上野 和男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.161, pp.39-60, 2011-03

設楽 博己
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.80, pp.185-202, 1999-03

一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.102, pp.593-610, 2003-03

北条 勝貴
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.72, pp.41-80, 1997-03

古代最大の規模を有する氏族の1つである秦氏については,現在,各集団における在地的特徴・個別的性格の解明が要請されている。そのための方法として,氏族の有する歴史性――文化全般の蓄積が顕著に反映される,種々の氏神に対する信仰形態の検討が重要視される。山背国葛野郡を本拠とする秦氏の集団は,古来同氏族の族長的地位を保持してきた。その勢力範囲には幾つかの神社が存在するが,中でも松尾大社は隣接する愛宕郡の賀茂社に並ぶ巨大勢力を築いており,その創祀や信仰の展開には注意を要する。同社の祭神には2柱あり,大山咋神と市杵嶋姫命という男女の神とされている。前者は秦氏渡来以前より同地に奉祀されていた農業神らしいが,後者は筑前国宗像郡に鎮座する胸肩君の氏神――宗像三女神の1神で,元来沖ノ島にあって渡来人や海人集団から特別な崇拝を受けた海洋神であった。松尾大社の周辺に立地する葛野坐月読神社や木嶋坐天照御魂神社も,それぞれ玄界灘に由来し,海人系の壱岐氏・対馬氏によって奉祀されていた神格である。その分祀は,渡来人や海人集団の移動に伴うものと考えざるをえない。海岸部から内陸部へ,北九州地域から畿内諸国への海人集団の東遷は,考古学的にもある程度立証されている。それは彼らの主体的行動に基づく場合もあるが,多く5世紀後半以降は,半島との交通権・制海権を掌握・独占しようとするヤマト王権によって促進された。半島よりの秦氏の渡来も,そのような社会状況を背景に移動と停留を繰り返しつつ,海人集団との繋がりを持って行われたものと推測される。松尾大社に鎮座する市杵嶋姫命も,胸肩氏と血縁的・文化的に接触した秦氏の1集団により,玄界灘より分祀されてきたものと想定される。元来松尾山には大山咋神と一対の普遍的女性神(神霊の依代たるタマヨリヒメ)が祀られており,市杵嶋姫命はその神格に重複し限定を加える形で鎮座したものであろう。The Hata clan (uji) was one of the largest clans in the ancient period. In order to deepen our comprehension of the clan, it is necessary to elucidate the local features and particular characteristics of each of its constituent groups. An important part of this approach is to examine the forms of spiritual practices and beliefs associated with the various deities worshipped by the clan(ujigami), since these practices and beliefs clearly reflect the historical character and ac-cumulated cultural heritage of the clan.The Hata clan based in Kadono-gun in Yamashiro Province maintained their position as the heads of the Hata clans throughout the ancient period. Their sphere of influence extended throughout most of shrines; in particular, the Matsuo Shrine developed as a major power comparable to that of the Kamo Shrine in neighboring Otagi-gun. The initiation of rites and the development of beliefs and practices at the Matsuo Shrine thus merits close attention. Two main deities are worshipped at the shrine : Ōyamakui-no-kami, a male deity, and Ichikishimahime-no-mikoto, a female. Ōyamakui-no-kami appears to have been an agricultural deity worshipped in the region before the arrival of the Hata clan. In contrast, Ichikishimahime-no-mikoto was the ujigami of the Munakata-kimi clan enshrined in Munakata-gun in Chikuzen Province ; one of the three female Munakata deites, she was an ocean deity originallylocated in Okinoshima, and was the object of particular worship by the people that had crossed over from the continent and by the clans who had features as a navigator and a diver (kaijin-kei shizoku). The Kadono-ni-imasu Tsukuyomi Shrine and the Konoshima-ni-imasu Amateru-mitama Shrine, both situated near the Matsuo Shrine, took their origins from Genkainada, and enshrined deities worshipped by the Iki clan and Tsushima clan, which were formed by groups of navigators and divers. The development of branch sites of worship (bunshi) of these deities must be understood as the result of the movements of the people originating on the contient and of the clans who had features as a navigator and a diver.Archeologists have to a certain extent established that the clans who had features as a navigator and a diver moved progressively eastward, from coastal sites in the northern Kyushu to inland sites in the various provinces of the Kinai region. Although these movements were in some instances based on their own initiatives, in many cases they were pro-moted by the Yamato court from the late fifth century forward as part of its efforts to monopolize control of the seas and traffic with the Korean peninsula. Under these conditions, the crossing of the Hata clan from the peninsula, which involved a series of movements and stops, can also be seen to be connected to the movements of the clans who had features as a navigator and a diver.One can therefore surmise that the Ichikishimahime-no-mikoto enshrined in the Matsuo Shrine was carried over from Genkainada by a group of the Hata clan members who had developed blood and cultural relations with the Munakata clan. Originally, a universal female deity (Tamayorihime, a receptacle for divine spirits) had been worshipped at Mt. Matsuo as a counterpart to Ōyamakui-no-kami. The enshrinement of Ichikishimahime-no-mikoto thus no doubt involved an overlapping with a limitation of the divine characteristics of this deity.
大東 敬明
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.142, pp.193-209[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

本稿は、東大寺二月堂修二会(以下、東大寺修二会)「中臣祓(なかとみのはらえ)」の典拠や構造を、その詞章から、分析しようとするものである。東大寺修二会に参籠する僧は練行衆(れんぎょうしゅう)と呼ばれ、法会を支障なく執行する為に、穢れを取り去って心身を清浄に保つ事が求められる。そのため、現在では三月一日から十五日未明にかけて行われる「本行(ほんぎょう)」に先立って「別火(べっか)」行が行われ、その最終日にあたる二月末日に「咒師(しゅし)」によって「大中臣祓(おおなかとみのはらえ)」が行われる。また、「別火」行・「本行」期間中、様々な場面で「中臣祓」が行なわれる。祓は、罪や穢を除去することを目的とする儀礼である。この「中臣祓」は、「別火」行に入る際、「別火」行中の朝夕の勤行の際、洗面・入浴・便所の後、「本行」において、日々、二月堂に上堂する前等に行われる。「中臣祓」で用いられる御幣には、本稿で分析対象とする詞章が書かれた紙が巻きつけられている。練行衆は、それぞれ持っている守本尊に向かい、拍掌の後に、詞章を黙誦し、この御幣で身を祓うなどの所作を行なう。本稿において「中臣祓」の詞章は、① 東大寺八幡宮(手向山八幡宮)への法楽。② 真言神道や修験道で用いられた「拍手祓大事(かしわではらえのだいじ)」「伊勢拍手秡(いせかしわではらえ)」と共通する作法。③ 陰陽道流の祓で用いられた自力祓形式の略祓。④ 吉田神道の影響を受けた略祓で、息災延命祈願に用いられた祓。の四つの部分より構成される、と考察した。それぞれの具体的な典拠について、②以外は見出すことは出来なかったが、「中臣祓」の詞章が複数の系統の祓に関わる作法を集めて、独自の形式を作り上げている事は言える。すなわち、「中臣祓」は東大寺八幡宮へ法楽を捧げた後に、真言神道、陰陽道、吉田神道など、典拠を変えながら三重に祓を行う構造(②③④)を持つ。東大寺修二会が、諸儀礼の要素を取り込んで独自の形式としてゆくことは、法会の様々な部分から見出すことが出来る。「中臣祓」は東大寺修二会全体から見れば小さな作法であるが、同様の性格を見出すことが出来た。This paper uses the texts of the "Nakatomi no Harae" that are part of the Shuni-e ceremony held at Nigatsu-do at Tōdaiji as a means of investigating the origin and composition of this purification ritual.Priests who take part in the Tōdaiji Shuni-e ceremony are called Rengyoshu, and are required to remove all defilement and to purify their minds and bodies so that the ceremony can proceed without hindrance. This is done by means of a ceremony called "Bekka" which is held before the main ceremony, which currently takes place from March 1 through the early hours of March 15. On the last day of the Bekka ceremony, the last day of February, priests called Shushi perform the "Onakatomi no Harae" ceremony. The "Nakatomi no Harae" is also held at various stages in the Bekka ceremony and in the main ceremony. These purification rituals are performed in order to remove the polluted and bad condition.When the Bekka ceremony is under way, "Nakatomi no Harae" is performed at services held morning and night, after washing the face, bathing, and toileting, and before entering the Nigatsu-do everyday when the main ceremony is taking place. The Rengyoshu face their respective protective Buddhas, clap their hands, after which they perform various rites, such as the silent recitation of texts and purification of their bodies with white paper strips called "gohei". In the "gohei", the text which is the subject of this study is written on furled paper.In this study, the author found that the "Nakatomi no Harae" consists of four parts:1) Hōraku for Tōdaiji Hachimangu (Tamukeyama Hachimangu);2) Rites the same as the "Kashiwade Harae no Daiji" and the "Ise Kashiwade Harae" practised in Shingon Shinto and Shugendo; 3) Purification rituals in the form of self-purification rituals practised in Onmyodō purification rituals; 4) Purification rituals used in prayers for health and longevity that have been influenced by Yoshida Shinto.With the exception of part 2, it was not possible to determine the origins of these parts. However, it is fair to say that the texts of the "Nakatomi no Harae" were formed in their own unique way by amassing rites related to purification rituals with a number of different origins. That is to say, the structure of the "Nakatomi no Harae" is such that after the Hōraku is said for Tōdaiji Hachimangu, three purification rituals, parts 2, 3, and 4, are performed with different origins, such as Shingon Shinto, Onmyodo, and Yoshida Shinto.The creation of the unique forms in the Tōdaiji Shuni-e ceremony through the inclusion of elements from different rituals over time is evident in various parts of the Buddhist service. Even though when viewed from the perspective of the complete Tōdaiji Shuni-e ceremony the "Nakatomi no Harae" is a minor ritual, this study has found that the "Nakatomi no Harae" contains similar characteristics.
東野 治之
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.114, pp.21-32, 2004-02

川森 博司
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.50, pp.p385-406, 1993-02

東 潮
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.110, pp.31-54, 2004-02

『三国志』魏書東夷伝弁辰条の「国出鉄韓濊倭皆従取之諸市買皆用鉄如中国用銭又以供給二郡」,同倭人条の「南北市糴」の記事について,対馬・壱岐の倭人は,コメを売買し,鉄を市(取)っていたと解釈した。斧状鉄板や鉄鋌は鉄素材で,5世紀末に列島内で鉄生産がはじまるまで,倭はそれらの鉄素材を弁韓や加耶から国際的な交易によってえていた。鉄鋌および鋳造斧形品の型式学的編年と分布論から,それらは洛東江流域の加耶諸国や栄山江流域の慕韓から流入したものであった。5世紀末ごろ倭に移転されたとみられる製鉄技術は,慶尚北道慶州隍城洞や忠清北道鎮川石帳里製鉄遺跡の発掘によってあきらかとなった。その関連で,大阪府大県遺跡の年代,フイゴ羽口の形態,鉄滓の出土量などを再検討すべきことを提唱した。鋳造斧形品は農具(鍬・耒)で,形態の比較から,列島内のものは洛東江下流域から供給されたと推定した。倭と加耶の間において,鉄(鉄鋌)は交易という経済的な関係によって流通した。広開土王碑文などの検討もふまえ,加耶と倭をめぐる歴史環境のなかで,支配,侵略,戦争といった政治的交通関係はなかった。鉄をめぐる掠奪史観というべき論を批判した。Records describing activities in Pyonjin and the people of Wa contained in the Chinese History of the Three Kingdoms have been interpreted as meaning that the people of Wa living on Tsushima and Iki traded rice and acquired iron. These iron materials were iron plates shaped like adzes and iron ingods, and were obtained through international trading between Wa and Pyonjin and Kaya until the end of the 5th century when iron production began in the Japanese Archipelago. The dating of these iron materials and cast adzes and opinions as to their distribution have determined that they came to Wa from various Kaya states in the Nakdonggang River valley and Bokan (慕韓) in the Yeongsan-gang River valley. It is conceivable that the iron manufacturing techniques that were introduced to Wa were the same as those confirmed by the Gyeongju Fangseong-dong and the Jincheon-gun Sokjiang (石帳里) remains. It is in this connection that there have been calls for a re-investigation of the age of the style of twyer used in bellows, the amount of iron slag excavated, and materials from the Oagata remains in present-day Osaka Prefecture. The cast iron implements shaped like adzes are agricultural implements (scythe, hoe) , and a comparison of their forms has prompted the conjecture that those found in the Japanese Archipelago were supplied from the Nakdong-gang River valley. The distribution of iron, especially iron materials between Kaya and Wa, occurred as part of an economic relationship that involved trade. A study of other sources of information such as inscriptions at the monument to King Koukaidoou also show that the historical environment in which Kaya and Wa were in contact with each other was not a political relationship involving control, invasion and war. Instead, this paper criticizes the theory that takes the view that this relationship was one of pillage and plunder.
藤尾 慎一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.110, pp.3-29, 2004-02

大澤 正己
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.110, pp.89-122, 2004-02

列島内の縄文時代晩期から弥生時代へかけての初期鉄文化は,中国東北部方面で生産された可能性の高い高温還元間接製鋼法にもとづく可鍛鋳鉄,鋳鉄脱炭鋼,炒鋼の各製品の導入から始まる。また,遺存度の悪い低温還元直接製鋼法の塊錬鉄も希れには発見されるが,点数は少ないのと銹化のためか,その検出度は至って低い。一方,弥生時代の鍛冶技術は,まだ稚拙であって原始鍛冶とも呼ぶべき状況にある。ます廃鉄器(鋳造鉄斧脱炭品破片)の砥石研磨再生から始まり,次に棒(条材),板の半製品を原料とした鏨切り,火炙り成形,砥石研磨による鉄器製作である。鍛冶素材の産地は,弥生時代後期前半頃までは中国側,後期中頃以降は,鉄生産の開始された朝鮮半島側に依存した形跡を残す。本格鍛冶となる羽口使用で,沸し,素延べ,火造りといった工程の開始は古墳時代の前期頃で,鉄鉱石・砂鉄原料の製錬開始は古墳時代中期以降まで待たねばならぬ。朝鮮半島側の製錬の開始は定かでないが,焙焼磁鉄鉱を原料とした石帳里遺跡のA・B区で3~5世紀の操業があり,更に遡るのは確実であろう。これに後続する遺跡として沙村製鉄遺跡が調査された。いずれも円形炉で,列島内の古墳時代後期に属する遺構が広島,岡山の両県でも検出されている。但し,列島内では大口径羽口(送風管)を伴わないので同系とみなすには議論の分かれる事となろう。列島内の円形炉は,砂鉄と鉱石の2通りの原料使用があり,焙焼技術は受継がれている。In Japan the early iron culture from the final phase of the Jomon period to the Yayoi period began at the introduction of iron products of malleable cast iron, iron casting decarbonized steel, and paddling steel with the method of high-temperature reduction which was most likely be adopted in the northeast region of China. Moreover, sponge iron with the method of low-temperature reduction has seldom been found because of hardly been survived; a few specimens and corroded condition cause that they have been found in a very small percentage.On the other hand, the technology of forge of the Yayoi period is still confined in the undeveloped stage and also in the environment which is called a primitive forge. Firstly, the used iron wares (fragments of the decarbonized-casting iron axes) were reused by polishing them with whetstone, and secondly, as the half-finished goods of a stick and a board as raw materials were proceeded to produce iron wares by cutting, taking fabrication of heat, and at the end polishing with whetstone. Raw materials for forge depend on China until the middle of the Late Yayoi period, but after the middle of the Late Yayoi period there is evidence that they depend on the Korean Peninsula where iron production already started.Adopting the funnel which serves as a full-scale forge; pounding, shaping, and refining, these procedures began around the first half of the Kofun period, and the beginning of refinement of iron ore and iron sand should wait until the middle of Kofun period. It is not certain when the refinement adopted in the Korean Peninsula began, however, there are some evidences that heated magnetites as raw materials were used in the A and B areas of Sǒkjang-ri Site in the 3th through 5th century, and it is sure that the date will be much earlier. As the successive site, Sachon Iron Mill Site has been excavated; the remains of furnace are round in plan, and this type has been discovered in Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures, which is belonging to the Late Kofun period. However, any large funnels in diameter have not been unearthed in Japan, therefore, there are some arguments whether or not two specimens are similar in type. As to the round furnace in Japan, iron sand and iron ore were adopted simultaneously for raw materials, and adopting the heating method have been inherited.
田原 範子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.169, pp.167-207, 2011-11

本稿では,死という現象を起点としてアルル人の生活世界の記述を試みた。アルバート湖岸のアルル人たちは,生涯もしくは数世代に渡る移動のなかで,複数の生活拠点をもちつつ生きている。死に際して可能であれば,遺体は故郷の家(ホーム)まで搬送され,埋葬される。遺体の搬送が不可能な場合,死者の遺品をホームに埋葬する。埋葬地をめぐる決断の背景には,以下のような祖霊観がある。身体(dano)が没した後,ティポ(tipo)は身体を離れて新しい世界へ移動する。ティポは,人間界とティポの世界を往来しつつ,時には嫉妬などの感情を抱き,現実に生きている人びとの生活を脅かす。病気や生活の困難はティポからのメッセージである。そのような場合,ティポは空腹で黒い山羊を欲している。その求めに速やかに応じるために,埋葬地は祖先たちの住む場所つまりホームが望ましい。アルル人のホームランドでは,ティポはアビラ(abila)とジョク(s.jok,pl.jogi)とともに祀られている。ティポは現世の人間に危害を及ぼすだけの存在ではない。ティポの住まうアビラやジョクに対して,人びとは,語りかけ,家を建て,食物を用意し,山羊を供儀する。父や祖父のティポを通して,祖先の死者たちは生者と交流する。その交流は,生者に幸運や未来の予言をもたらすこともある。死者と生者が共にある空間で,死者のティポは安住することができる。移動に住まう人びともまた,死者をホームに搬送すること,死者の代わりに死者の遺品を埋葬することを通して,ティポの世界と交流している。In this paper, I have attempted to portray the life-world of Alur people through the process of burial. Some Alur migrate and have multiple living bases during their lifetime and through several generations on the shores of Lake Albert. When someone dies, it is common for the body to be carried home for burial. However when this is not possible, the belongings of the deceased are carried back to be buried, instead of the body. The practice of burial reveals Alur recognition of the spiritual world, as below:After the body (dano: s.&pl.) has died, the spirit (tipo: s.&pl.) leaves it and travels to another world. Tipo can also come and go between this world and another world which the tipo belongs to. In the case of the tipo having a negative emotion such as jealousy, it threatens living people. Sometimes illness and tribulations are messages from the tipo which is hungry and wants the blood of a black goat. In order to respond to the messages promptly, it is desirable to bury the deceased in their homeland.In the Alur homeland, the tipo of ancestors are enshrined together with jok ( pl.: jogi) and abila. Tipo do not always bring harm to the living. For jok and abila, people build them a house to live in, serve food to eat, plant herbs to take care of them, arrange stones to guard them, and talk to them. Abila symbolizes paternal lineage and jogi represents mother and grandmother. Other ancestors communicate with the living through abila and jok. This interaction brings luck, prophecies, and occasionally misfortune.Tipo can live in peace in such a life-world where there are daily interactions between the living and the dead. Carrying the dead body or the belongings of the deceased is also a form of interaction with another world by the people who live away from their homeland.
森栗 茂一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.78, pp.121-128, 1999-03

日本の都市研究は,高度経済成長のひずみ,社会問題の反省として発展した側面がある。しかし,十分な議論のないまま,現実の日本の都市の生活は個別分断の消費に突入し,市民の連帯を発見できないでいる。国立大学共同利用機関の都市の共同研究としては,こうした都市の今日状況を視野にいれて,研究の志を立てねばならぬ。子供の自殺や暴力にみられる今日の状況は絶望的である。都市民俗学としては、こうした状況の都市をどう把握するのか,新たな都市の再構築にむけて展望を示す必要がある。本論では,阪神大震災を契機として,都市の連帯のあり方を問いなおした三人の映画監督・映像作家との会話のなかで発見したことを記述した。震災のなかで活動する人々を撮影するなかで,ふれあう町の可能性をみつけた熊谷(くまがい)博子監督。焼け落ちた町が復興する過程を定点観測しつづける青池憲司監督は,魅力的な個人ではなく町の連帯,人間の町がつくられていく動態を記録しようとしている。また,篠田(しのだ)正浩監督は,災害や戦災にいっても生きつづけようとする人々の力,独立市民の登場に期待してカメラをまわしたという。これらの動きは,本当の意味での都市の誕生である。都市民俗学としては,こうした人々の動き・新たな市民連帯の芽吹きを発見し,観察・記録し,新たなまちづくりに貢献せねばならない。都市史研究も,研究テーマがあるから研究するのではなく,何故その研究をせねばならぬのか,問われている。そうした,社会に志を問う共同の研究をせねば、研究の意味はない。何のための共同研究か。何のための共同利用機関なのか。誰のための研究なのか。誰に訴えたいのか。Urban history research of Japan appeared as correction and reflection of the strain of the vigorous economic growth. But, without enough discussion urbanization of Japan has come to be an individual consuming life and to miss the solidarity as an urban community.To begin with, kokorozashi 志 [a will] was a thing when the people of Meiji 明治 era and the early Shōwa 昭和 era left their villages for the purpose of the success in life. But, numerous failures was the result. This brought up new discrimination among people. Slums are an example here as a reflection of modern society, a point of view of social history through manazashi まなざし [a look]. However without putting such a research of discrimination theory to practical use, read urban communities are not a place. Where we are under the solidarity among people, but aggregates of individual lives which require 'money' and 'things'.Kōbe 神戸 which experienced the Hanshin Daishinsai 阪神大震災 [the earthquake disaster in Hanshin district], the setting up of solidarity in the urban communities appears in revival of the town, with planners, architects, statesmen, volunteers, and folklorists working together. The field work of the urban folklore which can contribute to urban planning, and like environment, education, residence, welfare, the investigation, research, proposal about parts concerning life, aiming this sort of new city joint is necessary.After Hanshin Daishinsai, as a result of discussion between me and three movies directors who made the movies about an earthquake disaster, we know that this point of view of urban folklore and the research asking joint among cities corresponds to asking the democracy of Japan in another sense. Usual, the democracy of Japan was transferred to the government from the U. S. A. Because of the defeat of war, and forced on district self governing body from the government, and granted to residents. Another from that, we can see the work making democracy from joints among residents in Kōbe 神戸 after the earthquake disaster.This is the birth of cities in real sense. The urban folklore is the fieldwork which finds out this kind of new way of life of the people. Moreover, urban folklore should become the tool which contributes the creation of the city to come. Such a will is more necessary than any other things to the urban folklorists.
島村 恭則
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.106, pp.51-60, 2003-03

日本における現代民話研究は,すでに少なからぬ研究の蓄積を見ているが,日本の現代民話を日本以外の社会の現代民話と比較検討する作業は,まだまったくといってよいほど行なわれていない。この研究動向上の欠を補うべく,本論文では,韓国社会で語られている現代民話について,日韓比較の視点から検討した。本論文で行なった指摘を列挙すれば,次のようになる。(1)現代韓国社会では,現代民話がたいへんさかんに語られているが,日本社会における現代民話の存在様態と比較した場合,怪談系統の現代民話に加えて,社会的・政治的な諷刺の性格を持った笑話系統の現代民話が豊富に語られている点を特色として指摘できる。(2)韓国で,笑話系統の現代民話がさかんに語られていることの背景には,独裁政権下の社会状況と民主化闘争,深刻な労働問題,急速な経済発展とそれに伴なう矛盾などが存在するものと考えられる。(3)現在,日本の現代民話研究において集成され,分析が加えられている現代民話群は,その大半が怪談系統の語りであり,社会的・政治的諷刺の性格を持った現代民話をそこに見出すことは困難である。この状況を規定する要因は,①70年代以降の日本社会における脱政治化,②言論統制等の抑圧が存在しないことによるメディアとしての現代民話の需要低下,③研究者における現代民話対象化過程における偏向,といった要素の複合に求められる。(4)上の指摘をふまえたとき,われわれは現状の再解釈と再調査を行なう必要に気づかされる。また,海外との比較研究は,こうした現代民話再考の契機となるものであり,ここに比較研究の重要性が確認されるものである。There has already been considerable research on modern folktales in Japan, but research that compare modern Japanese folktales with modern folktales from societies outside of Japan cannot even be said to have begun. To address this shortcoming in research trends, this paper attempts to examine modern folktales in present-day Korean society through a Japanese-Korean comparison. The following is a list of issues highlighted in this paper:1) In present-day Korean society, modern folktales are told very frequently. It can be noted that in contrast to modern folktales in Japanese society, modern Korean folktales not only appear in the form of ghost stories, they also contain many humorous stories characterized by social and political satire.2) I believe that many modern Korean stories are humorous because of the social conditions and the struggles for democracy that have occurred under totalitarian regimes, as well as serious labor issues and rapid economic development and its associated conflicts.3) Most modern folktales compiled and analyzed in current folklore research in Japan are ghost stories. It is difficult to find modern folktales characterized by social and political satire. This is due to a combination of elements including: i) the anti-politicization of Japanese society in the 1970's and later; ii) the decrease in the demand for modern folktales as a medium due to the absence of oppression, such as the repression of the freedom of speech; and iii) scholars' propensities in the process of objectivizing modern folktales.4) Given the issues above, I have come to understand the necessity of reinterpreting and restudying the current situation. In addition, international comparative research provides an impetus to reconsider modern folktales such as this one. This paper proves the importance of comparative research.
菅 豊
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.57, pp.p63-94, 1994-03

日本において,低湿地を積極的に稲作地として利用し,「水辺」を改変する農業は,通常,技術的未発達が指摘され,その技術に費やされる労苦からの脱却がことさら強調される傾向があった。確かに低湿な水田で行われる農耕は,重い労苦が伴い,不安定な収穫しか望めない泥濘だったのは間違いないし,従来,民俗,地理,歴史などの多くの研究者によって,この水との格闘の歴史は明らかにされてきた。しかし,果たして低湿地農耕は,生活環境によって規定されるがゆえにあらがうことのできない,いやいやながら,しぶしぶと行われていた不本意な農耕技術だったのであろうか。そしてその湿田は,人々が生計活動を行う上で,消極的,否定的,悲観的にしか取り組めないような苦渋に満ちたネガティブな生産空間だったのであろうか。この疑問を解決することが本稿の目的である。本稿では全国に分布する低湿地開拓技術が,必ずしも不利な状況で消極的に営まれていたのではなく,ポジティブにとらえ得る技術であったという視点から,この農耕技術を見直していくつもりである。本稿で対象とする地域において低湿地農耕は,むしろ完全に水田化されていない,不完全な耕作地であるがゆえに獲得できる,有利さを持っていると考えられる。土地所有制度の限界を克服することのできる低湿地農耕技術の社会的特質が顕在化する時,それは生産性の低さといったデメリットをさし引いても,なお余りあるものとして位置付けられるのである。この不完全な耕作地の活動が継続できた背景には,その経済的,社会的な有利さと共に,各生計活動のリスクを合い補え,より安定した生活を維持することのできる,複合的生計活動の展開があったと考えられる。In Japan, low-lying wet land has been actively used for the cultivation of rice, and it has been pointed out that farming of 'waterland' was generally technologically backward, and the tendency has been to stress in particular that technology provides release from the hard work expended. It certainly cannot be denied that the cultivation of low-lying wet paddy fields involved hard work, and was a muddy mire promising only an unstable harvest; and the history of this hand-to-hand struggle with water has already been made known by many researchers in folk customs, geography and history.But was the cultivation of low-lying wet land really an unwelcome farming technique imposed by the living environment, undertaken unwillingly and sullenly? And for the people who subsisted there, were the wet paddy fields really a negatively-viewed production area, full of hardship and suffering, that could be grappled with only in a passive, negative, pessimistic way? The present paper aims to solve these questions. This paper takes a fresh look at the farming techniques of low-lying land scattered around the country, taking the point of view that the cultivation of the land was not necessarily carried out passively and under unfavourable conditions, but that the techniques may be seen in a positive light.The cultivation of low-lying wet land in the areas covered by the paper may be considered to have advantages obtained rather because the land was not completely turned over to paddy, precisely because it was imperfect farming land. The technical characteristics of farming low-lying wet land are such that when they become apparent in the social plane, as a production technique that overcomes the limitations of land ownership, this more than makes up for the demerit of low productivity. It may be considered that behind the continuation of this use of imperfect farming land was the development of a complex method of supporting livelihoods, which together with its economic and social advantages also supported a stable living in which the risks of various subsistence techniques compensated each other.
田中 晋作
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.110, pp.163-186, 2004-02

今回のシンポジュウムで与えられた課題は,古墳時代の軍事組織についてである。小論の目的は,この課題について,今までに提示してきた拙稿をもとに,とくに,古墳時代前期後半から中期を対象にして,①古墳時代前期後半以降にみられる軍事目的の変化,②中期前半に百舌鳥・古市古墳群の被葬者集団による常備軍編成の可能性,③中期における軍事組織の編成目的について検討し,つぎの私見を示すことである。前期後半,それまでの有力古墳でみられた示威や防御を目的とした武器が,一部の特定古墳で具体的な武装形態を反映した副葬状況へと変化する。この変化は,既存有力古墳群でみられるものはなく,この段階で朝鮮半島東南部地域の勢力とそれまでにない新たな関係を結んだ新興勢力の中に現れるものである。中期に入り,百舌鳥・古市古墳群の被葬者集団によって,形状および機能が統一された武器の供給がはじまり,大規模な動員を可能とする基盤が整えられる。この軍事組織の編成を保障するために,両古墳群の被葬者集団の特定の人物もしくは組織のもとに,人格的忠誠関係に基づいた常備軍が編成される。さらに,武器の副葬が卓越する一部の古墳で,移動や駐留を可能とする農工具を組み込んだ新たな武器組成が生まれる。このような武器組成は,国内に重大な軍事的対峙を示す痕跡が認められないことから,計画的で,遠距離,かつ長期間にわたる軍事活動を視野に入れた対国外的な組織の編成が行われていたことを示すものである。以上の検討結果によって,古墳時代前期後半以降にみられる軍事組織の編成は,政治主体が軍事力の行使によって解決を必要とした課題が,それまでの対国内的な要因から,朝鮮半島を主眼とした対国外的な要因へと変化したことを示していると考える。The given theme in this symposium is the archaeological analysis of military organization in the kofun period. The aim of my article is to investigate 3points of analysis from the latter half of first period to the middle period of the kofun era. The first point is the evolution of change of the organization and function of the military since the latter half of the first period. The second point of analysis concerns the ability to establish a standard army in the first half of the middle period by the developing political power whose members were later buried during in the Mozu-Furuichi cluster of mound tombs. The final point is the aim of organization in the middle period.In the latter half of the first period, the change in the burial procedure of weapons in tombs reflects the change in the aim and purpose of the demonstration of power and use of defense. This influence was also reflected in the condition of the armament itself. At that time, this change was brought about by newly-risen groups connecting with other groups located in the south-east region of the Korean peninsula.During the middle period the foundation for the large scale mobilization of armies was established through the supply of similarity equipped weapons. These were unified in function and form and supplied by the Mozu-Furuichi group. The standard army was controlled by the presiding organization or chief of this group and bound by a pledge of allegiance. The standard army would then guarantee the stability of the military organization.Further, a new composition of weapons included farm implements used in the transferring and stationing of armies appeared in some tombs which surpassed previously buried weapons. This composition of weapons indicates the existence of a military organization that has the ability for deliberate, long-distance and long-prolonged military action, if the circumstance at a given time did not include a serious military confrontation in the country.Through these investigations I hope to present the following conclusion. The focus of the military organization that was established since the latter half of the first period in the kofun era changed from internal to external, mainly regarding the Korean peninsula.
湯浅 隆
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.67, pp.197-224, 1996-03

本稿では、近世都市江戸を事例として、当地の人びとへの周知を意図した情報が発信された場所について検討していく。このための分析対象として、開帳予告の建札およびその設置場所を取りあげる。この分析をとおし、江戸における情報メディアの発信地および受信地としての〝広場〟機能をもった場所や地域を明らかにしようとする。開帳とは、本来は宗教者が行う布教のための一行事で、日頃は秘蔵され公開されることがない神仏の厨子を一定期日に限って開き、人びとに結縁の機会を与えるものである。十七世紀から十九世紀半ばにおける開帳をみた場合、その実施形態は時期と場所とにより様々であった。このなかにあって十八世紀以降に、江戸をはじめとする大都市で行われた多くの開帳の目的は、本来の趣旨から外れて、寺社堂舎の修復費用を調達することにあった。このため、開帳の成否にとってもっとも重要な課題は、いかに多くの人びとを六〇日ないし八〇日未満に限定された開帳期間中に集めることができるかにあった。ことに、寺社が江戸以外の地にあってこの期間だけ出府して行われた出開帳では、人びとへの事前の周到な宣伝が不可欠であった。周知のための方策の一つに、秘仏公開を宣伝するための木札の設置があった。本稿では、この木札が実際に建てられるまでの過程と、江戸における設置場所とを明らかにする。このことで、江戸の人びとが恒常的に創り出していた、情報収集の場の存在というものを江戸のなかで浮かびあがらせていく。情報発信の場は、江戸下町よりもその周辺部、ことに五街道をはじめとする交通の要路、なかでも木戸や御門という江戸市中と市外との境界の地に存在していた。江戸の開帳は、十八世紀後半になると行楽としての色彩を強め、これにともなって開帳場所を江戸の行楽ゾーンの中枢である隅田川沿いに集中する傾向を示した。これにともない、建札もこの地帯を重点的な設置箇所としていった。そのなかでも、浅草寺雷門前、両国橋、永代橋という橋と寺社門前とは、この種の情報発信の精度が高い場所、すなわち開帳の情報にかんする高度な〝広場〟機能を持った場所であった。This study looks at the notice boards and locations used in Edo in the early modern period to announce the unveiling of special religious icons. The aim of the analysis is to show how these sites functioned as hiroba for the transmission and reception of public information.Shinto and Buddhist religious organizations held limited unveilings of rarely shown miniature shrines and icons essentially to propagate their respective faiths among the general community, thereby giving people opportunities to "make a connection" (kechien) with these deities. A survey of the period from the seventeenth century to the mid-nineteenth century shows that the nature of the unveilings varied significantly according to the historical period and location. From the eighteenth century onward, for example, most showings in Edo and other major cities were aimed less at this original goal than at raising funds for the restoration of shrine and temple buildings. The success of the events therefore rested upon how many people could be attracted to them during the sixty- or eighty-day period in which they were held. Particularly for shrines and temples which, based outside Edo, took their icons to the city only for that limited time, effective advertising was crucial.One of the ways to broadcast the events was to put up wooden notice boards around the city. By exploring the actual process by which these signs were produced and posted, and the locations in Edo where they were posted, this study hopes to provide an insight into the special sites created and maintained by Edo people for the gathering and distribution of information. In the case of signs heralding religious unveilings, these sites were originally fewer in the inner city of Edo than in the surrounding areas, particularly along major routes like the five major highways originating in central Edo, and at the city's border gates. As the unveilings came to take on a more festive nature in the late eighteenth century, however, they were held more frequently in the heart of downtown entertainment district along the Sumidagawa River. This meant that high-profile places also had to be found in that district for the display of notice boards announcing the events. Such places included bridges, such as Ryogokubashi and Eitaibashi, and the entrances to shrines and temples, such as the Kaminarimon gate to Sensōji in Asakusa. These sites thus served as effective hiroba for the advertisement of special public showings of religious icons.
山口 えり
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.148, pp.41-60, 2008-12

広瀬大忌祭と龍田風神祭は、神祇令で定められた恒例の祭祀のうち、風雨の順調を祈るものとして、孟夏と孟秋に行われる祭祀である。すでにこの二つの祭祀については、先行研究も多くあるが、両社は大和川を挟み別々の地にあるのに、なぜその二つの地が選ばれたのか、なぜその祭祀が同時一対で行われ続けるのかについては説明されていない。本稿では、まず『日本書紀』にみられる広瀬大忌祭と龍田風神祭の記事を整理し、次の七点を指摘した。①天武四年以降、広瀬・龍田の祭りは基本的に毎年四月と七月に行われ、特に持統四年以後は欠けることない。②天武四年四月癸未条の初見記事にのみ、龍田社と広瀬社の立地が記載される。③初見記事にのみ、派遣された使者が記載される。④龍田では風神、広瀬では大忌神が祭られる。⑤天武八年四月己未条より、記載の順番が「龍田・広瀬」から「広瀬・龍田」になる。⑥持統紀からは「遣使者」という定型の語が入る。⑦持統六年四月より、「祭」が「祀」に変わる。それぞれの点について検討を加えた結果、広瀬・龍田の両社が国家の意図により整備されていった過程が明らかとなった。敏達天皇の広瀬殯宮が置かれた広瀬は、龍田に比べると早く敏達天皇家王族と関わりを持つ地であった。その河川交通の利便性が重視され、六御県神と山口神を合祭する国家祭祀の場となった。一方の龍田は、天武・持統王権の記憶の中ではなかなか制し難い地域であった。龍田は、大和と河内を結ぶ交通上の要所でありながら通過には困難が伴い、延喜祝詞式によれば悪風をなす神が所在する地であった。龍田道の整備や国家主体の祭祀を広瀬と共に行うことは、そのような龍田の異質な性格の克服を意味していた。二つの地域は農耕や地理的要衝という古代国家の基盤に大きく関わる要素を有していた。そのために一つに括ることが重要であり、その組み合わせは存続したのである。この二つの祭祀を同時一対で行うことは、律令制定過程期における飛鳥を中心とした大和盆地から、河内へと続く大和川流域全体の掌握を象徴していたのである。The Hirose -Ooimi festival and the Tatsuta-Fuujin festival are both annual festivals prescribed by the Jingiryo(laws concerning kami). They were held in April and July in lunar calendar, in which prayers were offered for favorable weather. A considerable amount of research has already been conducted on these two festivals. However, such research does not explain why the two shrines are located on different sides of the Yamato River, why these two locations were chosen, or why the festivals have continued to be held simultaneously as a pair.A study of records concerning the Hirose -Ooimi festival and the Tatsuta-Fuujin festival in the Nihon Shoki revealed the following seven points: 1) from 675 CE the Hirose and Tatsuta festivals were basically held annually in April and July according to the lunar calendar, and from 690 they were held every year without fail; 2) the locations of Tatsuta and Hirose shrines are written only in April 675, the first record; 3) the officials who were dispatched is mentioned only in the first record also; 4) the Fuujin (kami of wind) was worshipped at Tatsuta and the Ooimi- no- kami at Hirose, and they were never mixed up; 5) the order in which the two names appeared changed from Tatsuta and Hirose to Hirose and Tatsuta in April 679; 6) the standard term "court-dispatched official" appears from the" Records of Jito"; and 7) a different Chinese character was used for the word" festival" from April 692.An examination of these points found that these two shrines did not necessarily arise spontaneously, but were established by the state. Hirose had come under state control at an earlier stage than Tatsuta. Due to its convenient river transportation, state festivals came to be held in Hirose that enshrined the kami of the "six districts of Yamato"and the yamanokuchi-no-kami (kami of mountain entrance) altogether. On the other hand, not much was known about the Tatsuta district. Even though Tatsuta was a strategic point between Yamato and Kawachi region, it was a difficult place to pass. Also according to Engi-Noritoshiki, it was thought that in Tatsuta, there was a kami that causes bad wind for agriculture. The building of Tatsuta Road and the holding of state festivals here with Hirose together, signifies an attempt to control the heterogeneous cultural heritage of Tatsuta. Both places possessed elements such as agricultural and geographical importance that greatly affected the foundation of the ancient state. This was the significant reason to combine the two, which has continued. The holding of these two festivals as a pair symbolized the completion of centralization across Japan, to say concretely, it meant the power of the ancient state has completely expanded from the Yamato Basin to the Yamato Valley.