加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.61, pp.5-24, 1997-10

Why does traditional femininity persist even though women seemingly have become free from traditional constraints? The types of answers to this question are that women adopt traditional femininity by (1) compulsory selection; (2) rational selection; (3) subjective selection; (4) unconscious selection. Each of these is insufficient. This paper suggests some integrated vision for this problem by focusing on the female culture (of younger women), especially its property as capital. Data from the survey reveals the ingredients of the female culture: (a) consummatory factor, (b) domestic factor, and (c) girls' culture factor. Each of them is related to traditional femininity through the DELAY-FUNCTION and the TRANFORMATIVE-FUNCTION (of meaning). The subjectively experienced meaning of the female culture are delay-transformed for reasons of the resemblance of the appearance to the factors of traditional femininity. This function can be precisely formulated as the function of HABITUS (Pierre Bourdieu's term). But Bourdieu did not explain habitus in the context of femininity and women's deprivation. So an extended concept for femininity is required. Habitus is the incarnated form of the capital (Bourdieu especially insisted "capital culturel", i.e. CULTURAL CAPITAL). And this capital functions only in the FIELD ("Champ") that is correlated and reflexively defined with capital. I named such FIELD as related women's properties as "PATRIARCHAL FIELD", and its correlated capital as "PATRIARCHAL CAPITAL". The patriarchal capital, as with other forms of capital such as cultural capital, economic capital and social capital, produces profits only within its field, and converts former forms into another. This process corresponds to the transformative function. Female culture and gender formation of women can be interpreted by Bourdieu's model. And this model will be able to explicate the hidden process of "the reproduction of gender" by the analysis of the conversion of and between such capital as discussed above.
山田 昌弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.44, pp.80-84, 1989-04-30
田原 宏人
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.91-112, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

福永 安祥
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.26, pp.137-149,en234, 1971-10-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

There live two hundred and sixty million people in Southeast Asia. It isdivided into peninsulas and islands from the geographical point of view. Accordingto the various religions (Mahayanist Buddhism, Hinayana Buddhism, Islam) and the differences in historical backgrounds as colonies, Higher Education ineach country is quite different. But, in general, we can indicate some points:1.Old suzerain's cultural influence still survives.2.They direct great efforts to foreign language education and they are rewardedwith good fruits.3.They are apt to attach much importance to law.4.On the whole, Science Faculty, specially the department of technology, ispoor in its educational facilities and contents.The following universities can be named as the representatives in Southeast Asian Countries. We explain a little abut these.1.Viet Nam-Saigon University.2.Thailand-Chulalongkon University. Thammasart University.3.Malaysia-University of Malaya.4.Laos-University Sisavang Vong.5.Indonesia-University of Indonesia. University of Padjadjaran.University of Gadja Mada.6.Singapore-University of Singapore. Nanyang University.
伊藤 茂樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.89-103, 2002

Until the 1980s, adolescent culture in Japan was, for the most part, a student subculture, formed in school and differentiated in relation to students' attitudes toward school. However, in the 1990s this tendency weakened. During this period : (1) Adolescent culture strengthened its character as youth culture in relation to the mass-consumption society and the media ; (2) Adolescents' interests shifted from the society, or their status within it, to their inner selves or the human relationships around them ; and (3) Establishing an identity became more difficult and adolescents' identities showed a tendency to diffuse. These changes were caused by schooling and the society surrounding it. Schooling came to emphasize the instant satisfaction and individuality of students rather than their future accomplishments or conformity (This can be described as the "Consumerization of Schooling"). Moreover, it was becoming more difficult for students to realize the merit of schooling, because of the universalization of higher education. As a result, school became just a "place of living, " where students spent long periods of time. As for the society outside school, adolescents were celebrated as independent consumers in the mass-consumption society. On the other hand, with the progress and spread of personal media such as cell-phones, the Internet and e-mail, it became easier for adolescents not only to greatly expand their relationships, but also to have several characters and to present any of them depending upon the context. Consequently, the basis of adolescence and adolescent culture was greatly weakened. This is bound to make the purpose and meaning of schooling more ambiguous in the twenty-first century.
小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.51-62,en214, 1981

In 1970s a lot of critical works on the Human rCapital Theory which has been a theoretical framework of the economics of education have been raised in the U.S.A. Among them, the Segmented Labor Market Theory, especially the Internal Labor Market Theory and the Screening Device Hypothesis seem to be very suggestive from a view point of the sociology of education. This paper aims at reviewing these new views and acquiring implications about school education systems.<BR>The Internal Labor Market Theory insists as follows: There are barriers to entry in the internal labor markets. Employment of workers is restricted to entry jobs and they are promoted internally. They acquire their vocational skills not by school education but by On the Job Training (OJT). By acquiring these skills they are promoted to the higher rank jobs. If these skills are enterprise-specific, employers must bear the training costs. To minimize the hiring and training costs, employers prefer to promote workers internally rather than hire them from outside the enterprises. The more skills are enterprise-specific, the more the labor markets are internalized.<BR>The Screening Device Hypothesis insists as follows: Education does not contribute to raising productivity, but serves as a means to sorting people for jobs. Employers do not have enough information about work performances of workers. So they use education as an indirect proxy measure of workers' abilities.<BR>In the internal markets, the more skills are enterprise-specific and training needs long time, the more employers use education as a Screening Device and become indifferent to vocational skills acquired by school education and skills are acquired by OJT. Thus in the internal labor market school education is used as a Screening Device and the transmission function of vocational skills by school systems is weakened. Moreover, some economists declare that school education develops personalities which are correspondent to hierarchical work relations in enterprises.<BR>Japanese labor markets characterized by a life-time employment system seems to be well explained by the Internal Labor Market Theory. In the internal labor markets the utilities of vocational knowledge and skills acquired by school education are denied. Some empirical research evidences support this conclusion.
新富 康央
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.33, pp.153-164,en221, 1978-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper attempts to analyse the structure of discipline in Pedagogy, with reference to T. S. Kuhn's ‘Paradigm’ theory. The sociology of scientific knowledge or science is an undeveloped research area in the sociology of higher education.Theory and/or methodology in the sociology of science have been chiefly carried out through the Mertonian/Kuhnian debates. The key concept in Merton model is the four scientific norms (‘Ethos’) which characterise'scientific community' as a self-regulatory system. In this model science is described as “a particular sort of behaviour”. On the other hand, Kuhn, sociologically-minded historian of science, has argued that the actions of scientists in all mature sciences are directed by mono-paradigm. In this model science is described as “a particular sort of knowledge”.The term ‘Paradigm’ has given considerable influence upon the sociology of science, especially as the theoretical tool and background for the criticism on the Merton model. Four points are suggested: (a) comprehension of science within an intellectual rather than a socio-cultural context of scientific community, (b) development of the perspective and framework on ‘scientific change’, (c) emphasis on the endogenous or internal factors in the scientific development and the emergence of scientific discipline, and (d) presentation of the socialization theory, that is, the methodology of the sociology of scientific authority and commitment.In my view, however, empirical investigations of ‘paradigm’ theory have almost remained a question. In this paper the discussion is restricted to the case of pedagogy. The points of view of the analysis are as follows: (a) mono- or poly-paradigm?, (b) the neglect of institutional and organizational perspectives, and (c) the double structures of scientific recognition and identity within scientific discipline.Formal communication in sciences is primarily carried on through articles, appearing in scientific journals. Thus, a set of papers cited in scientific journals of four specialties (sub-disciplines) in pedagogy is chiefly analysed: philosophy of education, sociology of education, educational administration and adult education.
北澤 毅
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.5-23, 2012-06-15 (Released:2013-06-17)

ある出来事が問題視されることが起点となって,その出来事をもたらした原因探求が開始される。原因探求は,問題事象を理解し解決策を検討するためであると同時に,問題事象をもたらした責任の所在を特定するための試みと考えられている。それゆえ原因探求に躍起となるのだが,そうした試みはしばしば泥沼化し,問題事象は混迷を深め悲劇をもたらすことがある。 本稿では,いじめ自殺と水俣病という,ほとんど無関係と思われる社会問題を対比させることで,「責任の根拠としての原因」という認識に導かれた言説実践がどのような現実を生み出してきたか,そして今も生み出しているかを明らかにしようと試みた。そのためにまずは,「意志と責任」「年齢と責任」「カテゴリーと責任」「偶然と責任」という視点から「因果関係と責任」の論理関係を検討することで,「責任の根拠として原因」という認識の論理的矛盾を明らかにした。と同時に,私たちの社会のなかで原因解明と責任追及がいかに実践されているかを言説分析の視点から解明することで「実践と認識の二重性」を指摘し,そうした二重性がもたらす困難を描き出すために,いじめ自殺と水俣病に見られる構造的同型性(=原因究明言説の隘路)を論じた。 そして最後に,「責任の根拠としての原因」という認識がもたらす困難から脱却するための二つの方向性を示唆した。一つは,無過失責任論の可能性であり,もう一つは責任言説の再編可能性である。
韓 東賢
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.109-129, 2015

ヤング(Young 訳書,2007)は,欧米におけるポスト工業化社会への変化が,同化と結合を基調とする「包摂型社会」から分離と排除を基調とする「排除型社会」への移行でもあったと指摘する。一方,敗戦後,米軍の占領期を経て厳格なエスニック・ネイションとして再出発した日本では多文化主義的な社会統合政策が取られたことはなく,そのような意味での「包摂型社会」になったことはないと言えよう。にもかかわらず,日本でも1990年代から徐々に始まっていたヤングのいう意味での「排除型社会」化の進行は見られる。つまり,「包摂型社会」を中途半端にしか経由せず,そのためそこでの同化主義への処方箋である多文化主義も経由せずに,にもかかわらず「バックラッシュ」が来ている,というかたちで,だ。<BR> 本稿ではこうした流れを,朝鮮学校の制度的位置づけ,処遇問題からあとづけていく。そこから見えてきたものは次の3 点であると言える。①仮に戦後の日本がヤングのいう意味での包摂型社会だったとしても,その基調は同化と結合ではなく,「排除/同化」――排除と同化の二者択一を迫るもの――であった。②2000年代には,このような「排除/同化」の基調を引き継ぎながら,にもかかわらず,「多文化主義へのバックラッシュ」としての排除を露骨化,先鋭化させた排除型社会になった。③そのような「排除/同化」,また2000年代以降の排除の露骨化,先鋭化において,朝鮮学校の処遇はつねにその先鞭,象徴だった。
矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.5-20, 2000-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

Globalization can be described as the flow of goods, capital, technology, people and value across borders. It is a process which affects the socioeconomic policies, including educational policies, of different country in different ways.The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept and meaning of globalization, and to look at strategies for integrating the dimension of globalization into education, focusing in particular on the impact of the global economy and new information technology. It includes a discussion of the breakdown of Japanese economic nationalism in the 1990s, an exploration of why education is important for responding to globalization, and a description of the main problems of the marketization of education.The key to Japan's economic success in the postwar period lay in the development of the doctrine of economic nationalism, through which the social progress of workers and their families was advanced through the pursuit of the expansion and security of firms. This economic nationalism was emphasized by the system of lifelong employment, and the rapid growth of export industries in the 1975-90 period.The economic recession in the early 90s marked the breakdown of Japanese economic nationalism, and was accompanied by an increasing awareness of a global economy and innovation of information technology.A new consensus of the role of education is based on the idea that nations are able to win a competitive advantages in the world wide knowledge based economy through investment in new technology and upgrading the quality of human resources by the marketization of education.This idea, however, threatens to increase the social inequalities and undermine the foundations of social solidarity. In order to reduce these problems it is necessary to rebuild the educational and employment institution and to upgrade the quality of local labor forces and industries.
清水 睦美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.111-126, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper attempts to outline and discuss the role of the educational sociologist, by re-examining the author's own ethnographic study on newcomer children in Japanese public schools. It also tries to understand the process of “clinical” studies, focusing on the relationship between the field and the academic realm ofeducational sociology.The “field” is primarily a research object for the researcher. However, ethnographic studies in general assume that the text needs to be checked by theinformants on the field. The informants, i. e. the field members, have become the “audience” of the research in this process.For the researcher, obtaining an audience on the field may indicate that theresearch is soon to end. However, for the audiences, it is the time to begin newpractice. At this stage, the researcher needs to make the difficult decision ofwhether to leave the field or not. In this case, the author chose to remain in thefield and took the role of “reburying” the research results as an educationalsociologist. As a consequence of this entire process, the study contributed tochanging practice in the field, and newcomer children have come to be supportedas “having special needs.”As practice in the field begins to change, the researcher comes to feel thatthe real end of the research is arriving. For the second time, the researcher facesthe question of whether to leave the field or not. In this case, the author shiftedher focus to the relationship between newcomer children and school achievement, which has been a pending issue in the field.This research led to the author's taking on the new role of offering researchresults as a resource for practice, and consequently to feel the need to researchthe problem as an educational sociologist. In other words, there is a need tointroduce to the field the research results that have been accumulated in therealm of educational sociology.From her experiences obtained from the ethnographic study, the authorconcludes that the significance of “clinical” studies is to address a differentaspect of the issue. Field members and educational sociologists need to collaborateto make the best use of research findings for that purpose.
稲葉 浩一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.93, pp.91-115, 2013-11-30 (Released:2015-03-25)

太田 拓紀
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.90, pp.169-190, 2012

教師の職業的社会化は養成段階にて始まるわけではない。例えば,ローティは長期間に及ぶ生徒としての学校生活や教師との対面的接触を「観察による徒弟制」と称し,教職の社会化過程として捉えた。この理論的枠組に依拠し,本稿では教員志望者における過去の学校経験の特性を明らかにするとともに,その過程にいかなる教師の予期的社会化作用が潜んでいるのかを検証・考察することを目指した。<BR> まず,大学生対象の質問紙調査のデータから分析を行い,家族関係,学業成績の影響を統制した上でも,生徒時代におけるリーダーの経験が教職志望の判別要因として効果の強いことが明らかになった。それはいずれの学校段階の教員を志望するにしても同様の結果であった。<BR> 続いて,教員志望学生対象のインタビュー調査の結果から,リーダーに教師役割が委任され,指導的なふるまいが期待されていたことに着目した。そしてその過程に,教職への志向性を高める契機が含まれていると考えられた。ただし,指導的な行為に伴う彼らの葛藤は,この段階での社会化の限界を示唆するものであった。また,彼らに教師役割の委任を可能にするのは,学校文化に同化した性向が関係していると考察した。<BR> 最後に,「観察による徒弟制」の観点から,学校経験の過程で形成される教育観には養成段階の教育効果を損なう問題があると論じ,教師教育は過去の学校経験と養成教育との接続にも目を向けるべきであると提起した。
油布 佐和子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.23-38, 2010-06-30

細川 幹夫 高橋 均
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.31, pp.54-71,en213, 1976-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

Since about 1960, research on the problems of the socialization of individuals has come to the forefront of the field of Educational Sociology in America, in Germany and in Japan. We would like to discuss the reasons for this trend; in the first place, we would like to take up topics under the heading “the socialzaition of individuals”, historical studies on the conceptual origins, and the development in relation to the social, ideological and educational affairs, and the purposes of the research; and, in the second place, we would like to point out that there are two fundamental concepts concerning socialization. Seen from different viewpoints of human nature, these last are the Durkheimian sociological concept and the Dewey-Meadian socio-psychological concept. From the educational viewpoint, they may be divided into the following two: the concept of unconsciousfunctional socialization and the concept of intentional socializing education. In the third place, we would like to mention that in America the unification and harmonization of socialization and individualization were at the centre of disputes from the very beginning, and we will summarize the reasons for this in three points based on the following statement: Since 1950, research on the problems of socialization has come to dominate the field. Fourthly, we would like to take up the most seriousp roblem-that of the rigorous distinction between Sozialization and Personalisation, which exists in the German Pädagogische Anthropologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziologie der Erziehung. In other words, we would like to take up the positive concept of socialization implying socialadaptation-internalization (as basic socialization, or primary education), its limitations (for human existence-conscience), and the issues involved (adaptation to present-day technology). Finally, we would like to consider the trends and issues as treated by Japanese educationalsociologists. 1) We clarify such agents of socialization as family, school and others, and make clear their characteristics; 2) We investigate the trends in the research areas of political, economic, ccupational, and moral branches of socialization, as examples in which the content of such research is examined; and 3) We take up the problem of research areas, and suggest the possibility of handling the problems of juvenile delinquency as part of the study of socialization.
岩脇 千裕
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.309-327, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 2

The purpose of this study is to clarify changes in the image of desirable characteristicsfor new university graduate hirees after the collapse of bubble economyand the growth of the university enrolment rate in Japan during the 1990s. Thehypothesis is explored that Japanese companies have changed their recruitmentpolicy away from emphasizing future training potential and toward adaptableimmediate fighting potential. For the analysis, articles from job-placementmagazines for recruitment in 1991 and 2001 are used. Words and phrases arecollected from the company recruiters' comments on the focus for hiring newgraduates. Then, a check is carried out to look at changes in the frequency of top36 items. Finally, an analysis is conducted of the combination-pattern of top 12items, using Hayashi's Statistical Method III.The major findings are as follows.(1) The most frequent five items in bothyears tend to show activeness. “Individuality” ranks high only in 1991, and “Autonomy” in 2001. There was a significant rise in items showing practicalability, and a decrease in items showing personality.(2) Analyzing the top 12items using Hayashi's Statistical Method III, two dimensions of the image ofdesirable new employees, “Appearance vs. Performance” and “Intention tomake the company active vs. Intention to develop the company, ” are found.Using the 1991 data, the items are categorized into four groups: “Cheerfulness, ” Innovative Action, “Aspiration to Achieve” and “Spiritual Strength.” For the2001 data, they are categorized into three groups, removing “Spiritual Strength.” The shift of “Autonomy” from the group “Aspiration to Achieve” to the group “Innovative Action” suggests that companies have placed increasing importanceon the results of new employees' autonomous action compared to the process inwhich they set up and attain targets.(3) Analyzing the arrangements of averagecase scores by company size and type of business, it is suggested that thebusiness condition of companies affects the image of desirable new employees.These results show that Japanese companies considered activeness as theessential element for new employees during the 1990s. However, the optionalelements have changed from “Individuality”, personality and processes to “Autonomy”, practical ability and results. Companies may have given up ontraining young employees due to their strained business conditions. In conclusion, this study reveals that the image of desirable characteristics of newgraduates changed from “objects of training” to “subjects who act autonomously”