岡 惠介
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.87, pp.217-236, 2001-03

北上山地の山村ではかつて凶作・飢饉が頻発し,藩の重税や耕地面積の狭さもあって,通年分の食料をいかに確保するかは最重要の課題であった。北上山地の山村の人々の多くは地域の野生植物を最大限に利用し,山を開墾して耕地面積を広げることによって,不足しがちな食料を確保してきた[岡 1990]。このような戦略を「居住地域内完結型生存戦略」ととらえ,東北の山村では一般的な戦略だとする意見もある[名本 1996]。筆者の調査地である北上山地の山村・岩泉町安家においては,戦後の食糧難の時代にも,シタミ(ナラ類の堅果)がアク抜きして利用され,焼畑が開墾された。これらは藩政時代の飢饉時の対応とほぼ同じであり,いわば100年以上の有効性を持ち得た持続可能性の高い戦略であった。この戦略をとるためには,東北地方の中でも北上山地に集中して分布する,広大なミズナラ林[青野ら 1975]の存在が不可欠であった。そして藩政時代のたたら製鉄や昭和10年以降の製炭産業の経営にも,豊かなミズナラ林が必要であった。安家にも出稼ぎは明治期から一部にあった。しかしこの居住地域外を志向する生存戦略が拡大しなかったのは,明治以降に発達した地頭名子制度によって,村人が小作・名子化していったことと,農村恐慌対策による通年稼働型の製炭産業の隆盛が大きかった。農村恐慌の時代には,東北農村からの娘の身売りが問題になった。しかし安家では,食料の確保が難しかった家は村内の富裕層に子供を奉公に出したため,外部への娘の身売りはなかった。また山村の富裕層は,平地農村の娘を引き取って育てることもあった。これらが可能だったのはまだ山村の経済がかなり自給的だったためで,その自給性を畑作・焼畑と共に支えたミズナラ林の存在は大きい。富裕層は小作・名子の労働によって豊かだったのであり,その小作・名子の生存を支えた柱の一つとしてシタミがあったからである。In the villages of the Kitakami mountains, there used to be frequent harvest failure and famine, and due to the heavy fief tax and the small acreage under cultivation, it was the most important task how to secure annual food. Many people of the communities have made the maximum use of regional wild plants, and have opened ground in the mountains under cultivation, thus they have secured necessary food (OKA, 1990). Activities of this kind are considered as the "surviving strategy completed within the quarters", and some scholars think it quite common in mountain communities of the Northeast of Japan (NAMOTO, 1996).The author of this paper has conducted fieldwork at Akka, Iwaizumicho, a small community in the Kitakami mountains. There, after the Second World War in the difficult period of obtaining food, people utilized shitami (acorn), after removal of harshness and opened land by the slash-and-burn method. These were almost the same as the ways to cope with famine during the period of the feudal government. This strategy had high potentiality of long duration, which actually had more than one hundred years of effectivity. In order to work out this strategy, the vast forest of mizunara (a kind of oak) was indispensable (AONO and others, 1975), which intensively distributed in the Kitakami mountains among areas in the Northeast of Japan. The mizunara forest was also necessary for the iron manufacturing with foot bellows in the feudal days and the charcoal making business after 1935.In Akka like other places in the Northeast of Japan, some people worked away from home (dekasegi) since the Meiji period. However, this outside-the-quarter surviving strategy did not flourish in Akka, mainly because the villagers turned into tenants and serfs (kosaku and nago) under the jito-nago system developed from the Meiji period, and the whole year operated charcoal business grew prosperous by the countermeasures to the farming community crisis.At the time of impoverishment of rural communities, it became an issue that young girls from the Northeast farming villages sold themselves into bondage. But in Akka, families which had difficulties securing food sent out their children into service of the wealthy classes, then there were no girls who sold themselves into outside bondage. Moreover, the wealthy classes in mountain communities sometimes took over girls from agricultural communities and brought them up. These were possible because the mountain village economy was still fairly self-supporting, and the existence of mizunara forest was quite important, which sustained this self-support together with dry field farming and slash-and-burn agriculture. In other words, the wealthy classes were rich because of the existence of kosaku and nagoy and shitami was one of the means which sustained the self-support of kosaku and nago.
春成 秀爾
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.219-242, 2003-10

2000年11月,日本考古学は「前・中期旧石器遺跡」捏造事件の発覚という,未曾有の学問的・精神的打撃をうけた。事件発覚前に一部の研究者から疑いがかけられていたにもかかわらず,奏功せず,新聞社が隠し撮った映像によって初めて捏造を認めなければならなかった。日本考古学には偽造を見抜く鑑識眼,つまり資料批判の精神とそれを議論する諸条件が十分に発達していなかったと認めるほかない。ここでとりあげる日本の偽造例は,研究者による最初の調査と報告がずさんであったために,数十年にわたって,考古資料として通用してきたものである。イギリスのピルトダウン人骨事件をはじめとして,科学の世界,そして人間の社会には捏造は珍しくない。今回の捏造事件について真に反省する,再発を防止しようというのであれば,考古学の諸分野に適用できる鑑識眼を養成すること,偽造の鑑識結果を発表できる場を用意し,反論できなければ,それを素直に受け入れるという勇気と覚悟をもつことが必要である。偽造や誤断を指摘することが憚られるような学界や人間の気持ちをのりこえたところに,捏造事件後の日本考古学の未来は初めて開けてくるだろう。In November 2000, the Japanese archaeological community received an unparalleled shock in both scholarly and psychological terms with the revelation of the hoax concerning the "Early and Middle-Palaeolithic Finds" in Miyagi Prefecture and Hokkaido. Despite the doubts expressed by some researchers before this hoax was exposed, these had no effect and it was only when a newspaper company took hidden video footage that the scholar involved had to confess to the hoax. There is no choice but to acknowledge that the Japanese archaeological fraternity lacks the critical acumen required to see through such fakes, in that the spirit of critiquing data and the various conditions for debating these data have not been sufficiently developed.In the case of the example of Japanese fakes cited in this paper, the data were accepted as archaeological data for several decades owing to carelessness on behalf of scholars regarding the initial survey and reports.Such fakes are not rare in the scientific world, nor in human society, with the "Piltdown Man" incident in Britain as but one example. If we are to reflect seriously on this recent hoax in Japan and adopt measures to prevent a recurrence, we must foster some kind of system of appraisal that can be applied to the various fields of archaeology, establish a forum where the detection of such fakes can be made public, and, if a counterargument cannot be offered, have the courage and resolve to accept the situation without demur. It will only be when the world of academia and people's sensitivities have overcome their hesitation to point out fakes and misjudgments that, in this post-hoax era, the Japanese archaeological world will be able to lay claim to a future.
白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.93-118, 2003-10

古墳時代前期から中期初めにかけての4世紀前後の古墳の埋葬例のうちには,特に多量の腕輪形石製品をともなうものがある。鍬形石・石釧・車輪石の三種の腕輪形石製品は,いづれも弥生時代に南海産の貝で作られていた貝輪に起源するもので,神をまつる職能を持った司祭者を象徴する遺物と捉えられている。したがって,こうした特に多量の腕輪形石製品を持った被葬者は,呪術的・宗教的な性格の首長と考えられる。小論は,古墳の一つの埋葬施設から多量の腕輪形石製品が出土した例を取り上げて検討するとともに,一つの古墳の中でそうした埋葬施設の占める位置を検証し,一代の首長権のなかでの政治的・軍事的首長権と呪術的・宗教的首長権の関係を考察したものである。まず,一つの埋葬施設で多量の腕輪形石製品を持つ例を検討すると,武器・武具をほとんど伴わないもの(A類)と,多量の武器・武具を伴うもの(B類)の二者に明確に分離できる。前者が呪術的・宗教的首長であり,後者が呪術的・宗教的性格をも併せもつ政治的・軍事的首長であることはいうまでもなかろう。前者の中には,奈良県川西町島の山古墳前方部粘土槨のように,その被葬者が女性である可能性がきわめて高いものもある。次に両者が一つの古墳のなかで占める位置関係をみると,古墳の中心的な埋葬施設が1基でそれがB類であるもの,一つの古墳にA類とB類の埋葬施設があり,両者がほぼ同格のもの,明らかにB類が優位に立つものなどがある。それらを総合すると,この時期には政治的・軍事的首長権と呪術的・宗教的首長権の組合せで一代の首長権が成り立つ聖俗二重首長制が決して特殊なものではなかったことは明らかである。また一人の人物が首長権を掌握している場合でも,その首長は大量の武器・武具とともに多量の腕輪形石製品をもち,司祭者的権能をも兼ね備えていたことが知られるのである。An especially large number of examples of bracelet-shaped stone articles have been found among burial sites situated inside tombs dating over a period of about four centuries from the Early Kofun (Tumulus) period through to its early Middle period. Each of the three types of bracelet-shaped stone articles ― made from stone used for hoes, bracelets and wheels (kuwagataishi鍬形石・ishikushiro石釧・sharinseki車輪石)― can be traced back to the shell bracelets made of shells from the South Seas during the Yayoi period. They are regarded as artifacts that symbolize priests whose occupation was to worship Japanese gods (kami). Accordingly, people who were buried with an especially large quantity of bracelet-shaped stone articles are understood to have been chieftains with a magical and religious character. This paper examines examples of large quantities of bracelet-shaped stone articles excavated from one burial site inside tombs, and investigates the positions of such burial sites inside the same tomb, and examines the relationship between political-military chieftainship and magical-religious chieftainship that existed at a certain time in the history of chieftainship.First, an examination of examples of a large quantity of bracelet-shaped stone articles from single burial sites reveals that they fall into two distinct categories: those that are accompanied by virtually no weapons or armor (Type A), and those that are accompanied by large quantities of weapons and armor (Type B). It goes without saying that the former are chieftains with a magical-religious role, while the later are chieftains who played a political-military role combined with some magical-religious elements. Of those that fall into the first category, there is an extremely high possibility that the people who were buried were women, as exemplified by the clay coffin from the front section of the Shimanoyama tomb in Kawanishi-cho, Nara Prefecture. Next, an examination of the positional relationship where both types are located inside the same tomb shows that where there is one centrally positioned burial site inside the tombs, some articles belong to Type B and some belong to Type A, in one tomb there are Type A and Type B burial sites, one where both are virtually equal, and one where Type B clearly has a dominant position. When synthesizing this information we find that during this period a dual religious-secular system of chieftainship comprising a combination of political-military chieftainship and magical-religious chieftainship was not a special phenomenon at all. What is more, in instances where one person held the chieftainship, that chief possessed both large quantities of weapons and armor together with many bracelet-shaped stone articles, indicating that the chief possessed a priest-like power as well.
五十川 伸矢
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.68, pp.51-76, 1996-03

古代平安京や中世京都とその周辺の葬地となった地域の墓の考古学的資料をもとにして,都市とその周辺における墓の歴史的展開について考えてみたい。平安京では,その京域内に墓を作らせなかったため,その周辺の山野に葬地が次第に形成されていった。古代には天皇や貴族などの人々の墓がみとめられるが,当初は墓参のないものであった。一般庶民は,その遺体を河原に遺棄されるものであったといわれており,墓が作られたとしても簡単なものであったらしい。12世紀にはいって,都市の外周部の葬地には,集団的な墓地が顕在化し,中世的墓制が確立していったとみられる。木棺に伸展葬される形態が主流であり,古代の墓の伝統が続いていた。13世紀にはいると,都市の内部にも墓が作られて,そのなかには,都市が解体して墓地が形成されるのではなく,都市空間を前提として墓地が営まれるものもあった。ここに京域内に墓を作ることを禁じた古代からの伝統はついえた。墓の形態には,土葬では屈葬の木棺があらわれ,火葬骨は各種の蔵骨器に納入された。15世紀には,さらに墓の遺跡が増加し,墓を作りえた人々が増したことがうかがえ,直葬の形態をもつ土壙墓が,ややめだつようである。その背後には葬式仏教化した寺院があり,庶民のあいだにも累代の墓をもち,墓参をおこなう風が成立しつつあったとみてよい。16世紀には政治的に都市再編がおこなわれ,都市の空間設定に変化が生じると,その墓地や火葬場も運命をともにし,移動をよぎなくされるものもあった。こうして,近世・近代へとつながる墓のありかたが定着していった。Utilizing data from grave site excavations in the Kyoto area, this research traces the history of grave systems in the capital city through the Ancient and Medieval Periods. During the Ancient Period, the government did not permit graves in the Heiankyo city. This was most likely due to the impurity that was believed to surround death. Emperors and aristocrats were buried in undeveloped areas surrounding the city, but it is said that the bodies of commoners were simply left on the riverbed.In the 12th century, the collective graveyards that characterize the Medieval Period began to appear. The practice of extended burials in wooden coffins was carried over from the Ancient Period. During the 13th century, graveyards were provided within the city, breaking the centuries old taboo mentioned above. Some of these graves were flexed or crouched burials in coffins, but bones of the deceased were also buried in various funerary urns after cremation.During the 15th century, straight burials without coffins increased. This trend may reflect the fact that a greater percentage of the population was being buried. Buddhist temples began to manage graveyards, and many commoners also started to utilize family graves, which they visited periodically to pay respects to their ancestors. In the 16th century, however, the urban areas were reorganized, and many graveyards and crematoriums were forced to move. By this time, the foundation for the modern system of graveyards and burials had been formed.
五十川 伸矢
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.68, pp.51-76, 1996-03

古代平安京や中世京都とその周辺の葬地となった地域の墓の考古学的資料をもとにして,都市とその周辺における墓の歴史的展開について考えてみたい。平安京では,その京域内に墓を作らせなかったため,その周辺の山野に葬地が次第に形成されていった。古代には天皇や貴族などの人々の墓がみとめられるが,当初は墓参のないものであった。一般庶民は,その遺体を河原に遺棄されるものであったといわれており,墓が作られたとしても簡単なものであったらしい。12世紀にはいって,都市の外周部の葬地には,集団的な墓地が顕在化し,中世的墓制が確立していったとみられる。木棺に伸展葬される形態が主流であり,古代の墓の伝統が続いていた。13世紀にはいると,都市の内部にも墓が作られて,そのなかには,都市が解体して墓地が形成されるのではなく,都市空間を前提として墓地が営まれるものもあった。ここに京域内に墓を作ることを禁じた古代からの伝統はついえた。墓の形態には,土葬では屈葬の木棺があらわれ,火葬骨は各種の蔵骨器に納入された。15世紀には,さらに墓の遺跡が増加し,墓を作りえた人々が増したことがうかがえ,直葬の形態をもつ土壙墓が,ややめだつようである。その背後には葬式仏教化した寺院があり,庶民のあいだにも累代の墓をもち,墓参をおこなう風が成立しつつあったとみてよい。16世紀には政治的に都市再編がおこなわれ,都市の空間設定に変化が生じると,その墓地や火葬場も運命をともにし,移動をよぎなくされるものもあった。こうして,近世・近代へとつながる墓のありかたが定着していった。Utilizing data from grave site excavations in the Kyoto area, this research traces the history of grave systems in the capital city through the Ancient and Medieval Periods. During the Ancient Period, the government did not permit graves in the Heiankyo city. This was most likely due to the impurity that was believed to surround death. Emperors and aristocrats were buried in undeveloped areas surrounding the city, but it is said that the bodies of commoners were simply left on the riverbed.In the 12th century, the collective graveyards that characterize the Medieval Period began to appear. The practice of extended burials in wooden coffins was carried over from the Ancient Period. During the 13th century, graveyards were provided within the city, breaking the centuries old taboo mentioned above. Some of these graves were flexed or crouched burials in coffins, but bones of the deceased were also buried in various funerary urns after cremation.During the 15th century, straight burials without coffins increased. This trend may reflect the fact that a greater percentage of the population was being buried. Buddhist temples began to manage graveyards, and many commoners also started to utilize family graves, which they visited periodically to pay respects to their ancestors. In the 16th century, however, the urban areas were reorganized, and many graveyards and crematoriums were forced to move. By this time, the foundation for the modern system of graveyards and burials had been formed.
井上 宗一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.225-249, 2011-03

西村 明
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.147, pp.65-76, 2008-12

本稿は、アジア・太平洋戦争期の宗教学・宗教研究の動向、とくに戦時下の日本宗教学会の状況と、当時の学会誌に表れた戦争にかんする研究の二つに焦点をあて、当時の宗教学・宗教研究のおかれた社会的ポジションの理解を試みるものである。戦時期の一九三〇年・四〇年代前半は、日本宗教学会の草創期にあたり、宗教をとりまく大きな状況の変化が起った時期でもあった。学術大会における会長挨拶では、同時代の状況にたいする当事者的参加が要請され、諸宗教の理解という学問的関心の社会的意義が強調されたが、それは同時に本国や占領地等における政府の宗教統制・宗教政策と奇妙な同調を見せる結果となっている。一九四〇年前後に『宗教研究』誌に登場した、戦時下の宗教現象にかんする論考は、千人針などの当時の前線・銃後の日本人たちの宗教的・民俗的営みを視野に入れたものであったが、あくまで戦争遂行や天皇にたいする尊崇を第一義とするような体制的な価値判断に基づくものであったと言える。In this paper, I would like to try to understand the social position of religious studies in Japan under the Asian-Pacific War, focusing upon that situation of the Japanese Association of Religious Studies and the war researches appearing upon the Journal of Religious Studies.1930's and the former half of 40's were the pioneer days of the Association and also the days when the religious situation had changed drastically. In his address in the meeting, the president made a request for the engagement as interested parties to the members and a point of the meaning in the society of the academic interest in religions, which eventually came around with the religious policy of the Japanese government.The papers dealing with religious phenomena under the war appeared on the Journal around 1940. They were based upon the framework of social order which placed first priority upon the conduct of the war and the reverence for the Emperor although they brought the religious and folk practices of Japanese people in that situation into view.
鋤柄 俊夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.48, pp.p161-239, 1993-03

大阪府南河内郡美原町とその周辺の地域は,特に平安時代後期から南北朝期にかけて活躍した「河内鋳物師」の本貫地として知られている。これまでその研究は主に金石文と文献史料を中心にすすめられてきたが,この地域の発掘調査が進む中で,鋳造遺跡および同時代の集落跡などが発見され,考古学の面からもその実態に近づきつつある。ところで従来調査されてきた奈良時代以降の鋳造遺跡は,寺院または官衙に伴う場合が多く,分析の対象は梵鐘鋳造土坑と炉または仏具関係鋳型とスラグなどが中心とされていた。一方河内丹南の鋳造遺跡についてみれば,鍋などの鋳型片および炉壁・スラグ片は一般集落を構成する遺構群の中から出土し,炉基部をはじめとする鋳造関連施設の痕跡もその一部で検出される。これらは鋳造施設をともなった中世集落遺跡の中の問題なのである。そしてこの地域の集落遺跡は,河内丹南の鋳物師の本貫地であったという記録と深く関わっている可能性が強いのである。小論はこの前提に立ち,丹南の中世村落を復原する中で特に職能民の集落に注目し,それが文献史研究の成果により示されている河内鋳物師の特殊な社会的存在とどのように関わってくるのかを考えたものである。考察は中世村落研究と鋳造遺跡研究の2点に分けられる。前者では,灌漑条件を前提とした歴史地理と景観復原の方法から村落の成立環境を,文献記録と遺跡の数量化分析から村落の配置と規模および古代から近世にかけての移動を復原した。後者では,全国の鋳造遺跡の整理から遺構の特徴,日置荘遺跡の検討から遺物の特徴を抽出し,鋳造作業における不定型土坑と倉庫空間の重要性および,鋳造集団がもつ特殊な流通について指摘した。これらの分析から,丹南の村落は成立環境の異なる条件により,少なくとも2つの異なった変化過程を示す可能性があり,それぞれに付属する鋳造集落においても同様な傾向のみられることがわかった。この仮説について,小論では日置荘遺跡をモデルとした鋳物師村落の景観復原を例に提示しておいたが,丹南鋳物師の2つの系統との関連の問題とあわせて,今後社会史的に復原検討されるべき課題とされよう。The area in and around Mihara Town in Kawachi County, Osaka, is known as the home of the "Kawachi iron founders", who were active from the later Heian Period to the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Studies on this region have been made mainly based on inscriptions on stone monuments, and bibliographical materials; however, as excavational investigations in this region have progressed, founding sites and contemporary settlement sites have been discovered, enabling studies to be made from an archaeological approach.Now, most founding sites from the Nara Period onward which have so far been investigated were for the most part annexed to temples or provincial government offices, and the main objects of analyses have been earthen pits for temple-bell casting, furnaces, molds connected with Buddhist alter fittings, and slag. However, from founding sites in Tannan, Kawachi, fragments of molds for cooking pots etc., furnace walls and slag have been excavated from groups of structures that constituted ordinary settlements; traces of foundry-related facilities have also been detected from some of them. These were found within the sites of medieval settlements accompanying foundry facilities. It is also highly possible that the settlement sites in this region are closely related to the records that Tannan, Kawachi, was the home of iron founders.On the basis of the above assumption, the author, in this paper, focuses on the settlement of craftsmen as he reconstructs the medieval villages of Tannan, and considers how they related to the special social being of Kawachi iron founders shown in the results of bibliographical studies.This study can be divided into two parts, on medieval villages and on founding sites. In the former, the author restores the environment in which villages came into being, by means of historical geography and scenic restoration assuming conditions of irrigation, and also restores the location and scale of villages, and their movement from the Ancient to the Modern Period, using bibliographical records and quantitative analysis of sites. In the latter, the author picks out the characteristics of remaining structures through an arrangement of founding sites nationwide, and those of remaining articles through an examination of the Hioki-no-shō Site; he also points out the importance of non-fixed type earthen pits and warehouse space in founding works, and the special distribution system of the iron founding groups.These analyses made it clear that the villages in Tannan probably had at least two different processes of change according to the different conditions of the environment in which they came into being, and that the same trend can be seen in the iron founding settlements that were attached to them. Concerning this hypothesis, the author presents an example of the reconstructed scenery of an iron founders' village, modeled after the Hioki-no-shō. This will probably be taken up as a matter for sociological restoration and examination, together with the question of its relation with the two lineages of Tannan iron founders.一部非公開情報あり
高橋 照彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.94, pp.371-407, 2002-03

上野 和男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.106, pp.137-145, 2003-03

高橋 敏
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.115, pp.61-82, 2004-02

藤尾 慎一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.68, pp.215-251, 1996-03

西本 豊弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.50, pp.p49-70, 1993-02

弥生時代のブタの形質について,家畜化現象を見るポイントを説明した後,第1頚椎と上顎第3後臼歯の計測値を中心に検討した。まず,第1頚椎の形態では,朝日遺跡の資料によって,イノシシとブタを区別できることを示した。第1頚椎の上部は,イノシシでは高くなるのに対してブタでは低くなる。縄文時代や現代のイノシシの計測値を参考にすると,高さが長さの58%よりも高いものはイノシシで,それよりも低いものはブタと推定された。これは,ブタが餌を与えられるために,イノシシよりも首の筋肉を使う程度が低く,そのため首の筋肉の発達が弱くなり,それにしたがって骨の発達も悪くなるのではないかと思われる。この基準に従えば,朝日遺跡ではイノシシ類の15%がイノシシで85%がブタということになった。次に上顎第3後臼歯では,縄文時代のイノシシに比べて弥生時代のイノシシ類では小さくなっていることが明らかとなった。この縮小の程度は,縄文時代以降のイノシシの縮小の程度と比べてみても大きい。気候変化や人口増加・狩猟圧などを含む島嶼化現象だけではなく,家畜化の影響が歯を小さくした大きな要因ではないかと推測された。その他の部位では,これまでにも述べているように,ブタでは頭蓋骨が高くなることを,下郡桑苗遺跡出土の資料で説明した。また,下顎骨では連合部と下顎骨底部の延長線の成す角度が,ブタではイノシシに比べて大きくなることを説明した。The author first explains the points to note in the phenomena of the domestication of the pig in the Yayoi period, then examines their physical character, centering on the measurements of the first cervical vertebrae and of the third molar of the upper jaw. With the shape of the first cervical vertebrae, the author show that the wild boar and the pig can be distinguished according to the materials excavated from the Asahi Site. The upper part of the first cervical vertebrae is high in the wild boar, and low in the pig. Referring to the measurements of wild boars of the Jōmon period and of the present, it was deduced that those in which the height of the first cervical vertebrae was more than 58% of the length were wild boars, and those in which the height was less than 58% of the length were pigs. The reason for this may be as follows: Since pigs were given their food, their neck muscles developed less than wild boars, and thus their neck bones also developed less well. According to this standard, among the genus of Sus at the Asahi Site, 15% were boars and 85% pigs.Next, an examination of the third molar of the upper jaw made it clear that the tooth of the sus in the Yayoi period was smaller than that of the Jōmon period. The degree of reduction was great even in comparison with the degree of reduction in wild boars seen after the Jōmon period. Not only the islanding phenomena, including climatic change, increase in human population and pressure from hunting, but also the influence of domestication, is thought to have been a large factor in the reduction in size of the tooth. As for other parts of the body, the author uses the materials of Shimogoori-Kuwanae to explain that the cranium of the pig became higher. The author further explains that the angle made by the extension of the copula and the bottom part of the mandible was larger in pigs than in wild boars.
鈴木 茂
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.81, pp.131-139, 1999-03

神奈川県鎌倉市においては,12世紀末の鎌倉幕府開府以来,それまでの農村的イメージから軍事都市へと急変した。この鎌倉の発展にともなって行われた大規模な土地開発と木材利用により鎌倉周辺の森林は多大な影響をうけたことが花粉分析から明らかとなってきた。以下に,(1)永福寺跡,(2)北条高時邸跡の花粉分析結果を示し,鎌倉における鎌倉時代の森林破壊について述べる。 (1)永福寺跡 13世紀初めから前半頃まではスギ,コナラ属アカガシ亜属,シイノキ属―マテバシイ属が優勢であった(花粉化石群集帯Y-Ⅰ)。13世紀中頃から後半の期間はスギが衰退し,マツ属複維管束亜属とコナラ属コナラ亜属が増加した(Y-Ⅱ)。13世紀後半以降ではアカガシ亜属やシイノキ属―マテバシイ属も衰退し,マツ属複維管束亜属が優占するようになった(Y-Ⅲ)。 (2)北条高時邸跡 13世紀前半まではスギ,アカガシ亜属,シイノキ属―マテバシイ属が優勢であった(花粉化石群集帯H-Ⅰ)。13世紀後半~14世紀?の期間はスギ,アカガシ亜属,シイノキ属―マテバシイ属が衰退し,ニレ属―ケヤキ属,エノキ属―ムクノキ属が優勢となり,マツ属複維管束亜属も増加した(H-Ⅱ)。15世紀以降ではニレ属―ケヤキ属,エノキ属―ムクノキ属も衰退し,マツ属複維管束亜属が優勢となった(H-Ⅲ)。このように,13世紀の前半から後半にかけて鎌倉の森林植生が大きく変わることが明らかとなってきた。この期間の鎌倉は大きく発展し,都市整備が盛んに行われた。また,鎌倉の発展にともない木材利用も増大した。以上のように,開府後しばらくした13世紀前半から後半にかけて鎌倉では都市整備・木材利用などにより植生破壊が進み,スギ,アカガシ亜属,シイノキ属―マテバシイ属からマツ属複維管束亜属へと植生の交代がみられた。
海津 一朗
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.152, pp.357-370, 2009-03

篠川 賢
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.44, pp.p119-147, 1992-03

『先代旧事本紀』巻10に収められる「国造本紀」は,序文と本文からなり,本文には130ほどの国造名が掲げられ,そのそれぞれに国造の設置時期と,初代国造の系譜を記した伝文が載せられている。本稿は,そのうちの系譜部分の史料性を検討し,それを通して「国造本紀」の成立過程を考察したものである。「国造本紀」の国造系譜が,単に『古事記』『日本書紀』などの古文献にみえる国造系譜の寄せ集めではないこと,また『先代旧事本紀』の編者による創作でもないことは,今日一般的に認められている。本稿では,まず「国造本紀」の国造系譜を『古事記』『日本書紀』のそれと比較検討することによって,この点を改めて確認した。次いで「国造本紀」の国造系譜の内容・表記等に検討を加え,それは,基本的には各国造氏が実際に称えてきたところの系譜を伝えたものであること,またその系譜が形成された時期は6世紀中頃から後半にかけての時期と考えられることを述べた。そしてそのことから,「国造本紀」の成立過程については,大宝2年(702)に国造氏が決定された際に,各国造氏からそれぞれが称えてきたところの系譜を記したものが提出され,それに基づいて「国造記」が作成され,さらにその「国造記」を原資料として「国造本紀」の国造系譜が書かれたと考えられるとした。The "Kokuzô Hongi" contained in volume 10 of the "Sendai Kuji Hongi" is composed of a preface and a text. The text lists about 130 names of Kuni-no-Miyakko (provincial governor), and contains, for each of them, a report on when the governorship was established and the genealogy of the first Kuni-no-Miyakko in the province. In the present paper, the author examines the historiographical value of the genealogical part,and thereby studies the process of the establishment of the "Kokuzô Hongi". It is generally accepted that the history of Kuni-no-Miyakko included in the "Kokuzô Hongi" is not a simple patchwork of genealogies of Kuni-no-Miyakko such as had appeared in earlier documents such as the "Kojiki" and "Nihon-Shoki", or a fiction fabricated by the editor of the "Sendai Kuji Hongi". In this paper, the author first examines the genealogies of Kuni-no-Miyakko in the "Kokuzo Hongi" by comparing them with those contained in the "Kojiki" and "Nihon-Shoki", and verifies the above assumption.Then, the author investigates the content, style of writing, and so on, of the genealogies of the "Kokuzô Hongi", and tells that the genealogies were basically reports of those actually stated by each Kuni-no-Miyakko, and that genealogies were conceived as formed from the middle to the late 6th century. Finally, the author draws the conclusion that "Kokuzô Hongi" was prepared based on the genealogies which had been presented by each Kuni-no-Miyakko when granted the title; that "Kokuzô-ki" was compiled based on the data presented, and that the genealogies in the "Kokuzô Hongi" were written using the "Kokuzô-ki" as original data.
橋本 裕之
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.80, pp.363-380, 1999-03

本稿は後世の人々が古墳をいかなるものとして解釈してきたのかという関心に立脚しながら,装飾古墳にまつわる各種の伝承をとりあげることによって,装飾古墳における民俗的想像力の性質に接近するものである。そもそも古墳は築造年代をすぎても,その存在理由を更新しながら生き続けるものであると考えられる。古墳は多くのばあい,今日でも地域社会における多種多様な信仰の対象として存在しているのである。といっても,こうした位相に対する関心は考古学の領域にとって,あくまでも周辺的かつ副次的なものであった。だが,後世の人々が付与した意味,つまり土着の解釈学を無知蒙昧な妄信にすぎないとして,その存在理由を否定してしまうことはできない。それは古墳にまつわる民俗的想像力の性質に接近する手がかりを隠しており,古墳の民俗学とでもいうべき未発の課題にかかわっている。とりわけ特異な図文や彩色を持つ装飾古墳は,その存在が古くから知られているばあい,民俗的想像力を触発するきわめて有力かつ魅力的な媒体であったらしい。本稿はそのような過程の実際をしのばせる事例として,虎塚古墳・船玉古墳・王塚古墳・重定古墳・珍敷塚古墳・石人山古墳・長岩横穴墓群(108号横穴墓)・チブサン古墳などにまつわる各種の伝承をとりあげ,民俗的想像力における装飾古墳の場所を定位する。こうした事例は考古学における主要な関心に比較して,あまりにも末梢的なものとして映るかもしれないが,現代社会における装飾古墳の場所を再考して,装飾古墳の築造年代以降をも射程に収めた文化財保護の理念と実践を構想するための恰好の手がかりを提供している。地域社会における装飾古墳の受容史を前提した装飾古墳の民俗学は,そのような試みを実現するためにも必要不可欠であると思われるのである。How did people perceive and interpret the earlier Kofun Period burial mounds? In order to get an idea of how folk imagination worked concerning decorated tombs, I discuss several oral traditions related to the decorated tombs. Since the burial mounds are visible above the ground unlike most other archaeological sites, which are buried underground, they have managed to maintain and renew their raison d'etre over the centuries. Indeed, several Kofun Period burial mounds are still objects of local worship. In particular, decorated tombs with unusual signs and pictorial representations sometimes in color seem to have served as a means for people to stimulate and develop their imagination.In this paper, I discuss various oral traditions related to the Torazuka, Funatama, Ōtsuka, Shigesada, Mezurashizuka, Sekijinyama, Nagaiwa No. 108, and Chibusan tombs. I focus on the kind of places these tombs have occupied in people's imagination and mind.This kind of study has been considered marginal in Japanese archaeology, but it is in fact highly relevant to archaeological heritage management. It gives us a clue to understanding how and why archaeological sites such as decorated tombs have been protected. It also helps us put these archaeological sites into the context of contemporary society.
川森 博司
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.32, pp.p1-21, 1991-03

The two main topics of Japanese folktales are marriage and fortune-making. This thesis analyzes the latter type of folktales in an attempt to reveal the spirit of people who lived in a typical Japanese village community to hand down these pieces of folktales.Significant among the type of fortune-making folktales are stories characterized by antagonism between I-the main character who makes a fortune and II-another character who fails to make a fortune. The antagonism is expressed in various combinations of conflicting parties such as a man and his wife, a man and his neighbor, or a man and his real brother or stepbrother, among which the preferred one in Japan is that of a man and his neighbor.In the Amami and Okinawa islands, however, a type of antagonism between 'a man and his brother' appears in a high ratio depending on some kinds of stories. Detailed analysis of folktales in the Amami and Okinawa islands is expected to identify the difference from folktales in the main land of Japan so that the nature of antagonism between characters in Japanese folktales may be better understood.The Japanese features may also be more clearly understood by comparing her folktales with that of other nations to reveal their similarities and differences. For example, in Korea, a type of antagonism between 'a man and his brother' appears more frequently in their folktales. More careful comparison, however, requires a classified collection of materials from various countries, based on which international comparison should be made.The fact that a type of antagonism between 'a man and his neighbor' is the preferred type in Japanese folktales indicates that the relationship with neighbors was of main concern to people in a typical Japanese village community. Folktales provide valuable resources for investigating their inner world.
義江 明子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.152, pp.49-77[含 英語文要旨], 2009-03

井上 智勝
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.148, pp.269-288, 2008-12
