中川 祐希
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.71, no.3, pp.221-244, 2019 (Released:2019-10-29)

若林 芳樹
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.61, no.3, pp.266-281, 2009 (Released:2018-01-10)

The annual review of human geographical studies in Japan published in the Japanese Journal of Human Geography (Jimbun Chiri) has included a section on perceptual and behavioral geography since 1982. Nevertheless, the editorial board of the journal decided to remove this section in 2008. There is no doubt that this decision was made because of the need to re-examine the classification of the sections in this article, and was affected by the recent reorganization of this discipline. However, it is too early to say that perceptual and behavioral geography has lost its productivity and attraction. The aim of this paper is to review the advancements in perceptual and behavioral geography in retrospect and to evaluate the prospects for research in this field in Japan in comparison with the trends in English-speaking countries.To elucidate the place of perceptual and behavioral geography in Japanese geography and the changes over the years, the author analyzed the literature in Bibliographies on Japanese Geographical Research, the fields of interest of Japanese geographers, and the change in the tone of the articles published in the annual review of the above journal. The analysis revealed that perceptual and behavioral geography in Japan has not lost its productivity and still attracts the attention of more than a few young geographers; however, the number of researchers specializing in this field remains few. As the studies in this field tend to overlap with other branches of geography, and since the polarization between perceptual and behavioral studies has not yet been reconciled, the unity of this field of research has become lost. As a result, this field is marginalized in human geography.While this trend in perceptual and behavioral geography observed in Japan is similar to that observed in UK, perceptual and behavioral geography in the USA enjoys a more optimistic outlook, since the specialty group of EPBG, which has made close connections with GIS and cartography, remains active there. After 2000, new trends in perceptual and behavioral geography have been observed in Japan. A notable one is the interdisciplinary collaboration with related fields (e. g., psychology and information science). In addition, there has been an increase in the number of studies focusing on special segments of the population, such as the disabled, foreigners, children, the elderly, and women; these studies are more concerned with specificity rather than generality, since they take into consideration the geographic context of environmental perception and spatial behavior. These studies aim at solving actual problems and are applicable to public policy and urban planning. Recently, studies on spatial cognition have also contributed significantly to GIS and cartography.
谷本 涼
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.69, no.4, pp.425-446, 2017 (Released:2018-02-23)
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矢部 直人
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.65, no.3, pp.264-278, 2013 (Released:2018-01-26)

In 2008, domestic travel spending in Japan reached 23.6 trillion yen, with overnight travel by the Japanese amounting to 15.6 trillion yen (66.2%). In contrast, domestic overnight travel by international visitors to Japan accounted for only 1.3 trillion yen (5.7%). If overnight travel by the Japanese were to be increased, it would not only contribute to travel spending but also stimulate the regional economies. The Japan Tourism Agency proposed a plan to stagger national holidays by region to reduce traffic jams and make travel easy for people. The plan suggests the division of Japan into five zones, with each zone observing a five-day break during different weeks in May. This paper proposes zoning plans for the regional holiday schedule and investigates the zoning effects in view of travel demand equalization.Network analysis was applied to the OD (Origin-Destination) data of the Japanese overnight travelers between prefectures published by the Japan Tourism Agency. PageRank centrality was computed to check the stability of travel flow between prefectures from January 2007 to March 2010. Functional regions were then extracted from the OD data by the community finding method to set zoning plans. A greedy search algorithm was employed for the community finding analysis. The OD data for May 2009, which included the Japanese national holiday period called “Golden Week,” was used for community finding.The results of PageRank centrality analysis showed that the overnight travel flow was very stable for the period. Chiba Prefecture showed the highest PageRank centrality mainly because of Tokyo Disney Resort, which attracted travelers from all over Japan. Narita International Airport also contributed to the high centrality of Chiba Prefecture.The application of the community finding method to the OD data led to two zoning plans. While one of them divided Japan into two zones - eastern and western Japan, the other divided it into three -eastern Japan, western Japan, and Kyushu. Hence, the results of the community finding method offered fewer zones than were proposed through the plan developed by the Japan Tourism Agency.We evaluated these zoning plans in terms of travel demand equalization. Travel demand was considered to be equalized when the percentage of overnight travelers from each zone was equal. The three zoning plans that divided Japan into two, three, and five zones were compared in view of travel demand. It was concluded that the zoning plan which divided Japan into two zones was the most effective in terms of travel demand equalization.
高橋 誠一
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.27, no.2, pp.113-144, 1975

Many works have been proposed as to the location of settlements in <i>Yayoi</i> era. But the problems about the character and origin of upland settlements have been not yet solved. There are a variety of views about its character and origin. There are as follows; (A) Hill-Fort or Camp, (B) settlement for arable farming, (C) upland settlement refuged from flood, (D) religious settlement etc.<br>In this article I examined sites of <i>Yayoi</i> settlements in Osaka prefecture and arrived at the following conclusions.<br>i) The location of sites are different from the 1st period to the 5th period in <i>Yayoi</i> era.<br>ii) The number of settlements are rapidly increased in the 3rd and the 5th period. In the former period settlements increased on upland and in the latter they increased both on upland and on lowland.<br>iii) Great disturbances happened two times in <i>Yayoi</i> era, at least in Osaka prefecture. These disturbances correspond to the great rebellions before and after Queen &lsquo;<i>Himiko</i>&rsquo; recorded in historical writings of ancient China.<br>iv) Some settlements on upland surely had the militaly function under the background of the disturbances above mentioned.<br>v) Some settlements refuged from flood were also formed in the 4th and the 5th period.<br>vi) In the 3rd and the 5th period the population growth with the advance of product and the spread of the space of life are notably recognized.
王 君香
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.72, no.1, pp.21-38, 2020 (Released:2020-05-08)

小方 登
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.32, no.6, pp.493-503, 1980

In this paper, the structure of bus service network is analysed as a system of bus routes connecting a pair of unit areas. This research is based on graph theory, in which transport networks are interpreted as systems of connections between pairs of places.<br>The paper is concerned with the region served by the municipal bus service of Kyoto City. This consists of 164 unit areas, including 162 mesh areas and two secluded areas among mountains, <i>Onogo</i>, and <i>Yase-Ohara</i> (Fig. 1).<br>A connectivity matrix <i><b>C</b></i> is defined on the basis of the existence of the connection by a bus route between any pair of unit areas. Then, a shortest path matrix <i><b>D<sub>4</sub></b></i> is derived from <i><b>C</b></i>. The sum across any row of <i><b>D<sub>4</sub></b></i> indicates the accessibility from one area to all other areas (Fig. 2). The peak of this accessibility is at the city center of Kyoto, <i>Shijo-Karasuma</i>, and ridge lines radiate from there along <i>Shijo</i> street and <i>Karasuma</i> avenue. The matrix <i><b>L<sup>4</sup></b></i> is derived from the matrix <i><b>L</b></i>, with elements of numbers of services, whose pattern of accessibility resembles that of <i><b>D<sub>4</sub></b></i> (Fig. 3).<br>The accessibility index of the matrix <i><b>L<sup>4</sup></b></i> between any pair of areas is multiplied by the population indeces of the two areas, and the resulting matrix is defined as interaction between the two areas. Among these interactions of an area, the largest is specified as a link comprising the nodal structure of the region (Fig. 5). The resulting nodal structure indicates that a great majority of the unit areas are oriented to the city center, and that this region lacks an intervening level of centers. This means that, in the scale within the city, there is no system covering changes between rapid mass-transit, such as trains, and municipal bus service.
戸祭 由美夫
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.24, no.2, pp.129-163, 1972

&lsquo;<i>G&ocirc;ri-Sei</i>(_??__??__??_)&rsquo;is a system of local administrative division, enforced from 715 to 739-40 in the Nara era, and it consisted of two administrative divisions: &lsquo;<i>G&ocirc;</i>(_??_)&rsquo;and &lsquo;<i>Ri</i>(_??_)&rsquo;.Up to the present only historians had pursued after this system on their historical methods. So in this paper I tried to scrutinize it on a geographical method in making reference to following primary historical materials: &lsquo;<i>Daizei-Sinky&ucirc;-Rekimei-Ch&ocirc;</i> *in <i>Izumo</i> Province(_??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??_)&rsquo;, &lsquo;<i>Daizei-Oi-Shib&ocirc;nin-Ch&ocirc;</i> **in <i>Bicch&ucirc;</i> Province(_??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??_)&rsquo;(both in A.D. 739), &lsquo;<i>Izumo-no-Kuni-Fudoki</i> ***(_??__??__??__??__??__??_)&rsquo;(in A.D. 733), etc.<br>Scrutiny is carried out in the below mentioned process:<br>1. Presumption of the <i>G&ocirc;</i>-areas in consulting documents, present names of places, etc.<br>2. Presumption of the unities of <i>Lebensr&auml;ume</i> at that time in each <i>G&ocirc;</i>-areas in availing of materials such as documents, present names of places, topography, river systems, irrigation spheres of each river, remains in the <i>Kofun</i> era, sites of the &lsquo;<i>Shiki-Nai-Sha</i> ****(_??__??__??_)&rsquo;, etc.<br>3. Comparison between the unities of <i>Lebensr&auml;ume</i> and <i>Ris</i> in each <i>G&ocirc;</i>-areas.<br>Treating more than twenty cases on such method, I can clear up the four points.<br>1. In nearly all <i>G&ocirc;</i>-areas, several unities of <i>Lebensr&auml;ume</i> are classified into two or three grades for their scales.<br>2. Unities of <i>Lebensr&auml;ume</i> with nearly same scale to <i>G&ocirc;</i>-areas are recognized in a certain cases (Type A). On the other hand, there are not a few cases, where each unity of <i>Lebensraum</i> corresponds to the approximately same scale of a <i>Ri</i> (Type B).<br>3. In the case of Type B, especially when the name of place similar to the name of <i>Ri</i> is found in the unity of <i>Lebensraum</i> with approximately same scale to that <i>Ri</i>, (Type B'), there is a fair possibility that the <i>Ri</i> was organized basing on the unity of <i>Lebensraum</i>. Yet even in such cases of Type B and Type B', I can hardly suppose that the <i>Ri</i> was always organized basing on the unity of <i>Lebensraum</i>.<br>4. In such a case as neither in Type B nor Type B', there presents very considerable possibility that the <i>Ri</i> was organized almost indifferently from the unity of <i>Lebensraum</i> in the same <i>G&ocirc;</i>-area.<br>If the four above-mentioned points constitute nation-wide characteristic of the <i>G&ocirc;ri-Sei</i> at its enforcement, it is possible to develop further inference on the basis of the results which had been already achieved by historians. Although the <i>G&ocirc;ri-Sei</i> came in enforcement so that the government might rule over the &lsquo;<i>B&ocirc;ko</i>(_??__??_)&rsquo;, it had been unable to meet with the actual state of affairs at that time any more than the prior system, &lsquo;<i>Ri-Sei</i>(_??__??_)&rsquo; did. After a quarter of century, on the advent of new political situation, it was simply laid aside and the <i>G&ocirc;-Sei</i>, a not so complicated system of local administrative division as the <i>G&ocirc;ri-Sei</i>, came close after it and kept on for hundreds of years.<br>* an official document, recorded at each administrative divisions about men, women, and children, who were provided with rice from the provincial government for their old age or some other reasons.<br>** an official document, recorded at each administrative divisions about farmers who borrowed rice from the provincial government and died without repaying.<br>*** ancient topographical document which the Izumo Provincial Government compiled with materials of its own territory after the order of the Central Government.
ワトキンズ チャールズ
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.66, no.6, pp.507-521, 2014

<p>This paper considers the relevance of the work of Uvedale Price (1747-1829) to debates about the relationship between nature, landscape and society. It focusses on the management of gardens and trees and concludes by assessing his influence on nineteenth century ideas of nature, art and landscape. Uvedale Price published his <i>Essay on the Picturesque</i> in 1794. He defined the 'picturesque' as an aesthetic category lying somewhere between Edmund Burke's 'sublime' and 'beautiful'. He saw the <i>Essay</i> as a practical guide to managing estates and in this it was generally well received. It generated a literary controversy as he set his ideas of the picturesque forcefully against the then established and celebrated national style of landscape gardening practiced and popularised by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown. Price's work influenced literary figures such as Jane Austen, Sir Walter Scott and William Wordsworth; artists such as John Constable and David Cox and landscape gardeners such as Humphry Repton; John Claudius Loudon and William Sawrey Gilpin. By the mid-nineteenth century picturesque ways of seeing the landscape had become so normal and natural that Uvedale Price's contribution to the debate began to be forgotten, to be revived by architectural historians in the twentieth century.</p>
島津 俊之
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.59, no.1, pp.7-26, 2007 (Released:2018-01-06)
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In recent Anglophone cultural and historical geography, attention has been increasingly paid to modern photography’s role in creating geographic knowledge and to its important role in nation-state building and imperialism. It has been pointed out that the mass production and consumption of photographic images tend to mold and reproduce people’s imaginative geographies. This paper focuses on the practice of ‘the production of landscapes’ undertaken by the Kubo Photo Studio, a local photo studio during the Meiji and Taisho periods in Japan. The production of landscapes here refers to two things: first, the production of landscape photographs as material representations ; second, the production of cognitive landscapes as non-material representations. These two sides of the production of landscapes interact mutually.The Kubo Photo Studio was established in about 1907 by photographer Masao Kubo at Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture. The southern part of the Kii Peninsula, including Shingu, has been called ‘Kumano’ since ancient times, and is blessed with a warm climate and a scenic natural environment of mountains, streams and coasts. Kumano occupies the southern half of the area inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2004 as the ‘Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range’.Kubo Photo Studio, run by Masao Kubo and his son Yoshihiro Kubo, produced and sold a variety of photography books and picture postcards featuring the natural and cultural landscapes of Kumano. In particular, the phrase ‘Kumano Hyakkei’, meaning ‘one hundred views of Kumano’, was often employed for titles or subtitles for photography books and picture postcards. Being aware that Kumano was a sacred site deeply revered by the imperial family in ancient times, Masao Kubo dedicated Kumano Hyakkei Shashin-cho (Picture Album of One Hundred Views of Kumano) to the imperial family in 1900. While an earlier production of Kumano Hyakkei was based on the national value of the landscapes of Kumano as a whole, one also finds a sort of localism in which landscapes in and around Shingu were implicitly privileged by Masao Kubo. Later, under the supervision of Yoshihiro Kubo, Kumano Hyakkei became the title for travel guidebooks conforming to the tourist view. Nevertheless, such ordinary landscapes as ports, towns, villages, agriculture, and fisheries can be observed throughout a series of Kumano Hyakkei. Various photographic images, produced by Kubo Photo Studio as ‘archives of landscape’, played a vital part in molding the collective view of the landscapes of Kumano, and also in dictating what should be seen and how.
中川 祐希
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.71, no.3, pp.221-244, 2019

熊野 貴文
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.70, no.2, pp.193-214, 2018

長尾 洋子
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.61, no.3, pp.187-206, 2009 (Released:2018-01-10)

Local performances in provincial areas of Japan have witnessed various changes since the Meiji era. Along with the policies of the government, the changes were occasioned by the complex effects of industrialization and the spread of Western political styles and social reorganization. Exhibitions held through the late 19th century to the early 20th century demonstrate these transformative processes. By focusing on an exhibition that took place in Toyama, this paper asks how local people experienced and interpreted modernity, and what kind of cultural transformations occurred.The Joint Exhibition of Nine Prefectures hosted by Toyama Prefecture was held in 1913 to celebrate the opening of a train service between Nao’etsu and Toyama (part of the Hokuriku Main Line), and the completion of a harbor in Fushiki. The exhibition was typical of the era in performatively demonstrating the Enlightenment, industrialization, imperialism and the shift to a consumer society. The new train service and harbor symbolized these elements. These multi-faceted elements were also incorporated into the new Toyama Dance which was skillfully staged in the Entertainment Hall situated on the main fairground. One conspicuous image embraced in the production was that of “the sea”. The sea motif announced the emergence of Toyama as a modernizing prefecture whose domestic and international trade was made possible by enhanced transportation systems, industrialization, and tourism in coastal areas. Its semiotic effect also configured the locality of Toyama coupled with the traditional scheme of literary imagination and the classifying and commodifying effects of light, a distinctive feature of exhibition spaces.However, such a dominant discourse was also contentious. Amateur singers were invited from Yatsuo, a town located about 20km south of Toyama City, to take part in the production. Historical accounts suggest that this experience left them with uncomfortable feelings about the staging of the performance: it “defeated the true purpose of the Etchu Owara-bushi”. Eventually these Yatsuo townspeople created a dance called Honen-odori (Harvest Dance) to be performed in conjunction with Etchu Owara-bushi, and this modification has been passed down to the present. The creation of the Honen-odori involved efforts to reconcile frustrations arising from lowered status, on the one hand, and local pride, on the other, by assessing the town’s position in a rapidly changing Toyama Prefecture and in relation to the interests and visions of other prefectures across Japan (and its overseas territories). Such efforts brought about a new, reflexive sense of belonging to a Yatsuo situated within Japan as a multi-layered ideological construct. In addition, it is important to realize that Honen-odori imparted a visual element to Etchu Owara-bushi, primarily a musical performance, and thus served to conjoin the cultural tradition of Yatsuo with modernity, which privileges the visual. The creation of a new dance form for the Etchu Owara-bushi embodied the self-affirmation of Yatsuo in this new historical context.Modification of the Etchu Owara-bushi in response to the exhibition shows that people in provincial areas were not as passive as generally believed. Instead, multi-layered parties and discourses actively interacted to participate in the vision(ing) of modernity, by creating cultural forms representing identities that were constantly being renewed.

1 0 0 0 OA 学界展望

一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.69, no.3, pp.303-371, 2017 (Released:2017-10-20)
小野 三正
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.8, no.2, pp.104-117,160, 1956
1 1

The quick-mastery map, the scale of which was one to twenty thousand, was completed in seven years from 1880 A.D. (13 of Meiji) to 1886 A.D. (19 of Meiji).<br>Its surveying areas get to 176km from east to west, and 180km from south to west, centering around Tokyo Prefecture and 15, 511 square miles in its surveying areas, and is completed in 235 maps.<br>In this surveyworks, the numbers, of the army survey department of the general stuff office completed lots of topographical maps which is so detailed that there was no precedent for it, after making a survey of comparatively extensive regions by using the new western surveying instruments in a short time.<br>It is uncommon that they adopted the French system in a diagram of the the topographical map, and used two kinds of map sizes in a ream of map.<br>Anyhow, a group of these maps was achieved five years ago, and was the first successiful attempt in our country.<br>The temporary surveymap like the former was completed by the hand of army survey department in general stuff office, for six years from 1884 A.D. (22nd of Meiji). The surveying regions are through out the Metoropolitan District, centreing around Osaka, and get to 91km from east to west, and 110km from south to north, and also 4, 668 square miles in araea, they made 92 surveymaps in all. It is similar to the former that the longitude and latitude of the map are 6' and 4' each, and this survey map, too, does not adopt the result of the triangular serveying.<br>They apparently adopt the German system in the diagram of this topographical map, so that we can find out the gravity and toughness of the latter in contrast with the softness of the former, in the topographical description and the form of expression.<br>And also these topographical maps were the first significant ones having campleted about 70 years ago for all over the Metropolitan District.
河地 貫一
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.13, no.1, pp.16-33,94, 1961

1) The manufacturing industries in Nagasaki are forming a seaside-industrial area standing for an exclusive accumulation, in a limited area which is closely related with labour and production. This geographical fact in a spatially-occupied area shows the economic structure of industry, as described in the following 2), 3), and 4).<br>2) Nagasaki is a mono-industrial city, in which the production of a metal-machine industry accounts for over 80% of all industrial productions.<br>3) The main metal-machine industry is ship-building of all-round assembly ndustries, and nearly all of them are carried on by correlated enterprises or subcontracted enterprises.<br>4) A colossal monopolistic enterprise, named &ldquo;Mitsubishi&rdquo;, is responsible for over 90% of all productions of the metal-machine industries, and over 80% of all manufacturing industries. This is a regional characteristic of Nagasaki depending upon authority, of course, though these structures are observed in Japanese economics as a general tendency.<br>5) A specially fixed area as described in 1) is the old Fuchi Mura village, portion of Nagasaki City, which was incorporated with Nagasaki at the time of the expansion of the first municipal area, in the 31st year of the Meiji era: 1898. This area had already become an industrial area, at the time when the Mitsubishi ship-building yard and its correlated industries were located.<br>6) As this area was incorporated with Nagasaki City, the port of Nagasaki, which was once a luxury-consuming city, began to show to signs of being newly reconverted to an industrial city in many sections. It was, so to speak, a spatial proclamation.<br>7) The center of the present industrial area in the city is a district belonging to the old Fuchi Mura village, a portion of Nagasaki, just as it was. This indicates that only an exclusive accumulation by regional groups was set forward, not carrying out spatial expansion from the 31st year of the Meiji era: 1898, and later, notwithstanding the industrial extensive growth of Nagasaki after that.<br>8) The industries of Nagasaki have been growing together with the Mitsubishi ship-building yard, and the correlated industries&hellip;&hellip;especially the metal-machine industry, located in the interior of the ship-building yard or in the neighborhood. As other industries in this area repeated the rise and fall of prosperity in proportion to Japanese capitalism, there was no formation of an extensive industrial area with mentioning in this area.<br>9) The industry did not expand spatially, the geographical facts setting forward the exclusive accumulation to the old Fuchi Mura village are nothing else but having a spatially-represented, historical process of which the interior structure of industries shows extreme patterns, as described in 2), 3), and 4).
杉山 和明
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.55, no.1, pp.26-42, 2003
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Since the late 1980s, the epistemology of cultural politics that derives from British cultural studies and contemporary critical social theories-referred to as the 'the cultural turn in social sciences and humanities'-has been taken seriously in Anglophone human geography. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the recent progression in youth studies, especially after the deep impact of the cultural turn in Anglophone human geography, and how to apply it in the Japanese context.<br>The author will present four themes concerning geographies of youth: (1) Youth, cultural politics and positionality, (2) home, school and regional community around youth, (3) the progression from production to consumption society and youth in urban spaces and (4) problematizing youth and privatization of public spaces, all of which focus on cultural politics intertwined among various times and spaces.<br>Presenting various research points, the author will identify three significant theoretical aspects in which the geographies of youth mainly rely: the question of the social construction of subjects, the cultural politics of place and identity, and the ethics behind subject positions. The author insists that Japanese human geographers should consider these issues, despite the difficulties involved in their direct introduction into Japanese empirical studies and, that, furthermore, this is necessary in order to explore research practices regarding the studies of youth in the future.