阿部 真大 新妻 実保子
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, pp.2A1-J11, 2017

<p>To work smoothly in a virtual space, it is necessary to recognize the space exactly and interact 3D information intuitively. In this study, we created a VR game environment that integrated stereoscopic vision based on a binocular parallax by a HMD with body motion measurement by a range image sensor. Also, to enhance immersion and operation feeling, we presented tactile information by using a vibro tactile globe and we verified usefulness of the operation by real-scale body motions, the stereoscopic vision and the tactile information. From the results of experiments, we could confirm that the operation by real-scale body motions and the stereoscopic vision are useful in the VR game environment created, and the tactile information is effective assistance for the operation by real-scale body motions.</p>
谷 一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.33, no.161, pp.561-565, 1930

沖野 友洋 永田 恵輔 佐藤 裕之 堀川 敬太郎 小林 秀敏
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.85, no.869, pp.18-00270, 2019 (Released:2019-01-25)
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The crash safety structure of the railway vehicles is effective as one of the safety measures against the train crews and the passengers in the event of a collision accident. However there is no standard for crash safety in Japan. In order to discuss guidelines for the crash safety design of the vehicle structure, it is important to grasp the actual situation of collision accidents in Japan. Therefore, firstly the authors performed the statistical analysis of serious level-crossing accidents for the past 30 years. Secondly, we carried out finite element analyses of a level crossing accident with a dump-truck under various conditions (collision position, collision angle, collision speed and mass of the load on the dump-truck) based on the result of the statistical analysis. We also evaluated their results in terms of the contact force, the deformation energy of the rail vehicle, the deformation amount of the cabin, the mean deceleration of passenger’s area (conformable to European standard), the maximum deceleration of the passenger’s area and the secondary impact velocity of the passenger (American standard). The degree of correlation among these results was discussed. The analyses showed that the horizontal collision position of the dump-truck and the collision speed had a comparatively large effect on the safety of passengers, and further that the mass of the load on the dump-truck also affected it when the secondary impact velocity was used as an evaluation index.
泉田 啓 大桑 純恵
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2000, 2000

本研究では, 変動を受けるロボットの適応能力の獲得を目的として, 計算トルク法のようなモデルベース制御にニューラルネットワーク(NN)を併合した適応的な制御系を提案している。制御系の基本部分をモデルベース制御で構築し, パラメトライズされない加法的変動をNNが学習する。加法的変動だけをNNによりモデル化し, 変動が加わらない部分にはノミナルモデルを用いるため, 制御モデルが正確になるうえに, 学習量を少なくきる。有効性は, ピューマ型マニピュレータに対する数値シミュレーションで示される。
岩部 洋育 菊池 恭平 白井 健司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.15-00289, (Released:2015-11-12)
1 4

This paper deals with the geometrical analysis of the surface roughness of a radius end milled workpiece with an inclined surface using the contouring and scanning cutter path methods. In the case of contouring, first it was classified into three types of cutting edges for generation of inclined surface. Secondly, three equations of the theoretical roughness of the machined surface were lead based on the geometrical analysis for each type. The calculation values of surface roughness almost coincide with the experimental values, therefore the validity of the analytical method is cleared. In the case of scanning, first the envelope surface of the bottom and corner edges was defined as the lower half surface of the torus. Secondly, the calculation and estimating method of the envelope curve which was obtained by the outside line of the projected torus surface is shown. The estimated values of surface roughness almost coincide with the experimental values, therefore the validity of the analytical and estimating method are cleared too. Finally, the selection of the scanning method is more effective in order to achieve highly accurate machining.
波多野 元貴 三浦 亜友 森安 健太 西脇 剛史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2015 (ISSN:24329509)
pp._B-15-1_-_B-15-7_, 2015-10-30 (Released:2017-06-19)

In strength training, squat exercise is a representative example of lower extremity training. As target muscles of squat exercise are mainly knee extensrs and hip extensors, it is well-known that posture can effect on the main muscles activities. In addition, it is pointed out that injuries on squat exercise such as patellar tendinitis and low back pain are caused by the wrong posture. Therefore, it is important to design shoe function considering safety posture, effective load, and stability. However, athletes and trainee tend to do barbell squat exercise with various types of shoes such as weight lifting specific shoes, versatile training shoes, and indoor athletic shoes. Hence shoe heel-heights, which are derived from sole thickness difference between rearfoot and forefoot, are widely different from almost 0mm to over 20mm and might change the effect of training. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the shoe heel-height on squat motion. Firstly the motion analysis was conducted and it was confirmed that low heel-height structure leads anterior projection of the knee and high load on knee joint. In contrast, high heel-height structure causes trunk forward tilting and high load on hip joint. Secondly, the relationship between experience of the exercise and shoe heel-height was investigated using beginner and experienced subjects. Judging from the results, it was concluded that shoe heel-height makes influence on squat motion especially posture and load for beginners and stability for experiencesd subjects.
朝岡 忠 永田 和之 水内 郁夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, pp.1P2-B10, 2017

<p>This paper presents the recognition of object categories and object arrangements using You Only Look Once framework. Daily life objects are usually surrounded by other objects. The nearby objects around a target are obstacles to object picking. Therefore, different grasp strategies are needed depending on the object arrangements as well as the object categories. The recognition method of two arrangement categories of books (horizontal stacking and vertical stacking) is discussed in this paper. The recognition results show that the method is useful for recognizing object categories and object arrangements.</p>
野中 俊昭 大山 忠夫 遠藤 靖典 吉川 広
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.71, no.705, pp.1604-1610, 2005-05-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

Dynamic behavior of train sets on railways during braking can be regarded as the combination of the translation and the rotation. That is, both the kinetic energy for the translation of train sets and the one for the rotation of each axle are decreased to zero as the braking force and the adhesion force of each axle have an effect on each other. However, dynamic models for brakes of train sets have been hardly represented and discussed. Furthermore, a reduction of wheel damages has never been evaluated for control performances of Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), in spite of one of the most important aims of ABS. In this paper, we propose a dynamic model for brakes of train sets consisting of n axles and an equation for evaluating wheel damages. And we show that the proposed model and equations are useful to evaluate the control performances of ABS for train sets.
東谷 仁志 鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, pp.283-284, 2003

A steady market extension of the surface modification with the diamond like carbon continues. The application of DLC has been limited to fields such as molds and tools, and the application example of the machine part increases so far, too. In this research, an actual application example with the car product of the DLC coating and the electrical machinery and apparatus, etc. is extracted by the case study, the strategy for the application expansion in the machine part of the DLC coating in the future is examined, and the market growth of the DLC coating in the future is analyzed.
山田 陽滋 森園 哲也 増尾 安弘 梅谷 陽二
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2002, 2002

人間の手とロボットハンドの間には, 動力学パラメータや可動範囲, さらにアクチュエータの特性や, 取得できる触覚情報などにさまざまな違いがある。これらの違いから, 人間の手に対してロボットハンドの機能や性能に制約が生じている。本研究では, 人間がロボットハンドと同等の機能や性能に関する制約のもとで, ハンドに対する教示を与えることを考え, これを達成する為のWearableなロボットハンドを提案する。提案の対象として, まず指一本に着目する。
中出 康一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2007, pp.23-24, 2007

田村 隆善
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp.45-46, 2012

長島 伸夫 早川 正夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集A編 (ISSN:18848338)
vol.79, no.797, pp.23-33, 2013 (Released:2013-01-25)
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Micro-hardness distribution was measured by using an ultra-micro hardness test at a crack tip under a plane strain condition for a crack propagation test specimen made of a low-carbon austenite stainless steel JIS-SUS316L. Moreover, crystal orientations were analyzed by EBSD for individual crystal grains in the plastic strained area at the crack tip. The conclusions can be summarized as follows. (1) The mean strain in a 500-μm region around the crack tip was supposed with 3% from the hardness distribution in an ultra-micro hardness test. Therefore, the plasticity strain distribution of the crack tip under a plane strain condition can be visualized based on the ultra-micro hardness and an experience equation of the true strain by measuring the hardness distribution. (2) When the analysis by EBSD increased the step size of the KAM map, the local misorientation increased. On the other hand, the color map of some grain boundary neighborhoods reversed when the step size changed in a GROD map. Therefore, an analysis of KAM is suitable for the local transformation of the crack tip neighborhood. (3) From the results of an EBSD analysis, it became clear that a local heterogeneous transformation occurred in random grain boundaries at the crack tip, and the transformation hardly occurred at the CSL grain boundary of the crack tip.
小川 信夫 牧 博司 土方 邦夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.57, no.535, pp.935-942, 1991

From our previous reports, it is clarified that the fluctuations in the jet center have an important effect on opposed turbulent jet flow fields. In the jet center, where symmetrical flow fields are characterized, the turbulent structure will be different from those in other parts of the jet. In the turbulent opposed jet center, the fluctuating velocity plays role equal in importance to that of the mean velocity. The momentum which locates the impinging surface comprises three parts: that is, a mean velocity, a static pressure and a fluctuating velocity. The present paper deals with the influences of the variations of the fluctuating velocity, employing the turbulent lattice in the center of turbulent opposed jets, to the locations of the impinging surface.
小方 聡 廣瀬 敦 渡辺 敬三
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.1, pp.7-8, 2001

In order to clarify the relationship between the drag reduction and the fine grooves on the wall surface, we measured pressure losses of tap water in a pipe with new water-repellent wall. The pipe walls are different in terms of width, length and intensity of development of the grooves on its surfaces each other. The surfaces of those water-repellent walls are excellent in durability comparing to those of highly water-repellent walls, whose endurance is a serious problem of the practical use of this wall. The experimental result shows that the drag reduction does not occur for the test pipes. It can be considered that the size of the grooves is larger than that of the drag reducing highly water-repellent wall.
吉澤 正彦 景山 一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.71, no.702, pp.541-546, 2005-02-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

This paper focuses on the tire force characteristics related to the vehicle speed. We constructed a mechanical tire model using a Voigt-Type viscoelastic spring system for the tread rubber. And, we analyze the force distribution along the contact length, the dependence of vehicle speed to the tire forces and the moments to a change in sideslip angle. Finally, it is shown that the tire model has good agreement with actual measurements results qualitatively, and also it is found that the characteristics of lateral force have independence to the vehicle speed.