﨑下 雅仁 小川 ちひろ 土屋 賢治 岩渕 俊樹 岸本 泰士郎 狩野 芳伸
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.3, pp.B-J45_1-11, 2020-05-01 (Released:2020-05-01)

In recent years, population with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are growing explosively, and diagnosis of ASD is difficult due to difference of interviewers and environments, etc. We show relations between utterance features and ASD severity scores, which were manually given by a clinical psychologist. These scores are of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), which is one of the standard metrics for symptom evaluation for subjects who are suspected as ASD. We built our original corpus where we transcribed voice records of our ADOS evaluation experiment movies. Our corpus is the world largest as speech/dialog of ASD subjects, and there has been no such ADOS corpus available in Japanese language as far as we know. We investigated relationships between ADOS scores (severity) and utterance features we defined. Our system automatically estimated their scores using support vector regression (SVR). Our average estimation errors were around error rates that human ADOS experts are required not to exceed. Because our detailed analysis for each part of the ADOS test (“puzzle toy assembly + story telling” part and the “depiction of a picture” part) shows different error rates, effectiveness of our features would depend on the contents of the records. By comparing an ADOS score prediction result of adults and adults with that of children, we showed common features of ADOS scores between children and adults. Our entire results suggest a new automatic way to assist humans’ diagnosis, which could help supporting language rehabilitation for patients with ASD in future.
城下 慧人 小森 政嗣
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第34回全国大会(2020)
pp.4F3OS25b04, 2020 (Released:2020-06-19)

毒を持つ生物は,しばしば特徴的な配色を持つことが知られており,これは警告色または危険色と呼ばれる.警告色は,捕食者に対して自らが害を及ぼす存在であることを警告する役割を持っていると言われる.本研究では,2色の配色(6次元のパラメータとなる)とその配色の気持ち悪さ評価の関係を表す心理物理関数を,未知の関数の推定をする大域的逐次最適化手法の1つであるベイズ最適化(Bayesian Optimization)により検討し,人が気持ち悪いと感じる生物の配色の特徴を探索的に検討した.一般的なベイズ最適化の適用事例とは異なり,気持ち悪さ評価をする際,人は離散的な応答しか行えない.そこで,本研究では離散的な応答(リッカート尺度に対する回答)に基づく推定を行うことができるガウス過程順序回帰を用いたベイズ最適化を行った.生物の配色の検討は,クモとキノコを対象とした.20名の実験参加者はモニタに提示された生物画像の気持ち悪さを7件法で回答した.ガウス過程順序回帰の結果をもとに,すべての実験参加者が平均的に気持ち悪いと感じる配色の特徴をピーク検出手法により明らかにした.
松尾 豊 石塚 満
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.17, no.3, pp.217-223, 2002 (Released:2002-04-04)
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We present a new keyword extraction algorithm that applies to a single document without using a large corpus. Frequent terms are extracted first, then a set of co-occurrence between each term and the frequent terms, i.e., occurrences in the same sentences, is generated. The distribution of co-occurrence shows the importance of a term in the document as follows. If the probability distribution of co-occurrence between term a and the frequent terms is biased to a particular subset of the frequent terms, then term a is likely to be a keyword. The degree of the biases of the distribution is measured by χ²-measure. We show our algorithm performs well for indexing technical papers.
松井 壮太 松村 真宏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
pp.2E3J1202, 2019 (Released:2019-06-01)

In this study, we consider an shikake, an embodied trigger for behavior change, to prevent umbrellas theft. We put a poster with a questionnare asking “Have you ever had a sad feeling from umbrella stolen?” on an umbrella stand to appeal to the feeling of guilty. People was able to vote for the questionnaire using build-in stickers. We conducted experiments at University campus for 111 days in total and revealed that the number of umbrella theft was reduced if the poster was set up. We concluded that a poster with a questionnaire seemed to be effective for umbrella theft prevention.
村井 源 徃住 彰文
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.21, no.6, pp.473-481, 2006 (Released:2006-08-23)

This paper introduces a method of representing in a network the thoughts of individual authors of dogmatic texts numerically and objectively by means of co-citation analysis and a method of distinguishing between the thoughts of various authors by clustering and analysis of clustered elements, generated by the clustering process. Using these methods, this paper creates and analyzes the co-citation networks for five authoritative Christian theologians through history (Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Jean Calvin, Karl Barth, John Paul II). These analyses were able to extract the core element of Christian thought (Jn 1:14, Ph 2:6, Ph 2:7, Ph 2:8, Ga 4:4), as well as distinctions between the individual theologians in terms of their sect (Catholic or Protestant) and era (thinking about the importance of God's creation and the necessity of spreading the Gospel). By supplementing conventional literary methods in areas such as philosophy and theology, with these numerical and objective methods, it should be possible to compare the characteristics of various doctrines. The ability to numerically and objectively represent the characteristics of various thoughts opens up the possibilities of utilizing new information technology, such as web ontology and the Artificial Intelligence, in order to process information about ideological thoughts in the future.
松原 正樹 諏訪 正樹 斎藤 博昭
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.27, no.5, pp.281-295, 2012 (Released:2012-09-26)

This paper describes an interactive learning-aid system for analytical comprehension of music by highlighting orchestral score in colors, and classifies and evaluates the learning process on the system. An orchestral music is composed to integrate many instrumental parts, and musicians have to be proficient in reading the score analytically in order to understand its multifaceted structure. However, many people often face difficulty in comprehending its musical structure: Some intermediate performers can read and perform their own part, but cannot understand the role of each part in the assembled whole. In order to solve this problem, our conventional paper proposes an interactive supportive system called ScoreIlluminator that enables musicians (and non-musicians) to easily represent how he or she recognizes an orchestral music, e.g. the differentiation of melody parts from the others, and the similarity across instrumental parts. ScoreIlluminator clusters the parts from an orchestral score according to their roles in the whole, and displays the clusters on the score by assigning a color to each cluster. The users can manipulate the clustering parameters with the user interface of the system. The system employs two major design concepts. One is ``colored notation'' and the other is ``directability''. The ``colored notation'' visualizes the roles and the relations between parts, which are estimated by the system. The estimation is based on the similarity metric of four musical features: rhythmic activity, sonic richness, melodic activity and consonance activity. Using these metrics, clustering phase is conducted using an unsupervised learning algorithm (k-means algorithm). Our system provides the ``directability'' with an interactive interface in which subjects can freely manipulate parameter settings and see the change in score-highliting in real-time. In this process, users learn the role of parts and the relationship between parts and explore multifaceted interpretations of the music. To verify the effectiveness of the system, we conducted a user-experience experiment with four intermediate musicians. The musicians showed various kinds of progress in interpreting the score. With the episodes from the experiment, we discuss how the system encouraged subject's analytic skill in orchestral-score reading and music listening.
西銘 大喜 遠藤 聡志 當間 愛晃 山田 孝治 赤嶺 有平
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.5, pp.F-H34_1-8, 2017-09-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

Facial expressions play an important role in communication as much as words. In facial expression recognition by human, it is difficult to uniquely judge, because facial expression has the sway of recognition by individual difference and subjective recognition. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the reliability of the result from recognition accuracy alone, and the analysis for explaining the result and feature learned by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) will be considered important. In this study, we carried out the facial expression recognition from facial expression images using CNN. In addition, we analysed CNN for understanding learned features and prediction results. Emotions we focused on are “happiness”, “sadness”, “surprise”, “anger”, “disgust”, “fear” and “neutral”. As a result, using 32286 facial expression images, have obtained an emotion recognition score of about 57%; for two emotions (Happiness, Surprise) the recognition score exceeded 70%, but Anger and Fear was less than 50%. In the analysis of CNN, we focused on the learning process, input and intermediate layer. Analysis of the learning progress confirmed that increased data can be recognised in the following order “happiness”, “surprise”, “neutral”, “anger”, “disgust”, “sadness” and “fear”. From the analysis result of the input and intermediate layer, we confirmed that the feature of the eyes and mouth strongly influence the facial expression recognition, and intermediate layer neurons had active patterns corresponding to facial expressions, and also these activate patterns do not respond to partial features of facial expressions. From these results, we concluded that CNN has learned the partial features of eyes and mouth from input, and recognise the facial expression using hidden layer units having the area corresponding to each facial expression.
伊藤 詩乃 田中 佑岳 狩野 芳伸 榊原 康文
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.31, no.6, pp.AI30-G_1-9, 2016-11-01 (Released:2016-11-22)

In recent years, the digitization of medical and health data including clinical data, health diagnostic data, medication log data have been made rapidly. One potential application using electronic medical and health information is to develop a system to make a medical diagnosis according to the contents recorded in the electronic medical data and the appropriate patient information. The task of understanding the condition of the patient and making precisely the diagnosis is hard to be automated and requires the high degree of expertise. Toward a final goal to construct a medical diagnostic support system, as its pilot study, we attempt to build a question-answering program that automatically answers the medical licensing examination. The national medical licensing examination is the form of multiple-choice test and contains a wide variety of problems. There is a type of problems to answer the appropriate disease name among multiple choices given the patient information and test results as a problem statement. We aimed to develop the program to answer this type of questions. By the development of such question-answering program that automatically answers the medical licensing examination, we revealed the fundamental issues and essential difficulties in the information processing of the medical data, and finally constructed the foundation for conducting disease diagnosis support with patient information. In this paper, we developed a question-answering program and actually performed the answering for some problems in 107th and 108th out of national medical licensing examination. We carefully examined and analyzed the results and problems that could be answered correctly and problems that were given incorrect answers, and proposed the improvements to build a more accurate program.
米田 航紀 横山 想一郎 山下 倫央 川村 秀憲
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第32回全国大会(2018)
pp.1B2OS11b01, 2018 (Released:2018-07-30)

深層学習を使用した芸術の作成が近年注目を集めている。 また、日本で古くから親しまれている芸術として俳句がある。 そこで、俳句を作成する方法として一般的な「モチーフから俳句を作る」ということを深層学習を使用して行うこと で、芸術作成としての深層学習の有用性を示す。 まず、我々は大量の過去の俳句に基づいてLSTMを訓練し、LSTMに文字列を生成させる。 2つめに、生成された文字列から俳句としての条件を満たすものを抽出し、モチーフ画像に適合するかどうかの評価値を算出する。 評価値が高ければ、生成された俳句がモチーフ画像に適合しているとみなす。 この過程で、LSTM が俳句としてのルールを学習できているかを確認するための実験を行った。
李 為達 日永田 智絵 長井 隆行
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第33回全国大会(2019)
pp.3K4J203, 2019 (Released:2019-06-01)

髙橋 寛治 竹野 峻輔 山本 和英
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.5, pp.D-H33_1-4, 2017-09-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

This paper presents a novel metric for evaluating stability of machine translation system. A stable system indicates that it keeps almost the same outputs given the inputs with slight changes. In this paper, we propose a stability metric by exploiting TER metric for evaluating the differences between the two texts. We have built an evaluation data set, and demonstrate that a neural-based method is unstable rather than a statistical-based method, while the former outperforms the latter.
Kenichi Yoshida Akito Sakurai
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.5, pp.683-692, 2015-09-01 (Released:2015-09-15)

Efficient market hypothesis is widely accepted in financial market studies and entails the unpredictability of future stock prices. In this study, we show that a simple analysis can classify short-term stock price changes with an 82.9% accuracy. Our analysis uses the order book information of high-frequency trading. The volume of high-frequency trading, which is responsible for short-term stock price changes, is increasing dramatically; therefore, our study suggests the importance of analyzing short-term market fluctuations, an aspect that is not well studied in conventional market theories. The experimental results also suggest the importance of the new data representation and analysis methods we propose, neither of which have been thoroughly investigated in conventional financial studies.
徳久 良子 寺嶌 立太
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.21, pp.133-142, 2006-11-01
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The performance of a non-task-oriented conversational dialogue system greatly depends on whether it can generate high involvement during conversation with users. In this paper, we clarify the types of utterances concerning involvement in human-human conversational dialogue. First, we define Dialogue Acts(DAs) and Rhetorical Relations(RRs), and propose a method for measuring ``Involvement''. Next, we show that the inter-annotator agreement on these tag schemes is quite high. Finally, we investigate the relationship between DAs/RRs and Involvement. We found that affective utterances and cooperative utterances are significant to generate high involvement in conversational dialogue.
水田 孝信 八木 勲 和泉 潔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.27, no.6, pp.320-327, 2012 (Released:2012-09-27)
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We develop a theoretical model to evaluate settings of artificial markets considering a realistic pricing mechanism. We show the model can evaluate the settings in an environment in which a dynamic micro mechanism plays an important role, for example, a price rebound after a sharp fall in stock markets. Styled facts, which are statistics for long term, can not evaluate such a dynamic situation. We emphasis that such a dynamic situation which the styled facts can not evaluates is very important to analyze market crush and/or market regulations.
村上 知子 鳥居 健太郎 長 健太 内平 直志
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.5, pp.427-435, 2014-09-01 (Released:2014-07-25)
2 3 1

Thanks to the popularization of information and communication technology, the nurses work using mobile devices to communicate with co-workers and record nursing care at hospital. In this paper, aiming to facilitate nursing care, we propose a method to recognize nursing work activities by using topic models from acceleration data stored in mobile devices and knowledge of the work. In contrast to simple tasks such as walking or running, working activities are more difficult to recognize because of their complexity and length. To address this difficulty, we define the system composed of two layers, simple task recognition layer and working activity recognition layer, based on the assumption that work activities consist of a probabilistic combination of various simple tasks. In the simple task recognition layer, the system first recognizes simple task by applying supervised learning techniques to time-domain features extracted from sensor data. Then it recognizes working activities by applying topic models to simple tasks and annotation with knowledge of nursing work. We conducted an experiment at a hospital and collected nursing activity data for 96 hours by 12 nurses as a result. Using those data, we show that our method surpasses the conventional methods in recognizing nursing activities.