児玉 英靖 張 或〓 相澤 真一 居郷 至伸 大滝 世津子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.46, pp.175-195, 2007-03-10

This paper examines the Japanese concept of gemba from the angle of sociology of knowledge. The concept of gemba has been widely used in Japanese schools, factories and offices, which can be literally translated to "the real scene" in English. However, the term gemba often suggests a sense of distinction between "we as powerless workers who know better about the situation" and "they as management or outsiders who do not know what really happens in the scene." Without referring to the social actors who use this concept under specified situation, it is very difficult to pinpoint down exactly what kinds of matter belongs to in a particular gemba. Delineating how this concept was actually used in different social settings, like high school, kindergarten and convenience stores, it suggests that, on the one hand, the concept's intension and the contents it connotes are often ambiguous, on the other hand, its extension often denotes a well-defined and clear boundary of what should be included within a particular gemba. The article thus discusses how the use of this concept may actually relate to group dynamics and thus it may reveal the power structure in contemporary Japanese society.
相澤 真一 濱本 真一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.104, pp.147-167, 2019-06-30 (Released:2021-04-01)

本論では,高等教育研究を参照してきた隣接分野の立場から,教育社会学研究としての高等教育研究について,今後の研究への問題提起と期待を提示する。本研究が提示する高等教育研究の隣接分野とは,主に,中等教育研究と社会階層・社会階級・社会移動研究(以下,略して,階層移動研究)である。 それらの隣接分野の視点から見た場合,高等教育研究にはいくつかの課題が指摘できるように思われる。第1は,「日本の」高等教育の選抜を理解するために,その本質的な部分に関する定義を見直す必要があるのではないかということである。第2は,日本の高等教育制度は,社会階層構造に対して,どのような制度的文脈を持っており,どのような機能を保持しているかを明らかにすることが求められているという点である。第3は,高等教育研究ならではの視点である「高等教育機関が行う研究」を社会学的対象として配置していくことが必要となるという点である。 以上の3点を踏まえて,日本の高等教育が制度的,歴史的に,世界のどのような類型に近く,どのような事例と比較されうるかを吟味することによって,より抽象度の高い階層移動研究に組み込んでいくことができると考えられる。また,日本の高等教育の特質を,隣接分野の文脈と共通性を持ちながら,より広い文脈を持った言葉で社会学的に明らかにしていくことにより,高等教育研究がより緊密に国際的な研究と結びついていくであろう
香川 めい 相澤 真一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.279-301, 2006-05-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The aim of this paper is to investigate when and how the meaning of high school diplomas changed during the era of educational expansion in two senses:(1) ubjective and (2) objective. More concretely, it examines:(1) how people recognized high school diplomas and (2) how high school diplomas functioned in the achievement of occupational and economic status. To examine these points, the authors focus on postwar Japan, when the high school enrollment rate rose dramatically under the new educational system. The data used in the analyses are Social Stratification and Social Mobility (SSM) data collected every ten years since 1955.Three cohorts, divided according to the high school enrollment rate, are compared. The high school enrollment rate is 50% to 65% among the first cohort, 66% to 89% for the second, and more than 90% for the third. The enrollment rate increased continuously during the first and second cohorts, so the former is named the “early phase” and the latter the “later phase.” The enrollment rate reaches a plateau in the third. “Desired educational level” and “desired occupation” are used in the analysis of subjective meaning. “Occupation of first job, ” “occupation of present job, ” and “present personal income” are used to clarify the meaning in an objective sense.The analysis of subjective meaning reveals the following. As the high schoolenrollment rate increased dramatically, the desired level of education rose with it. More people wanted to go on to higher level of education: high school and higher education. But the desired occupation of people who wanted to go to high school was almost the same for the early phase and later phase cohorts. However, the actual first jobs of high school graduates in the two cohorts were very different. Fewer people obtained white-collar jobs and more entered into blue-collar jobs in the latter cohort.Comparing present job and present personal income for each of the four data sets since 1965, the three cohorts can be characterized as follows. In the early phase, a relatively large number of people acquired white-collar jobs at an early stage of their occupational careers, and a substantive ratio maintained these jobs to 1995. In addition, personal income increased steadily as people of this cohort became older. On the other hand, a large number of people in the later phase cohort started working in blue-collar jobs. But as they got older, they seemed to move into different types of jobs. The personal income of this cohort increased dramatically in 1995. Therefore, it can be said that this cohort “caught up.” For the last cohort, however, there seemed to be little chance of upward mobility in either occupational or economic status.In sum, if only the function of high school diplomas is considered, the meaning of high school diplomas changed between the early and later phase. But if the “catching-up” of members of the later phase and the subjective meaning of high school diplomas is taken into account, there is little difference in how people recognize and value high school diplomas between first two cohorts. Therefore, a distinctive line can be drawn between the later phase and the next cohort (i. e., the plateau), when the premium of being a high school graduate diminished.
辻 竜平 長谷川 孝治 相澤 真一 小泉 元宏 川本 彩花

相澤 真一 堀 兼大朗
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.110, pp.115-136, 2022-07-30 (Released:2024-04-01)

本稿では,ブルデューの『ディスタンクシオン』およびイギリスにおけるその実証的展開である『文化・階級・卓越化』から示唆を得て,日本社会において同様の問いを検討し,いかなる文化資本を見いだすことが可能なのかを計量的に検討する。ただし,本来,このような問いを明らかにすることのできる調査データは存在しないため,現在,広く入手可能なデータでどこまでこのような問いに接近可能なのかについて検討する。 本稿では,文化的変数あるいは生活様式にかかわる変数を投入した対応分析を行う。『文化・階級・卓越化』に則り,対応分析には,文化的活動あるいはライフスタイルにかかわる変数をアクティブ変数として投入する。具体的な分析手順としては,第1に,文化的活動あるいはライフスタイルにかかわる変数のいずれかのみを投入する。第2に,その両者を投入する。このそれぞれの分析結果に追加変数として,社会階層の分析でよく用いられる変数をプロットし,両者の関係を検討する。分析には,2015年「社会階層と社会移動全国調査」(以下,SSM2015)と東大社研パネル調査(以下,JLPS)の一部のWaveを用いる。 結果として,文化的活動への関与の有無と資本の総量は相関していることが示唆される。特にクラシック音楽や美術への関与と社会階層変数との重なりが大きい一方で,第二軸の分散は主に年齢と関連していることが明らかになった。
相澤 真一 池田 大輝
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.89, no.4, pp.670-682, 2022 (Released:2023-04-25)

相澤 真一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.187-205, 2005-05-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper investigates the issues of students' ability to learn and the necessity for educational knowledge from 1957 to 1969, using the specific example of English teaching. With a special focus on discourse in the movement of the Japan Teachers Union, this paper examines the manner in which teachers dealt with these issues by constructing their own discourses and practices.Several points emerge from the analysis of educational movement discourses in English teaching. People, including educational participants, initially tended to believe that learning English served no purpose, and students found it extremely difficult to master the language. In the movement of the Japan Teachers Union, however, teachers indicated that the aim of learning English was not only to master the language but also to build the learner's character; therefore, it would be useful for all students to learn English. This idea is embodied in the “Four Goals, ” which seek the solidarity of nations and the deepening of students' understanding of their own languages rather than the acquisition of English. Consequently, two concrete attempts to attain these goals are notable. The first is independent practices by teachers to concretize the “Four Goals” that help build character. The second attempt is the discourse to redefine the ability to measure achievement in independent practice. The discourse on ability demonstrates that “true ability” is best measured not by the achievement tests given by the Ministry of Education but rather by a “zest for living.”In summary, focusing on the building of students' character rather than the mastery of learning materials led to a “solution” of the issues involving students' ability to learn and the need for educational knowledge in the discursive space alone. This form of “solution, ” through the analysis of discourse within the educational movement, is described as the “Japanese educational structure from the perspective of student's ability to learn.”
相澤 真一 濱本 真一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.104, pp.147-167, 2019

<p> 本論では,高等教育研究を参照してきた隣接分野の立場から,教育社会学研究としての高等教育研究について,今後の研究への問題提起と期待を提示する。本研究が提示する高等教育研究の隣接分野とは,主に,中等教育研究と社会階層・社会階級・社会移動研究(以下,略して,階層移動研究)である。<br> それらの隣接分野の視点から見た場合,高等教育研究にはいくつかの課題が指摘できるように思われる。第1は,「日本の」高等教育の選抜を理解するために,その本質的な部分に関する定義を見直す必要があるのではないかということである。第2は,日本の高等教育制度は,社会階層構造に対して,どのような制度的文脈を持っており,どのような機能を保持しているかを明らかにすることが求められているという点である。第3は,高等教育研究ならではの視点である「高等教育機関が行う研究」を社会学的対象として配置していくことが必要となるという点である。<br> 以上の3点を踏まえて,日本の高等教育が制度的,歴史的に,世界のどのような類型に近く,どのような事例と比較されうるかを吟味することによって,より抽象度の高い階層移動研究に組み込んでいくことができると考えられる。また,日本の高等教育の特質を,隣接分野の文脈と共通性を持ちながら,より広い文脈を持った言葉で社会学的に明らかにしていくことにより,高等教育研究がより緊密に国際的な研究と結びついていくであろう</p>
相澤 真一 香川 めい
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2008, no.21, pp.131-142, 2008-07-20 (Released:2012-02-29)

The aim of this paper is to unravel the change in the functions of the high school diploma using time-series variation in the structures of intra-generational mobility.First, we try to set demarcation lines between birth years by examining intra-generational mobility, occupational structure based on the first job, and enrollment ratios in the institutions of higher education. Exploring these three aspects for every birth year between 1932 and 1965, five different phases are inductively suggested. Second, the five different phases are compared with 10-year demarcations to verify the former by analyzing chances for advancement to managerial level. We find that using 10-year phases only shows static and limited results. But result using time divisions developed in the exploratory phase produced results that clearly shown the changing impact of academic attainment depending on the period.