佐藤 令奈
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.58, no.1, pp.19-34,185, 2013

This study clarifies how the problem of atopic dermatitis in Japan developed criticism of modernity or modern medicine using discourse analysis of mass media and discussing the consequences and significance of this criticism. Atopic dermatitis initially emerged as an illness with causes attributed to modern lifestyles and was commonly referred to as a 'civilization disease. 'Although difficult to treat, many treatments recommended diet control for patients. Conversely, citing risks associated with diet control, some physicians recommended pharmacological treatment, in particular, the use of corticosteroids. However, pharmacological treatments were criticized since they present the risk of side effects. Consequently, patients developed critical views toward modern medicine from the viewpoints of lack of informed consent and the adequacy of using corticosteroids. Physicians countered this criticism against modern medicine by advocating "discussion of atopic dermatitis as a medical business", which is a discussion of the confidence trick against the patients of atopic dermatitis and prepared the standard treatment. Recently, patients seem to be accepting the physicians' claims. It is evident from this discussion that the criticism of modern medicine in the context of the physician–patient relationship, like the lack of informed consent or interventional pharmacological treatments, is losing effectiveness. Now is the time for proper criticism of modern medicine in order to restructure its effectiveness by revising the significance of the self-transformation of the modern physician.
片桐 雅隆
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.25, no.3, pp.35-51,125, 1981-03-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

In this paper, we insist that the concept of social worlds is very important. Some symbolic interactionists use this concept recently, but they learn from T. Shibutani what this concept means. We also go back to him and learn from him how he uses this concept. He teaches us that everyone lives in many social worlds in his lifetime and that the concept of social worlds is different from that of organizations and groups. And next, we examine the concept of multiple realities which A. Schutz uses in many places and make some difference between the two concepts clear. Here we systematize the concept of social worlds and point out the relation between the concept of social worlds and multiple realities. These two concepts are not only very important in theoretical points of view but also important when we ask how the modern society is going on. P. L. Berger and T. Luckmann make clear the relation between the concept of multiple realities and that of the privatization. Social worlds are not static but dynamic. In the last paragraph, we ask how social worlds change and shift.
河原 和枝
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.50, no.3, pp.167-169, 2006-02-28 (Released:2016-03-23)
太郎丸 博
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.1, pp.37-51,158, 2007

It is often asserted that the reason why young women are more apt than young men to be jobless or part-time workers is their sex-role attitude. This hypothesis argues that men have no choice other than working full time, but women have several choices: full-time job, part-time job or joblessness. Because young women with a strong sex-role attitude have little incentive to work full time, they tend to be jobless or part-time workers. Therefore, young women are more apt to be jobless or part-time workers than are young men. The aim of this paper is to examine this hypothesis which we call the "sex-role hypothesis." We show that previous papers do not prove the sex-role hypothesis; they merely assert the hypothesis from the results of only a few interviews with young jobless or part-time workers, or they show only zero-order association between young womens jobs and sex-role attitude. Our data are a sample from the Kinki area of Japan in 2005, the respondents being men and women aged between 18 and 34. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews and web pages. The results of logistic-regression analyses show that sex-role attitude still has a significant effect on the "Freeter" dummy when education is controlled, but that its effect disappears when age is controlled. This means that women aged between 18 and 25 have a stronger sex-role attitude and arc more apt to be jobless or part-time workers than those aged from 30 to 34. It produces a spurious association between their jobs and their sex-role attitude, while there is no causal relationship between them. This result falsifies the sex-role hypothesis, and implies that young womens jobs and sex-role attitude are structurally conditioned by social constraints that change according to age.
飯田 哲也
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.54, no.1, pp.130-132, 2009-05-31 (Released:2015-05-20)
朴 沙羅
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.54, no.3, pp.89-104,173, 2010

The purpose of this article is to examine what actually happened in the Suita incident, a well-known political riot in postwar Japan, and how the incident was told and reconstructed after it took place. The Suita incident is famous in the history of Japanese social and political movements for its nonviolence, cooperation with Korean Japanese, and the victory in a trial which lasted for 20 years. However, even though this incident is well known and often recounted, and although it critically influenced the Japanese Communist Party, which organized the incident, there are few studies which clarify "what happened", and "how events are narrated" by whom, how and why. Therefore, using documentary resources and interviews with the participants, this article first looks at "what happened" in the Suita and Hirakata incidents, and then examines how these two incidents have been recounted and their images have been molded by three component entities, namely the Japanese Communist Party, Korean Japanese, and the Japanese government. The "Suita incident" was, in a sense, very useful for all three, and all three profited from it by making partisan speeches on this political riot, slanted in a particularly favorable way for each.
朴 沙羅
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.62, no.2, pp.3-20, 2017-10-01 (Released:2021-06-04)

大川 清丈
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.38, no.2, pp.37-52,106, 1993-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

From sociological perspective, every idea has its social context. So is the idea of equality. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the idea of equality is conceived in Japan and its relation to its modernization. There are, logically speaking, three dimensions of equality: equality of conditions (including equality before the law) , equality of means (or equality of opportunity) , and equality of outcomes. Additionaly, comparative studies show the difference of the view on natural abilities between the United States and Japan. Americans take the view that natural abilities are inequally gifted, whereas Japanese take the view that they are equally gifted, and that one can do anything with maximum efforts. And from historical perspective, the status-group system in Japan attracts our attention. Tokugawa regime was characterized by its dual structure, that is, the principle of acievement or meritocracy, on one hand, and the principle of hereditary hierarchy of status-groups, on the other hand. To analyze a political pamphlet 'Non-hereditary Aristocracy (Ichidai Kazoku Ron) ' written by a Meiji statesman Taisuke Itagaki demonstrates that the dual structure had survived in Meiji era even after the status-group system as the political regime was abolished. To conclude, the context of equality in Japan consists of the view that natural abilities are equally gifted in combination with the dual structure on equality, which contrasts with the American view that they are inequally gifted in combination with equality of opportunity which is the dominant norm in the United States.
平田 誠一郎
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.54, no.1, pp.37-52,180, 2009-05-31 (Released:2015-05-20)

This paper is a sociological consideration of the performance aspect of the conducting of classical music as seen in the conducting of a contemporary musical work. The work is “Finale,” composed by Mauricio Kagel (b.1931) in 1981. In this piece, the composer’s score instructs the conductor to “fall down on the stage.” “Finale” employs a trick the sociologist Erving Goffman called the “manufacture of negative experience,” and I have applied Goffman’s approach to my analysis of performance in this work. “Finale” is an example of “Music Theater” with the theme of the “conductor” as a dramatic element. This paper first explains the features of “Finale” based on Goffman’s theories about audiences. It then demonstrates the nature of the dramaturgy of the conductor by describing differences between the conductor’s usual performance of music and his or her performance in “Finale.” This consideration leads to an observation of features emphasized in “Finale” with respect to the conductor as “performer.” Based upon this discussion, this paper posits, from the viewpoint of sociology, some of the problems a classical music conductor faces when performing today.
赤枝 尚樹
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.3, pp.69-85,186, 2012-02-29 (Released:2015-05-13)

The purpose of this study is to explore the complex generation processes of unconventionality. Unconventionality is defined as the urban way of life by C. S.Fischer, who advocated the subcultural theory of urbanism. This theory insists that unconventionality is generated by the subcultural variety of an urban place. However, since some scholars say that unconventionality is generated by the community liberation process, as advocated by B. Wellman, opinion varies as to the generation mechanism of unconventionality. What causes this disagreement? We believe that this disagreement has arisen from the breadth of scope of unconventionality, so we here propose that unconventionality displays two main facets. One is ‘orientation to variety’, defined as an attitude of toleration towards various lifestyles, while the other is ‘orientation to change’, defined as an attitude preferring change to preservation of the status quo. In this paper, we investigate separately the determinants of the two facets of unconventionality, using the data of the Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS) 2003, which have been linked with aggregate-level data. Using a multilevel structural equation model, we examine the subcultural theory of urbanism and the community liberated perspective. From analysis of the multilevel model, we found two results. First, ‘orientation to variety’ is generated by the mechanism of the subcultural theory of urbanism. Second, ‘orientation to change’ is generated by the mechanism of the community liberated perspective. The results from this study indicate that the subcultural theory of urbanism is not the only one to explain unconventionality; unconventionality is generated by complex processes which contain the mechanism of the subcultural theory of urbanism and also the mechanism of the community liberated perspective. Moreover, they suggest that both the subcultural theory of urbanism and the community liberated perspective are supported in Japan.
山下 嗣太
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.63, no.1, pp.21-37, 2018-06-01 (Released:2021-07-10)

二〇〇七年に都市人口が世界人口の半数を超えたことが大きく注目を集めたが、二十一世紀における都市人口増加の大部分はグローバル・サウスで生じるとされている。このような背景の下で、近年の都市論においてはグローバル・サウスの都市が盛んに論じられている。しかし、これらの議論の多くは西洋の都市をモデルとした従来の都市論の転用に基づいており、グローバル・サウスの都市はそれらの理論からの逸脱によって説明される。その結果、対象の都市の特定の側面がネガティブに表象され、さらには、理論の適用可能性の低い都市はそもそも議論から排除されてきた。 本稿では、既存の都市論におけるグローバル・サウスの都市の位置づけを概観することで、このような理論的制約を明らかにする。その上で、理論の生産様式に内包されているこれらのバイアス、すなわちグローバル・ノースとサウスという地理的な権力関係を乗り越えた、ポストコロニアル・アーバニズムの論点を提示する。具体的には、グローバル・サウスに特有だとされてきたインフォーマリティ概念の読み替え、都市のマテリアルな構成要素への注目、相関性に基づいた分析概念について論じる。これらを踏まえることで、他の都市において生産された理論を単に適用するのではなく、議論の対象である都市を理論生産の場として捉え、都市の多様性を包摂した議論を行うための要件を示す。その上で、都市生活者としての研究者の立ち位置を理論生産の出発点とする必要性を述べる。
辻 大介
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.63, no.1, pp.3-20, 2018-06-01 (Released:2021-07-10)

日本では、二〇〇〇年代に入ってインターネット上で排外主義的な言説が急速な広がりをみせ、ネット右翼を母体とする「在特会」のようなヘイト団体の活動が深刻な社会問題となるに至った。インターネットが排外主義者を結びつけ、活動を促進させる触媒の役割をはたすことは、先行研究でも確認されている。しかしながら、そうした一部の活動家集団だけでなく、一般層に対しても、ネット利用は排外意識を高めるような因果的作用をおよぼすのだろうか。このことを計量的な社会調査データをもとに分析した検証例はきわめて少ないうえに、それらもネット利用と排外意識が正の相関をもつことを見いだしたにとどまり、因果の向きは明らかでない。 そこで本稿では、二〇一七年一一月に実施したウェブ調査データをもとに、操作変数法を用いた双方向因果モデルに よって、[i]ネット利用が排外意識を強めるのか、それとも、[ii] 排外意識の強い者ほどネットをよく利用するのか、因果の向きを分析した。その結果、[i]の向きのパスは有意な係数値を示し、正の因果効果が認められたが、[ii] の向きのパスは有意でなく、因果効果は支持されなかった。また興味深いことに、ネット利用は反排外的な意識を高める因果効果も同時に有していることが確認された。追加分析の結果から、この相反的な二方向への同時効果は、情報や他者への選択的接触によって生じている可能性――すなわち、排外意識を先有傾向としてもつ者は、ネット上で排外主義的な情報や他者により多く接触することによって、その影響をより強く受け、反排外意識をもつ者はその逆であること――が示唆された。
吹上 裕樹
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.63, no.2, pp.63-81, 2018-10-01 (Released:2021-07-10)

インターネットの普及や消費市場のグローバル化を背景に、今日の人々の音楽的活動は、ますます多様化・流動化してきている。いまや、私たちはあらゆる時代のあらゆる地域の音楽をインターネットをつうじて利用することができる。 こうした状況のなか、社会学は、人々の多様な音楽的活動を把握するのに相応しい、あらたな理論的枠組みを必要としている。本稿は、そのような枠組み構築に資する知見を、A・エニョンの社会学の検討をつうじて探求する。エニョンは、音楽を中心的な研究対象としてきた社会学者である。エニョンの音楽研究の特徴は、ジャンルの区分に縛られることなく、音楽の生産者と消費者、それらの間にある多様なメディア・技術・制度を横断的に検討している点にある。エニョンはフランスの社会学者であるが、その仕事の主要な部分は英語に翻訳され、国際的な影響力をもつようになってきている。一方日本では、エニョンの名前はまだそれほど知られていない。このことから、本稿ではまず、エニョンの議論の出発点となる美学主義と社会学主義の相克をめぐる問題を簡潔にふり返る。つづいて、エニョンの議論を理解す るうえで鍵となる「媒介(mediation)」の概念について詳しく検討する。そのうえで、音楽社会学の関連領域における近年の音楽研究の発展とエニョンの議論との接合を図る。最後に、現代における人々の音楽をはじめとする文化的活動をよりよく理解するために、エニョンの議論が重要であることを確認する。