杉江 あい
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.69, no.2, pp.191-211, 2017 (Released:2017-07-07)

根田 克彦
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.60, no.3, pp.217-237, 2008 (Released:2018-01-06)
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In England, the 1980s were a period in which the central government adopted a stance favorable to retail developments. Many out-of-center large scale retail developments opened and they have caused or accelerated the decline of existing centers. In Sheffield City, the Meadowhall regional shopping center opened in 1990. It is by far the largest individual scheme in the revitalization of the Lower Don Valley in Sheffield’s old industrial heartland. Some papers claim that Sheffield’s central shopping area declined drastically within a few years after the Meadowhall center opened. But those papers ignored the effect of the Meadowhall center on district shopping centers in Sheffield. This study presents the trend in development of regional shopping centers in England and examines the changes of the central area and district shopping centers in Sheffield after the Meadowhall regional shopping center opened.In Japan, through the deregulation of the Large Retail Store Law since 1990, many large-scale stores were developed in greenfields or the countryside. By contrast, in England, regional shopping centers focused on urban areas for regeneration of the deprived inner city in the 1980s. Therefore, many proposals for large-scale retail development in greenfields were rejected in the UK.Sheffield’s Unitary Development Plan, which was approved in 1998, establishes a three-fold classification of centers and presents retail parks and the regional shopping center (Meadowhall shopping center) in its proposals map. Retail parks and the Meadowhall shopping center are not maintained and enhanced by the local planning authority in accordance with the Planning Policy Guidance of the central government. Therefore, the retail development in retail parks is limited to retail warehouses and the large-scale expansion of the Meadowhall shopping center was not allowed. That is why they are likely to result in serious harm to the vitality and viability of the central shopping area and district shopping centers.Meadowhall shopping center attracts shoppers from a much wider catchment area than did the central shopping area. Though the central shopping area and the Meadowhall shopping center are situated as regional shopping centers in UDP, the central shopping area may be the focus of the inner city. Retail warehouses located at the fringe of the central shopping area and the number of stores selling fashion goods have decreased rapidly in the central shopping area since the Meadowhall center opened. Many multiple retailers moved from the central shopping area to Meadowhall center. Now the Sheffield City Council has a plan for redevelopment to enhance the status of the central shopping area as a regional shopping center.The district shopping centers provide high levels of accessibility to a broad range of services and facilities for all the community as well as shopping facilities for local residents. Food retail development is promoted within district shopping centers. There are some district shopping centers in which superstores or retail parks have been developed. District shopping centers without large-scale stores are very small scale and have higher vacancy rates.In Japan, the City Planning Act establishes two types of commercial zones, Commercial Zones and Neighborhood Commercial Zones. But there are some cities that have established some Commercial Zones outside of the central area, and any type of large-scale store can be located in Neighborhood Commercial Zones. And there are many zones in which large-scale stores under 10,000 square meters of floor space can be built outside of Commercial Zones. Therefore, the City Planning Act does not assume the hierarchy of retail areas with the Commercial Zone in the central area at the top. The Large-scale Retail Store Location Act aims to harmonize large-scale retail stores with the local community.(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
原口 剛
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.63, no.4, pp.324-343, 2011 (Released:2018-01-23)

In recent years, the field of study called labor geography is growing within European and American geography. However, in Japan there have been very few studies examining urban labor markets from this viewpoint. This paper aims to show how day laborers’ movements in Kamagasaki differentiated their spaces between the 1960s and the 1970s. To achieve this aim, this paper examines the processes of scaling place from two viewpoints: institutional differentiation, and appropriation of space.Concerning the process of institutional differentiation, riots played the definitive role. The riots of the earlier period, the 1960s, were completely spontaneous collective occurrences, but had the clear objective of protesting against the police. On the other hand, the riots of the later period, the 1970s, were closely related to the labor movements. First of all, the Nishinari branch of the All Japan Harbor Workers’ Union, organized since 1969, actively utilized the riots in their rhetoric for advancing negotiations with the Osaka prefectural administration. Second, the outbreak of the second term riots brought about a situation which gave the union an advantage in the negotiations. The labor movement pressured Kamagasaki into obtaining a social security system specific to the area through such negotiations.In the appropriation of space, the Kamagasaki Joint Struggle Meeting formed in the early 1970s was main impetus. The meeting appropriated the three following important spaces in the Kamagasaki area by developing direct actions: First, by defeating the S Construction Company, it created a situation which gave laborers predominance over brokers in the labor market. Second, the meeting succeeded in appropriating Triangle Park by holding a summer festival. Third, after labor struggles broke down in 1973, the meeting developed a movement centered on the occupation of public spaces in the winter season. Such processes made safety nets for day laborers customary in Kamagasaki.This paper demonstrates the differentiation of the space by a labor movement as described above. This paper also suggests the possibility of describing urban geography as a dynamic process accompanied by conflicts.
村田 陽平
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.58, no.5, pp.453-469, 2006 (Released:2018-01-06)
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Men’s studies in geography have investigated the meaning of gendered space from a male perspective and have contributed to realizing gender equality since the 1990s. While scholars have been eager to conduct case studies, they have paid little attention to theoretical discussions, however. In this paper, I examine the validity of queer theory as a major theoretical framework in contemporary gender studies, and propose an alternative epistemology of men’s studies in geography.Queer theory is a set of ideas based on the thought that the concept of identity or category is not essentially fixed but constructed by social-cultural performance. Influenced by queer theory, gender geography has also deliberately challenged all notions of fixed gendered space in various ways since the 1990s. Queer theory, however, has some limitations as a theoretical framework for deconstructing the concept of identity.I examine the limitations of queer theory from the perspective of the actual meaning of identity for men. By clarifying how we recognize male identity in daily spaces, I argue that queer theory cannot explain the emotions of ordinary men who have no doubt about the existence of male identity. This is because queer theory places too much emphasis on destabilizing identity and it lacks the perspective that people do not always think that identity should be deconstructed.Based on this examination, I propose an alternative epistemology of men’s studies in gender geography by introducing phenomenology. The epistemology of phenomenology has clarified how we recognize the meaning of everyday world, and helps us to understand the nature of human cognition to gendered space. Men’s studies in geography, therefore, should not anticipate destabilizing to male identity and the space, but should examine the actual meanings for men, which can lead to construct space and place for gender equality.
田中 雅大
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.65, no.1, pp.47-62, 2013 (Released:2018-01-26)

The aim of this study is to analyze qualitative aspects of cognitive distance in urban space considering their relationship with context-dependency. Data used in this study were obtained from 181 university students in Kanazawa City. After examining the theoretical basis of the qualitative cognitive distance in a large-scale space in accordance with cognitive linguistics, I assumed that the dichotomy of small-scale space around the body between “the space that can be reached by a limb” and “the space that can be seen but not reached” becomes a prototype of qualitative cognitive distance in a large-scale space, being metaphorically interrelated with those two spaces. Based on this assumption, we examined the relationship between qualitative cognitive distance drawn from university students in Kanazawa City and their contexts of daily movement behavior. An analysis of the relationship between the context of daily movement behavior and qualitative cognitive distance using Hayashi’s Quantification Theory III revealed that action space in the city is divided into a “close phase” (i. e., visited frequently and contacted directly), and a “far phase” (i. e., rarely visited or contacted), both of which are metaphorically related to the dichotomy of small-scale space between “the space that can be reached by a limb” and “the space that can be seen but not reached.” Since frequency of visits, mobility, and relative position among residence and destinations strongly influence the “close phase” and “far phase,” qualitative cognitive distance in urban space is considered to be affected by these contexts of daily movement behavior. Namely, the frequency of visits defines the similarity between “close phase,” “far phase,” and the space around the body ; moreover, mobility and relative position among residence and destinations define a range of both the “close phase” and the “far phase.”
井田 仁康
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.68, no.1, pp.66-78, 2016 (Released:2018-01-31)
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水野 真彦
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.62, no.5, pp.426-444, 2010 (Released:2018-01-19)

This paper reviews studies focused on the economic and social restructuring of cities in developed countries in the 2000s (2000-2009) from the viewpoint of economic geography. Drawing on critical examinations of the global cities thesis and the creative class thesis by Saskia Sassen and Richard Florida, respectively, the author points out the following four features of urban restructuring during the decade.First, urban spaces that contain land and buildings have gradually been incorporated in global financial capitalism. In other words, they have become financial products that have been traded beyond local and national borders, which caused a growth in financial business and a rapid rise in housing prices and rent prior to the financial crisis. The surge of financial capitalism in the 2000s has had a tendency to destabilize urban spaces and the lives of the residents in these areas.Second, neo-liberal policy movements have emphasized intensifying intercity competition and the rise of urban entrepreneurialism. City governments increasingly tend to pay more attention to attracting mobile capital, and neglect social policy for city residents, who are relatively immobile.Third, according to Sassen, global cities are characterized by the economic and social polarization of urban residents. In the 2000s, many Japanese writers and researchers discussed the fact that Japan had been converted into a gap-widening society. The increasing job insecurity of younger workers is suggested as a cause of the widening of the income gap. In particular, some critics perceive the suburbs as a problem, partly because irregular and low-paid employment is often a feature of these regions. In addition, this decade has witnessed an increase in the regional disparity between Tokyo and the rest of Japan.Fourth, the intercity competition for attracting highly skilled talents has been accelerated in the 2000s. Richard Florida insists that attracting the creative class is fundamental to urban development. He suggests that diversity, openness, and tolerance are magnets that attract the creative class. Although his view has drawn the attention of local politicians and policymakers, a considerable number of scholars criticized it for several reasons. One of these criticisms is that urban development can be better explained in terms of locations that offer job opportunities rather than the residential preferences of people or urban amenities. Another criticism is that urban policies based on Florida’s view possibly deepen the social divide between the creative class and the rest of the population. We have to recognize the importance of job creation in production activities throughout the production chains in order to prevent the deepening of the social divide in urban societies.
兼子 俊一
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.4, no.3, pp.242-244, 1952-07-30 (Released:2009-04-28)
梶田 真
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.71, no.2, pp.167-183, 2019 (Released:2019-07-13)

本稿は,大分市を事例として,1990年代以降における中等教育改革が,各学区の生徒の進学行動にどのような影響を及ぼしたのかを解明し,その結果に基づいて居住地選択にどのような変化をもたらすのかを考察した。一連の中等教育改革を通じて,県立高校では学校間の序列化が進み,公立中学校の進学実績にも有意な学校差を生み出した。最も進学実績の良い2つの中学校の校区では,他の校区に対しホワイトカラー層の卓越傾向が強まっていることが確認され,隣接学校選択制の結果においても,両校は最も人気が高く,競争の激しい中学校となっていた。一方で,こうした校区を志向する,子供のいるホワイトカラー層の世帯と,教育環境を重視する必要性の低い単身者/DINKs(double income no kids)等の子供のいない世帯の居住分化を示唆する動きもみられた。これらの知見は中等教育改革による学校内の同質化と学校間の差異化が,学区内の同質化と学区間の差異化という形で地理的に投影されていることを示すものである。
中村 努
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.73, no.1, pp.55-74, 2021 (Released:2021-04-13)

平岡 昭利
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.29, no.3, pp.227-252, 1977

This is a study on historical development of Daito Islands. Daito Islands are highly detached archipelagoes on the Pacific Ocean, located to the east of the main island of Okinawa (Fig. 1). I started the survey on the supposition that the development of these islands was made under the influence of Japanese capitalism, which seems to present some important problems.<br>The summary of the survey is as follows;<br>Daito Islands had been uninhabited until the middle of the Meiji era and were explored. And it was not until 1900 that islanders of Hachijo settled there and made the islands &Ouml;KUMENE. Thereafter the management of the islands was transferred from a trading capital (Tamaoki Company) to a monopolistic capital. And these islands became a single-enterprise-islands (the period of Toyo&sim;Dai-Nippon Sugar Manufacturing Company) after the sale of government property. Then through a large-scale capital investment, phosphate rock mining industry as well as sugar-manufacturing grew prosperous and attracted the suplus population of Okinawa who wanted to work away home (Fig. 8).<br>In the process of time, agglomerated settlements turned into dispersed ones, which contributed to labor efficiency; houses were built in the center of cultivated field in order to increase the labor-efficiency (Fig. 4. 6. 9). It rested with the company to decide how to use the fields and tenants under a sever control of the company were compelled to grow sugarcanes exclusively. The company adopted the policy to take on many laborers from Okinawa at low wages to prevent deviding tenant lands. As a result, the society constituted a hierarchy of company, tenants (people from Hachijo island) and laborers (people from Okinawa). Even among the tenants rose great differences, social or economic, owing to their native places.<br>A self-government system had not been established since the islands were colonized. It was after the war that the two municipal villages were organized, followed by a reconstruction of sugar manufacturing in 1951 (Fig. 10), and the conflict of more than ten years for the ownership of the land between DaiNippon Sugar Manufacturing Company and the villages. And at last in 1964 (64 years after the colonization) tenants became owner farmers.<br>Now for me, the historical development seems to show the island have the phenomena common to other detached insular societies, that is, other detached islands like Daito Islands are easily subjecteted to the administratration which use the natural strong segregation. Daito Islands case, its phenomena were especially observed in the period of plantation management. Economically speaking, the islands were directly connected with Japan proper. In this sense, &ldquo;detachedness&rdquo; of the islands had been subdued. But this means the reinforcement of dependency on the economy of Japan proper and islanders themselves were still confined in the detached, closed society. To put it concretely, the company, taking advantage of &ldquo;detachedness&rdquo; of the islands, checked the flow-in and flow-out of labor, and issued private notes which circulated only in such a closed society. Then, disposal of national property without regard for the islanders profit had long driven settlers to miserable situation. Authorities, leaving the administration of the islands to the monopolistic capital, engaged the islanders as soldiers and imposed tax without any protection to them. Rigid company regulations worked as laws.<br>The historical development of Daito Islands tells the administration was not satisfactory to the islanders. And this remark seems to apply not only to Daito Islands of past, but also to other island today. It is true that economic investment at large has not so much effect on general islands, but the policy for detached islands should be based on the fundamental fact that these islands are &Ouml;KUMENE (people are living, working).
長尾 悠里
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.70, no.2, pp.233-251, 2018 (Released:2018-07-02)

安藤 哲郎
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.60, no.1, pp.41-54, 2008 (Released:2018-01-06)

This paper gives a synoptic view of the distribution of places mentioned in the setsuwa stories compiled in the late Heian and early Kamakura periods (the 12th and first half of the 13th centuries). The author deals with places that were described as the staging areas for various events occurring during the Heian period, in and around Heian-kyo (present-day Kyoto).The author presents a geographical analysis of classical Japanese literature. Existing studies of the field have tended to focus on individual works or authors. In this paper, various stories including similar contents from different compilations are classified and analyzed in temporal and spatial dimensions.The category of setsuwa literature consists of many stories that include miracles and reasoning based on Buddhist teachings. Those stories were collected and resulted in several compilations (setsuwa-shu) in the late Heian and early Kamakura periods. The events told in the stories were distinguished ‘desirable’ from ‘undesirable’ for the people described. Then the locations of the events were plotted on maps of different times during the Heian period.By examining such maps, we can see that the locations of those events were familiar to the inhabitants of Heian-kyo. We can also see that residences and Buddhist temples related to the ruling people of the time were mentioned frequently. This suggests that the events in the stories were told as occurring in reality, reflecting the nature of setsuwa literature.In analyzing the contents of the stories, we can see that undesirable events often occur within the city boundary, whereas desirable events tend to happen in the peripheral zone. This peripheral zone can be associated with Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines which were religious foci for people of that time. Several events were described as having occurred just outside the city boundary, suggesting that the city area was not clearly circumscribed.The author concludes that the locational nature of events mentioned in the setsuwa literature can be considered to reflect the spatial structure of the metropolis of the Heian period. Further research should analyze factual records in diaries written by noblemen for comparative studies with literary materials.
丸井 博
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.25, no.2, pp.240-253, 1973

The writer has studied the development and the present conditions of the small hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River flowing south at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The results of this study are as follows.<br>1) There are 21 small hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River (Fig. 4), but their facilities are old and supply only a part of demand of electricity for the electric light and industrial power in this region. However, their cost of electricity production is low because the repayment of facilities has already ended. In addition, they are maintained as the urgent electricity in case of troubles of the long-distance transmission lines to this region from the hydroelectric or thermalelectric plants in other regions.<br>2) The first hydroelectric plant along the Shiba River was the Inogashira Hydroelectric Plant built in 1910. The completion of this plant was the one step to the modern hydroelectricity production in the Shizuoka Prefecture. The reason why the hydroelectric plant was built first along the Shiba River in the Shizuoka Prefecture was that there were a lot of sites for hydroelectricity production and the developing paper and pulp industry at the southern foot of Mt. Fuji demanded much electricity.<br>3) Four electric companies competed sharply for the production and supply of hydroelectricity along the Shiba River and the Fujisuiden Company held a dominant position. But, after all most hydroectric plants belonged to the Tokyo Electric Power Company which supplied electricity to Tokyo and amalagmated the Fujisuiden Company.<br>4) All the hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River whose capacities are from 250 KW to 4, 000 KW are conduit type. About 70 per cent of the 590-meter water head from the highest plant to the lowest one is used for genera-tion (Fig. 5).<br>5) The area of the Shiba River was early reclaimed as the agricultural land and at present the water rights for both irrigation and electric generation are much complicated (Fig. 8). The hydroelectric plants obtained the water rights for electric generation by paying various compensations, but the electricity production by a lot of plants decreased to a degree during the period of irrigation to the paddy fields from May to July, because irrigation rights take precedence. This kind of reduction of electricity production is far larger than the seasonal reduction (Fig. 6).
中澤 高志
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.73, no.3, pp.328-334, 2021 (Released:2021-10-31)
浮田 典良
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.22, no.4, pp.405-419, 1970-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
鈴木 允
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.56, no.5, pp.470-490, 2004-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The main purpose of this article is to analyze the process of demographic urbanization during the Meiji and Taisho periods in the Tokai area, central Japan, using "Kokoh-Chosa", the population statistics which were available before modern censuses began. The study period covers the years 1885-1920. In those times, Japan experienced a rapid population increase and an important urbanization process never seen before. The reason for these changes is attributed to modernization, and many researchers have been interested in such vicissitudes.Although population changes in modern times have been considered to be as a result of a demographic transition, some historical demographers in Japan argue that this started around 1920. They insist that the beginnings of population increase trends were derived not from decreasing mortality but from upward fertility trends, so that the demographic transition occurred much later than the start of population growth trends. Moreover, in such processes there seemed to be some differences between cities and peripheral areas, and such regional differences are associated with urbanization processes.Geographers have attempted to portray the processes of urbanization in those times in terms of social and economic indices. However, only a few studies have focused on the processes of Japanese demographic urbanization since "Kokoh-Chosa" possesses some significant problems as discussed below. In this paper, the problems of "Kokoh-Chosa" will first be made clear, and then there will be an attempt to adjust the data. "Kokoh-Chosa" gives us demographic information over 50 years before modern censuses, and it includes much valuable data, such as the numbers of births and deaths in all cities and counties. Thus, by adjusting the data and then using it, discussions on the processes of demographic urbanization become very fruitful.The most serious problem of "Kokoh-Chosa" was that the population was overestimated, especially in city areas, and that this accumulated from year to year. This problem resulted from the population registration system of those days which was defective due to its complexity. While the population of "Kokoh-Chosa" was overestimated, this problem was recognized in those days and thus the excess population was sometimes removed. That kind of process was referred to as "Kiryu-Seiri". As a result, there were sometimes some sudden gaps in the population data series. The author solves the problem of Kiryu-seiri by calculating the excess population.Using the adjusted data, the author firstly analyzes the changes in crude birth rates and death rates in cities and counties. This has much to do with the discussion about demographic transition processes. Secondly, urbanization processes are analyzed by means of several maps showing the population change every five years. In particular, the author separates total population growth into its natural and social components, and discusses the geographical differences in population dynamics.The results of the discussions are summarized as follows.Population increases, which may cause demographic urbanization, were due to high fertility, mainly in county areas. On the other hand, there are few changes in mortality trends in the study period with a few exceptions such as the mortality crisis in 1918. Birth rates were higher than death rates at almost all times in all regions, but natural increase rates in cities were lower than those in county areas. Thus, we can say that demographic urbanization was due to many migrants from counties to cities.In the late 19th century, demographic urbanization had already appeared, but the net-migrants were mainly seen in the cities and their neighbors, while there were very few net-migrants in peripheral counties. Since the 20th century