山田 康輔 笹野 遼平 武田 浩一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.4, pp.B-K22_1-12, 2020-07-01 (Released:2020-07-01)

It has been reported that a person’s remarks and behaviors reflect the person’s personality. Several recent studies have shown that textual information of user posts and user behaviors such as liking and reblogging the specific posts are useful for predicting the personality of Social Networking Service (SNS) users. However, less attention has been paid to the textual information derived from the user behaviors. In this paper, we investigate the effect of using textual information with user behaviors for personality prediction. We focus on the personality diagnosis website and make a large dataset on SNS users and their personalities by collecting users who posted the personality diagnosis on Twitter. Using this dataset, we work on personality prediction as a set of binary classification tasks. Our experiments on the personality prediction of Twitter users show that the textual information of user behaviors is more useful than the co-occurrence information of the user behaviors and the performance of prediction is strongly affected by the number of the user behaviors, which were incorporated into the prediction. We also show that user behavior information is crucial for predicting the personality of users who do not post frequently.
渡邊 凌也 井原 史渡 若林 直希 杉浦 巧 高村 大輝 栗原 聡
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第36回 (2022) (ISSN:27587347)
pp.1M1OS20a02, 2022 (Released:2022-07-11)

大石 沙耶 土方 嘉徳
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第34回 (2020)
pp.3O5GS1304, 2020 (Released:2020-06-19)

西脇 裕作 大島 直樹 岡田 美智男
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.36, no.2, pp.B-K44_1-12, 2021-03-01 (Released:2021-03-01)

How can we make it possible for humans to participate in the robot’s speech to aim for a co-constructed conversation? In this paper, we investigated the effects and factors of dialogue design, focusing on “incompleteness.” We examined the people’s attitudes toward participation in multi-party conversations using “human-robot assisted story-telling” interactions. The results showed that the utterance strategy of lacking words reduced the passive participation attitude when the talker robot speak to humans directly. If we want to increase people’s participation attitude in a conversation, avoiding conveying much information and using “incompleteness” is an effective way to do so. However, the results also confirmed that the incomplete utterance was not satisfied to improve people’s co-telling attitude yet. The robots in this study were unable to accept the variety of ways in which people speak. To achieve the co-constructed conversation, discussed how robots could install a variety of actions based on other multi-party conversation studies. Therefore, we also investigated the limitation of multi-party participation and the characteristics of human speeches. For people and systems to have a co-constructed conversation rather than as information transfer, we believe that the design of dialogue needs to change. For this reason, we reported one of the effects of “incompleteness” conversation design here.
廣中 詩織 吉田 光男 梅村 恭司
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.1, pp.E-J71_1-10, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-01-01)

Users’ attributes, such as home location, are necessary for various applications, such as news recommendations and event detections. However, most real user attributes (e.g., home location) are not open to the public. Therefore, their attributes are estimated by relationships between users. A social graph constructed from relationships between users can help estimate home locations, but it is difficult to collect many relationships, such as followers’ relationships. We focus on users whose home locations are difficult to estimate, so that we can select users whose locations can be accurately estimated before collecting relationships. In this paper, we use their profiles which can be collected before collecting relationships. Then, we analyze difficult users with their profiles. As a result, we found that users whose home locations incorrectly estimated had a longer duration since the date their account was created, longer name, and longer description. In addition, the results indicated that the users whose home locations were incorrectly estimated differed from those whose home locations could not be estimated.
中川 慧 今村 光良 吉田 健一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第31回全国大会(2017)
pp.2D11, 2017 (Released:2018-07-30)

株価を予測するために様々な方法が提案されている.本研究では,株価予測のため,現在の株価の変動が過去のいつの時点に似ているかという価格変動パターンを抽出する.抽出にあたっては,日次の株価変動を月初の値との比で表現した月間の株価変動に対してDTWを適用するIndexation DTW(IDTW)による手法を提案する.抽出された変動パターンの将来値が予測に有効な特徴量であることを,日本市場を例に示す.
小林 茂 桑久保 亮太 松井 茂 大谷 芳之 張 心祈 仁泉 大輔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第34回全国大会(2020)
pp.1G3ES504, 2020 (Released:2020-06-19)

本研究では、美術作品の鑑賞に対する積極的な評価と機械学習技術の発展に対する関心の高まりを背景に、機械学習を活用した美術作品の新しい鑑賞方法を提案する。20世紀前半に活躍し、独特の構図と色合いで知られるイタリアの画家Giorgio Morandiをテーマに選び、画家のモチーフを再現した物体を鑑賞者が自由に配置して構図を決め、機械学習(pix2pixおよびCycleGAN)によって画家の色合いを再現した画像を生成して表示する体験型展示を開発した。29人を対象としたアンケート調査の結果より、この作品を体験することにより画家に対する関心が深まったことが確認できた。
大澤 昇平 松尾 豊
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.5, pp.469-482, 2014-09-01 (Released:2014-08-15)

In social networking service (SNS), popularity of an entity (e.g., person, company and place) roles an important criterion for people and organizations, and several studies pose to predict the popularity. Although recent papers which addressing the problem of predicting popularity use the attributes of entity itself, typically, the popularity of entities depends on the attributes of other semantically related entities. Hence, we take an approach exploiting the background semantic structure of the entities. Usually, many factors affect a person's popularity: the occupation, the parents, the birthplace, etc. All affect popularity. Predicting the popularity with the semantic structure is almost equivalent to solving the question: What type of relation most affects user preferences for an entity on a social medium? Our proposed method for popularity prediction is presented herein for predicting popularity, on a social medium of a given entity as a function of information of semantically related entities using DBpedia as a data source. DBpedia is a large semantic network produced by the semantic web community. The method has two techniques: (1) integrating accounts on SNS and DBpedia and (2) feature generation based on relations among entities. This is the first paper to propose an analysis method for SNS using semantic network.
高野 雅典 和田 計也 福田 一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)

Cooperative behaviors are common in humans and are fundamental to our society. Theoretical and experimental studies have modeled environments in which the behaviors of humans, or agents, have been restricted to analyze their social behavior. However, it is important that such studies are generalized to less restrictive environments to understand human society. Social network games (SNGs) provide a particularly powerful tool for the quantitative study of human behavior. In SNGs, numerous players can behave more freely than in the environments used in previous studies; moreover, their relationships include apparent conflicts of interest and every action can be recorded. We focused on reciprocal altruism, one of the mechanisms that generate cooperative behavior. This study aims to investigate cooperative behavior based on reciprocal altruism in a less restrictive environment. For this purpose, we analyzed the social behavior underlying such cooperative behavior in an SNG. We focused on a game scenario in which the relationship between the players was similar to that in the Leader game. We defined cooperative behaviors by constructing a payoff matrix in the scenario. The results showed that players maintained cooperative behavior based on reciprocal altruism, and cooperators received more advantages than noncooperators. We found that players constructed reciprocal relationships based on two types of interactions, cooperative behavior and unproductive communication.
楊 碩 橋本 敬 李 冠宏 李 暁燕
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.331-339, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)

Japanese onomatopoeia is an important element to express feelings and experiences lively. It is very difficult for Japanese learners to acquire onomatopoeia, especially, its nuance. In this paper, based on traditional L2 learning theories, we propose a new learning method to improve the efficiency of learning Japanese onomatopoeias' nuance - both explicit and implicit - for non-native speakers. The method for learning implicit nuance of onomatopoeia consists of three elements. First is studying the formal rules representing the explicit nuances of onomatopoeic words. Second is creating new onomatopoeic words by learners to utilize those formal rules. The last is giving feedback of relevance of the onomatopoeias created. We then show a learning system implementing the proposed method. In addition, to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and the learning system, we conducted an experiment involving two groups of subjects. While the experiment group covers all the three elements of the proposed method, the control group involves no creation process, which is supposed to be a core element of our proposed method, instead, does an assessment process in which the participants assess the appropriateness of onomatopoeic words presented. Both groups were required to take two tests, before and after going through the learning process. The learning effect is defined as the difference between the scores gained from pre-learning test and post-learning test. The result confirms that the proposed method has significant effect in learning onomatopoeia for non-native speakers. Moreover, the comparison against the control group shows that the creation process is the key to bring the learning effect.
山田 健太 青田 雅輝 並木 亮 横山 源太朗
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第37回 (2023) (ISSN:27587347)
pp.2H1OS3a01, 2023 (Released:2023-07-10)

林 晃平 中川 慧
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 (ISSN:24365556)
vol.2022, no.FIN-029, pp.67-72, 2022-10-08 (Released:2022-10-01)

株価や経済指標などの金融時系列は,一般に長期記憶性や不確実性など,単純なモデルでは再現の難しい特徴を持つことが観測されており,このことは金融市場の複雑性を反映していると考えられる.一方,このような金融時系列は実データであるためサンプル数が十分でなく,しばしば観測データを用いた定量的な分析を困難にする.本研究の目的は,このような複雑性を持つ時系列を機械学習の手法を用いて人工的に生成することである.これにより,より現実に近い様々な市場局面を大量に生成することができ,投資戦略のストレステストや,経済指標を用いた分析・リスク管理等を効果的に行うことが可能となる.特に,本発表では標準 Brown 運動よりも正則性の低い極めて「ラフな」パスが観測されているボラティリティを対象にし,非整数階 Brown 運動を用いた生成手法である Neural rough fractional SDE-Net を用いて元データの特性を再現することを目指す.
平野 正徳 南 賢太郎 今城 健太郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 (ISSN:24365556)
vol.2023, no.FIN-030, pp.51-57, 2023-03-04 (Released:2023-03-04)

深層学習と価格時系列シミュレーションを用いてオプションのヘッジ戦略を学習するDeep Hedgingは,取引手数料などを考慮に入れたより現実的な取引戦略を立てることができるため,近年脚光を浴びている.しかしながら,その学習において活用される原資産価格のシミュレーターは,Heston過程などの特定の価格過程を使用することが多い.そこで,本研究においては,特定の価格過程を用いることなく,Deep Hedgingの取引戦略の学習を可能にする手法を提案する.提案手法では,架空の任意の価格過程を生成する生成器とDeep Hedgingが敵対的に学習を行う.提案手法を用いた場合,一切の価格時系列を与えることなく,通常のDeep Hedgingとほぼ同等の性能のヘッジを行えることを示した.