3 0 0 0 IR 玉纒太刀考

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.50, pp.p141-164, 1993-02

伊勢神宮の社殿は20年に一度建て替えられる。この式年遷宮に際しては建物だけではなく,神の衣装である装束や持物である神宝類も作り替えられる。アマテラスを祭る内宮の神宝には「玉纒太刀」と呼ばれる大刀がある。近年調進される玉纒太刀は多くの玉類を散りばめた豪華な唐様式の大刀であるが,これは10世紀後半以降の様式である。『延喜式』によって知ることができるそれ以前の様式は,環のついた逆梯形で板状の柄頭(つかがしら)をもつ柄部に,手の甲を護るための帯をつけ,おそらく斜格子文にガラス玉をあしらった鞘をもったもので,金の魚形装飾がともなっていたらしい。一方,関東地方の6世紀の古墳にみられる大刀形埴輪は,いずれも逆梯形で板状の柄頭の柄に,三輪玉のついた手の甲を護るための帯をもち,鞘尻の太くなる鞘をもつものである。後藤守一は早くからこの大刀形埴輪が,『延喜式』からうかがえる玉纏太刀とも多くの共通点をもつことを指摘していた。ただそうした大刀の拵えのわかる実物資料がほとんど知られていなかったため,こうした大刀形埴輪は頭椎大刀を形式化して表現したものであろうと推定していた。1988年に奈良県藤ノ木古墳の石棺内から発見された5口の大刀のうち,大刀1,大刀5は,大刀形埴輪などから想定していた玉纒太刀の様式を具体的に示すものとして注目される。それは捩り環をつけた逆梯形で板状の柄頭をもち,柄には金銅製三輪玉をつけた手を護るための帯がつく。また太い木製の鞘には細かい斜格子文の透かしのある金銅板を巻き,格子文の交点にはガラス玉がつけられている。さらにそれぞれに金銅製の双魚佩がともなっている。それは基本的な様式を大刀形埴輪とも共通にする倭風の拵えの大刀であり,まさに玉纒太刀の原形と考えてさしつかえないものである。こうした梯形柄頭大刀やそれに近い系統の倭風の大刀には,金銅製の双魚佩をともなうものがいくつかある。6世紀初頭の大王墓に準じるクラスの墓と考えられる大阪府峯ケ塚古墳でも双魚佩をともなう倭風の大刀が3口出土している。6世紀は環頭大刀や円頭大刀など朝鮮半島系の拵えの大刀やその影響をうけた大刀の全盛期であるが,畿内の最高支配者層の古墳では倭風の大刀が重視され,また古墳に立てならべる埴輪につくられるのもすべてこの倭風の大刀であった。大王の祖先神をまつる伊勢神宮の神宝の玉纒太刀がこの伝統的な倭風の様式の大刀にほかならないことは,6・7世紀の倭国の支配者層が,積極的に外来の文化や技術を受入れながらも,なお伝統的な価値観を保持しようとしていたことを示す一つの事例として興味ふかい。The buildings of the Ise Shrine are rebuilt every 20 years. At this periodical renewal of the shrine, not only the buildings, but also costumes, considered the costumes of the gods, and treasures, the belongings of the gods, are also remade. Among the sacred treasures of the Naikū 内宮, which is devoted to the Amateras 天照大神, there is a long sword called the Tamamaki no Tachi 玉纒太刀 (Gem-Covered Sword). The Tamamaki no Tachi that have been dedicated to the shrine in recent years are of the T'ang 唐 style of the after second half of the 10th century. In the preceding style, which can be known from the "Engi Shiki" 『延喜式』 (code established in the Engi era), the sword seems to have had a hilt with reversed-trapezoidal, plate-type pommel with a ring, a band to protect the back of the hand, and a sheath, probably with skew latticed pattern, glass beads and golden fish ornaments.On the other hand, every sword-shaped haniwa 埴輪 excavated from burial mounds of the 6th century in the Kanto District has a hilt with a reverse-trapezoidal, plate-type pommel, a band with Miwadama 三輪玉 (gem with three round bulges) to protect the back of hand, and a sheath thicker towards the end. GOTŌ Moriichi has pointed out that this sword-shaped haniwa had many features in common with the Tamamaki no Tachi depicted in the "Engi Shiki". Since there are very few real materials to show the ornamentation of this type of sword, the sword-shaped haniwa were supposed to have been a formalization of a Kabutsuchi-no-Tachi 頭椎大刀 (sword with bulbous pommel).Among the five swords discovered in the stone coffin of the Fujinoki Kofun 藤ノ木古墳, Nara Prefecture, in 1988, Swords No.1 and No.5 attract our attention as they represent definitely the style of the Tamamaki no Tachi imagined from the sword-shaped haniwa, etc. These swords had reversed-trapezoidal, plate-type pommels with twisted rings, bands to protect the back of hand, with gilt-bronze Miwadama on their hilts. Their thick wooden sheaths were wrapped in gilt-bronze plates of fine skew-latticed-pattern openwork, ornamented with glass beads on the intersecting points of the latticed pattern. They had furthermore twin fish-shaped ornaments in gilt bronze. They were Wa 倭 style swords, the basic style of which was the same as that of the sword-shaped haniwa, and they can be considered the prototypes of the Tamamaki no Tachi.A number of these swords with trapezoidal pommels and other Wa-style swords of a close line are adorned with the gilt-bronze twin-fish ornaments. Two Wa-style swords with twin-fish ornaments were excavated from the Minegazuka Kofun 峯ヶ塚古墳, in Osaka, considered the grave of one of a rank equivalent to that of an Daiō 大王 of the early 6th century. In the 6th century, swords from the Korean Peninsular and others bearing their influence, for example, Kantō no Tachi 環頭大刀 (ring-pommeled sword) and Entō no Tachi 円頭大刀 (sword with rounded pommels) were most popular. However, for the kofun of the highest ruling class in the Kinai Region, importance was placed on the Wa-style of sword and all the sword-shaped haniwa placed on the kofun were of the Wa-style. The very fact that the Tamamaki no Tachi, a sacred treasure of the Ise Shrine which is dedicated to the ancestral goddess of the Daiō, is of this traditional Wa style, is an interesting fact showing that the ruling class of Wa from the 6th to 7th centuries tried to maintain their traditional values, while at the same time positively accepting foreign culture and skills.
白石 太一郎
文化財学報 (ISSN:09191518)
vol.27, pp.1-4, 2009-03


2 0 0 0 OA 玉纒太刀考

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.50, pp.141-164, 1993-02-26

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.93-118, 2003-10

古墳時代前期から中期初めにかけての4世紀前後の古墳の埋葬例のうちには,特に多量の腕輪形石製品をともなうものがある。鍬形石・石釧・車輪石の三種の腕輪形石製品は,いづれも弥生時代に南海産の貝で作られていた貝輪に起源するもので,神をまつる職能を持った司祭者を象徴する遺物と捉えられている。したがって,こうした特に多量の腕輪形石製品を持った被葬者は,呪術的・宗教的な性格の首長と考えられる。小論は,古墳の一つの埋葬施設から多量の腕輪形石製品が出土した例を取り上げて検討するとともに,一つの古墳の中でそうした埋葬施設の占める位置を検証し,一代の首長権のなかでの政治的・軍事的首長権と呪術的・宗教的首長権の関係を考察したものである。まず,一つの埋葬施設で多量の腕輪形石製品を持つ例を検討すると,武器・武具をほとんど伴わないもの(A類)と,多量の武器・武具を伴うもの(B類)の二者に明確に分離できる。前者が呪術的・宗教的首長であり,後者が呪術的・宗教的性格をも併せもつ政治的・軍事的首長であることはいうまでもなかろう。前者の中には,奈良県川西町島の山古墳前方部粘土槨のように,その被葬者が女性である可能性がきわめて高いものもある。次に両者が一つの古墳のなかで占める位置関係をみると,古墳の中心的な埋葬施設が1基でそれがB類であるもの,一つの古墳にA類とB類の埋葬施設があり,両者がほぼ同格のもの,明らかにB類が優位に立つものなどがある。それらを総合すると,この時期には政治的・軍事的首長権と呪術的・宗教的首長権の組合せで一代の首長権が成り立つ聖俗二重首長制が決して特殊なものではなかったことは明らかである。また一人の人物が首長権を掌握している場合でも,その首長は大量の武器・武具とともに多量の腕輪形石製品をもち,司祭者的権能をも兼ね備えていたことが知られるのである。An especially large number of examples of bracelet-shaped stone articles have been found among burial sites situated inside tombs dating over a period of about four centuries from the Early Kofun (Tumulus) period through to its early Middle period. Each of the three types of bracelet-shaped stone articles ― made from stone used for hoes, bracelets and wheels (kuwagataishi鍬形石・ishikushiro石釧・sharinseki車輪石)― can be traced back to the shell bracelets made of shells from the South Seas during the Yayoi period. They are regarded as artifacts that symbolize priests whose occupation was to worship Japanese gods (kami). Accordingly, people who were buried with an especially large quantity of bracelet-shaped stone articles are understood to have been chieftains with a magical and religious character. This paper examines examples of large quantities of bracelet-shaped stone articles excavated from one burial site inside tombs, and investigates the positions of such burial sites inside the same tomb, and examines the relationship between political-military chieftainship and magical-religious chieftainship that existed at a certain time in the history of chieftainship.First, an examination of examples of a large quantity of bracelet-shaped stone articles from single burial sites reveals that they fall into two distinct categories: those that are accompanied by virtually no weapons or armor (Type A), and those that are accompanied by large quantities of weapons and armor (Type B). It goes without saying that the former are chieftains with a magical-religious role, while the later are chieftains who played a political-military role combined with some magical-religious elements. Of those that fall into the first category, there is an extremely high possibility that the people who were buried were women, as exemplified by the clay coffin from the front section of the Shimanoyama tomb in Kawanishi-cho, Nara Prefecture. Next, an examination of the positional relationship where both types are located inside the same tomb shows that where there is one centrally positioned burial site inside the tombs, some articles belong to Type B and some belong to Type A, in one tomb there are Type A and Type B burial sites, one where both are virtually equal, and one where Type B clearly has a dominant position. When synthesizing this information we find that during this period a dual religious-secular system of chieftainship comprising a combination of political-military chieftainship and magical-religious chieftainship was not a special phenomenon at all. What is more, in instances where one person held the chieftainship, that chief possessed both large quantities of weapons and armor together with many bracelet-shaped stone articles, indicating that the chief possessed a priest-like power as well.
白石 太一郎 酒井 龍一 植野 浩三 千田 嘉博 碓井 照子 岸本 直文 福永 伸哉

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.93-118, 2003-10-31

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.44, pp.21-51, 1992-03-31

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.80, pp.73-95, 1999-03

墓室の内部の壁画や彫刻などが,何らかの意味でその墓を造営した人びとの他界観・来世観を反映していることはいうまでもない。この小論は,九州の装飾古墳を取り上げ,そこに表現されている絵画や彫刻の意味を追究し,その背景にある人びとの他界観を追究したものである。北・中九州の装飾古墳は,石棺系,石障系,壁画系の順に展開する。このうち5世紀代に盛行する石棺系や石障系の装飾古墳の中心となる図文は,魂を封じ込めたりまた悪しきものから被葬者を護る辟邪の機能をもつと考えられた直弧文と鏡を表わす同心円文である。やがてこれに武器・武具の図文が加わるが,これも辟邪の意味をもつものであった。また直弧文はその弧線の部分を省略した斜交線文となり,その後の装飾古墳で多用される連続三角文へと変化して行く。6世紀になると墓室内部に彩色壁画を描いた壁画系の装飾古墳が出現する。そこでも基本的なモチーフは5世紀以来の辟邪の図文であるが,新しく船や馬の絵が加わる。船のなかには大洋を航海する大船もみられ,舳先に鳥をとまらせたり,馬を乗せたものもみられる。この船と馬は死者ないしその霊魂を来世に運ぶ乗り物として描かれたものであり,海上他界の思想がこの地域の人びとの間に存在したことを物語る。6世紀後半には,一部に四神の図や月の象徴としてのヒキガエルの絵など高句麗など東アジアの古墳壁画の影響もみられるが,それは部分的なものにとどまった。一方,南九州の地下式横穴には,この地下の墓室を家屋にみたてた装飾が多用される。これはこの地域の人びとの間に地下に他界を求める思想があったことを示すものであろう。同じ九州でも北・中部と南部では,人びとの来世観に大きな相違があっことが知られるのであり,北・中九州の海上他界の考えは,海に開かれ,また東アジア諸地域との海上交易に活躍したこの地域の人びとの間で形成されたものと理解できよう。No one doubts that paintings and sculptures in a burial chamber would be a reflection of the views on death and the other world believed in by people who constructed the tomb. In this essay, I intend to discuss the meaning expressed in the paintings and sculptures of decorated tombs in Kyushu. Ultimately, I hope to approach the philosophy on death and the other world that is behind these art pieces. I will show that such philosophy was quite distinct between northern and middle Kyushu and southern Kyushu. In northern and middle Kyushu, while the ways in which tombs were decorated changed over time, the basic philosophy remained the same.The decorated tombs in northern and middle Kyushu evolved from ones characterized by decorated stone coffins, and then to those featured by a decorated stone partitioning wall inside a burial chamber, and finally to those with mural paintings.In the fifth century when decorated stone coffins and partitioning walls were prevalent, the most dominant subjects were chokkomon (combination of straight lines and arcs) and concentric circles. The former is considered to have the function of quelling the evil to confine the soul into the burial chamber and to protect the dead against evil spirit. The latter probably symbolized a mirror. As time passed, designs of weapon and armor were added to the subjects, and these also had the function of quelling the evil. Chokkomon evolved into diagonally intersecting straight lines, losing the arcs. This eventually developed into a pattern of series of triangles that would become common in later decorated tombs.In the sixth century, tombs with mural paintings appeared. The basic motif of the paintings remained that of quelling the evil. At the same time, boats and horses were adopted as subjects. Some of the boats were so large that would be appropriate to sail on the ocean. Birds perched at the bows and horses were on board. These boats and horses were meant to be a vehicle for carrying the soul to the other world. This further suggests that people in the sixth century maintained a view that the other world was located far away over the ocean.In the late sixth century, four directional deities and a toad, which was the symbol of the moon, were adopted to the subjects. The adoption was under the influence of the Asian continent, including Koguryo, but it was minor. However, the attention of the people in northern and middle Kyushu to the ocean in pursuit of their world after death probably resulted from their international interactions.In southern Kyushu underground tunnel tombs were constructed. The underground burial chambers were decorated so that the chambers looked like a residence. People in southern Kyushu sought their world after the death underground.
白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.112, pp.3-24, 2004-02

小論は、歴博の基幹研究「地域社会における基層信仰の歴史的研究」に関連して実施した奈良県の中世以来現在まで利用が続く墓地の調査成果に基づいて、中・近世の大和における墓地の利用形態の変遷、すなわち墓地景観の変遷過程とその意味を考察したものである。奈良盆地では、現在も複数の大字、すなわち近世村が墓郷を形成し、大規模な共同墓地である「郷墓」を営む場合が多い。その多くは、墓地としては中世の中頃までには成立しており、中世後半には五輪塔などの石塔が盛んに造立された。これらの郷墓では近世初頭以降、墓郷を構成する複数の村ごとに墓域を分割するとともに、遺骸埋葬地と石塔造立地を異にする両墓制的な墓地利用が行われたと想定される。これに対し奈良盆地の東南方の宇陀地域では、墓地は現在も大字単位に営まれるのが基本であり、ごく最近まで両墓制的慣行が行われていた。またこの地域は中世墓地の発掘調査例が多いが、それら発掘例では火葬ないし土葬の埋葬を行った上に石塔が立てられており、単墓制の墓地であった。それらの多くは在地武士層の一統墓であり、豊臣政権の支配の確立とともに廃絶したものと想定される。一方現在まで継続して利用されている墓地は、ほとんどすべて近世に成立したものであり、中世から近世へ続く墓地はほとんど見いだせない。宇陀地域では、中世の在地武士層の血縁的な一統墓から近世の地縁的な村落墓地へと大きく転換しているのである。盆地部の郷墓は宇陀の中世墓地とは異なり、すでに中世の段階から地域の共同墓地であった。おそらく平安時代には成立していたと想定される地域の葬地をもとに、一三世紀頃に律宗の僧侶などによって葬送祭祀のための講の組織化が進められて「惣墓」となり、さらに新しく成立した近世村を基本的構成単位とする「郷墓」に変化したものと想定される。また盆地部でも宇陀でも、近世初頭前後に単墓制から両墓制へという大きな変化が共通してみられるが、これは遺骸の処理を村で行い、祖先祭祀のための石塔の造立を家で行うという矛盾が生み出したものにほかならない。このように大和では、中世から近世にかけて墓地の景観自体が大きく変化している。こうした墓地景観の大きな変化は、宗教的・信仰的要因、血縁から地縁へという社会の大きな変化や家の成立といった社会的要因、さらに近世的支配の成立とそれにともなう村の確立といった政治的要因などが複雑に作用した結果にほかならない。This paper considers changes in the types of use of graveyards, that is, the process of change in their appearance that occurred in Yamato during the Medieval period and Early Modern period. The study is based on the results of studies of graveyards in Nara Prefecture that have been in use from the Medieval period through to the present day carried out in relation to one of the National Museum of Japanese History's basic research themes "Historical Analysis on Basic Beliefs in Local Societies".Even today, there exist in the Nara basin many instances in which several large villages from the Early Modern period encompass a local graveyard and run it as a large communal graveyard. Most of these were established as graveyards by the middle of the Medieval period, and during the second half of the same period the erection of gravestones that were five-tiered stone monuments that symbolized the five main elements (earth, water, fire, wind and air) of esoteric Buddhism became common. It is assumed that some time after the beginning of the Early Modern period, these communal graveyards were divided into separate graveyards for each of the villages and that in the early stage of that period the adoption of a dual grave system became common whereby a distinction was made between the burial area where the remains of the dead were buried and the gravestone area. Still, it is no easy task to locate materials for examining the way in which these graveyards were used during the Medieval period.In contrast, in the Uda district in the southeast of the Nara basin it is normal even today for graveyards to be operated in the earlier form of a communal graveyard, and until very recently the dual grave system was customary. There are many examples of archeological surveys of medieval graveyards in this region, which have shown that a single grave system had been adopted whereby remains were either cremated or buried and a gravestone erected over the site. It is believed that these were family burial plots of the samurai class and that they disappeared with the rise to power of the Toyotomi regime. However, nearly all the graveyards that are in operation in the region today were established during the Early Modern period, so that virtually no graveyards that continued operating from the Medieval period into the Early Modern period can be found. In other words, a huge change took place in the Uda region as the family graves of the samurai class from the Medieval period came to be replaced by graveyards that served local villages.Communal graveyards in the Nara basin area differ from the medieval graveyards of Uda in that by the Medieval period they were already local communal graveyards. This probably is due to the creation of communal graveyards that came about with the systemization of funeral services as a result of efforts by priests of the Buddhist Ritsu Sect around the 13th century centered on local burial grounds thought to have been established during the Heian period. It is believed that these later became local graveyards that were a fundamental structural unit of Early Modern villages that became established under a new system of control Even though both the Nara basin area and Uda underwent a huge change over to the dual grave system from the single grave system around the beginning of the Early Modern period, this can only be the product of a contradiction that was created by the disposal of remains being taken care of in the village while gravestones for worshipping ancestors were built at family homes.As seen by the above, the appearance of graveyards itself was subject to huge change in Yamato from the Medieval period to the Early Modern period. In conclusion, this paper argues that these huge changes were caused by the complex interaction of factors related to religion and folk beliefs, social factors that saw a huge social change occur when groups based on blood ties were replaced by groups based on residence and the establishment of the Ie system, as well as political factors in which the formation of the regime in the Early Modern period was accompanied by the establishment of villages.