佐野 広季 近藤 千尋 山根 浩二 小坂田 潔 河崎 澄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム 2016.21 (ISSN:24242950)
pp.E231, 2016 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper describes how to produce biodiesel from waste soup of ramen, especially in terms of improvement of the energy profit ratio, EPR. This time, by applying solidification of tri-glyceride it is removed from soup, then EPR become higher over than 3.5. And by applying solvent extraction, then EPR become higher over than 5.0. This value is much higher than that of production by vacuum distillation in the previous paper. Furthermore, engine test is performed by using BDF from waste soup of ramen as B5. As a result, it is shown that fuel consumption rate and emission is almost the same as the case of using gasoil.
佐野 広季 近藤 千尋 山根 浩二 小坂田 潔 河崎 澄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
vol.2016, 2016

<p>This paper describes how to produce biodiesel from waste soup of ramen, especially in terms of improvement of the energy profit ratio, EPR. This time, by applying solidification of tri-glyceride it is removed from soup, then EPR become higher over than 3.5. And by applying solvent extraction, then EPR become higher over than 5.0. This value is much higher than that of production by vacuum distillation in the previous paper. Furthermore, engine test is performed by using BDF from waste soup of ramen as B5. As a result, it is shown that fuel consumption rate and emission is almost the same as the case of using gasoil.</p>
秦 秀敏 宇津野 秀夫 松久 寛
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2004, pp.89-94, 2004

Impact problem between a bat and a ball was studied using vibration modal analysis. Initial kinetic energy of the ball and the bat before the collision is transmitted to their vibration energies and their rigid body kinetic energies. The rebound speed of the ball is theoretically calculated and was measured in the experiments for slow speed impact condition. There was a good agreement between the calculation and experiment. The rebound speed of the ball was also calculated for the high speed impact condition. When the bat hits the ball with relatively high speed, higher order vibration modes appear. Therefore it is possible to increase the rebound speed of the ball by changing the design of the bat, such that the higher order modes are suppressed.
杉山 博之 須田 義大
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2006, pp._204-1_-_204-6_, 2006

次世代のマルチボディ動力学解析において期待される非線形有限要素法との連成問題,つまり,剛体,柔軟体および大変形柔軟体がジョイント拘束を介して連成した多体拘束系動力学問題の効率的な数値定式化手法の開発が活発に行われている.特に,マルチボディ計算アルゴリズムにて用いられる非増分型アルゴリズムに基づく非線形有限要素法, Absolute nodal coordinate formulationがShabanaによって提案されており,大変形柔軟体を含むマルチボデイシステムの拘束系動力学解析に適用されている.しかしながら,本定式化の曲がり梁としての特性に関してはほとんど報告されていない.また,既存の3次元Absolute nodal coordinate formulation梁要素では,体積要素としてGreen-Lagrangeのひずみテンソルから弾性力を導出しているため,せん断変形および断面変形に起因したロッキングが発生する.特に,梁が初期形状において曲率を有する曲がり梁においては,ロッキングの影響が顕著となり精度の低下を招く.本論文では,図A1に示すような大変形柔軟マルチボディ解析における曲がり梁の新たな定式化手法を提案した.曲がり梁の軸曲線に沿ったひずみ成分を,基準および変形後の配置に対する変位勾配変換と基準配置にて一義的に決定するAlmansiひずみにより表すひずみ式を導出した.また,曲がり梁の回転ひずみ成分を曲率/ねじりテンソルにより定義することにより,既存の定式化にて問題となる体積要素として導出される曲げひずみ成分の精度低下を回避した.さらに,せん断ロッキングをHellinger-Reissner混合変分原理を用いて回避し,また断面変形に関してAssumed strain法を用いてメンブレンロッキングを回避して要素精度を向上させた新たな曲がり梁の定式化を示した.図A2に示す梁のロールアップ問題に対する理論解との比較および図A3に示す動的スティフニングに関するベンチマーク問題を用いた要素精度の検証から,大変形曲がり梁を有する機械構造物の工学的動力学問題に対して,提案した手法が有効であることを示した.
川上 明 関森 秀伸 篠原 昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.59, no.566, pp.3224-3229, 1993

In order to clarify the filament surface color for accident reconstruction, the experimental destruction of seven kinds of light bulbs was carried out by changing the time between the light bulb power off and bulb rupture. The following results were obtained. (1) According to the time, the oxidized color changes to dark grey, green, blue, purple, yellow, and light grey in this order. (2) The relationships among the time, color index number alloted to a typical filament surface color, and the light bulb's rated consumption of electricity were obtained as an approximate equation. (3) Elapsed time starting from the power off can be derived on the basis of the surface color or an approximate equation. (4) The oxidized color is very useful for traffic accident reconstruction. By means of this information along with conventional findings, drivers' behavior at the accident may be postulated more precisely.
一色 俊佑 渋谷 恒司 松野 行秀 丸山 信哉 山田 忠義 松下 俊 河内 弘茂
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2010, pp._1A2-A23_1-_1A2-A23_3, 2010

This study aims at the construction of a robotic system that can precisely grind metal molds instead of skilled persons. For example, in case of plastic products like cellular phones, the surface-roughness must be from about 0.1 to 0.03 micrometers. Usually, it takes seven to eight hours for rough grinding and two to three hours for finishing grinding even if a skilled person grinds, which costs a lot of money. Development of an automatic grinding system will reduce the costs. Therefore, the goal of this study is to develop such a system. We use an industrial robot with six joints, and soft and ceramic whetstone to grind molds. We conducted some basic experiment and found that the robot can grind the mold as smooth as human to some extent.
大屋 裕二 烏谷 隆 沖野 誠心 伊庭 周作 渡辺 公彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2007, pp._711-1_-_711-4_, 2007

We have investigated the wind turbine and two-dimensional wing performance in various fluctuating flows including pulsating flows and turbulent flows with different intensities and scales. As a result, the power outputs of the wind turbine in pulsating flows shows higher values compared to those in smooth steady flows. For a certain condition of turbulent flows, the power output of wind turbine show a higher value than those in smooth and other turbulent flows. In addition, the wing performance improved by turbulence, and the flow around the wing has changed by roughness. Therefore, the possibility that the turbulence with small scales can make an interference with the boundary layer around a turbine blade and improve lift performance is shown.
河原崎 徳之 渡邉 祐介 MITSUMOTO Kazuya 吉留 忠史 西原 主計
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2009, pp._1A2-M13_1-_1A2-M13_2, 2009

This paper provides a simple health care system based on vocalization. Our health care system is composed of a tonometer, a clinical thermometer, a microphone and a PC. This system can record several vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate and bodily temperature) and voice simultaneously. We examine the relationship between the formants of vocalization and vital signs using the multiple regression analysis. The systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and bodily temperature are estimated based on the formants of vocalization.
横山 綾亮 小村 啓 坪井 諭之 大岡 昌博
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.18-00283, (Released:2018-10-30)

Hardness representation in VR is one of the important problems to create virtual touch feeling as if the feeling is caused by real touch. In this study, we are attempting to improve the hardness representation method by combining the pseudo-haptics and tactile stimuli, which was presented in our previous research. In the current study, we investigated the ability of both of these methods to express tactile hardness stimulation: in Experiment A hardness was generated solely by visual stimulation using CG; and in Experiment B hardness was generated solely by the dot-matrix display. Based on the results of Experiments A and B, in Experiment C we conducted psychophysical experiments on the ability to express tactile hardness by combining the effects of pseudo-haptics and the tactile stimuli. In Experiment C, we were able to express six levels of distinguishable hardness, while only four and two levels were observed in Experiments A and B, respectively. In addition, the relationship between hardness evaluation and the six levels shows high linearity with R2 = 0.98.
平田 鷹志 山崎 亘 カヤオ クリスチャンデウス 吉川 雅博 池田 篤俊 高松 淳 小笠原 司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._2P1-E03_1-_2P1-E03_3, 2015-05-17 (Released:2017-06-19)

Recently, cleaning robots are becoming widely used. However, even if commercially-available cleaning robots can collect dust and small debris on the floor, they can not pick up trash such as PET bottles, cans, etc. We developed a cleaning robot intended for picking trash while dust collecting. This paper describes the architecture of the cleaning robot consisting of hardware such as an RGB-D sensor, a robot arm and a commercially-available cleaning robot, and also software for trash picking such as searching trash from RGB-D image, picking the trash via the robot arm and controlling the cleaning robot. We used commercially-available hardware and open source software such as Robot Operating System (ROS), Point Cloud Libraly (PCL) and so on.
羽賀 俊雄 澤井 雅和 乾 秀喜 阪口 洋
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2006, pp.119-120, 2006

It is necessary to reduce the weight of an automobile body for an environment. Aluminum alloy parts are adopted instead of steel parts to reduce the weight. A6061 is more economy than A6016 and A6022 used for an automobile at present. This study used A6061 instead of A6016 and A6022. Process of roll casting has several advantages, including rapid solidification and low running cost. Furthermore, recycled aluminum was economy. This study examined A6061+0.2%Fe as model of recycled aluminum alloy. Roll casting of A6061 and A6061+0.2%Fe were tried using an unequal diameter twin roll caster. The casting speed was 30m/min. Thickness of strips were 4.8mm of A6061 and 4.6mm of A6061+0.2%Fe. The strips were rolled down to 1.0mm by cold rolling. T4 heat treated strips was operated with deep drawing and 2.0 of LDR value could be attained. As a result, this process prevented deterioration of a mechanical property.
鈴木 悟史 中村 俊之 吉井 正広 中島 正勝 中西 洋喜 本田 瑛彦 小田 光茂
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.79, no.807, pp.4233-4248, 2013 (Released:2013-11-25)
1 1

Generally, many space satellites have large solar array panels for power generation and large antennas for observation and communication. The panels and antennas must be lightweight because of the payload weight limit of the launch vehicle. So, they are very flexible, with little damping ability. This results in vibrations cause serious problems. When the thermal environment around a flexible structure on orbit such as a solar array panel changes to cold or hot, the flexible structure produces its own deformation or vibration. These occur most often during rapid temperature changes called thermal snap or thermally-induced vibration, which has been known to cause attitude disturbance in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. Thermal snap vibration occurring on a flexible solar array panel is very slow. It is very difficult to measure thermal snap motion by sensors such as accelerometer. The behavior of a space structure affected by thermal snap has never been observed directly in space so far. This report presents the measurement results of “IBUKI” solar array panel's behavior using monitor camera.