福田 雄
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.2, pp.77-94,114, 2011

This paper focuses on rituals concerned with disaster which have yet to be noticed, but are worth exploring as a sociological problem. In previous studies of rituals, little attention has been paid to post-disaster rituals concerning the dead. Moreover, the changes in rituals over a long period of time have been mostly ignored. Changes in the social context and the sequences of socially constructed meaning are critical for the understanding of this phenomenon. The long-term observation of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Ceremony is a worthy case study to clarify the process of how people construct significance to disastrous experiences. Through a diachronic case study of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Ceremony, rituals performed in the ceremony show new characteristics of public ritual, which distinguish themselves from folk or political rituals. Looking closely at the pictures and historical materials, symbolic actions and speeches given at the ceremony show that symbolic actions in the ceremony gradually shift their direction from the dead to the living. This is in clear contrast to folk rituals whose central object is appeasing or comforting the dead and to political rituals that aim to commend the dead and the tragic past within the framework of an interpretation of political reality. In addition, along with the economic and political changes, televised broadcasting of the ceremony is also an important factor in the change of the direction of rites. It is also implicated from the diachronic observation of the case that creation of "we-feeling" is vital to apprehend the experience of violent death. For further discussions, the social phenomenon of post-disaster rituals can be presented as a particular subject of social research that shows the dynamics of how life and death are socially reorganized in symbolic system of meaning.
福田 雄
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.2, pp.77-94,114, 2011

This paper focuses on rituals concerned with disaster which have yet to be noticed, but are worth exploring as a sociological problem. In previous studies of rituals, little attention has been paid to post-disaster rituals concerning the dead. Moreover, the changes in rituals over a long period of time have been mostly ignored. Changes in the social context and the sequences of socially constructed meaning are critical for the understanding of this phenomenon. The long-term observation of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Ceremony is a worthy case study to clarify the process of how people construct significance to disastrous experiences. Through a diachronic case study of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Ceremony, rituals performed in the ceremony show new characteristics of public ritual, which distinguish themselves from folk or political rituals. Looking closely at the pictures and historical materials, symbolic actions and speeches given at the ceremony show that symbolic actions in the ceremony gradually shift their direction from the dead to the living. This is in clear contrast to folk rituals whose central object is appeasing or comforting the dead and to political rituals that aim to commend the dead and the tragic past within the framework of an interpretation of political reality. In addition, along with the economic and political changes, televised broadcasting of the ceremony is also an important factor in the change of the direction of rites. It is also implicated from the diachronic observation of the case that creation of "we-feeling" is vital to apprehend the experience of violent death. For further discussions, the social phenomenon of post-disaster rituals can be presented as a particular subject of social research that shows the dynamics of how life and death are socially reorganized in symbolic system of meaning.
乾 順子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.59, no.2, pp.39-56, 2014

The purpose of this article is to clarify the changes in the division of household labor and the structure of housework between husbands and wives in Japan using nationwide survey data. In recent years, work-life balance policies have been promoted in Japan and men's working hours have been reduced. Therefore, it is believed that the division of housework between husband and wife has become more equal. To ensure gender equality in the future, it is important to understand the factors encouraging or preventing equality in the division of household labor. In previous studies, several theories, which can be described as the demands hypothesis, relative resources hypothesis, time constraints hypothesis, and gender ideology hypothesis, have been presented as explaining the determinants of who does housework. In this study, I explore two factors—women's work outside their home and gender role attitudes—and their relationship with the division of housework. This is intended to test the hypothesis derived from feminism and proposed by the dual labor market theory. Through analyses using the second and third Japanese national family surveys (NFRJ03 and 08), we find that gender equality in the home has advanced slightly. The increased number of wives with regular employment appears to have caused the proportion housework done by husbands to increase by 2003. However, by 2008 the gender role attitudes of wives appeared to have a greater effect on the division of housework.In summary, the position of men and women in the labor market has been made equal as a result of social change, but because of the continuing influence of gender role attitudes, it seems that equality of housework burdens does not yet accompany this gender equality in the workforce.
永谷 健
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.35, no.2, pp.97-115,209, 1990-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

Es sind Anzeichen heutzutage dafür vorhanden, daß Simmel neu bewertet wird. Aber es gibt wenige Arbeiten, die den modernen Stil seinen Texten innewohnend entziffern wollen. Diese stellt seine soziologischen Ausdrücke auf die richitige Entfernung ein, und macht seine Erkenntnishaltung klar, die die Wirklichkeit als eine Modalität, in der einige Realitäten oder Leitsätze sich kompliziert kreuzen, beschreibt. Dabei ist es bedeutungsvoll, auf seine soziologische analytische Vorrichitung, die >Reihe< zu achten. Er beschreibt oft soziale Beziehungen als Zustand, der sich von der >Kausalreihe< oder >teleologischer Reihe< leiten läßt. Die >Kausalreihe< ist die Ursache-Wirkung Kette, die >teleologische Reihe< die Zweck-Mittel Kette. Und er findet einen Sinn der Modernisierung im Verlauf, in dem die >Kausalreihen< zu den >teleologischen Reihen< neu zusammengesetzt werden. Noch dazu auf dem Umweg seiner formalen Soziologie macht er die Welt, die die teleologische Welt neu gestaltet, ausfindig. Das ist die >Geselligkeit<. Die sozialen Beziehungen, die Simmel schildert, wandeln sich von der kausalen Welt zu der teleologischen Welt, und letztens zu der geselligen Welt. In diesem Wandel zeigt er mannigfaltige soziologische Probleme.
竹内 洋
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.55, no.2, pp.114-116, 2010-10-31 (Released:2015-05-13)
三品 拓人
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.64, no.3, pp.77-94, 2020-02-01 (Released:2022-04-07)

本稿では「児童養護施設で暮らす小学生男子が形成する子ども同士の関係にはどのような特徴があるのか」という問いを立て、施設生活の参与観察データを基に友情の社会学の理論――とりわけ、仲間/友人関係の違い――を援用しながら子ども同士の関係を検討した。 その結果、以下の三点が明らかになった。一点目に、児童養護施設の子どもは実に多様な原理で結びつく子ども関係の中で生きていることが分かった。それゆえに、施設にいる間は、子どもは孤立しにくく、共に過ごしている時間や相互行為の内容を考えた際には、学校で形成される関係以上の密接さを有していた。二点目に、友情に関する理論と照らし合わせると、自発性や文脈によらない関係という観点から、施設内での子ども同士の関係は〈仲間〉関係に近く、学校の知り合いが〈友人〉関係に近いと判断できた。同じような子ども同士の関係に見えても、〈仲間〉/〈友人〉関係では結びつく原理やその特徴が質的に異なっている。三点目に、施設で生活する子どもにとって学校での〈友人〉関係を積極的に形成し難い事例が見られた。具体的には、施設内の他者の介入があること、施設内のルール及び職員の配慮との抵触すること、子どもが施設周辺地域の地理を知らないこと、という構造的な問題が発見された。 以上から「児童養護施設で暮らす小学生男子が形成する子ども同士の関係にはどのような特徴があるのか」という問いに対して、「施設内での多様な〈仲間〉関係が形成される一方で、学校における〈友人〉形成が制限されるような特徴がある」と結論付けた。
石川 良子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.48, no.2, pp.39-55,156, 2003-10-31 (Released:2016-05-25)

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a viewpoint to understand "Hikikomori" without referring to dyscommunication between parents and children as a cause of "Hikikomori," based on narratives by members of a self-help group.In this paper, we regard "Hikikomori" as passing, and focus on information about self and interactions with others. The term "Hikikomori" does not always indicate withdrawal from communication with all others.For example, informants sometimes go out for shopping or walks, on the one hand; on the other hand, they avoid meeting almost all their neighbors, friends and acquaintances. We can consider both episodes deliberate or unintended passing, namely, in order to avoid negative reactions from others, they try to keep anonymity that means relative shortage of biographical information by managing their own discreditable information about themselves. In addition, informants can associate with their intimates if they are familiar with the discreditable information about informants and passing is not needed. However, even in this case, informants sometimes avoid associating with their intimates if the negative reactions from them can be expected. From this view, it is not very important with whom informants communicate. In conclusion, we suggest that informants avoid the situations where they recognize themselves as stigmatized individuals, which cause them moral conflicts, and that we can consider "Hikikomori", in a sense, a rational strategy to ease their own moral conflicts.
小田 和正
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.64, no.3, pp.39-57, 2020-02-01 (Released:2022-04-07)

本稿では、U. Beckに代表されるような時代診断的研究の基本構図と諸機能、社会学理論としての諸特徴を理論的 に整理することを通して、時代診断学が社会学的研究のなかに固有の位置価をもつこと、すなわち社会学の一研究ジャ ンルとして独自の地位を占めることを示す。そのために本稿ではまず、社会学的時代診断学というK. Mannheimの 先駆的な構想に着目し、彼の構想を批判的に再検討するという方法を採る。彼の構想に見出される不備を修正することで、時代診断学における「時代」や「社会」の概念を明確化し、「診断」や「処方」の概念もまた理論的に再規定することができるからである。その上で、時代診断学について近年なされている議論の一部を参照しつつ、時代診断学が果たす独自の諸機能、および社会学理論としての諸特徴について考察している。 本稿が提示する時代診断学における時代/社会概念とは、そのときどきに人々が抱く社会像>=包括的な状況の定義であり、時代診断学はその診断において、そのときどきの社会状況に基づいてそうした状況の定義を解釈し、社会状況に非適合的な状況の定義やその定義が依拠する解釈図式を批判する。そしてその処方において、社会状況に適合的な状況の定義や解釈図式を提案する。これが本稿が提示する時代診断学の基本構図である。こうした診断・処方によって時代診断学は、直示的機能、パラダイムの刷新機能、公共的機能という三つの機能を果たしうる。これらは通常の社会記述や社会理論が担う機能とは異なると同時に社会学的研究に不可欠の機能であるがゆえに、社会学的時代診断学は社会学的研究のなかで固有の位置価をもつと言える。
西田 芳正
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.37, no.2, pp.3-19,182, 1992-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

This paper examines the identity of young people in a Buraku community where the liberation movement has been actively engaged. For this purpose their life histories are analyzed. Young people in such an active Buraku community hold positive identity because they have received since their childhood such messages as "the outer society is to be blamed" and "Buraku people should fight discrimination and form forward-looking identity." However, as they grow up and face discrimination in the outer society, their once-acquired positive identity is likely to be destabilized. The concept of identity politics refers to an aspect of social movements among the discriminated-against minority groups that becomes more visible as they seek to repudiate forced negative identity and to create positive identity for themselves. The Buraku liberation movement has such an aspect. However, the moral career of young Buraku people suggests a difficulty of identity politics. We can develop two hypotheses as follows from the observations of the destabilization process of their identity.1 ) Because the success in struggle over competing social definitions, namely, stigma contest is confined within in-group, the conventional definition of Buraku people continues to prevail in the outer society.2) Younger generation of Buraku people growing up in the environment of institutionalized liberation movement acquire positive identity within a protective capsule. Therefore, their identity becomes more vulnerable to discrimination as they are placed outside the capsule.
岡 いくよ
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.64, no.3, pp.3-20, 2020-02-01 (Released:2022-04-07)

本稿の目的は、医療システムに包摂された出産をライフサイクルの中に位置づけなおそうと試みる助産師の実践を通して、妊産婦が当事者として自らと胎児の生命の管理の主体性を取り戻し、現代社会において彼女たちが直面する産前、産後の課題を解決するための新たな可能性に関して検討することにある。 産前から産後にかけての親と子を取り巻く課題は、地球規模の母子の健康問題から妊産婦の心身の不安、出産への恐怖、育児への不安に至るまで、多くの次元に及んでいる。医療機関で異常がないとわかっても、どのように産前から出産後を過ごし親になっていくのか、社会生活から距離を置く時期を過ごす妊産婦の孤独、子のいのちを守ることへの重圧感や言語化できない漠然とした不安を抱える人の増加に対しては十分な議論と対策がなされているとは言い難い。 事例にあげる助産師は、八五歳になる現在まで現役で出産介助を行い、妊娠早期から産後の授乳期に至るまで一貫して妊産婦やその家族を支援してきた。 この助産師の実践を通して明らかになったことは、出産を妊娠から育児までの文脈のなかに位置づけるタイムスパンの導入と、産む女性と医療者という二分法ではなく、それに関与する産育コミュニティという視点を導入し、当事者の生活の必要に応じ生命の管理権を当事者に引き寄せ、いのちの主体として生きることにつながるのではないか、という点にある。人生の通過点として出産が重要な通過儀礼であると捉え、医療施設との共存を果たしながら押し寄せる外部条件に対して対応を積み重ねる過程を蓄積してきたといえる。
白石 真生
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.57, no.1, pp.75-91,178, 2012-06-30 (Released:2015-05-13)

This paper examines the theory of hybridization formed by the Mexican cultural theorist Néstor García Canclini. My aim is to highlight the analytical implications that Latin American hybrid cultures have for cultural studies in general, through clarifying the theoretical and political significance of hybridization analyzed in Hybrid Cultures. In the first chapter, I briefly explicate the analytical significance of García Canclini’s theory of hybridization. In the second chapter, I overview the conceptual constellation of popular cultures in British cultural studies and reexamine it from the vantage point of Latin American cultural studies. By doing this, it becomes clear that careful attention must be paid to the ambiguity of both popular cultures and mass culture, and that their interaction must be a focus of cultural analysis. In the third chapter, I take up the phenomenon of hybridization which now blurs the oppositional schema of modern culture. According to García Canclini, hybridization is propelled, on the one hand, by the capacity for appropriation of popular culture, and, on the other, through the mediating force of mass culture which transcends the boundaries and disrupts the purity of modern culture. In the fourth chapter, I locate the possibility of cultural democratization in the hybridization of cultures which is often seen as contamination or degradation. In the fifth and final chapter, I demonstrate the faults of anti-essentialist criticism of hybridity. By so doing, I posit specifically the theoretical possibility of Garcia Canclini’s theory. Although hybridization of cultures is not specific to Latin American societies, only there has it developed to such an extent that it almost breaks down the hierarchy of modern culture. It is the specific potentiality of Latin American modernity to fight against the hegemony of Culture.
春日 雅司
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.33, no.2, pp.39-60,189, 1988-09-30 (Released:2017-02-15)

Many researchers point out that after the World War II,Japanese voting behavior has changed from collective and particularistic social relationship (especially Buraku Suisen system) to individual and universal one. This view is a common interpretation in sociology and political science. But it is not yet sufficiently verified by the scientific and objective methods in both sciences. There fore in this article, I will' take the case of a village in Tottori prefecture and verify the changing processes of the Buraku Suisen system in voting behavior, based on a data of candidates 'poll and presumptive voters' number. And it will then be testified in the Buraku (neighborhood community) and the district of the primary school how far the voters support thier (Buraku's) candidate. My findings are as follows. After the war, in the Buraku level, having a candidate or not, all voters persistently tend to follw the Buraku Suisen system, and in the district of the primary school level, the voters don't support any candidates beyond their districts. In short, the Burakus don't tend to lose its political autonomy, and the district of the primary school is constantly autonomous in voting behavior.
大石 真澄
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.60, no.2, pp.57-74, 2015-10-01 (Released:2020-06-20)

本論は、生理用品のテレビCM制作物の分析を通して、テレビの受容者が生理用品に関する言及をどのようにそれとして理解しているのか知ろうとするものである。 本論では分析対象であるテレビCMの言及形式に着目する。そのために、テレビCM分析の先行研究を検討した結果、データベースから資料を抽出し、受容者の理解をそのやり方に沿って記述するという方針を得る。ここからエスノメソドロジーの立場に立って、テレビCMの理解に際して要求されるカテゴリー化の作用を記述するという作業方針を立てた。またこの方針の遂行のために、ハーヴィ・サックスの「成員カテゴリー化装置」の使用を手がかりとし、テレビCM資料に適した分析手法の検討を事前に行った。 分析の結果、理解には二つの形式があることが分かった。一つは男性/女性のカテゴリー対を提示上で用いることで男性が対象外であることを示し、生理用品というモノにつなげるやり方である。二つ目に、生理の実践を経てそれに関する知識を持つ人にだけわかる形で場面を提示することで、CM上のトピックが生理用品に関してのものであることを示す方法である。このやり方は、映画番組というジェンダーによって視聴者がセグメント化されない番組で起きていたことから、視聴活動の場においても生理用品のテレビCMを理解する/しないことで、ジェンダーカテゴリーの切り分けが起こっていたことが見出された。 以上の分析から、生理用品のテレビCMは、その理解に際した知識要求の仕方で、生理のある女性をターゲットオーディエンスとして分離した。同時に女性にとっては、それを理解するという活動そのものによって、自らの性別カテゴリーを自認する実践でもあったことが分かった。