vol.32, 1977-09-30

In Japan, quality and quantity of knowledge which is expected to be transmitted at school is largely determined by the Official Course of Study. We have examined to what extent pupils are really obtaining the knowledge. This paper summarizes some results of the pupils' scholastic achievement research carried out by the National Institute for Educational Research in 1975. The samples are about 17,000 pupils in the 8th, 9th, and 11th grades in six prefectures. I, as a sociologist, consider that the curriculum content is not always relevant to the social conditions in modern Japanese society. I also think that Japanese teachers are trying to teach as much content as possible. The content of knowledge which is being taught at school, might be relevant in the viewpoint of traditional curriculum. It must not be over looked, however, that some of the content should be reselected and fundamentally revised from the future point of view. Therefore, we cannot reselect and revise the curriculum content only by estimating pupils' achievement in a traditional way. To illustrate these points some of the test problems used in the research are shown.
芝野 淳一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.111-130, 2014-11-28 (Released:2016-11-15)

近年,海外子女教育研究では,日本人学校に駐在家庭以外の長期滞在・永住家庭や国際結婚家庭といった多様な背景をもつ日本人が参入し,学校内部がトランスナショナルな様相を帯びていることが指摘されている。そこで争点となっているのは,日本人学校に立ち現われる本質主義的な「日本人性」の問題である。本稿は,グアム日本人学校の教員が語る「日本らしさ」を「日本人性」の表れとして捉え,現場において「日本らしさ」が実践される局面と,それがトランスナショナルな日常を生きる教員にもたらす葛藤を描き出すものである。 本稿の知見は,三点である。①日本人学校が抱える経済的・制度的基盤の脆弱性を乗り越えるために,多様な背景をもつ日本人を呼び込み学校を安定させようとしていた。②教員は保護者の期待を反映させた象徴的かつノスタルジックな「日本らしさ」を戦略的に構築し,入学者確保を試みていた。その結果,多様な子どもが在籍するようになったにもかかわらず,教育内容はますます「日本らしさ」に方向づけられていくというパラドキシカルな状況が生じていた。③一方で,教員は「日本らしさ」に基づく教育実践と自らが経験するトランスナショナルな日常との間のズレを認識することで葛藤を抱えていた。さらに,それが「日本人性」がもつ自明性や権力性を問い直すことに結びつき,多様性に配慮した慎重な教育実践を編み出していた。 最後に,本稿の知見が当該領域に与える示唆を論じた。
秦 政春
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.59-76,en305, 1984-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 1

The purpose of this article is to analyze the specific character and primary factor of delinquency and deviant behavior, and to discuss problems of educational process in school which affect the behavior, in modern society. The results of analysis on contemporary specific character and primary factor of delinquency are as follows(1) As the recent tendency, the delinquency ratio has increased in younger children than before (juvenilization of delinquent). Especially, the rate of increase of delinquent in primary school is remakable (see table 1).Moreover, a large number of delinquents in primary school tend to repeat the same deviant behavior to grade of upper secondary school (continuationalization of delinquency, see table 2).(2) As to students' consciousness and attitude on the delinquency and deviant behavior, it is not necessarily that all students take objection to the behavior (see table 3, 4).(3) As a result of path analysis, the most influential variable in the direct effect on delinquency is the record of delinquency, and then school-hierarchy, school record, and negative identity (see figure 1, 2).Based upon these results, several problems of educational process in school system on delinquency and deviant behavior must be discussed. That is to say, the problems are educational conditions producing the behavior as an important pathological phenomenon of education.In conclusion, some speculations growing out of the present research are offered. Firstly, it is pointed out that teachers' guidance for delinquent is not practically effective, and educational relationship between primary school, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school is not linked up systematically.Secondly, there are difficult problems concerned with structure of school system ; educational credentials, school-hierarchy, and selection examination. These problems have a considerable effect on delinquency and deviant behavior, even though the effect is not immediate.
清矢 良崇
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.54, pp.p5-23, 1994-06

This article is a detailed discussion about how to make use of H. Sacks' viewpoint of Discourse Analysis in the study of the process of socialization in Japan. The discussion of the paper has three purposes. First, it calls attention to the uniqueness of Sacks' viewpoint of Discourse Analysis in the study of socialization. Secondly, it makes clear the cultural bias found in his actual descriptions of conversational data. Thirdly, it makes a suggestion about an alternative approach to the study of the process of socialization in Japan. The first part of the paper contains a detailed discussion and evaluation of Sacks' lecture called "The Inference-Making Machine: Notes on Observability". The second part of the paper briefly discusses the limitation of his analysis, in relation to the fact that he makes use of Job's story in the Old Testament to describe his conversational data. And the last part of the paper seeks to show how to make use of the stories of Gods in "Kojiki" in order to describe the process of Japanese socialization, and makes an attempt to analyze some conversational data of Japanese adult-child interaction, using the idea of social order found in the story of "Susanoo's crying" as an example of the alternative approach suggested in the paper.
柴野 昌山
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.37, pp.p5-19, 1982-09

The author presents a conceptual framework for the analysis of distribution forms of knowledge and "negotiation" processes between teachers and students in the school instead of a "black-box" view of schooling. The analysis based on the interpretative paradigm has several implications for the direction along which researchers should proceed. First, educational knowledge is, as B. Bernstein says, a major regulator of the structure of schooling experiences. Second, the hidden curriculum determines the mode of the transmission of educational knowledge and the forms of knowledge by which students are socialized in terms of the legitimation of symbolic control. Third, major implication of this idea is that this framework would give us a possibility of articulating micro- and macro-levels of analysis, if researchers concerned with sociology of schooling pay more attention to the organizational socialization processes regulated by the hidden curriculum, despite the relative lack of empirical studies under existing circumstances.
吉田 美穂
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.77, pp.47-67, 2005-11-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
3 2

The purpose of this study is to clarify the internal structure and dynamism of teachers' culture and its interactions with the outside world, by analyzing a survey of teachers' attitudes towards teaching evaluations by students, carried out for all public high school teachers in Kochi Prefecture in 2004.Previous studies in the field of educational sociology have pointed out the following properties of teachers as a group, which demonstrate an introverted and pro-status quo nature: exclusiveness, conservatism, nonintervention, and the prioritization of harmony with colleagues. On the other hand, some recent studies in the field of educational administration argue that collaboration between teachers can contribute to the improvement of schools. However these various properties are only described independently, and there has not been sufficient clarification of the relations among them within the reality of teachers as a group. For example, what is the relationship between collaboration and placing priority on harmony? Recent policies for educational reform have aimed at changing the conservative culture of teachers. Unless we have an adequate understanding of the internal structure and dynamism of teachers' culture, however, we cannot decide which strategy is better. There is a need to clarify its internal structure and dynamism.To elucidate the problem mentioned above, firstly, this paper presents the results of an attitude survey conducted by questionnaire targeting all teachers in public high schools in Kochi prefecture. The reason I chose Kochi is that it is one of Japan's most advanced prefectures in the area of teaching evaluations by students, which have been introduced during the past several years in Japan. Secondly, from these surveys, I extract six factors of school organizational culture by factors analysis, and search for causal relationships between these factors and teachers' attitudes towards teaching evaluation by multivariate analysis. Thirdly, based on these findings, I discuss the internal structure of teachers' culture.The paper reaches the following conclusions:(1) The organizational culture of a school has a greater effect on each teacher's awareness or attitudes toward educational reforms than their individual attributes.(2) Collaboration by teachers' groups needs to be divided into two properties: democratic collaboration and collaboration for improvement.(3)Democratic collaboration is the basis for collaboration for improvement, which make it possible for teachers to transform themselves; on the other hand, there is some possibility of it leading to exclusiveness, conservatism and nonintervention.(4) In order to foster collaboration for improvement on the basis of democratic collaboration, there is a need to escape from nonintervention through the building of friendly relationships and promotion of the redundancy of information, and to avoid conservatism and exclusiveness by the achievement of open management with adequate communications between administrators and ordinary teachers.(5)The properties of teachers as a group that have been mentioned in the past, such as exclusiveness, conservatism and nonintervention, should be understood within a variety of dimensions, based on the factors of organizational culture mentioned above, and on this basis, different appropriate strategies should be devised for solutions.
橋野 晶寛
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.185-205, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

Despite the recent vigorous debate concerning the necessity for further increases in educational expenditure, the basic questions “Is Japanʼs spending on education really low?” and “Does money matter?” have never been examined analytically in Japan. The main purpose of this paper is to carry out a quantitative analysis of the effect and efficiency of educational expenditure in Japan and other developed countries. The paper consists of two parts. Firstly, using OECD expenditure data, I examine the conventional indices concerning educational expenditure and compare Japan and other developed countries using an alternative index. Secondly, I evaluate the effect of expenditures on secondary education and the inefficiencies of OECD countries by employing a stochastic frontier model. The following are the main results of the analyses.As to the comparison, there are some problems with the conventional macro indices such as educational expenditure per student, the educational expenditure-GDP ratio and the educational public expenditure-general public expenditure ratio. I employ the alternative index of Ram (1995) using the residuals of simple linear regression and compare the level of educational expenditures in OECD countries. In terms of primary and secondary education, the level of educational expenditure in Japan is close to the average of developed countries, and is therefore not much inferior to that of other developed countries, contrary to the recent claims concerning public education.The productivity of educational expenditure is evaluated in the light of two points: mean level and equity. The output indices of mean level and equity are estimated by the fixed-coefficient regression of the PISA data. The main analyses are conducted using a Bayesian semi-parametric stochastic frontier model which assumes no particular functional form concerning the effect of expenditures and the particular distribution concerning the inefficiencies. In terms of the mean level, an increase in educational expenditures has some positive effect. However, the production function is concave, and therefore there is a tendency for the effect of additional units of expenditure to diminish. The effect of educational expenditure on equity is neither monotonous nor strong. The estimated inefficiencies of each country tell us that there is a considerable gap between best practices and educational practices in many countries, and that the Japanese educational system is relatively efficient in mean level output and inefficient in equity output. These results imply that increasing educational expenditure requires further careful examination and discussion.
寺沢 拓敬
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.5-27, 2012

本研究の目的は,新制中学校英語科の「事実上の必修化」がいつ,どのように成立したかを検討し,その上で,必修化を促した要因を明らかにすることである。この分析を通して,ある教育内容が「すべての者が学ぶことが自明視される」という意味での《国民教育》の構成要素に,いかに成長していったか検討する。<BR> 新制中学発足当初こそ,選択科目であることが当然視されていた英語科だが,既に1950年代には中1の履修率がほぼ100%に近づき,「全員が一度は学ぶ」という意味での事実上の必修化が現出した。60年代になると中3の履修率も上昇し,「全員が3年間学ぶ」という今日的な意味での事実上の必修化が進行した。<BR> 同時期に「3年間必修化」を促した主たる要因は,教育内容そのものに関わる内在的な要因よりも,外在的な制度的・構造的要因であった。すなわち,英語の必要性の増大や英語教員の必修化推進運動ではなく,高校入試への英語試験導入,高校進学率の上昇,ベビーブーマー卒業後に生じた人的リソースの余裕など,構造的・制度的な変化の影響のほうが大きかった。なお,当時,自覚的な「運動」こそなかったが,関係者によって「英語の必要性」論への対抗言説が編まれており,これにより英語の《国民教育》としての正当性が高められ,その後の事実上の必修化を条件付けた面もある。以上のように,英語科の《国民教育》化は,種々の要因の複合的な結果として生じたと言える。
鳶島 修治
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.219-239, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

本稿では,経済協力開発機構(OECD)が2009年に実施した国際学力調査PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment)の日本調査データを用いて,高校1年生の「読解リテラシー」に対する出身階層の影響について検討した。PISAの読解リテラシーを構成する「情報へのアクセス・取り出し」,「テキストの統合・解釈」,「テキストの熟考・評価」という3つの側面を区別し,これら3つの側面の得点が個人(生徒)にネストされた形の階層的データをもとにマルチレベル分析を行った結果,いずれの側面の得点に対しても出身階層が正の効果をもっていることが確認された。また,国語科で従来から重要視されてきた「読解力」に近い性格をもつ「情報へのアクセス・取り出し」に比べて,「テキストの統合・解釈」や「テキストの熟考・評価」の得点に対する出身階層の効果は相対的に大きいという知見が得られた。読解リテラシーに対する出身階層の影響を説明するため,「文化資本」の一種とみなされる生徒の読書習慣(学校外での趣味としての読書時間)に着目して媒介関係の検討を行ったところ,読解リテラシーに対する出身階層の効果の約10~12%が読書時間によって媒介されていた。ただし,読解リテラシーの3つの側面の得点に対する読書時間の効果はほぼ同程度であり,「テキストの統合・解釈」や「テキストの熟考・評価」の側面において出身階層の効果が相対的に大きい傾向は読書時間という要因によっては説明されなかった。
仙崎 武
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.32, pp.31-50,en195, 1977-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

Career guidance (educational and vocational guidance) provided by the school is in general a process of growth by which school teachers givesystematic and continual helpe to their students with their individual material and educational and vocational information, and through career exploration and career counselling.It should enable students to choose their future career and to promote their ability to adjust to their own way of life in future. In the contemporary Japanese schools, however, teachers seem to think that career guidance is just a selection of work and placement. Therefore, real career guidance does not exist in Japanese school activities.Actual situation of career guidance in our schools are such that junior high school students must accept their dramatic social birth and also select their career by their final marks in the ninth grade.
河野 員博
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.34, pp.104-113,en209, 1979-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

The purpose of this article is to give a correct meaning to the theory of generations in its application to sociology of education. We can point out that the past theories of generations were very ambiguous and that they were not thoroughly examined from an academic point of view. Hence here is the need for this study.To realize this purpose, we would like to deal with the problems of generations chiefly as a conflict between two generations at a given time. Then we consider that the conflict between the generations consists of two types of relationships (of course, each relationship must be regarded as an Ideal-Type). These relationships are as follows: Type A; a relationship which is caused by the gap between the developmental stages or by the psychological mechanisms of generations, and Type B; a relationship which is caused by the different historical careers experienced at the same life stage of generations.We cannot help posing the following question. Aren't we fairly confusing those two types of relationships when thinking of generation-gap-If the answer is in the affirmative, we have to admit that the term “generationgap” should have some possibilities of being misused as an easygoing sociological concept, especially when the older generation educates the younger one. It is important for us to know the fundamentals of the conflicting relationship between generations so as to avoid this denger. Particularly at this stage, when our society is in a period of drastic transition, we must pay much more attention to Type-B relationship.
保坂 克洋
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.285-304, 2017-07-28 (Released:2019-03-08)

本稿は,放課後児童クラブにおける指導員と発達障害児の相互行為に着目し,支援がどのように行われているのかを明らかにすることを目的としている。特にドロシー・スミスの「切り離し手続き」という概念を分析枠組みとして,支援の実践における指導員と発達障害児の非対称的な関係について考察を行った。 相互行為場面の検討から,発達障害児の行為が問題となる可能性の段階で指導員が介入する「予防的対応」という支援の特徴が明らかとなった。この対応は,ルールを破ることによって様々な社会的場面において排除されてしまうことを危惧していた指導員によって,発達障害児がその状況において適切に振る舞えることを目指しているものであった。 一方,この対応のもとでは,指導員と発達障害児の間にリアリティ分離が生じた際に,発達障害児の状況定義が認められることはなく,発達障害児は現実の構成過程から排除されていた。つまり,発達障害児の包摂を志向した実践であっても,支援の実践が行われている現在時制において排除的に機能する場合があるという,単純に包摂の営みとして捉えられない支援の実践が明らかとなった。 また,この予防的対応は,発達障害児に対する「衝動が強い」という理解に基づいていた。そのため,支援の実践において発達障害児を現実の構成過程から排除しないためにも,この認識枠組みを書き換えつつ発達障害児と関わる必要性を指摘した。
知念 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.325-345, 2017

<p> 日本の「ジェンダーと教育」研究は,特にポスト構造主義が台頭した1990年代後半以降,男/女というジェンダー関係が構築される過程に焦点を当てる一方で,男性ないしは女性という一つの性の中の分化がどのように構築されているのかという点を看過してきた。それに対して本稿は,男子生徒の性内分化を描く試みである。高校におけるフィールドワーク調査のデータから,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉と呼ばれる男子生徒たちが用いる〈インキャラ〉という解釈枠組みとその運用場面を分析し,そこに男性性がどのように組み込まれているのかを明らかにする。<br> 本稿で明らかになった知見は以下の三点である。第一に,〈インキャラ〉とは,具体的な人物と対応する生徒類型というよりも,人々の言動や実践を解釈していく枠組みであった(4節)。第二に,〈インキャラ〉という解釈枠組みは,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉にとって自らにも他者にも適用されるものであり,適用対象や文脈に応じて様々な意味を帯び,人々のジェンダー実践を規制するものであった(5節)。そして第三に,学年が上がるにつれてそうした解釈枠組みに対して,異議申し立てが行われるようになった。そこには,彼らの中で理想とされる男性性が再定義されていく可能性や,そうした解釈枠組みの維持・変容と集団内の地位が関わっていることを見出すことができた(6節)。<br> 最後に,これらの分析から得られた知見が,「ジェンダーと教育」研究においてどのような意義をもつのかについて考察した。</p>
田中 節雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.35, pp.99-110,en232, 1980-09-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

There are two fundamental problems on the socialization in the school. First, the old socialization theory has tried to understand the change of human attitude with the concept of socialization. But has it succeeded? Second, it is said that school is the agency of socialization, but we cannot identify what in the school is the agency of socialization.The task of this article is to understand the socialization from a new point of view, and to make clear what in the school is the agency of socialization. What I state in this article is as follows:1. Socialization is usually regarded as a process. I tried to consider it on two dimensions, “the social relations” and “the change of human attitude as result”.2. By doing so I made clear the difference and the resemblance between education and socialization.3. The old socialization theory has neglected the conflict in the socialization: there is not consensus among all members in the society on what sort of the change of human attitude should be regarded as socialization.4. The old socialization theory neglects the change of the attitude in terms of the gratification of human desires, but it is inadequate.5. In the school the social relations are as follows:(1) The teaching-learning relation(2) The cooperative relations(3) The conditions in which children foresee their class in the future (the anticipatory class relation)6. In contemporary schools the anticipatory class relation regulates the teaching-learning relation and the cooperative relations. Teachers are the gatekeepers. Pupils show various kinds of pathologies.
志水 宏吉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.42, pp.167-181, 1987-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
1 1
牧野 カツコ
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.44, pp.50-70, 1989-04-30 (Released:2011-03-18)
4 1
日下田 岳史
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.67-84, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
3 1

One premise of studies on the Japanese university participation rate is that there have been three stages: expansion, stagnation, and re-expansion. A second premise is the prefecture is used as the unit to determine whether students have moved upon entrance to university. However, the prefecture as a measurement unit does not always coincide with the zone from which students can attend university from home, or “the hometown.” Therefore, using data from the “Student Life Survey” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this study directly measures the ratio of members of the 18-yearold cohort who entered university from home, and the ratio of those living away from home (1968-1998). In this paper, the former is called the university participation rate from home, and the latter the university participation rate from away from home. The finding is that for girls, the university participation rate from home has risen fairly consistently. This is important knowledge for the first premise of studies on the university participation rate. It appears that the reason why preceding studies have not given a successful explanation of the university participation rate of girls based on economic variables, whereas that of boys has been successfully explained, is because the cost of movement has not been considered. Therefore, this study confirms the effect of the cost of movement, and clarifies the difference of the determining factors of the university participation rate from home according to gender or university location. Furthermore, this study confirms a difference between girls and boys for each economic variable effect including the movement cost effect aftercontrolling for factors peculiar to university location.The results are that the limiting conditions are more sensitive in large cities than in rural areas, and that girls are more sensitive to the limiting conditions than boys when controlling for the factor peculiar to the area. This suggests the reproduction of the composition where “girls remain in the local area, and boys move out.”