of improper posture were caused by improper surroundings. But the knowledge of school children's bodies changed gradually. With the help of paedology, pedagogical discourse went hand in hand with medical discourse. And under the influence of genetics, diseases among children were held to be due to their predispositions. As a result, children's bodies were reconsidered, and the most important thing to cure improper posture was considered to be the children's own personal effort: children were thought to have to cure themselves through gymnastic exercise. Here we can observe the hidden mechanism of subjectivization of modern society.
中道 實
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.46, no.1, pp.94-96, 2001-05-31 (Released:2016-11-02)
北垣 徹
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.40, no.1, pp.69-87,194, 1995-05-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

Sous la Troisième République, on peut apercevoir une nouvelle rationalité qui s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'Etat providence. Les auteurs républicains tentent, en essayant de terminer la Révolution française, d'établir les nouveaux fondements philosophiques pour la République. Dans cette tentative, un des concepts les plus importants est le «quasi-contrat» dont la problématique diffère profondément de celle de Rousseau. En refusant la référence à la «nature», la question de la légitimité se dissimule, chez Durkheim ainsi que chez Bourgeois, derrière une autre idée de contrat qui permet seulement de promouvoir le social, plutôt que de fonder radicalement la société ellemême. En d'autres termes, ce contrat ne se situe plus à l'origine à partir de laquelle se développerait logiquement toute la légitimité de la société. Il doit être sans cesse consenti par les membres de la société, comme si ceux-ci pratiquaient des rituels, pour faire mieux fonctionner les institutions sociales. Tandis que les républicains de la Troisième République élaborent ce concept de quasi-contrat social, la notion de la responsabilité se transforme complètement du point de vue juridique, en s'accompagnant de la nouvelle perspective à l'égard des risques. A la première moitié du XIXe siècle, les libéraux ont considéré le sujet responsable comme noyau théorique de leur pensée libérale. Mais avec l'optique des risques qui fonctionne comme catégorie épistémologique et permet la perception juridique inédite, l'idee de responsabilité perd le rigorisme individualiste que lui a donné le libéralisme et devient aliénable et partageable dans une collectivité. D'où vient la notion de l'assurance. Dans ce qu'on appelle la "société assurancielle" qui voit la floraison des techniques de l'assurance, on peut constater la problématisation indispensable à l'Etat providence.
多田 光宏
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.51, no.1, pp.19-34,213, 2006-05-31 (Released:2016-03-23)

The aim of this paper is to point out that communication is intentional in structure (communication is always the communication of something) and to address Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, "Sociological Phenomenology." Comparable to consciousnesses, social systems should be regarded not as choses (things) but as irreducible subjects. Through the intentionality of communication, social systems observe their own environments. And in contrast with conscious phenomena, that which is communicated can be called "social phenomena." Social systems theory has been conventionally regarded as being in opposition to the thinking of the phenomenological school. However, by directing our attention to the intentionality of communication, the view of phenomenology and phenomenological sociology will be applicable to social systems theory in the sense of sociologizing phenomenology (not of phenomenologizing sociology). This means a turn from ontology to epistemology in social systems theory whereby social systems theory sees social systems not as things but as subjects or observers. Such a theory design enables us to resolve the confrontational dichotomies inherent to sociological theories, such as subjectivism/objectivism, individualism/collectivism and micro/macro. If not only consciousness but also social systems are subjects in the world, many theoretical views which, thus far, have been limited to the frame of the philosophy of consciousness and of action theory will now be applicable to social systems as well.This opens up new possibilities for a general theory of sociology.
鎌田 大資
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.35, no.2, pp.79-95,210, 1990-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

From his virgin paper about professional dance musicians, H. S. Becker was constantly interested in professional artists. These twenty years, he developed theories of "Art Worlds" finally shaped into a book (1982). He argued that art worlds are the organizations of cooperative activities by many participants. The processes going on there are coordinated by ever-changing artistic conventions. In this framework, we considered the case of the Israeli abstract art world described by L. Greenfeld (1984. 1988.). Greenfeld researched the definition of art held by the gatekeepers. In the philosophy of artistic avantgarde, all the possibilities of artistic expressions must be permitted. So there mustn't be any artistic conventions. But the gatekeepers generally agreed about the standards of the works worth calling art. They called them the contextual definition of art. Such a difinition is impossible as their philosophy goes. How should it exist? We explained them by considering about two levels of conventions; that is, 'conventions as folkways' for the production of art works and 'conventions as standard of taste' for appreciating them. They correspond to folkways and mores by Sumner (1906). The philosophy of avantgarde belongs to the latter. People may negate the existence of folkways in the name of mores, but mores is always based on falkways. So the idea of avantgarde as mores cannot terminate conventions as folkways. And we explored these two levels of norms in Becker's other writings. Then we followed the lines of the development of his idea about the correlation of these two levels into A. Strauss' "social worlds" perspective (1978. 1982. 1984.).
真鍋 祐子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.39, no.2, pp.19-36,193, 1994-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

We often come across in Korea a sight of the demonstrators burning themselves to death. By such a sensational method, they intend to protest against the political power,as well as to appeal to the public. Not only the existing activists but the ordinary people accept their assertions positively and energetically because they want to put the blame for the "political suicide" on the society filled with absurdity. They hold a ceremony to set the dead up as <yolsa> and to try to calm their grudge, which reflects the frustration experienced by the living. Such process can be regarded as a kind of the "social drama" based on a root-paradigm peculiar to the Korean culture. According to their suicide notes and various kinds of statements, the rootparadigm concerning a view of life and death has two factors; one is ethics of (filial piety) coming from Confucianism, and the other is a mechanism of <han>(Ressentiment) and <han-puri>, of which process is not simply reciprocal but existential. Both the dead and the living must grope the meanings of accepting the death through these two factors. They act on both the dead and the living based on the idea that there is a metaphoric relationship between their real parents and their mother country, that is unified Korea as social parents.
林 梅
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.3, pp.51-67,187, 2012-02-29 (Released:2015-05-13)

Based on a case study of an ethnic Korean village, this paper examines how villagers and the village committee reacted to the conflict between local practices and government policy concerning interment in the context of land use policy. Conventional studies on Chinese villages have mainly focused on the dysfunctional nature of the village structure and the self-governance of the Han Chinese, the majority ethnic group. While these studies have sought to illuminate the possibility of self-governance for villagers, they have disregarded village structures and the particularities of ethnic minority groups vis-à-vis the multi-ethnic nation of China. Based on this assumption, this paper focuses on the funeral services of ethnic Koreans. In particular, it examines villagers’ management of burial sites and the religious beliefs and practices of villagers in their everyday lives. By comparing the outcomes of this research with conventional studies of Han Chinese, this paper aims to contribute to Chinese village studies as a whole. There are three positions regarding interment reform in the village. First, the attempts of the government to implement policy for burial reform; second, the position of the committee of senior villagers, who represent the will of all the villagers to continue to pursue a life based on their own tradition; and finally, the village committee which has to mediate between the different opinions of the villagers and the local government, and carry out the policy smoothly by means of practical interpretation of the policy. The examination of the relationships between these three positions illuminates the transformation of land management and the conventional funeral services that were part of the villagers’ everyday practices and based on their needs. It also explains how village committee members, who are both members and administrators of the local community, flexibly interpret government policy. As a result it will be asserted that the existence of the tripartite relationships, as above, increases the possibility of the self-governance of villagers as well.