河野 正司 吉田 恵一 小林 博 三浦 宏之
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.31, no.3, pp.764-769, 1987-06-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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Many TMJ patients who have occlusal interferences often complain of pains in the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The pain occurs mainly in the insertion of the muscle (SCM-I) rather than in the middle of the muscle (SCM-M). In order to investigate a causative mechanism of pain in the sternocleidomastoid muscle in relation to occlusion, the activities of sternocleidomastoid and masticatory muscles were studied by means of EMG during functions in relation to the occlusal contact on six normal subjects. EMG activities of temporal, masseter, SCM-I and SCM-M were recorded by surface and needle electrodes.EMG activity was recorded from SCM-I in accordance with the activity of the masticatory muscles during tapping, clenching, and mastication. On the other hand little activity was registered from SCM-M. The amplitude of the EMG of SCM-I increased as the occlusal force increased. During chewing the sternocleidomastoid muscle was functioning more actively on the working side than on the non-working side.
石田 鉄光
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.39, no.5, pp.939-947, 1995-10-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

At present, immersion in anantiseptic solution is the most common method of sterilizing an impression. However, it is known that immersion in an antiseptic solution would have adverse effects on the accuracy and surface property of the impression. Thus it has been demanded that a sterilization method having no adverse effects on impressions be devised. In this study, the effects of impression materials on ultraviolet irradiation and those of ultraviolet irradiation on impressionswere evaluated using ultraviolet rays ith a wave length of 253.7 nm.The results were as follows:1. Irradiation at 7, 000μW/cm2 showed a more stable sterilization ffect than that at 1, 000 μ/W/cm2.2. In ultraviolet irradiation at 1, 000μW/cm2 for 30 seconds, viable cells of the indicator strain were significantly less on the silicone ubber impression than on the alginate impression (p<0.01).3. In ultraviolet irradiation at 7, 000μW/cm2 for 5, 10, 15 and 20 seconds, viable cells of the indicator strain were significantly less on the silicone rubber impression than on the alginate impression (p<0.01).4. On observation of the impression surface after ultraviolet irradiation under scanning electron microscopy, the number of cells of the indicator strain were found to have decreased.
玉置 幸道 宮崎 隆
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.42, no.4, pp.528-539, 1998-08-10 (Released:2010-08-10)
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Although titanium has been a popular metal in dentistry, it was not actively applied in the clinic. Some of the reason were most importantly a hardened layer formed on the casting surface with a reaction between mold material and molten titanium that had different physical and chemical properties than titanium. Moreover, fit of prostheses is lost due to the removal of the reacted layer. On the other hand, internal defects are often observed by X-ray photography of titanium castings. Bubble-like defects formed by gas inclusion will lead to worse durability.In order to obtain sound titanium castings, it is important to maintain surface transcription with high quality during the casting procedure and decrease casting error. A new investment may be a key to success. A development of titanium alloy seemed to be effective as prosthetic materials.
井上 昌幸
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.37, no.6, pp.1127-1138, 1993-12-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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Sensitization and allergic lesions resulting from metals in our living environment have often been reported. However, dentists have paid little attention so far on sensitization or dermal or mucosal lesions caused by metal restorations. We have established a team of 14 research institutions to perform patch tests with 18 kinds of dental metals and to conduct and epidemiological survey on the patch test positive subjects.Prior to the study, application of the testing solutions and reading of the skin reactions were standardized. Patch tests were done on volunteers and patients with the total of 1, 728 subjects. On those patients who showed positive reactions to the patch tests, metal analysis for the intraoral restorations was done by the method developed by Inoue et al. The analysis results were then compared to the patch test results to investigate the relation between the two.The following data was collected and discussions were made:(1) patch test posit ive/negative rates for the total subjects, (2) their differences regarding sex, age, or a kind of metal, (3) regional dfference, (4) relation between an individual with patch test positive result and his/her intraoral metal restoration (s), (5) types and locations of the lesions, (6) patch test positive rate (overall and of the each metal) for the patient group, (7) difference in the patch test positive rate between the volunteer group and the patient group, (8) comparison between the patch test positive rates among the M-9, M-11 or M-13 series, and among the different concentrations of the testing solutions, (9) comparison of the results between patch tests and their confirmation tests, (10) changes in the patch test reaction during the testing period.From these results, it is considered that careful and adequate measures against the metal allergy should be taken, when the dentist starts the prosthodontic treatment.
宮田 敏則
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.34, no.3, pp.631-645, 1990-06-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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The purpose of this study is to reveal the relation between stomatognathic system and the systemic condition.In the present study, experimental occlusal interference was given to the first molar on main mastication side of 6 healthy subjects and the influence on the upright posture was evaluated through simultaneous measurements of changes in activity of antigravity muscles via electromyography, other than the measurement of loci of the gravity fluctuation for stabilograph before and after the interference was provided.The following results were obtained, 1. Loci of gravity fluctuation1) All parameters tended increase 24 hours after the interference was provided.2) The decreasing trend was noted 24 hours after the interference was removed.3) At one week after the interference was removed all analysis items tended to restore to the normal range.2. Activity of antigravity muscles In some of the subjects, the muscular activity showed the same trend as the changes of analysis items of gravity fluctuation.3. The above results suggest that the evaluation of the loci of the gravity fluctuation may be helpful to assess the therapeutic effect of malocclusion.
小林 義典 松本 敏彦 石上 恵一 平井 敏博
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-23, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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In order to verify the relation between the body function and occlusion, the gravity function, electronystagmography, and auditory brainstem response of TMD patients, edentulous patients and healthy subjects with 500 μm thick experimental occlusal interference were analyzed, and it was confirmed that occlusal problems impede the auditory system, body's posture adjusting system and vestibule system. Further, when the relation between the occlusal contact and the bodily motor function were compared between healthy subjects and patients whose occlusion had been treated, it was confirmed that there was close relation between the two.Furthermore, from the analysis of human body phenomena of healthy subjects with 100 μm thick experimental occlusal interference, it was confirmed that occlusal problems induced bruxism or continuously aggravated the problem and eventually entailed TMD, as well as changed the function of the autonomic nervous system and provoked emotional stress and sleep disorders.From these results, it was verified that occlusal problems affected the function of the middle ear transmission system, equilibrium sense, auditory brainstem response, function of autonomic nervous system, emotion and sleep and that the occlusal function was closely related to the bodily motor function.
大野 純一
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.47, no.5, pp.736-744, 2003-12-10 (Released:2010-08-10)

欧州を中心に発展してきた, いわゆる短縮歯列を治療のゴールとする考え方 (Shortened dental arch concept) に関し, 患者を用いた臨床研究の文献考察を行った.研究対象となった短縮歯列患者の多くは機能的, 審美的に満足のいくもので, 経年的な研究でもその咬合状態は安定しており, 治療のゴールの1つの選択肢となり得るものであった.しかし, これまでの研究は特定の患者群 (大学病院への来院患者) における, ある一定のパターンの歯列が対象であるため, 今後より大きなサンプルを扱った, 多施設共同臨床研究での長期にわたる研究が待たれる.
池邉 一典 喜多 誠一 難波 秀和 清水 裕子 谷岡 望 吉備 政仁 小野 高裕 野首 孝祠
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.44, no.2, pp.332-338, 2000-04-10 (Released:2010-08-10)
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between quality of removable dentures and nutrient intake in the elderly. Subjects were 323 community dwelling, independently living elderlypeople (174 males and 149 females) aged 60-79, of which the mean age was 66.3±4.3 years.Diet was assessed by licensed dietitians via interview for 3 days. The data on food consumption were converted to the nutrient content such as energy (kcal), protein, and calcium. The ratio of actual nutrient intake per recommended nutrient intake was evaluated as a measure of dietary adequacy. Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis.The nutrient intake, except iron, was sufficient in both dentate and denture wearer groups. Among removable denture wearers, nutrient intake tended to be lower in the low occlusal force group than in the high group. There were significant differences in protein and iron intake in males between the two groups (p<0.05), and the nutrient intake also tended to be lower in the group dissatisfied with removable denture than in the group satisfied therewith.The results indicated that both occlusal force and satisfaction with removable dentures were associated with nutrient intake of elderly people.
山田 欣伯
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.46, no.4, pp.511-520, 2002-08-10 (Released:2010-08-10)

目的: 失活歯の多くは, 支台築造が行われ全部被覆冠で修復される. しかし, 長期的な経過は常によい結果を示しているわけでなく, しばしば脱落や歯根破折のような臨床的なトラブルにみまわれる. 本研究の目的は, 失活臼歯に対する部分被覆での修復の可能性を明らかにすることである.方法: 一定の基準で選択した140本のヒト抜去小臼歯を用い, 各10試料の14条件とした. 2種類のMOD窩洞を形成し, 種々の方法で修復した. すなわち, 条件1は無形成歯, 条件2~4, 10は窩洞形成のみ, 条件5, 6, 11は光重合型コンポジットレジンによる修復, 条件7, 8, 12は鋳造インレーによる修復, 条件9, 13, 14は, 鋳造アンレーによる修復である. 各試料に対し荷重試験を行い, 破折強度および破折様相を求め, 相互に比較した.結果: すべての条件のなかで, 接着性レジンセメントで合着した鋳造アンレーが最も高い破折強度を示した. ただし, 破折様相は再修復が困難であった. 次に高い強度を示したのは鋳造インレーであった. コンポジットレジン修復は, 有意に低い破折強度を示したが, 破折様相は容易に再修復できるものだった.結論: 鋳造アンレーによる修復の破折強度は, 無形成歯よりも高い値を示し, 失活臼歯を部分被覆タイプの修復物で修復が可能であることが示された. また, コンポジットレジン修復におけるボンディング剤や鋳造修復における接着性レジンセメントの有効性が示された.
横山 雄一
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.42, no.1, pp.90-101, 1998-02-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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Involuntary clenching is common during physical exercise; therefore, the purposeof this study was to elucidate the relationship between stomatognathic function and physical exercise as well as role and mechanism of involuntary teeth clenching during physical exercise.In 15 healthy, fully dentate males (mean age 26.5±2.1), electromyographic activities from jaw closing (JM), sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachial (BB), and rectus femoral (RF) muscles; mandibular positions; and muscle strength during both isometric elbow flexion and knee extensionexercises were recorded and analyzed.From the analysis of electromyographic activities and mandibular position, the subjects were divided into two groups, Clenching group (n=9) and Non-clenching group (n=6). The subjects in the Clenching group showed involuntary clenching during the exercise and their mandibular positions were located at the inter-cuspal position. The onset of electromyographic activity of JM was earlier than that of the agonist (BB, RF) in the 7 subjectsof the Clenching group. In the Clenching group, both elbow flexion and knee extension strength with involuntary clenching were lowered when voluntary mouth opening was directed during the exercise.These results suggested that stomatognathic function and physical exercise had an interdependent relationship and involuntary clenching during physical exercise could be explained by a so-called feedforward mechanism.
高山 慈子 三浦 英司 細井 紀雄 前田 伸子 渋谷 耕司 石川 正夫
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.44, no.2, pp.208-220, 2000-04-10 (Released:2010-08-10)
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This study was conducted to investigate the principal factors involved in the discoloration of 12 Wt% Au-Ag-Pt alloy. Luminance of cast clasps, oral conditions, the presence cariogenic microbes such as Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus in saliva, Candida on the tongue and the amount of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC: H2S and CH3SH) produced by the tongue coating were evaluated in 70 subjects (VSC: 45 subjects). The surfaces of cast clasps were observed using an electron probe X-ray microanalyzer and changes in the surface were evaluated in relation to the degree of discoloration.The results were as follows:1. The Mann-Whitney U-test revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.05) between the production of CH3SH and VSC (CH3SH+H2S) and luminance.2. Examinations of the cross section of markedly discolored casts revealed a very rough surface. A distinct peak of S was also indicated by linear analysis.The results demonstrated that among the many different factors such as oral conditions and oral flora, the production of CH3SH was the most significantly related to the discoloration of 12 Wt% Au-Ag-Pt alloy. The potential for discoloration tended to be higher in subjects who had a high production of CH3SH.
Harukazu Kanehira Akinori Agariguchi Hisashi Kato Shigeki Yoshimine Hiroshi Inoue
Japan Prosthodontic Society
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.52, no.3, pp.375-380, 2008-07-10 (Released:2008-10-10)
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Purpose: To evaluate the causes of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) by examining the relationships between 3 major TMD symptoms, parafunction, and stress, a questionnaire survey was performed during dental examinations in corporations.Methods: The survey was performed using 6 questions on the following topics: 1. Trismus; 2. Joint noise; 3. Pain; 4. Clenching in the daytime; 5. Nocturnal bruxism; and 6. Stress.There were 3,225 subjects, 2,809 males and 416 females and the mean age of the subjects was 40.12 years. The relationships between questions 1 to 5 and question 6 were examined by the chi-square test.Results: There were significant correlations (question 1, p=0.001; questions 2-5, p<0.001).Conclusion: Clearly, there was an influence of psychological factors, such as stress, on TMD, and such factors were considered to play important roles in its etiology, progression, and treatment. The results of this study suggest that well-controlled studies of TMD are necessary.
高橋 英和
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.47, no.3, pp.474-483, 2003-06-10 (Released:2010-08-10)
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義歯安定剤には, 義歯粘着材と呼ぶべき粘着性の強い製品群と, 義歯床と口腔粘膜の間隙を補填して, 適合性を改善することで吸着性を向上させる家庭用裏装材 (ホームリライナー) の製品群に分類できる. 義歯粘着材では, さらに製品形状により粉末タイプ, クリームタイプ, テープタイプに分類できる. 義歯粘着材の主要成分は, 天然ゴムもしくは水溶性高分子であり, 口腔内や義歯の水分を吸収して膨潤し, 粘着性の高い液体となり, 義歯の維持力を増加させる. それに対しホームリライナーの主成分はポリ酢酸ビニル樹脂であり, 義歯と粘膜面の間隙を閉鎖することで維持力を発揮させる. 使用時にゴム弾性を示すのでクッションタイプとも呼ばれる. 義歯安定剤の接合力を測定したところ, 義歯粘着材は被着材の種類にかかわらずある程度の接合力を発揮するが, ホームリライナーはアクリル板でのみで大きな接合力を発揮する. また, 義歯安定剤には厚みがあるため, 咬合関係を誤った位置に導くことが懸念される. 実際にこれらを口腔内で使用したところ, 義歯粘着材は義歯の吸着を改善するが, 粘膜面からの除去が難しく, 不潔になりやすい. ホームリライナーではあまり義歯の吸着を改善しなかった. このように, 義歯安定剤は義歯粘着材とホームリライナーで大きく性質が異なり, 区別して考える必要がある.
島谷 肇
公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.42, no.1, pp.124-134, 1998-02-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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To clarify stress reducing effect of informed consent on experimental dental treatment, psychological test, pain threshold, hemodynamics and plasma catecholamine were used as indication of stress during heat stimulation to the gingiva, impression taking and infiltration anesthesia. The subjects were divided into two groups, one group was informed about the procedure in detail before the experiment (I.C. group), while the other group was not informed at all (n-I.C. group).1.In the n-I.C. group, state anxiety before the experiment increased significantly compared with that in the normal resting stage.2.In the experiment of heatstimulation, fingertip blood flow decreased significantly in both groups when the probe made contact in the first trial, and that in the n-I.C. group showed a significant decrease compared with that in the I.C. group in the second trial.3.During taking impression, systolic blood pressure in the I.C. group decreasedsignificantly 15 minutes after taking impression compared with that in the resting condition, and showed a significant difference between the two groups.4.During infiltration anesthesia fingertip blood flow decreased significantly in the n-I.C. group. The present data suggested that informed consent is useful for reducing stress during experimental dental treatment as indicated by the sympathetic activity.
鈴木 哲也
公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.48, no.5, pp.664-672, 2004-12-10 (Released:2010-08-10)
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フルバランスドオクルージョンがリンガライズドオクルージョンよりも機能的に優れていることを示すエビデンスとなる文献はみつけることはできなかった.最近では全部床義歯の咬合様式として, リンガライズドオクルージョンにおいてもフルバランスドオクルージョンと同様に, 片側性平衡咬合ではなく, 両側性平衡咬合を与えることが一般的であった.咀嚼時における非咀嚼側の咬合接触は, 咀嚼側より早く, 第二大臼歯第一大臼歯, 小臼歯の順に起こり, 義歯の転覆を防ぐと同時に, 中心咬合位への誘導という重要な役割を担っていた.そのため, 咀嚼時においても両側性平衡咬合は義歯の安定に有効であった.現代の無歯顎者は高齢であり, 顎堤の吸収や粘膜の菲薄化がすすみ, 顎機能に異常が認められる者もいる.下顎位が不安定で, 義歯装着後に変化する場合がしばしばある.そのような症例には, 嵌合関係が厳しく規制されるフルバランスドオクルージョンよりも, 変化に対応しやすく咬合調整の簡便なリンガライズドオクルージョンのほうが適している.ただし, 日本人の食文化を考えると, 咀嚼感覚という点でリンガライズドオクルージョンが適しているかどうかの疑問は残された.咀嚼感覚を評価する手法の確立が望まれる.
丸谷 善彦 清野 豊 芝 樺彦
公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.43, no.5, pp.781-790, 1999-10-10 (Released:2010-08-10)

Multi-purpose gold alloys (Degunorm, Degudent LTG) were investigated as casting metal for conical double-crown telescopic prosthesis. Bond strength between porcelain and metal was compared to conventional ceramo-metal system. In addition, bond strength with some four treatments was also examined. The results were as follows:1. Bond strength of multi-purpose gold alloy with its original low-fused porcelain was similar to those of conventional dental porcelain-fused metal.2. Bond strength of Degunorm painted bonding agent after sandblasting showed the highest value under all test conditions in this study.3. According to SEM observation, body-opaque interface after firing was definite. However, bondingopaque interface was not distinguishable.4. The values of Vickers hardness (Hv) for body, opaque and bonding porcelain were 712, 325 and 468respectively.5. Particle size of opaque porcelain was approximately 50 pm, and was coarser than that of bonding porcelain.6. Leucite was detected in all of porcelain powders before firing. However, the leucite peak of body powder drawn in the X-ray diffraction chart was not obviously steep because it was amorphous.