1 0 0 0 OA 九州の地名

近藤 忠
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.2, no.2, pp.31-41,83, 1950-04-30 (Released:2009-04-28)

Place names are so closely connected with topography that it is very interesting to investigate them by means of the maps.Place name of “Tsuru” …… Many of them are found in Kyushu especially. There are 258 names on the topographical map of 1/50, 000. Originally it means an alluvial plain on the river. When number of settlements was a few, simple name of “Tsuru” can be distinguished from each other. But as the plain has developed, other words were added to “Tsuru” to distinguish itself from others. These surfaced-words were “ue” (upper) “naka” (middle) and “shimo” (lower) (18% of the whole added word), “higashi” (east) “minami” (south), “nishi” (west) and “kita” (north) (3%), “dai” (greater) “ko” (smaller) (6%), name of plantation (12%), name of animal (rare), those words referring to topography (slope, between the rivers, river, cape, hill). They are found mainly in Oita and Miyazaki Prefecture and also in Fukuoka, Kumamoto and Kagoshima Prefecture. That is, they are found in the central part of Kyushu especially on the eastern side of it, facing to the Bungo Straight.Place name of “Koba” …… It means the cultivated land in the forest. There are 147 names on the topographical map of 1/50, 000. In Tsushima Isl, the mountain agriculture is called “Kobazukuri” (burning cultivation) and it makes us infer that this place name is related to the mountain agriculture in Kyushu before Meiji Era. Like the place name of “Tsuru”, in general, an additional word was connected with “Koba” to make a compound word. They are distributed in a group in eastern Kyushu. But its predominant area is differrent from that of “Tsuru”. The place name of “Tsurukoba” is found also in the southern Kumamoto prefecture, connecting with the area of “Tsuru”.Place name of “Muta” …… 125 names on the 1/50, 000 topographical map. They are distributed in Saga Prefecture, the Tsukushi Plain, the Kumamoto Plain and southern part of Kyushu, that is, between the “Tsuru” area and the “Koba” area in both districts. It means a marshland originally, but at present time those places do not always keep the original characteristic of this name. Additional words are “upper”, “middle” and “lower” and “east”, “south”, “west” and “north”, which are found at the same percent (9%) of the total. Here the place name of “Tsuru” and “Koba” are also mixed, but they scarecely added “east”, “south”, “west” and “north” as the additional words. This is because the place name of “Muta” is much found on the largest plains in Kyushu stretching eastwards from north of the Ariake Bay where water ways are diversed and formed net -like landscape.
中村 泰三
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.13, no.4, pp.312-318, 1961-08-30 (Released:2009-04-28)
北川 建次
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.14, no.4, pp.242-262, 1962-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Before the World War II, among Japanese cities ranking high in population there was a large gap between the so-called six large cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Yokohama, and Kobe and other smaller cities. Concerning the central functions, the central cities in the broad region beyond the prefectural area had not developed except Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. But Hiroshima and Sendai had partly those functions.After the World War II, Japanese economy has developed strikingly and economical system of Japan has become larger in scale than before. Consequently, the secondary and tertiary industrial populations have increased gradually. As the results of the population concentration into such cities as Fukuoka, Sapporo, Hiroshima, Sendai, these cities have developed as the center of the large region besides the above cities. Among these cities, the development of Fukuoka and Sapporo are especially rema rkable, which were smaller than Hiroshima and Sendai before the World War II. Fukuoka has gained superiority in conpetition .for establishing the center of the large region in Kyushu. The central functions in Kyushu were dispersed in Fukuoka, Kumamo to and Nagasaki by the historical inertia from the feudal age. On the other hand, the cent ralfunctions in Hokkaido had remove from South to north withthe progress of frontier settlements, and the central city in Hokkaido was transfered from Hakodate to Otaru and then to Sapporo.The development of these center of large region indicates that the present prefectural system is no more fitted for the actual condition of the regions and the prefectural system must be transformed to that matched to the large regional system.
山元 貴継
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.55, no.4, pp.330-351, 2003-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The main purpose of this study is to show the basic structures of land use and land tenure on the old foreign settlement district and the neighboring district (former villages) in Korean open port city under Japanese rule, and to consider how and why they have changed during this period. This study on Mok-p'o City in South Cheol-la Province especially investigates how the state of land tenure had influenced on the changes of land use by analyzing the cadasters and cadastral maps. This study also intends to examine the relation between the spatial changes of the study area and the town planning under Japanese rule.The results are summarized as follows:1. In the study area, the forests and farmlands had spread on the slopes of mountains in the neighboring district, and the residential land had developed on the lowland of the neighboring district and in the whole old foreign settlement district. From the point of view of land tenure, in the beginning of 1910s, many land lots in the neighboring district were owned by Korean, and the residential land lots in the old foreign settlement district were clearly occupied by some of Japanese. However in neighboring district, the forests and farmland near the old foreign settlement district tended to be owned by a few Japanese who lived in the old foreign settlement district.2. In the study area under Japanese rule, the ratio of land owned by each race had almost not changed both in the neighboring district and in old foreign settlement district. But, in the neighboring district, some of land ownership had gradually come into the people who had not lived in the neighborhood, and the land owners often had got not to be agree with the inhabitants consequently. On the other hands, in the old foreign settlement district, the land owners had got to be in agreement with the inhabitants, because the land ownerships had been gradually subdivided into many Japanese and the other who lived in these lands.3. Under Japanese rule, the changes of land use were generally limited in the neighboring district. In this district, the forests and farmland owned by few Japanese near the old foreign settlement district had become residential land. And the infrastructure such as irrigation canals and new roads had been constructed in a short time while replacing the lands owned by Korean who not lived in the neighborhood. However, in the lands owned by the people who lived there, whether by Japanese or not, the construction of infrastructure by town planning had not gone on well. As a result, the land lots which had come to be owned by absentee landowners, who had easily changed their land use in the study area under Japanese rule.
原山 道子
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.40, no.4, pp.319-335, 1988-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Citation analysis is a bibliometric method using reference citations found in scientific papers as the primary analytical tool. This paper attempts to clarify the communication network of one field in geography by means of citation analysis. Central place studies, originating from Christaller and Lösch, are selected for this purpose.Citation is taken to represent four indicators as follows: 1) quality, 2) recognition, 3) diffusion and communication network, and 4) utilization. First, this paper reviews various measures used in citation analysis, such as bibliographic coupling, link connection, and co-citation, which have developed in the fields of Sociology of Science, and Library and Information Science. Multivariate data analyses, especially cluster analysis, factor analysis and multidimensional scaling (MDS), make it possible to deal with a large number of citation data such as the Scientific Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).Second, citation analysis used in the field of geography is reviewed (see Table 1). According to the indicators mentioned above, the studies are divided into three categories: 1) quality of research, productivity and ranking, 2) professional recognition and reward, and 3) communication network and diffusion of ideas.Third, to examine the communication network of geographers, the early central place studies are considered. In the present study, the citation frequency of 98 papers by 57 geographers which are taken from “Central Place Studies” (Berry and Pred, 1965) are counted directly, and an asymmetric matrix (57×57) is constructed. Citation frequencies are transformed into “distance”; hence the distance between geographers is analyzed by MDS, which assigns relative locations in two-dimensional space: the scaled configuration of highly cited and co-cited geographers would be a concrete representation of the communication network. It is expected that the 57 geographers comprise subgroups based on nationality, specialty and/or school.In the present study, seven clusters are identified: 1) the Lund school, 2) the Chicago school, 3) the Washington school and researchers with theoretical and quantitative approaches, 4) English researchers, 5) CBD researchers, 6) researchers concentrating on the internal business structure of the city, and 7) marketing researchers (see Fig. 4).As a result, reference space fundamentally consists of two axes: “quantitative analysis vs. qualitative description” and “European geographers vs. American geographers”. When properly used, citation analysis can introduce a useful and effective measure of objectivity into the classification and evaluation of science and recover a communication network among researchers.
葉 倩〓
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.57, no.6, pp.615-631, 2005-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
1 2

本論文は, 日本植民地統治時代の台北における支配-被支配の関係を日常生活から明らかにし, 人々がいかに植民地主義と相対していたのかを論じるものである。日本植民地支配に対して, 人々はただ受容しただけではなく, 交渉し, 妥協し, そして抵抗した。本論文は, 一台湾女性の日常生活に焦点をあて, 植民地支配下の女性たちがいかに日本植民地支配に抵抗したかを明らかにする。男性や若い世代が同化され「日本化」していく中で, 日本植民地時代初期に生まれ, 日本教育を受けなかった世代の女性たちは,「中国的」生活空間に生きていた。中国の慣習や伝統・慣習・儀式を私的空間と近隣空間において保守し, 植民地都市空間の中で確固とした自己意識と自らの場所を築いていたのである。植民地権力は,公的空間において同化・皇民化政策による支配を強化していったが, 私的空間までは完全に支配することができなかった。その私的空間において女性たちは, 中国性‘Chineseness’を保持していくことができたのである。同化せず, 植民地社会の公的空間からは疎外されていた彼女たちが自らの家庭と近隣空間で守り続けた中国的生活様式は, 植民地主義に対する静かな, しかし雄弁な抵抗であった。
山本 健児
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.33, no.4, pp.334-351, 1981-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
2 1
池口 明子
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.53, no.6, pp.574-589, 2001-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
2 3

This study aims to examine the environmental adaptation of diving fishery groups with special attention to individual differences in fishing ground use.In Wagu, a diving fishery is operated mainly around small islands and rocky reefs located about 2km offshore. Five types of abalone, a turban shell, a topshell and some other less-economically valued organisms are the target species. The divers (Ama) have three different types of operation: an individual operation (Hamako), an operation undertaken by by one diver and one operator who are primarily kin (Funedo), and an operation involving several divers and one boat operator (Kachido). Since the latter is becoming the predominant operational type, an analysis of Kachido's activity space is therefore crucial to an examination of the relationship between operation types and the fishing ground environment in Wagu.The fishing grounds are divided into categories in relation to the abalone habitat. The largest is Iso, which consists of rocky bottom habitats identified by a specific name. In each Iso, there are small areas called Shima. These are dimensional but also topographical categories of the fishing ground. The selection of Shima is performed by individual Ama for all operational types, while that of Iso is performed differently. For Kachido, the boat operator recognizes available Iso for the day's operation in relation to the tidal current, water depth, and the Ama's diving ability.In the practice of Kachido, the behavioral patterns of individual Ama are variable. Abalone collecting is most profitable, but the physical ability of older Ama to collect these shellfish is constrained. Instead, these Ama are able to collect turban shells and topshells in the course of searching for Shima, or when brought to shallower Iso by the boat operator. Ama with experience in recognizing Shima may collect more abalone than other Ama, however. It can be seen from these behaviors that fishing grounds recognized by the boat operator or Ama result in variability in shellfish collecting activities by individual Ama.From the analysis, two significant characteristics of fishing ground use for Kachido operation are identified. The first is the recognition by the boat operator of the relationship between topography and tidal currents for the selection of Iso. The second is the use of different resources by Ama of variable age and experience that are adaptive to biophysical diversity within Iso.
河原 典史
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.42, no.2, pp.168-181, 1990

The regional character of different places can berecognized through living styles and their changes in rural houses. In this study, the author examined functional changes and their factors in rural houses according to the changes in fishing, taking rural houses in fishery villages which have been neglected as an example. As a case study, the author took up <i>funaya</i> settlements in Ineura, in which many kinds of functions are mixed.<br>It was in the Taisho Era that the living functions of <i>funaya</i> which had functions for fishing, such as dry-docking a boat, keeping fishery tools, drying fishing nets and so on, began to come into existence. And it was after World War II that these living functions remarkably expanded.<br>The forms of <i>funaya</i> have greatly changed from a simple two-storied house to a regular two-storied house, because the living space has expanded to the upper stories of <i>funaya</i> since the war ended.<br>The following factors can be given as the reasons for which <i>funaya</i> are equipped with living functions:<br>1. the economic factor: prosperity of fishing in 1950, 1951 and in 1970&sim;1975.<br>2. the physical factor: linear villages which have little space for housing land.<br>3. a social factor: the rise of nuclear families.<br>Non-fishing families which have a large main house don't need <i>funaya</i> so few of these <i>funaya</i> are equipped with living functions. Furthermore, since about 1965, <i>funaya</i> have had a surplus of living space, so some houses are often found to be changed into <i>minshuku</i> (guest houses).<br>At the present time, the place for dry-docking a boat on the first floor of <i>funaya</i> is classifiied into 4 types: A, B, C and D (see Fig. 8). The main reason is that fiberglass-reinforced-plastic (F.R.P.) boats were introduced in 1969 and the weaving industry spread in 1961.<br>A type: This type doesn't show changes of form. Despite being equipped with dry-docking functions, these are hardly used.<br>B type: Though this type shows changes in form, it still preserves its function for dry-docking boats.<br>C type: This is the type in which formal change is the same as the functional one when the function for dry-docking boats disappeared because of the introduction of F.R.P. boats.<br>D type: This is the type in which the function for dry-docking of boats has disappeared and the forms have changed a great deal, owing to protection of weaving machines and commercial goods.

1 0 0 0 OA 三角洲新田

佐々木 清治
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.5, no.5, pp.323-341,402, 1953-12-30 (Released:2009-04-28)

Various aspects and problems of Shinden(reclaimed rice-field) on delta have been so far investigated, but materials which refer to its geographical distribution are hardly to be found. Here in this report, I am to make a comparative study on the distribution of the settlemets of Shinden on the delta of the Fuji river and that of the Oi river (both in Shizuoka Pref.).(1) There are two ways in which Shinden is formed and developed on the delta, namely, the intussusception growth and the apposition growth. The one means that Shinden is formed and covers the delta by way of thrusting itself in already established villages, and by the other is meant that Shinden is added at the circumference of old settlement. In other words, the former can be called the area-expanding growth which makes Shinden spread over the delta, and the latter the thickening growth which makes the settlement on delta thicker. As the typical examples of these two ways of development of Shinden on delta, are taken the reclaimed rice-fields on the delta of the Fuji river (the apposition growth) and that of the Oi river (the intussusception growth).(2) Irrespective of the above-mentioned area-expanding growth or the thickening growth, Shinden is divided into another two kinds, the centrifugal growth and the centripetal growth, according to the direction of its development. Shinden on the delta of the Fuji river belongs to the former. There, the original rice-field being in the center of delta, the new rice-field developed thence toward the outer side-namely, the centrifugal growth. On the contrary, the one on the delta of the Oi river was centripetally formed. developing, from the circumference toward the surface of delta.(3) If developed by the intussusception growth, the reclimed rice-field is distributed all over the surface of delta. A good example is found in the one on the delta of the Oi river, which can be called an equifacial settlement. The equifacial settlement sometimes has a naturally formed nucleus, and there are two cases of forming the nucleus. In one case, the nucleus being vague, people can only surmise the nuclear part, and in the other case, the nucleus being distinct, the reclaimed rice-field is spreading around it. I call the nucleus of the latter a hilum of Shinden on delta. Such a hilum is found just in the center of delta of the Oi river, that is, Kamishinden in Aikawavillage. Besides the case the hilum coincides with the center of delta as afore-mentioned, there may be another case the hilum keeps at a distance from the center of delta.(4) The delta is edged by the reclamed rice-field if the latter developed by the thickening growth; and the bordered distribution or ringed distribution of the reclaimed ricefield on delta comes to be observed. The one on the delta of the Fuji river is its good example, which shows distinctly the distribution of pericycle settlement. When the delta is not edged wholly, the half bordered distribution is observed as we see on the deltas of the Ota river (Hiroshima Pref.) and the Hii river (Shimane Pref.). If Shinden is scanty in the center of delta while it is distributed only around it, a central gap is made in the region of reclaimed rice-field, of which good example is given by the distribution of Shinden on the delta of the Fuji river.