越川 葉子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.101, pp.5-25, 2017

<p> 過去30年間にわたる「いじめ問題」の社会問題化過程において,学校非難の語りは強まる一方である。こうした社会状況において,「いじめ問題」の当事者性を担う教師は,公的な場で自らの実践の論理を主張することができない状況へと追い詰められている。<br> 本稿の目的は,公的な言説で語られる「いじめ問題」のリアリティに対し,教師の語りが描く学校現場のリアリティを対置することで,生徒間トラブルについて異なるリアリティが構築されうることを実証することにある。教師の語りから明らかとなった学校現場のローカル・リアリティは,今日の「いじめ問題」に次の示唆を与える。<br> 第一に,学校は「いじめ」事件の社会問題化以前も以降も,「いじめ問題」として生徒間のトラブルには対応していないということである。学校にとって大事なことは,「いじめ」という言葉でトラブル状況を定義するかどうかでなく,今,何を最優先に生徒らに働きかけていかなければならないのかを判断し,対応することなのである。<br> 第二に,学校は社会問題化以降も,生徒らの将来的な地域での生活を見据え,被害生徒はもとより,加害生徒らにも学習支援を行なっていることである。また,親同士の謝罪の場も設け,学校は,当事者間の調整役としての役割を果たしていた。こうした学校の対応は,「いじめ問題」を教師の語りから捉えなおすことではじめて理解が可能になるものである。</p>
北村 和夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.187-199,en312, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

Among the criticisms of the overheated competition of entrance exams, the most frequent and, perhaps, severest one is that the examinees' choice of their target is exclusively determined by “hensachi”(i.e., the deviation values of the marks of the pre-tests conducted by some preparatory schools or examination companies). Actually, however, the dependence on “hensachi” among examinees seems to have been accelerated.The reason for this phenomenon is that “hensachi” is, overtly or covertly, supported by the values which Japanese have shared and approved, and it is upon these values that they have modernized their country.In this paper, three important values are chosen for examination: competition, equalityandrationalization.As Hobbes elucidated, modern human relations are based on the fact that individuals gain satisfaction when they feel superior to others. This competitive relation is approved by the modern personality. For such modern human relations, “hensachi” is a suitable mediator, because, indicating only relative superiority, it is in accordance with the very principle of competition in modern society.The principle of equality is acknowledged in modern society. But it should be noted that there is a difference between “equality in starting point”(the equality of opportunity) and “equality in result”(substantial equality). Only the former fits in with the principle of competition.In Japan, the demand for equality has converged on the demand for the equality of opportunity, which justifies the inequality in result, and which, accordingly, sanctifies the severity of competition in passing the entrance exams.Modern capitalism promotes the formal rationality, “calculability”, to the maximum extent, as Weber explained. With its precise calculation, “hensachi” indicates to an examinee the most highly-ranked school whose entrance exam he/she can supposedly pass. In this sense, “hensachi” is a perfect tool for rationalization.Thus, it can be said that “hensachi” is in conformity with the modern social values appreciated by Japanese; in other words, people themselves support “hensachi” without knowing it. Therefore, in order to cease dependence on. “hensachi”, we must examine modern values and, more essentially, the quality of our modern lives.
石黒 格
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.102, pp.33-55, 2018-05-31 (Released:2020-03-13)

岡本 智周
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.68, pp.127-146, 2001-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)
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This paper examines how the image of Japanese Americans has changedin U. S. history textbooks published in the second half of the 20th century.The main contribution of this study is to clarify when and why informationon Japanese Americans as a minority group became included in thedefinition of the “American nation” that had been taught as the basis ofnational integration. Through this examination, this study argues thatthe multiculturalization of education transforms the logic for socialintegration in the host society.The method of this study is the “storyline analysis, ” and the objectsof analyses are eighty history textbooks, study aids, and workbookspublished in the United States from 1952 to 1999. The findings can besummarized into the following three points:(1) Japanese American Studieswere already in full stride before 1988, when U.S. Congress gave a formalapology for the compulsory internment and enacted the Civil LibertiesAct;(2) depictions of people of Japanese descent found their place inAmerican historiography by being included into nationalistic educationalcontents in the 1980s; however, (3) in the 1990s, depictions of Japanese Americans came to reflect the change in U.S. national education, whichstarted attaching more importance to the universally acknowledged rightsof human beings.This study concludes that the change in the images of Japanese Americans between the 1980s and 1990s demonstrates the straying of U.S. history education from old-fashioned nationalism. Although U. S. historyeducation still adopts the form of “national” education, it gives pictures of “ethnic” minorities from the viewpoint of “universal” human dignity.This historiography can be formed within a mixture of ethnic contexts, national contexts, and universal contexts. In this sense, it can be saidthat in the 1990s, the importance of the framework of “national” historywas relativized into the importance of other frames of historiography.
古田 和久
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.207-225, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)

This paper examines the impact of social class and a variety of attitudes regarding society and education on attitudes toward educational expenditures. In Japan, the rapid rise of educational participation rates has been strongly supported by household expenditures. The scale of private funding is very large in comparison with other countries, and not only high income parents, but also low income ones, make expenditures for their children’s education. Therefore, the following question arises: what motivates Japanese people to give education to their children? Previous research on economics and the sociology of education has focused on investment and consumption. However, considering that the motives for educational expenditures are complex and are influenced by a variety of characteristics of parents, including attitudes on society and education, this paper investigates attitudes toward educational expense using data from the 2003 National Survey on Work and Daily Life. In order to identify significant patterns in many variables, decision tree analysis is used as a data mining techniques.Following a brief introduction of decision tree analysis, the technique is applied to delineate the key features that distinguish between people who are eager to pay their children’s educational expenses and those who are not. First, the data indicate that many people believe that parents should pay for nearly all of their children’s educational costs. Second, decision tree analysis reveals that the most important factor influencing the payment of educational expenses is not the benefit of education, but rather the recognition of educational inequality in contemporary Japanese higher education. People who perceive educational opportunities as being equal are more willing to pay for their children, because they believe that there is stiff competition for educational credentials. Third, investment and consumption are important factors for people who believe there is educational inequality. As a result, the motive for making educational expenditures depends on attitudes toward society and education.On the other hand, the group that showed most strongly negative attitude is people who believe that educational opportunities are closed by family income and that their own subjective social status is low, and that education does not play a central role for achieving high income and social status. This finding suggests that at present, educational costs are very heavy, and that if the burden of tuition fee and other educational expenses clearly brings an awareness of educational inequalities according to family income, many people will perceive education as being meaningless for them.
河合 慎吾
vol.16, pp.67-85, 1961

The purpose of this study is to throw light upon the social character of modern highteens. The first point is to formulate their main characteristics by analyzing the data of the attitude survey of three highteen groups. (high school boys, young factory workers and white collar workers). The next point is to explore the conditions that injure their healthy development by using many documents about the highteen problems. Three characteristics of modern highteens are mainly as follows; (1) they have pluralistic ethical value systems, thatis, their values and ideologies are not monotheistical, (2) they assume rather ego-centric attitudes toward the society but they are the sametime, very sensitive to the judgement of their peer-groups, (3) they are practical and externally oriented, never confined themselves within the inner-worlds and enrich them. They have heathy personality traits in budding, but they are weak as individuals. So they cannot resist the negative forces without as individuals and are liable to surrender to the negative conditions, for example, over-competition in school and other seeming uncontrollable socio-political forces.
水谷 智彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.177-196, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

本稿は,明治前期に刊行された「学校管理法書(以下,「管理法書」)」中の罰に関する記述を分析し,そこに描かれた教師像とその変容過程を解明するものである。「管理法書」は,当時の教育知識を主導的に形成した師範学校関係者により書かれた書物で,教員志望者へ学校運営・管理方法を説明する役割を担っていた。 本稿では,学校における罰を,周縁的な存在である生徒の逸脱行動への処遇として位置づけた。そのうえで「管理法書」中の罰の記述を分析し,教師がいかに生徒の逸脱を定義し,それに処遇するよう要請されたのかを考察した。分析には,バーガーとルックマンが世界を維持するための概念機構として理論化した治療と無効化を用いた。 分析の結果,罰は1880年代の逸脱行為を排除する無効化から,90年代の逸脱者の矯正・訓練をおこなう治療へと変化し,それにともない,教師像も裁判官から医者へと変容したことが示された。また,この変化は森有礼の教育政策である「人物査定」の要請と廃止を契機に普及した「性質品評表」という生徒の診断装置の登場によってもたらされたことが,「管理法書」から明らかになった。 最後に本稿の二つの知見を述べた。その一つは,明治前期には人びとの生活世界の中心ではなかった学校が,世界を維持するための概念機構を用意しはじめていたことである。またもう一つの知見として,その概念機構が国家の政策ではなく,教育知識の担い手により準備されていたことを論じた。
小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.101-125, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)
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In Japan, like in most countries, the equality of educational opportunities is a crucial issue both in academics and in governmental policy. However, the policy of equality of educational opportunities in Japanese higher education has been weakening. The first aim of this paper is to investigate the background of the policy and to clarify the reasons for its loss of importance. With this aim, the author gives an overview of policy and research works on the equality of higher education opportunities in Japan, in comparison with those overseas.The aim of higher educational policy and planning in post world-war II Japan was to rectify disparities in higher education opportunities between regions and social classes by increasing the supply of institutions providing higher education. However, the policy turned drastically from enlargement to suppression in 1975. The establishment of new universities and departments in the metropolitan area were strictly restricted by the Ministry of Education. This policy aimed to reduce regional inequalities in higher educational opportunities, and was largely successful in doing so. However, the policy concentrated on the regional inequalities, leading to a loss of concern on inequalities among social classes, with the exception of student financial aid programs.Secondly, the results of the Student Life Survey by the Ministry of Education (from 2004 by the Japan Student Service Organization) are often used to demonstrate the equality of higher educational opportunities in Japan. On the contrary, however, some researchers argue that the inequality of higher educational opportunity has been increasing or at least not decreasing, using other survey data. This paper examines the equality of higher educational opportunities using new survey data from 2005. The data show large inequalities in university education opportunities, particularly in private universities. In particular, the participation rate is very low among low-income, low-achievement, female high school graduates. This shows that there are still problems of inequality.Thirdly, this survey shows the existence of debt aversion among parents in the lowest income class and in families with mothers having the lowest education levels. It seems likely that debt aversion leads to serious problems because of the inadequacy of student aid programs, coupled with high tuition fees in Japan. The student financial aid programs of The Japan Student Service Organization, the largest public student program in Japan, gives loans, but not grants, to undergraduates. Some parents and students from lower income tiers may decide not to apply to university to avoid a debt burden. This result implies the need for grants to maintain the accessibility of higher education in the future.
元森 絵里子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.45-63, 2008-12-15 (Released:2016-11-05)
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This paper analyses the discourse on Japanese composition writing education (tsuzuri-kata) in the pre-war period and attempts to elucidate the development of the autopoietic educational system along with the rise and changes of the concept of “children.”The discourse on writing education provides an image of the way of second order observation on childrenʼs observation in a Luhmannian sense: (1) What were the unique characteristics of children, which separated them from adults? (2) How should adults, as socializing agents, be caring for children?The findings are as follows: Beginning around 1900, the concept of “children” as something different from adults, but who were in the process of becoming adults, was discovered, along with an image of adults providing care for children. The “nature” and “life world” of children was discovered first, followed by the finding of the childrenʼs “interior,” especially the “childlike” interior. Finally, in the 1920s, the ability of children to “see” and “feel” things beyond the assumptions of adults was discovered. There, new practices arose, in which socializing agents demanded that children see and reflect themselves by writing, and through that, came to be “ideal children” and “future adults”.In relation to this phenomenon, N. Luhmann suggests, in his educational system theory, that the relationship between childrenʼs observations and socializing agentsʼ second order observations enables education to become an autopoietic system. Now that we have seen the details, we can refine it. By seeing “children” and their interior as half black-box and half guidable, education was able to become autopoietic. Moreover, since the system was developed, greater freedom for children and ambivalence between childrenʼs freedom and educational intentions were repeatedly discovered within the educational discourse.
波平 勇夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.29, pp.121-134,en205, 1974-11-01 (Released:2011-03-18)

This study reanalyzed the data used for the writer's doctoral dissertation which was submitted to New York University. On the basis of Parson's theory on social structure and Keller's theory on functional elites, this study attempted to investigate two major elite groups of Japan-cabinet ministers and Zaibatsu leaders. The. former included the ministers between the first Ito cabinet (1885) and the second Sato cabinet (1970); the latter included the top leaders of four major zaibatsu enterprises-Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, and Yasudaat six points in time: 1922, 1929, 1937, 1945, 1955, and 1966.The research problems were: (a) Are there any changes in the status characteristics of cabinet ministers and Zaibatsu leaders before and after the end of World War II?(b) Are there any differences in the status characteristics between cabinet ministers and Zaibatsu leaders? (c) Are there any differences between those two elite groups in the degree of change in the status characteristics?From the theories stated above, the following hypotheses were derived: (a) Cabinet ministers and Zaibatsu leaders after World War II will be more universalistic-achievement oriented than those ministers and leaders before the end of the War; (b) Cabinet ministers will be more particularistic-ascription oriented than Zaibatsu leaders; (c) The degreeof change in the characteristics of elite status will be greater in the case of cabinet ministers than in the case of Zaibatsu leaders.The results confirmed the first two hypotheses but not the last one. Though this study was limited in the scope of samples and the nature of data sources, it may be concluded that (a) status characteristics of Japanese elites have changed between the pre- and the post-War periods from more particularistic-ascription oriented to more universalistic-achievement oriented and (b) political elites aremore particularistic-ascription oriented than business elites.
石黒 格
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.102, pp.33-55, 2018

<p> 進学,就業において非常に厳しい制約下にある青森県の若者の現状を,進学,就業の実態と社会関係資本の利用という観点から検討した。筆者らが独自に行った3つの調査データの分析から,以下の結果を得た。1)青森県では,威信の高い大学に入学する機会が強く制約されているが,中堅以下の大学への入学機会への制約は弱い。2)そのため,学力の高い若者に対して,選択的に移動の誘因が存在する。3)青森県在住の若者は,南関東在住の若者と比べて労働時間は等しく,勤続年数は長いが,収入は低い。4)青森県在住の若者の社会関係は地域的で,そのために時間が経過しても残存しやすい。5)青森県在住の若者にとって,社会関係が就業機会獲得の重要な経路となっており,特に低学歴の若者でこの傾向が強い。以上の結果および先行研究から,青森県では,学力および経済的に有利な立場にいる若者には大都市へと移動する誘因が存在するのに対して,相対的に不利な立場にいる若者にはそうした誘因は小さく,むしろ豊かでサポーティブな社会関係が出身地に留まる誘因となっていることが示唆された。こうした誘因の二重構造は,相対的に有利な若者が,より多くの利益を得る構造を有しており,格差の再生産装置と評価しうる。しかし一方で,大都市に移動する利益の小さい,資源の乏しい若者を地域に包摂し,移行における不確実性のリスクから保護する機能を果たしているとも理解できる。</p>
天野 郁夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.39-57, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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In the 1990s, Japanese higher education underwent the largest structural changes since the 1940s, when it was forced to carry out drastic reform under the American occupation. In spite of the post-war reforms modeled after the US, Japanese higher education maintained its traditionally rigid, uniform, and hierarchical structure for more than half a century. In the beginning of the 1970s, there was a major rise in the movement to reform higher education, with the aim to shake and change its long established structure. However, because of the strong resistance from universities and professors, the Ministry of Education failed to carry out its reform plan.At the end of 1980s, there was another big surge in the movement reform Japanese higher education. And this time, the universities and professors criticized as conservative for a long time, started positively to tackle the difficult tasks.Behind these changing attitudes, we can point to several important factors compelling reform. First, there were three international “megatrends” : i.e.(1) massification, (2) marketization, and (3) globalization. Secondly, there were three national factors:(1) demographic, (2) economic, (3) policy-related factors.Under the pressure of these forces and quickened by the policies of the Education Ministry based on reports of the University Council, reforms and changes were carried out, ranging from the structure of the total system to the inside of the individual universities. Reforms at the institutional level started from undergraduate education, and various “tools” developed by American universities to improve education for massified students were introduced.Nearing the end of the 1990s, the universities began to be asked to drastically change their organizational structure, including the traditional chair-faculty system. This system, modeled after the German university, had long been considered the stronghold of academic freedom and autonomy by Japanese professors. The structural changes in Japanese higher education will reach their final phase when the universities succeed in obtaining professors' approval to replace the long established chairfaculty system with the American department-college system, and in creating new independent administration systems.
宮本 みち子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.25-39, 2005-05-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This article reviews studies on the post-adolescence period, mainly from the UK, and highlights recent developments in the field. The article considers the significance of the lengthening of the transition period to adulthood and various problems that have been associated with this phenomenon. It describes research methods in the area and the related context of some of these methods. John Coleman points out that the developed countries have seen a number of profound social and economic changes affecting youth since the 1980s, the most important being in the areas of the family and employment. Since these are two of the major factors in the “transition to adulthood, ” research and policies are now being focused more specifically on these particular areas. Taking this into an account, the article first examines the EU's policies in this area. The examination focuses on the acknowledgement of the right of young people to become independent from their parents and to build their own lives (the right to have an independent life). It also examines the ways in which the social policies have become more specific in trying to make the transition to adulthood easier for youth by introducing policies focused on areas such as employment, education and training, family, housing and social security. The article then examines recent research on the transition period and attempts to identify changes in the actual problems of the transition that are studied, as well as the research methods used. The result of this examination shows some new characteristics in research methods, namely inter-disciplinary and holistic approaches, and more process focused longitudinal studies. Another notable characteristic that has emerged is the innate desire of individual youth to act and develop. Finally, the article reviews the findings of “Youth Programmes, ” a large-scale research project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
渡部 真
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.34, pp.126-137,en211, 1979-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

Suicide among young people has become a serious social problem and is studied by many people. However research using statistics of suicide lags behind.The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between the level of social development and the tendency of suicide among adolescents. To determine the value of α for each country investigated, a suicide rate of adolescents (15-24 years old) is divided by that of the whole age group and then multiplied by 100. Then the values of α are compared on an international level and their changes are studied for the past seventeen years (1960-1976).The following results are obtained.(1) In developing countries in Central America, South America, Southeast Asia, etc., the values of α are constantly high, exceeding 100 in many of them. Adolescents in developing countries which have many contradictions within their social structure suffer the most disadvantages. Therefore their ratio tends to be high.(2) The values of α are constantly low in developed countries mostly in Europe.(3) In some of the countries which have achieved social changes toward developed countries during the past seventeen years, the values of α have been on the decrease. Japan is a typical example.(4) In some developed countries, the values of a are on the increase (U. S. A., Canada, etc.). In these countries, the number of suicides as one of the “illness among adolescents in moratorium” might be large.This article investigates whether suicide tends to concentrate on adolescents or not in various countries by calculating the values of α. In the countries which have achieved social changes toward developed countries, the values of a have been on the decrease, but in the most developed countries, the values of α have been on the increase.