川瀬 宏明 木村 富士男
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.78, no.3, pp.147-159, 2005-03-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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冬季北西風の吹出し時に,日本の周辺海域には筋状雲が現われる.その中でも,日本の南海上ではしばしば太い筋状雲が発生する.本研究では,冬季3カ月(1, 2, 12月)のGMS (Geostationary Meteorological Satellite)可視画像を分析し,850hPaの風と対応させることで,このような筋状雲が下層風によって受ける影響を調べた.その結果,筋状雲の出現は風向だけでなく風速によっても変化することがわかった.筋状雲には風速の増加に伴い発生頻度が増加するものと,逆に発生頻度が減少するものが存在する.九州の東海上,四国の南海上に現れる筋状雲は前者にあたり,紀伊山地の風下,紀伊水道で発生している筋状雲が後者にあたる.また,風速の変化によって出現する位置が変化する筋状雲も存在する.四国山地の南東風下にできる筋状雲がこれにあたり, 850hPaの風速が増加するほど発生位置が北東に移動する.
竹内 常行
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.50, no.4, pp.216-237, 1977-04-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

關口 武
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.18, no.6, pp.456-487, 1942-06-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
梅崎 秀也
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.10, pp.590-601, 1958-10-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

(1) All over the Yamato Basin which has been known as a droughty area are built bulworks, so-called “Ukezutsumi” or Protection Bank. The studies concerning these banks are important to learn about the growth of towns and villages as well as the regional characteristics of Yamato Province. This manuscript shows the result of my field survey about them. (2) The floods in the Yamato Basin have given damages to all the communities in the basin below the height of 100 meters above the sea-level. Flood protection warehouses and Ukezutsumi Banks are to be seen here and there all over the region, but banks are more frequently found in the low lands where rivers and streams meet together. (3) The origin of the Banks is presumed to be ancient, but the exact date has not yet been ascertaind. They are disributed along the rivers to protect jointly in case of broken banks of stagnant water. (4) These banks of accumulated earth are different in their size, shape, and construction acording to their surroundings, and are sharply in contrast with each other between the upper part of a river and the lower part. (5) The banks are maintained by the strict rules set up by the communities separately or jointly. These rules are indicative of either egoistic or cooperative attitude of the villagers. (6) After the field survey the following results were discovered: (a) Both droughts and floods are the characteristics of the Yamato Basin where the control for river waters is insufficient. (b) in relation to the natural surroundings, a strong community is formed, which, however, results in the stagnation of community. (c) In order to solve many problems concerning the banks, it is necessary to have a unified and systematic plan of improving the environment all over the basin.
千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.43, no.11, pp.686-691, 1970-11-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The purpose of this paper is to understand the diffusion of maize in the Mainland China. The hypothesis which was proposed by the author is that maize was brought by Pacific seafarers from South America to Asia in the Old World. Data for this paper were collected from local gazetteers edited in the Ching Dynasty. No field study has yet been made on this problem. However, some researchers have made studies on the introduction of maize by using the historical approach. But the writer adopts here the biogeographical approach which was initiated by N. Vavilov. Main contents are as follows: 1) Some of the crops which were introduced from the New World have played an important role in reorganizing the agricultural system in the Old World. It has been pointed out that several exotic crops were cultivated as subsistence and/or commercial crops and contributed much to the support of a dense population in hilly areas and valleys of China. Maize is today among the most important exotic crops in that country. 2) A comparative study of historical documents supports the statement of Bencao gangmu written by Li Shi Zehn. The first reference to maize in Chinese documents is in Tiannanbencao written by Lan Mao who lived in the earlier half of the 15th century. It also provides evidence that maize was widely cultivated in the western Yunnan Highlands fifty years after the Portuguese' arrival in Canchow and Foochow. At that time, there were no places where the crop was cultivated in a considerably vast area. 3) It is interesting and important to learn that various varieties of maize are found in the Yunnan and Kweichow Highlands where evidence suggests that the cultivation of maize is the oldest in China. These facts together point out that maize was introduced not from the coast of China directly but from west to this part of Kweichow and Yunnan. 4) This inference is also supported by the following additional evidences: a) The changing colours of kernels (Fig. 1) show the long establishment of maize cultivation in Yunnan and Kweichow. b) Numerous ways of maize cooking (Fig. 2) show that maize is one of the older foodstuffs in Yunnan and Kweichow districts. This follows the general rule that the longer a crop is used as a foodstuff, the more varied are the methods of cooking. 5) The dispersal route of maize to the Yunnan and Kweichow Highlands may be related to the methods of maize cultivation and cooking. A study of the cultivation and Booking customs of grain amaranthus in connection with maize may provide the most effective solution to the problem of maize dispersal. The plant is more often cultivated on newly cleared mountain slopes as well as maize, or cultivated in rotation with maize in the Himalayan Highlands and is therefore in many ways related to maize. The amaranthus is a South American plant but is not eaten there. However, in the Central Himalayan Highlands, it is cooked to make cake for a ritual purpose and the people of Yunnan and Kweichow eat this grain in the same way. Assuming that neither the Portuguese nor the Spanish brought the amaranthus to the Old World, the present writer proposes that amaranthus was brought to the Old World in the pre-Columbian times by some seafarers in the Pacific similar to the Polynesians. This may support the author's hypothesis that maize was also introduced to mainland China in pre-Columbian times.
遠藤 匡俊
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.74, no.11, pp.601-620, 2001-01-01


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中島 弘二
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.3, pp.176-179, 2003-03-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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丸井 博
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.42, no.11, pp.700-712, 1969

石炭不況はますます深刻の度合いを深め,大手炭鉱会社といえども軒並み赤字経営で,巨額の国家資金の援助の支えでようやく息をついている状況である.現状では石炭の採掘・販売のみでは,経営の黒字は期待できないeこのことは常磐炭田でも例外ではない.低品位の一般炭を主体にしているだけに,むしろ事態は一層深刻化しているといえる.<br> 常磐炭田において独占的な生産比重をもつ常磐炭鉱(株)も,繁栄期の7割にあたる約7000人の従業員で,繁栄期を上廻る年間約260万の出炭量をあげているものの,経営は久しく赤字で無配を続けている.そこで他の大手炭鉱会社にみられるように,常磐炭鉱においても経営の多角化,すなわち他部門を兼営することによって石炭部門の赤字を埋め,総合的には経営を黒字にもっていこうとする傾向を強く押し出さざるをえなくなっている.本研究はこの実態を明らかにし,常磐炭田の地域性とどのように関連しそいるかを解明しようとするものである.<br> 常磐炭鉱は以前からかなりの系列会社をもっていたが,近年はとくにこの拡充に力を入れているmこれらの系列会社は,残炭鉱区の処理,石炭の輸送・販売,倉庫,機械製作,火力発電,石炭製品,食品,観光などの分野に分れているが,炭鉱経営上から派生してきたものが多い.そして,これらの系列会社の性格を分析していくと,石炭生産にともなう独特な系列会社発生のメカニズムが明らかにされるe同時にエネルギー革命に直面した炭鉱会社が,系列会社をクッションにして,これをどのように受け止めようとしているかがわかる.
杉村 暢二
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.45, no.4, pp.283-296, 1972

歩行者通行量の多少は,概して,「通り」の地価に反映し,専門店・高級文化品店・百貨店などをはじめ,その他の商業施設,娯楽施設および主要駅などに影響されるぼかりでなく,市街地内の機能地域や都市地域をとりまく後背地域などによっても規定されるところが大きい.<br> ここでは,歩行者通行量をとりあげ,まず中心商店街の歩行者数とそのパターン,歩行者数のピークとその流動状況などにふれた,その後,中心商店街の性格を歩行者通行量に対する都市人口および後背地を含めた広域都市人口,平日対休日の割合,時間帯毎の変化,男・女別の構成比などから検討し,中心商店街として,ふさわしいタイプなどを求めた.<br> さらに・中心商店街の性格の1つである時間帯毎の変化によって,18都市の中心商店街のタイプづけを行ない,それらのパターンから,ショッピング・センターの類型にまでふれた.
徳永 徹 横山 勝三
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.52, no.3, pp.111-125, 1979-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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伊豆新島向山火山の生成過程(生成史)は,噴火様式の差異ひいては堆積物や地形の特徴に基づいて,I期:ベースサージ(base surge)丘の生成,II期:大峯火砕丘の生成,III期:向山溶岩円頂丘の生成の3期に大別される.これら一連の火山活動の推移は,噴火の経過(火山体の成長)に伴うマグマの噴出環境の変化に呼応したものと考えられる.すなわち,向山の噴火活動は海底噴火で始まったが,火山体の成長につれてマグマと海水との接触が次第に妨げられ,ついには遮断されるに至った.これに伴って,噴火活動は,ベースサージを伴った強烈なマグマー水蒸気噴火から,ベースサージを伴わない爆発的噴火,さらに溶岩の噴出へと移行した.その結果,ベースサージ丘・火砕丘・溶岩円頂丘で構成される単成複式火山が生成した.
杉本 尚次
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.34, no.5, pp.279-294, 1961-05-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

西日本における民家間取型の分布把握に重点をおき,生活との関連やその伝播径路さらに変化過程といつたダイナミックな面にも留意しつつ民家間取型に表われた地域的特性を明らかにしようとした. 民家母屋内部の平面構造(間取)は,居住部分のヘヤ割リ,ヘヤの機能(室名,イロリ),土間の機能.(ウマヤ)に分解した. (1) 居住部分は全国的に田字型の四間取りが最も普遍的で,その他に東北・北陸の広間型との関連が考えられる広間的間取・妻入型・土間狭小型・二棟造(南九州・南西諸島)・変型(クド造リ・つのや)の6タイプが区分され,その巨視的な分布圏が判明した. (2) 同一室名の分布を探ることによつて文化圏や伝播径路を把握することも可能である.本稿では特徴ある2~3例を示す.また名称の変化を通して農村生活の変化過程を考察することも出来る.イロリは山陰から中国山地に卓越するが,大部分の地域では小規模火鉢的機能であり,東北日本ほどの重要性はない. (3) ウチマヤは減少の傾向にあるが,分布が牧牛地域と一致し,経済生活を反映した型であること,山間農村では生活機能が母屋の中に集積する特徴がある. (4) 間取型の分析による地域性の把握は家屋自身多くの要素の集積されたものであり,本稿では巨視的考察の段階である.
木地 節郎
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.5, pp.298-308, 1958-05-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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In recent years many new cities have been born and many old cities have expanded their city areas by absorpting their sorrounding rural villages. In such a new city area, consumers keep their rural living conditions and rural consumer habits still now. Some local cites came in contact with each other. From the viewpoint of urban geography, the relation between the city boundary and the extention of the retail trade area is the most important subjects to desolve. So the author adopted the following subjects; 1) The factors which restricts the geographical extention of retail trade area. The extention of retail trade area depends upon the conditions of trafics or transportations between the shopping center and consumers dwelling places. 2) Relation between the extention of the retail trade area and administrative boundary. Extention of city area resulted in confining daily movement to consumers into the city area, and the influence of retail trade area collides with each other directly. 3) Contact of two city boundaries. Some examples are found in the case of local small cities, in which retail trade area accord with city boundary approximatly. The author tried to illustrate the relation between the extention of retail trade area and city boundary on the case of two local small cities, i. e. Fukuchiyama (popul. 61, 800) and Ayabe (popul. 53, 000) in Kinki District in Japan. In these cases, two retail trade area contact with each other along with the city boundary. This is proved in quantity by the table which shows the havitual purchasing place at the two Azas neighboring the city boundary.
菊地 一郎
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.9, pp.555-565, 1958

(1) 工業の地域構造とはその地区工業間の動的な相互関係を包括する概念であると定義し,江東工業の地域構造の解明を試みた.研究方法として2段の分析方法をとつた.第1段は地域分類であり,第2段は工業の地域的発展過程の分析である.<br> (2) 地域分類の手段としてポテンシャル概念の導入による工業集積ポテンシャルの式を用い,生産力集積圏を業種別に求めることによつて江東地域を類型地区に分けた.それらは城東地区,本所深川地区および向島地区で,それぞれ重化学工,軽工業および雑工業部門によつて特色づけられている.<br> (3) 明治維新までの江東地域の土地利用は本所深川地区が町屋として,城東地区が農業地としてはつきり2分されていた.<br> (4) 本所深川地区では維新以後,かつて地積の地部分を占めていた寺社や武家屋敷が商工業地として利用される様になつた.そしてそれぞれ江東3大橋に通ずる道路に沿つて繁栄していた両国深川森下および門前仲町の商業地を中心として家内工業がさかんに行われてきた.またその頃になると問屋資本によるマニュファクチァーも恵まれた立地条件のもとに発達し,屈折を経ながら資本主義的生産による軽工業への道を歩み現代におよんでいる.<br> (5) 城東地区では,本所深川地区で生成された労働力が新たな産業資本による近代工業とくに重化学工業導入の基礎となり,この地区に存在した広大で安価な農地が工業用地としてその立地に重要な役割を果した.<br> (6) 向島地区も農業地から次第に工二業地に変質していつたが,その理由の1つは関東大震災を契機に一層工業化した本所深川地区および城東地区への下級労働者や下請零細工場が集まつてきたことによる.こうして今日の江東工業地域の地域構造の基盤がここに形成されるにいたつた.
山鹿 誠次
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.32, no.1, pp.35-41, 1959-01-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The writer has studied the process by which the city functions, developing towards the urban fringes, incited the urbanization of suburbs. Special hospitals for the patients of such diseases as tuburculosis, mental disease and infectious diseases seek their sites in the suburbs of the metroplis, because there they can get capacious grounds, quiet environment and fresh air. When we see the distribution of the special hospitals in Tokyo, we find that most of the newly established hospitals are situated in the urban fringe, and some of the older ones built in the inner region, have removed centrifugally to the outshirts. Kiyose town is in the western suburbs of Tokyo, and on the Musashino Upland. It was formerly a farm-village, , but since 1331 many tuburculosis hospitals have been established in the pine forests of the south-western area of this town, and so Kiyose has become one of the largest hospital quarters in Japan, having 14 hospitals, 4, 821 beds, and 25% of its whole ares is covered by hospitals. Consequently, the population increased rapidly and the shopping street developed between the, hospital quarters and the railway station. Moreover many residential houses were recently built, and this town has also grown into one of the residential districts of Tokyo. Through the study of Kiyose and some other hospital quarters in Tokyo, the writer has come to the conclusion that there are some grades in the relations between the special hospitals and the urbanization in the metropolis. The grades are as follows: (1) Special hospitals were first established in the innermost region of the metropolis, but with the development of the metropolis, they moved to the outer regions, or were turned into general hospitals. (2) In the region next to the former innermost region of the metropolis, the hospitals which were established in the days when the region were the suburbs are now in the residential districts which have developed since their establishment. (3) In the next region, urbanization is in advance, and there the hospital quarter and the residential district are contiguous to each other. (4) In the outermost region of the metropolis, hospitals are situated apart from other establishments, and the residential district has not advanced into this region yet. Kiyose belongs to the third grade.
山鹿 誠次
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.36, no.3, pp.159-168, 1963-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

日本における衛星都市の性格・類型およびそのような性格の生じた要因について分析し,さらに衛星都市群の形成とその発達要因について考究した結果,次のような結論を得た。 (1) 衛星都市は巨大都市の周辺にあつて,巨大都市と密接な関係をもつて発達し,巨大都市の機能の一部を分担する中小都市である. (2) 衛星都市の性格は大都市と地方都市のいずれとも異なり,その複合性・半独立性をもつ。しかしその中には,従属型・半独立型・複合型などいくつかの類型がある. (3) 衛星都市性格形成の要因としては住宅・工業・学園など大都市機能の遠心的拡大によつて,大都市的性格が付与され,一方既存都市の変質や母市からの隔離によつて半独立性が要求され,この二つが複合した性格をおびるに至つたためである. (4) 日本の三大衛星都市群を対比すると,大阪中心のものが最も早く発達し,東京中心のものがこれにっいで,第2次大戦の影響を強くあらわし,名古屋中心のものは近年発展しつつある。このような差異には,三大都市圏における諸種の地理的条件が反映している。
加藤 武夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.26, no.5, pp.179-187, 1953

The author has been studying the distribution and variation of population In the middle of Edo Period by &ldquo;Junkoki&rdquo; that is a historical work of Owari Clan. This book was recorded by &ldquo;K&ocirc;ko Higuti&rdquo; (1750-1826) who inspected all the villages within Owari Province. In this &ldquo;Junk&ocirc;ki&rdquo; he recorded two sets of population number, the one is of the year of 1671 A. D. and the other is of some year of the early 18 th century.<br> Fig. 1 shows the rates of the increase or decrease of population of each village gained from the comparison of two sets of population noted in &ldquo;Junkoki.&rdquo; And the author classified those rates into five classes:<br> 1. Remarkable Increase, 2. Increase, 3. Sluggish Increase, 4 Stagnation, 5. Decrease.<br> Fig. 2 shows the accumlated population on each administrative unit at the time of 1915. Hereupon one can see the regions of increased or, decreased population by these figures. It was the head region of Ise Bay, eastern Highland and Tita Peninsula that increased remarkably in population. Because. the head region of Ise Bay was reclaimed land, this increase of population in this region resulted from the migration of the people from the neighbouring land (Fig. 3). The most of the eastern part of the highland and Tita Peninsula were cleared regions and there were constru-cted many irrigation ponds or canals by which cultivated lands were enlarged and. the population was increased. In this region, there were some industrial centres such as Seto City and its suburbs and Tokoname Town on the west coast of Tita Peninsula, where industries were ceramics, - - - -Arinzatu Town, variegation of cloth, - - - the most part of the peninsula, textile of cotton, - - -Handa City and its neighbourhood brewing --- the coast of peninsula, marine transportation. And these industries had been developed into the stage of&ldquo; manufacture&rdquo; in the middle of Edo Era. Consequently, the development of these industries brought about the increase of population in the districts above mentioned. Contrary to these regions, the middle part of the Owari Plain and the outskirts of Nagoya were the districts of the stagnation or decrease of population. Since agriculture was a principal occupation, having been conti-nuously developed front ancient time, it was impossible to attempt the expansion of cultivated fields, and as the result there was difficulty in increasing the population in this area. In addition to these conditions, the Castle Town of Nagoya was absorbing the rural population, and so it was decreasing remarkably. Besides those regions, the ports on the head of Tita Peninsula, such as Morozaki and Toyohama, lost some of their population for their narrow hinterland and the shortage of cultivated land.<br> The distribution and variation of population under the feudal system were different from those under the capitalistic economic system. These differences are based on the differences of the basic industries and the scale of the cities under these two systems.
赤羽 孝之
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.48, no.4, pp.275-296, 1975-04-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
6 1

本研究は電子部品工業を採り上げ,この工業自体の構造とその地域的側面,また地域の地理的・社会的条件(農村)と工業との関係を解明しようとしたものである. その結果,電子部晶工業の生産組織は専門メーカー・分工場・下請工場・内職というヒエラルヒーを構成し,それに対応した形で労働力の質が変化すること,また地域的な配置関係も伊那市の中心部に専門メーカー・完成品生産の工場が集中し,周辺の農村部では一部工程の下請工場がほとんどを占め,そして労働力の質もそのような配置関係に対応することが明らかとなった. 農村との関係では,農村の下請工場を支えているのは,農村の中の経営耕地規模の小さな第2種兼業農家の主婦層であり,伊那市中心部の大規模工場へは農村の若年労働力が吸引されていること,そして天竜川の河岸段丘上の農村と段丘の下の農村では,伊那市中心部への交通の便の相違,他部門の工場への雇用機会の相違などのために農家の主婦の電子部品工場への吸引のされ方に相違があることなどが明らかとなった.