上原 三知
社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.5, pp.28-32, 2012 (Released:2012-04-11)

One of advantage in ecological planning method of Ian L. McHarg is synthesis of respective optimal landuse (non optimal landuse). The earthquake and tsunami damage in March 11, 2011 recalled us the importance of the comprehensive optimal landuse evaluation. Especially, damages of the Fukushima nuclear plants were catastrophic. This study focused on the criteria of land evaluation paper data in report of "Land Use Aptitude Evaluation Technique Investigation based on Ecological Planning" by National Land Agency Japan in 1980. We traced 5 paper maps (geological map, landform classification map, slope distribution map, vegetation map, and soil cartography map) for digital map, and inclination in coastal areas in where the two Fukushima nuclear plants exist. In addition, we made risk hazard maps (landslide, earthquake resistant, and flood, tsunami damage estimation) on each disaster with above 5 divisions maps and the table risk scores in the Land Agency Report 1980. Finally, we developed a comprehensive hazard map with overlaid a previous evaluation result and evaluation of optimum area of nuclear plant. An actual nuclear power plant site was selected to the coast for the reasons of barren ground bought easily. However, our results indicate that the nuclear power plant site was relative dangerous location in the sight of overall disasters vulnerability by the overlay analysis in 1980 data.
大場 悠暉 原 祐二 山本 祐吾
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.16, pp.5-16, 2023-02-19 (Released:2023-05-22)

In this study, we improved and further developed the existing GIS-based model for screening terraced rice lots in its conservation priority with focuses on three aspects; landscape value, agricultural efficiency and disaster prevention function. Then the model was applied to the Wakayama Prefecture area within the Kii Peninsula region in central Japan, in which has a clear north-south gradient in geological features. As the results, constructed model performed effectively in selecting rice lots with higher conservation priority within 10km spatial scale. Moreover, in the northern part of the prefecture, agricultural efficiency was an important aspect in the model, whereas landscape value and disaster prevention function were also detected in the middle and southern parts, respectively. Prefectural governmental officials in charge of terraced paddy conservation policies, who were interviewed, supported an applicability of this model in actual institutional fields because it was guaranteed by scientific approaches. Based upon these figures, we proposed that at prefectural spatial scale the model calibrated among three aspects depending on geologic and topographic conditions could be utilized for prioritizing terraced paddies without serious regional inequalities in institutional supports.
佐々木 宏二 増田 昇 井原 縁 竹田 博康 加我 宏之
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.13, pp.59-69, 2020-11-20 (Released:2021-01-15)

This study aims to clarify forest characteristics and formation process of wooded flat areas inhabited by deer in Nara Park, known for its beautiful scenic landscape, and to explore key factors contributing to the forest formation. We probed into a wide range of past and present documents relating to afforestation of the park, including those written in the Edo period before the park opened. The study found that the wooded areas are classified into six categories, each dominantly comprising a group of tall trees. It has also revealed that there are three factors that have shaped their distinctive forest formation, including the eating habit of deer inhabiting Nara Park, preservation of historical or cultural spaces of religious, historical, or cultural values, and landscape creation based upon newly developed or improved park environments of integrative and scenic values, while presenting basic concepts conducive to future forest protection and sustainability in response to each formation factor.
高瀬 唯 劉 成玉 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.11, pp.70-81, 2018-07-02 (Released:2018-07-21)

The natural environment serves to create a pleasant living environment for human habitation, both aesthetically and functionally, and it is important to preserve the natural environment that citizens are familiar with in their daily lives. The purpose of this study was to understand human experiences of natural landscapes in everyday life in terms of a spatial image. A questionnaire using landscape image sketching techniques was conducted (n=73). This study used three concepts: 1) visual objects perceived as one environment, 2) elements of visual objects, and 3) images that the test subject recalled from the visual objects. The landscape experiences were classified then into three types: tree-recollection, grass or waterside-recollection, and terrainrecollection. For example, in the tree-recollection type, the subject tended feel enclosed by trees, with a typical example being streets. The subject acquired an aesthetic impression relative to the vegetation. In the grass or waterside- recollection type, subject tended to recall their own behavior relative to an experience with nature or a sense of a large, open green space. In the terrain- recollection type, the subject developed the impression of the elements of visual objects, such as a mountain, sea, a forest.
中澤 圭一 土屋 俊幸
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.10, pp.69-79, 2017-05-17 (Released:2017-06-02)

In the early 1960s, a new road construction plan that was to run through the lakefront of Ozenuma—the core area of the National Park of Oze—was brought into question for its anticipated environmental impact. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, then in charge of national park administration, revised the plan to circumvent the core area; however, the construction work was terminated in 1971 by political intervention. This study identifies factors that led to the termination and examines issues that arose in the consensus building process of implementing collaborative management of the National Park. In regard to the stakeholders, two observations are drawn: 1) the importance of conducting a stakeholder analysis to identify those who should take part in the consultative process, and 2) the need to hold a clear vision of the sustainable use of natural resources in the area and to engage those who may have little say in this process. It is also worth noting the specialist who participated in the planning. His commitment to achieve the two purposes of national parks, protection and use, seems to have blinded him from seeing the regional stakeholders’ vision and desire of protecting the ‘atmosphere’ of the Oze area.
下村 泰史
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.7, pp.131-140, 2014-08-23 (Released:2014-10-08)
1 1

In Kyoto city readjustment areas in 1930’s adopted street conscious method in“ machi” layout. One“ machi” was settled on both sides of a street. A street was the axis of a “machi”. This structure is similar to the traditional “machi” layout in historical Kyoto city. This way of“ machi” layout had gradually been given up in 1940’s. In this paper we show some variation of technical guidelines about “machi” layout and compare them each other. Firstly we show the difference in naming concept of streets and “machi” between 1931’s guideline and 1935’s one, and the common idea about street conscious “machi” layout, and show the historical and traditional character of this concept. Secondly we show the character of 1935’s guideline as not for all over the city but for northern area. Thirdly we show the clear difference between 1974’s guideline and former ones. It have remarkable modern character.
橋本 禅 高力 千紘 中村 省吾 星野 敏 清水 夏樹
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.8, pp.31-36, 2015 (Released:2015-06-18)
3 4

There is a growing attention to the concept of the coupled social-ecological system (SES) where human and biophysical systems are intricately linked. This recognition calls for a more integrated approach for the sustainable use and conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. In this paper, we identified hotspot of social-ecological production landscapes (SEPLs) of the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa, where both human-perceived social and physically measured ecological values overlap. Questionnaire survey was conducted targeting at residents of and (potential) visitors to the Noto Peninsula to explore human-perceived landscape values of the study area. The result of questionnaire survey was geo-referenced to develop value surfaces of twelve landscape values with a Geographic Information System (GIS). In addition, the ecological value map was developed employing Satoyama Index as an indicator for agricultural landscape heterogeneity, which was then overlaid with the maps of landscape values to identify spatial distribution of hotspots of social-ecological production landscapes. Our analysis identified that hotspots existed across the study area, especially in coastal plains of suburban areas where diverse land use with multiple landscape values were observed. We concluded the paper by discussing the limitations and potential managerial implications of hotspots mapping of social-ecological production landscapes for sustainable landscape management.
浅田 拓海 石田 眞二 松田 泰明 亀山 修一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.5, pp.33-42, 2012 (Released:2012-04-11)

To revitalize local areas and tourism using the landscape resources in community, Scenic Byways have been built since 2007 in Japan. In this study, we analyzed the regional characteristics of sequential road landscape using the image features (fractal dimension, sky share, green share) of photographs taken at 20-m intervals on the Scenic Byways of Hokkaido and Kanto. The structural (urbanization level, vastness level, forest level) and fluctuation (short-term fluctuation of landscape, contrast of nature and urbanization, contrast of land and forest, fluctuation of skyline) characteristics of the sequential landscapes were evaluated from the average values and the power spectrum density of image features, respectively. In comparison of the Scenic Byways of both regions, the Hokkaido route is vast and monotonous, while the Kanto route is forested, urban and fluctuating. In addition, the sequential landscapes were classified into five clusters based on their structural and fluctuation characteristics, and then the features of each cluster were evaluated.
熊倉 早苗 柴田 昌三
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.12, pp.45-49, 2019-08-12 (Released:2019-09-09)

This research investigates the UK magazine called The Gardeners’ Chronicle (published by Purcell & Sons), one of the UK top four horticulture magazines in the 19th-20th century, focusing on the articles published between 1841-1967. During this period, when horticulture was booming in UK, various Japanese plants and trees were eagerly brought into UK by the botanists and the plant hunters, and parts of Japanese culture were introduced along with them. By analyzing one of the most popular horticultural magazines in UK, this study aims to investigate how the Japanese garden in UK developed and transformed. The total number of articles related to Japan was 347, of which 283 articles on botany and plants collection, 15 on landscape, 46 on the Japanese garden, 51 on travelling to Japan, 106 on other topics. This research shows that various Japanese plants and trees were imported first into UK by the plant hunters without any connection to Japanese garden designs. It was only after the inception of world exhibitions when the Japanese garden designs and concepts were introduced and acknowledged properly. The results of this research are important for the historic value and the cultural inheritance of the Japanese garden in UK.
市川 貴大 市川 明日香
Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.6, pp.12-17, 2013 (Released:2013-04-06)

Forest leaf litter collections and composting have been carried out as maintenance activities in Satoyama, Japan. The purpose of this study is to clarify the degree of trampled forest leaf litter and changing of chemical characteristic and microbial activity differences between trampled and not trampled forest leaf litter in Satoyama. Microbial activity (Absorbance at 490nm = A490) of composting forest leaf litter rose to below the composting after one year regardless trampled and not trampled. Trampled forest leaf litter had no effect on the changing of the chemical and biological characteristics of composting beyond a limit of period (about 6 month). In the composting first stage, forest litter collections have been compressed because of trampling, resulting in confirming an increase of content weight and microbial activity. The carbon mineralization and huminification was promoted by means of trampling forest leaf litter. Hence, trampled forest leaf litter was an effective contribution toward composting during the first stage.
福島 秀哉 佐井 倭裕
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.11, pp.47-58, 2018-05-26 (Released:2018-06-21)

Yamanakako village promotes community-based town development and regional planning. This study aims to comprehensively grasp the historical features of Nagaike district, Yamanakako village, whether lost or remaining, by focusing on the changes of roads and regional organization, especially Dozoku organization (groups of families joined by blood or close social relationships). Additionally, we clarify Nagaike’s contemporary features. The literature survey, interviews with residents, and analysis of cadastral maps revealed that Nagaike centered around the Muranaka-no-michi road, which led to the neighboring village, and that a radial path network developed because of land ownership in the mountain area. Many of the paths in the mountain area were lost because of changes of livelihood during modernization, but the form of Muranaka-no-michi in the residential area was maintained. Most residences dating to the early Meiji era, including the head houses, remain along Muranaka-no-michi, and the traditional Dondo-yaki event is still held at the Doso-jin, a roadside deity that marks the boundary of the residential area. While many of the historical features related to livelihood were lost, those that are rooted in the culture of the residential area are maintained.
水内 佑輔 野嶋 太智 古谷 勝則
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.9, pp.91-102, 2016-04-23 (Released:2016-09-10)

The purpose of this study is to discuss landscape evaluation by the visitors of a trail, which is a sequential landscape. Meiji no Mori Takao Quasi-National Park was selected as a study site, and 31 respondents used GPS with a Visitor Employed Photography method. The total of 1,037 photographs were obtained, all of which taking locations were identifiable. Three levels of scale were used for the analysis: 1) the entire trail, 2)“ section” where the trail was divided into relatively similar units, and 3) spot locations. Spatial analysis was conducted with GIS, and preferred places and landscape experiences were examined for each level. The results showed that four highly preferred locations were extracted among the spot location level. Landscape experiences were found to be homogeneous at each location. As for the section level, highly preferred places were identified; and it was also revealed that photography activities decrease right after an impactful landscape experience. Lastly, the necessity of an on-site survey, including spatial analysis, was discussed in order to analyze sequential landscape experience at natural landscape area.
山口 敬太
社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.10, pp.5-13, 2016-12-25 (Released:2017-01-17)

mLake Biwa is one of the earliest cases of large regional tourism development and scenic preservation in modern times in Japan. This paper clarified the process of developing ideas of scenic tourism and revealed the way of managing the scenic preservation system in Lake Biwa in the Taisho period. In 1914, Shiga prefecture carried out a “Scenic Investigation” with an expectation of hosting foreign travelers and national park designation. Seiroku Honda and Takanori Hongo lead the scenic investigation and evaluated scenic spots as resources for tourism over the whole Shiga Prefecture. And they illustrated ways of developing the scenic areas and building infrastructure and transportation system for tourism. Their plans took the lead in enhancing scenic spots in Lake Biwa. Furthermore, this paper revealed the details of scenic area designation in 1921 and the controversy surrounding the factory construction and scenic preservation. A part of the scenic preservation area was terminated with the aim of industrialization in 1927, then in 1937 the waterfront area was designated as scenic districts under the City Planning Act.
野中 勝利
社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.10, pp.55-62, 2017-04-05 (Released:2017-05-22)

This study shows the process whereby the site of Wakayama Castle, which was administered by the Army Ministry under the Meiji Government, was turned into a public park. In 1889 citizens’ groups and the city of Wakayama unsuccessfully petitioned the Army Ministry, requesting that ownership of the castle site be transferred free of charge in order to preserve the castle remains. However, a request to rent and utilize the site made by Wakayama Prefecture was approved. They envisioned using the castle tower as an industrial exhibition hall. In 1900 the prefecture petitioned the central government for approval of a plan to turn the site into a public park and to construct an industrial exhibition hall within it. The plan was approved, and the next year Wakayama Park opened with an industrial exhibition hall on its grounds. In 1911 the city of Wakayama, wishing to continue to use and manage site as a public park, and to preserve the castle remains, applied to purchase it from the central government. A sale price of ¥60,000 was decided on. However, the city of Wakayama, like Wakayama Prefecture, was unable to secure sufficient funds to maintain and manage the park. In 1914 a plan was prepared for improvements to the park to commemorate the enthronement of the new Emperor, and work proceeded in a comprehensive manner.
塚田 伸也 森田 哲夫 湯沢 昭 橋 本 隆 関屋 夕紀子 入澤 覚
Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.5, pp.89-94, 2012

The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of landscape in the great modern poetry Sakutaro HAGIWARA by analyzed his photographs and his poems. The main conclusions were as follows; (1)The scenery of his original photographs had proposed two points of view; "the photographs of the place where Maebashi-City and Kamakura were material of landscape which was esteemed", "the photographs of the place in Tokyo and Osaka were the human activity and the townscape". (2)The element of landscape by his photographs could be divided into 6th groups scene of "1 group of the wheels and the activity", "2 group of the animals", "3 group of the station and the stones", "4 group of the street, the sky, the tree, the building the institution and man", "5 group of the trees, the land and mountain", "6 group of the water, the shore and the bridge ". (3)The poetic word was compared with the word analyzed by the qualification theory of 3. It became clear that the words of all the landscape elements appeared as a poetic words. As a result, it is possible for research on his poetry to regard the spatial characteristic and the photographs.
板川 暢 樋口 陽平 一ノ瀬 友博 横山 勝英
社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.10, pp.37-46, 2017-02-09 (Released:2017-02-24)

This survey monitored the quantity and distribution of egg clutches of Tohoku salamander (Hynobius lichenatus) in the tsunami inundated lowland area from the period 2012 to 2015, looking at the case of Moune district, Kesennuma city, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. After the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, lowland area almost changed into wetlands by erosion and land subsidence, and seawater ran into a part of the lowland. Lots of egg clutches were found in the whole area in 2012. However several egg clutches deposited in brackish-water were dead. After 2013, the number of egg clutches declined, and the distribution moved inland. The number of egg clutches roughly increased in 2015, indicating the meta-population of Tohoku salamander’s resilience against temporary disturbance caused by the tsunami. Models of relations analyzed between the numbers of egg clutches in each year showed larger population had higher resilience and the numbers of dead egg clutches had negative correlation to the total numbers of egg clutches in late years. Results indicated that the environmental changes after the tsunami had more severe impacts on the population’s survival. However the population of Tohoku salamander had resilience under the natural state. This resilience may be weakened by man-made induced environmental changes and habitat loss from the tsunami recovery and reconstruction works. Hence, the need for conservation and monitoring was suggested.
野中 勝利
社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) (ISSN:1883261X)
vol.7, pp.32-40, 2014 (Released:2014-03-27)

This study clarifies changes in land ownership and land usage at the site of Odawara castle in modern times and considers corresponding thoughts regarding scenic preservation. The castle buildings were demolished when Odawara castle was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War. Wood and stones were carted off for use as building materials, and no thought was given to scenic preservation. In 1890 the site was purchased by the Okubo family, descendants of the former feudal lord. Two Shinto shrines were constructed. In 1899 the site came under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Household Department, which intended it for use as an Imperial villa, and this ensured the scenic preservation of the site. The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 caused extensive damage. Odawara town government purchased a portion of the site in order to build two schools. In addition, Odawara town government partially reconstructed the stone walls that had collapsed in the earthquake and built a public park. Later, the remainder of the site was sold to Kanagawa prefectural government, but no full-scale effort at quake-proofing or parkbuilding was mounted. Nevertheless, the site was designated as a scenic district, ensuring its protection.