白 鶴 藤井 進 貝原 俊也
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.16, no.8, pp.377-387, 2003-08-15

In real manufacturing system, changes take place in the shop floor frequently. When a manufacturing simulation system is developed and used for the daily operational planning and evaluation, the simulation model must be in a good correspondence with the real manufacturing system. Therefore, how to reflect various changes in the manufacturing system to the simulation model and thus keep the model updated become important issues to be answered. In this study, towards automated updating, simulation-modelling formalism for manufacturing system is proposed. This formalism makes use of change suppression technique as well as late binding and polymorphism in object-oriented technology to make the simulation model uniform, consistent and keep unchanging even for various changes so as to achieve the automated updating. A generic framework capable to deal with the automated updating for manufacturing system simulation is constructed. The proposed modelling formalism is proved to be effective through experimental simulation system construction.
今林 亘 杉本 謙二
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.32, no.4, pp.177-184, 2019-04-15 (Released:2019-07-15)

Feedback error learning (FEL) control attains accurate response to a target signal by tuning parameters in feedforward (FF) controller, provided that feedback (FB) control stabilizes the closed-loop in two-degree-of-freedom structure. It has been shown under a certain strictly positive real (SPR) condition that the output error converges to zero for any target signals. In this paper we propose a somewhat different parameter tuning law from a conventional one and give a proof for convergence. We also apply the proposed method to temporal sensing failure. It is known that in networked control the sensing signal may be lost from time to time due to congestion in communication channels. Such temporal sensing failure also happens due to occlusion of non-contact sensors. In this paper, we show that our FEL control scheme is effective for such sensing failure through numerical simulation.
川野 雄基 大槻 圭一 阿部 真人 永谷 直久 志垣 俊介 藤澤 隆介
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.33, no.3, pp.67-76, 2020-03-15 (Released:2020-06-15)

In this study, we evaluated a phototaxis of pillbugs(Armadillidium vulgare) by using a behavior measurement system consisting of an omnidirectional motion compensation mechanism and a cylin-drical LED display. At the first, to validate the phototaxis of pillbugs against unidirectional light stimulation, we conducted an experiment under continuous light stimulation from one direction for 30 minutes. Subsequently, to evaluate phototaxis performance under the condition that the direction of light stimulus changes alternately, we experimented under three iteration cycles conditions (160 s, 40 s, 10 s). Our results revealed that the pillbugs moved significantly in the direction of weak light intensity, and it suggested that the pillbugs has negative phototaxis. Moreover, we showed that the negative phototaxis became the strongest when the iteration cycle is 160 s, and the negative phototaxis tended to weaken as the iteration cycle became shorter. Also, when the iteration cycle is 10 s, an increase in residence time is found, suggesting that does not necessarily take the routine response behavior according to the situation.
柳本 哲也 大場 和久 井上 和夫
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.13, no.3, pp.141-148, 2000-03-15 (Released:2011-10-13)

In this paper, we construct a genetic algorithm (GA) for location problems of urban facilities. In the encoding of the GA, loci and alleles are defined as sites for placements and types of the facilities, respectively. An individual is a planar array. The genetic operators are selection, crossover and mutation. In the selection, roulette selection and elitist preserving selection are used. In the crossover, 2 selected individuals are each divided into 4 by 2 straight lines which are selected at random. One of the 4 divided parts is selected at random. The selected part is changed between the 2 individuals. In the mutation, a facility or a residence is randomly placed in the randomly selected locus. For fitness, the GA uses the results of the evaluating system which we have proposed. We execute simulation for placement of urban facilities and consider the results of the simulation.
小林 裕史 前川 聡 浦久保 孝光 玉置 久
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集
vol.6, pp.16, 2006

原 辰次 Toni BAKHTIAR
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.19, no.10, pp.391-399, 2006-10-15 (Released:2011-10-13)
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This paper is concerned with intrinsic control performance limitations achievable by feedback for single-input and multi-output (SIMO) possibley unstable and non-minimum phase linear discrete-time systems. We investigate two typical H2 optimal control problems, namely optimal tracking control problem and minmal energy control problem. We derive closed-form analytical expressions of the best achievable tracking error and minmal energy H2 norms. The former consists of plant gain as well as unstable poles and non-minimum phase zeros of the plant, while the latter is only given by unstable poles and non-minimum phase zeros of the plant. Those results are confirmed by several numerical examples, and they characterize easiness and difficulty of plants to be controlled.