小林 信一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.51, pp.53-67, 1992-10-10

The author investigates how the present information society influences science education, using the "Savages in a Civilized Society" hypothesis. The information society after 1980 figured a transformation in each area of science and technology, product technology, media technology, media space, expression and software. Such an information society brought the fluctuation of reality, the reduction of physical existence of technology, and the enlargement of technology as medium. As a result, people's attitude toward science and technology separated to the receptivity of amenities, which science and technology offered, and the concern about science and technology activities. The improvement of science and technology amenities was not always related to the increased concern about science and technology activities. Therefore, the "savages in a civilized society" with high receptivity to science and technology amenities and low concern about science and technology activities have increased. An analysis of high school students' consideration of science and technology has revealed that the tendency to be "savages in a civilized society" is possessed by about 14 percent of high school students. The high receptivity to science and technology amenities has a positive effect on the increased desire for science education. However, the low concern about sciende and technology activities of "savages in a civilized society" decreases much more the desire for science education. Consequently, the increase of "savages in a civilized society" decreases the desire for science education as a whole. This is a paradoxical result of the advancement of science and technology. At the same time, however, it is also inevitable.
川嶋 太津夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.54, pp.61-82, 1994-06-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
安藤 理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.47-65, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

Studies in the sociology of education have not paid sufficient attention to the social effects of intergenerational academic background mobility. Intergenerational academic background mobility means the change between an individual's academic background and that of his/her father. This paper examines support for redistribution to clarify the effect. Using the integrated data of JGSS-2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the author finds that college graduates whose fathers are also college graduates tend to not support redistribution compared to college graduates whose fathers are graduates from compulsory education alone. This means that intergenerational academic background mobility has a gap-widening effect. People who receive an advantage by the fact that their own fathers are college graduates tend to not support redistribution, implying that the gap will continuously expand.The policy implication of this paper is that as the percent of students pursuing higher education increases, people who tend to not support redistribution will also increase. It is possible, thus, that it will become more difficult for policy makers to implement redistribution policies.
伊藤 茂樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.59, pp.21-37, 1996-10-15

In post-war Japan, juvenile delinquency has been "moving" from the society outside school, to the border between society and school, to inside school, and finally, to inside people's "mind". In recent years, people "find" juvenile delinquency in their "mind". "IJIME" (bullying) as a social problem has been constructed since around 1980. In the discourses about this problem, "mind" is often referred to. References to "mind" are of four types : moral "mind" (to be educated), weak "mind" (to be disciplined), sick "mind" (to be cured), and "mind" to be accepted. Recently, the last one is found most often in the discourses, and it is thought that the problem can be solved by accepting various children's minds. The reasons why accepting children's minds is thought to be the best way to solve the "IJIME" problem are as follows : 1. "IJIME" is now regarded as the problem of normal children, not the problem with special personality, so they can be, and should be accepted as they are. 2. People find a great deal of difficulty in understanding today's "IJIME" and the children, and accepting children's minds is their only hope. 3. Counsellors actively claim their effectiveness and people expect counselling and counsellors to solve not only emotional but also social problems by accepting mind. But to normalize and institutionalize accepting children's minds as the only way to solve the "IJIME" problem and to revive schools heavily burdens the teachers, and their identity as a profession is brought to a crisis. Moreover, it personalizes the "IJIME" problem, and the structural factors of the crisis of the legitimacy of schooling are concealed.
久保田 真功
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.107-127, 2013

本研究の目的は,中学生を対象とした質問紙調査をもとに,いじめ加害者がいじめによって得られる利益に着目し,いじめをエスカレートさせる要因について検討することにある。<br> 分析を行った結果,①いじめを続けていくなかでの加害者の心情の変化には,「いじめへの後悔」(いじめをすることに罪悪感や情けなさ,不安を抱くようになる)と「利益の発生」(いじめが楽しくなったり,被害者を服従させることで気分がよくなったり,加害者同士で連帯感を感じるようになる)という2つの側面があること,②加害者が女性の場合よりも男性の場合において,いじめがエスカレートしやすいこと,③「異質」な者を排除することを"口実"としたいじめや,被害者を制裁することを"口実"としたいじめ,被害者の属性とはおよそ無関係な身勝手な理由によって行われる遊びや快楽を目的としたいじめは,エスカレートしやすいこと,④加害者がいじめをすることによって得られる利益を実感するようになった場合に,いじめはエスカレートしやすいこと,などが明らかとなった。<br> これらの結果は,いじめのエスカレート化の問題を考えるにあたり,いじめの"口実"や加害者の私的利害に着目することの重要性を示唆している。
松岡 亮二 中室 牧子 乾 友彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.89-110, 2014

<p> P. ブルデューの文化的再生産論は日本社会においても教育達成の格差生成メカニズムの一つとして研究され,各家庭における文化資本の偏在,それに家庭の文化資本と子の教育達成の関係について知見が蓄積されてきた。近年,教育選抜の早期化によって社会階層と教育達成の関連強化が懸念されているが,早期家庭内社会化によって文化資本が世代間相続する過程については未だに実証的に明らかにされていない。そこで本稿は厚生労働省による21世紀出生児縦断調査の個票データを用い,文化的行為である読書に着目し,文化資本の世代間相続という動的な過程をハイブリッド固定効果モデルによって検討した。<BR> 分析の結果,父母の学歴と世帯所得は,父母それぞれの一ヶ月あたりの雑誌・マンガを除く読書量という文化的行為を分化していた。また,これらの学歴と世帯所得によって異なる父母の読書量は,子ども間の読書量格差と関連していた。そして,父母の読書量の変化は,観察されない異質性を統制しても子の読書量の変化と関係していた。親の学歴は制度化された文化資本,世帯所得は経済資本であり,それらの資本量の差が読書行為を分化し,親子の文化的行為が関連している──小学校1,2,4年生の3時点の縦断データに基づいた本稿の結果は,子ども間の文化資本格差,それに先行研究が考慮しなかった観察されない異質性を統制した上で,文化的行為の世代間相続を実証的に示している。</p>
大辻 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.147-168, 2006-05-31

This article describes a practice in educational settings, which the author calls "type M" instruction, from the perspective of conversation analysis. The feature of this type is that a teacher asks students a question to which the students do not know the answer, but are not completely ignorant of the answer. When the teacher asks the students these questions, he or she creates a learning experience where "students search for a correct answer by themselves." The paper examines this practice in three main stages. (1) First, data on real occurrences of type M instruction are shown. The data comes from a database of educational scenes recorded on a video for approximately seven hours, mainly from school education. From this database, the author intuitively collected examples where elementary school teachers were using type M instruction. Five examples of this type were extracted. (2) Second, characteristics common to the five scenes are extracted using the perspective of conversation analysis. Based on this, three characteristics, i.e., "reservation of instruction," "partial instruction" and "adjustment of degree of difficulty" were discovered in the turns of the teachers in those scenes. In other words, they displayed the following characteristics: "teachers do not teach students the correct answer, but provide hints to students" and "teachers lower the degree of difficulty of a question slowly while watching the reaction of students to the question." (3) Third, the operation of type M instruction was inspected through an examination of irregular cases. The following knowledge was gained from observation of these data. If the degree of difficulty of the questions asked by the teacher is too low or too high given the state of knowledge of the students, it was found that type M did not operate effectively. With the three characteristics shown above, teachers seem to adjust the degree of difficulty of a question to a certain "level." It is at this level that students carry out trial and error, and where they can barely give correct answers without assistance. When a teacher coordinates question at this level, students can try to find solutions to the problem independently. An important point for allowing type M instruction to operate successfully is to set the degree of difficulty of a question rather high and then lower it gradually while being attentive to the reactions of the students. This is because if the degree of difficulty is too low, the students will be able to answer it correctly immediately and there is no way to raise it, but if it is too high, there is an opportunity to lower the difficulty.
韓 東賢
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.109-129, 2015

ヤング(Young 訳書,2007)は,欧米におけるポスト工業化社会への変化が,同化と結合を基調とする「包摂型社会」から分離と排除を基調とする「排除型社会」への移行でもあったと指摘する。一方,敗戦後,米軍の占領期を経て厳格なエスニック・ネイションとして再出発した日本では多文化主義的な社会統合政策が取られたことはなく,そのような意味での「包摂型社会」になったことはないと言えよう。にもかかわらず,日本でも1990年代から徐々に始まっていたヤングのいう意味での「排除型社会」化の進行は見られる。つまり,「包摂型社会」を中途半端にしか経由せず,そのためそこでの同化主義への処方箋である多文化主義も経由せずに,にもかかわらず「バックラッシュ」が来ている,というかたちで,だ。<BR> 本稿ではこうした流れを,朝鮮学校の制度的位置づけ,処遇問題からあとづけていく。そこから見えてきたものは次の3 点であると言える。①仮に戦後の日本がヤングのいう意味での包摂型社会だったとしても,その基調は同化と結合ではなく,「排除/同化」――排除と同化の二者択一を迫るもの――であった。②2000年代には,このような「排除/同化」の基調を引き継ぎながら,にもかかわらず,「多文化主義へのバックラッシュ」としての排除を露骨化,先鋭化させた排除型社会になった。③そのような「排除/同化」,また2000年代以降の排除の露骨化,先鋭化において,朝鮮学校の処遇はつねにその先鞭,象徴だった。
近藤 大生 野垣 義行 原田 彰 高旗 正人
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.18, pp.239-255, 1963-10-20

<Aim>__-: "Gakushujuku" and tutors outside the formal school system of Japan have been so widely used to prepare the adolescent for entrance examinations that they are now recognized as one of the major problems of socio educational significance. In Hiroshima where this survey was taken this phenomenon is most prevalent. It was the aim of this study to make clear the actual situation by analyzing the attitudes of the children, the parents and of the teachers in using "gakushujuku" and/or tutors. <Method>__-: This survey was taken in Hiroshima in December, 1962. To carry out our purpose, we questioned children (9 to 17 years of age), parents and teachers in primary and secondary schools totaling approximately 7,000. <Findings>__-: 1) Extent to which "gakushujuku" and tutors are utilized varies significantly with children's grade and sex, parents' occupation as well as schooling, income and level of education expected of the children. 2) About thirty per cent of the parents who utilize them for their children point out the successfully passing of entrance examinations as the prime motive 3) About half of the teachers whom we questioned regard this phenomenon as one of the serious socio-educational problems. 4) Many parents, if not most, look upon "gakushujuku" and tutors as a means of ensuring higher education for their children. *Gakushujuku" is a small private informal school where children go to do their homework and prepare themselves for entrance examinations.
山本 晃輔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.281-301, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

グローバリゼーションを背景として,人の国際移動は質・量ともに大きく変容した。国際移動が多様な姿を見せるにつれて,我が国においても人の国際移動と教育に注目があつまるようになった。本稿では,ブラジルへ帰国した日系ブラジル人の子どもたちに焦点を当て,日本とブラジルを移動する彼らの将来展望の多様性を事例に,「移動の物語」という観点からグローバリゼーションと教育の問題についてアプローチすることを目指した。 本稿では帰国した日系ブラジル人のうち,計画的に帰国した「デカセギ型」家族を抽出し,親の高い教育期待とその取り組みについて概観した。 次に,親の教育と期待を受けてブラジルで大学進学していく子どもたちを見出した。ブラジルで大学へと進学した子どもたちは,日本での体験にピリオドをうつ「切断」の物語に特徴がある。他方で,親の期待や配慮とはうらはらにブラジルでの教育達成を目指さない・目指すことができなかった子どもたちがいる。なかでも再渡日を目指す子どもたちの特徴は,いまもなお日本との移動が継続し「接続」しているという語りにある。 そして,子どもたちの帰国後の将来展望と進路選択が分岐する要因として,言語能力や学校適応などと並び,帰国後に構築される「移動の物語」が大きな影響を与えていることを明らかにした。
長谷川 哲也 内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.259-280, 2014

本研究の目的は,大学図書館の図書資料費に関して,大学間の格差の実態とその推移を明らかにすることである。資料の電子化という地殻変動のなかで,大学間の格差はどう変容してきたのか。図書館研究と高等教育研究はいずれもこの問題を等閑視してきただけに,格差の全体像を丁寧に検証することが求められる。 とくに高等教育の資源格差は,各大学の機能の相異として是認されうるため,本研究では4つの視点──大学間の不均等度,大学階層間の開き,時間軸上の変化(縦断的視点),大学本体との比較(横断的視点)──を用いて多角的に分析をおこなう。分析には『日本の図書館』の個票データを用いた。国立大学法人化以降(2004-2011年度)の図書費,雑誌費,電子ジャーナル費に関して,「大学間格差」(個別大学間の不均等度)を算出し,さらに「大学階層間格差」(群間の開き)を明らかにした。<BR> 主な知見は次のとおりである。第一に,電子ジャーナル費では大学間の不均等度は縮小しているものの,階層間格差はむしろ拡がっている。これまで電子ジャーナルの購読では階層間格差は小さくなると考えられてきただけに,重要な知見である。第二に,雑誌費では大学間の不均等度が高くなり,さらに階層間格差が拡大するという,深刻な事態が生じている。「電子化」の背後で進むこれら図書資料費の「格差化」にいかに向き合うかが,大学図書館の今後の課題である。
佐藤 貴宣
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.93, pp.27-46, 2013-11-30 (Released:2015-03-25)

本稿は,教師たちが盲学校のリアリティを,普通学校とは別の独得の秩序をもつ現実として構成していくその仕方を解明するとともに,そうしたリアリティ構成のあり方が,どのような形で生徒たちの進路形成・進路分化を規定しうるのかを,エスノメソドロジーの成員カテゴリー化論に依拠して考察することを目的とする。 この間,精力的に成員性カテゴリー化分析(MCA)を推進してきたエグリンとヘスターはリフェラル・ミーティングにおける参加者のカテゴリー使用を考察することにより,成員カテゴリーや成員カテゴリー化装置(MCD),その述部の意味はインデクシカルな表現から成り立ち,カテゴリー化とその文脈とは相互に精緻化し合うと主張してきた。本稿もヘスターらのアイディアを援用し,盲学校という場のリアリティを構成する教師たちの言語行為を記述していく。それはすなわち,盲学校に固有のリアリティが状況定義と生徒のカテゴリー化との相互規定性として達成されていくプロセスの解明に他ならない。そのようにして達成されていく盲学校のリアリティは,[盲学校教師]カテゴリーに対して特定の述部的行為を道徳的に帰属する。その結果,盲学校内部の職業課程を経由する職業移行が,視覚障害を有する生徒にとっての,最も妥当な進路として合理化されていくのである。
天野 正子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.33, pp.118-131,en218, 1978-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This study deals with the period between 1920 and the time Japan undertook a wartime posture in 1935-during this period higher education for women indicated a singular increase in facilities and enrollment.In considering why higher education for women showed so singular a quantitative development during this period, there is an explanation (diagrammatic explanation) that points to the prosperous situation of the economy following World War I, which brought about a change in the industrial and social structures-notably the development of the middle class-a change that entailed the “push” of arapid rise in the demand for further education and, simultaneously, the “pull” of a growing social demand for the graduates of higher education. This explanation is validated by many scholars. However, there is little mention about the specific meanings of “push” and “pull”, their organic unification and the specific mechanisms which led to their quantitative increase. Moreover, there are only few studies in support of such an explanation.In this paper, therefore, I will scrutinize the process of development in higher education for women during the post WWI period, and the vectors of the “push” and the “pull” at work in this development-with particular attention to the following: 1) Structural characteristics of higher education for women;2) The demographic (social) status of the entrants into higher education;3) The occupational distribution of the graduates of higher education.
荒井 克弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.37-52, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-08-04)
1 1

This paper discusses the features of the Japanese and US educational assessment systems, analyzing the systems of university entrance exams and national educational surveys.1. Educational Assessment as a Linkage of High Schools and Universities.As a result of the expansion of higher education, both Japan and the U. S. have faced the same articulation issue: the need for systems that are suitable for the phase of mass education.In the United States, for example, a guidance-type admission test (ACT) was introduced four decades ago to complement the conventional selection-type admission test (SAT). The new test has contributed to the efficiency of selection and placement processes, but has not enhanced students' motivation. Improving their academic abilities in their preparations for colleges still remains as an important issue.Japan, on the other hand, has introduced the policy of “the diversification of an entrance examination” as a specific remedy in recent years, in order to cool off exam hell, a major complication of the “diploma society.” However, this new trial was not successful, in that it not only expanded the mismatch between admissions requirements and university education, but has also had ramifications for the high school curricula.2. National Survey of Educational Achievement as a Tool for Educational SupportNational educational surveys basically provide us with materials for considering the current reality of educational achievements and future prospects. With technological progress, however, we can combine various kinds of achievement test data in different settings, through the data scale of the national educational survey. This makes it possible to measure and compare achievement scores among different areas within one country, as well as among two or more countries.Furthermore, this plan may contribute to the development of new articulation systems between high schools and universities in the U.S. in the near future. The proposal to restart a national education survey was also recently proposed in Japan, but the purpose is restricted to data collection concerning educational achievement and school assessment.The result shows that Japan and the U. S. have different traditions of the educational assessment research and different social environments. In particular, there is a clear difference in the independence of evaluation organizations and in the autonomy of an evaluation system. It also tells us of the importance of separating schools and administration/evaluation agencies, in order to maintain the objectivity and freedom of choices of evaluation systems. For this reason, the U.S. has been able to continue to hold educational assessments.