大西 恒成
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.73, no.617, pp.786-791, 1970-06-05
佐口 太一 吉田 和夫 高橋 正樹
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.731, pp.2036-2041, 2007-07-25
2 2

Bicycle is the unstable system in itself. Although there are two methods of steering a handle and moving a weight in order to make a bicycle stable, it is shown that the former is more effective than the latter. This study deals with modeling and stabilizing control problems of a two-wheel bicycle. In the modeling, wheels side slip is taken into consideration. In the control, an optimal feedback control for stable running control is obtained. An autonomous bicycle robot is further developed. As a result of experiment, it is shown that the bicycle robot is able to run straight and turn stably. The effectiveness of the two-wheel bicycle model and control law are demonstrated.
菊池 正紀 和田 義孝 高橋 真史
日本機械学会論文集. A編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A (ISSN:03875008)
vol.74, no.742, pp.812-818, 2008-06-25

Fatigue crack growth under mixed mode loading conditions is simulated using Superimposed-FEM (S-FEM). By using S-FEM technique, only local mesh should be re-meshed and it becomes easy to simulate crack growth. By combining with re-meshing technique, local mesh is re-meshed automatically, and curved crack path is modeled easily. At first, slant crack problem is solved. It is shown that results agree with conventional solutions, and verified the availability of this technique.Then two-crack problems are solved in several cases by changing each crack location. Stress intensity factors are evaluated and interaction effect between two cracks is discussed. Results are compared with crack coalescence criteria, and it is verified that these criteria are reasonable ones.
窪寺 裕之 津田 直純 立脇 正敬 野田 茂穂 橋口 真宜 丸山 次人
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
no.1, pp.235-236, 2001-08-22

With the increase in recording density and higher rotation speeds, the aerodynamic aspect of HDD (Hard Disk Drives) is now quite significant. We studied the internal air flow of a HDD by using a direct neumerical simulation. We simulated two cases. The first case has the arm with no weight saving hole (no-hole case). The second case has the arm with weight saving hole (hole case). We observed periodic vortices (Karman's vortex) of which frequency is about 6kHz in the downstream of the arm in both cases. The scale of vortex in hole case is lager than that in no-hole case.
藤井 正 西口 洋平 此村 守 佐郷 ひろみ 白石 直 渡壁 壽人 中村 友道 石谷 嘉英
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2004, no.3, pp.247-248, 2004-09-04

A conceptual design study of the sodium-cooled fast reactor (JSFR) is in progress in "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems". The cooling system of the reactor is composed of two loops in order to reduce plant construction cost. According to reduction of loop number, large diameter pipings are adopted in the primary cooling system, and the average sodium velocity in the piping increases to 9 m/s level. One of issues for piping design is to confirm hydraulic and flow-induced vibration behaviors of the piping under high Reynolds number (10^7 order level) conditions. Then, a flow-induced vibration test facility which simulates a hot leg piping with 1/3 scale has been fabricated. As a first step of the test series, this report describes outline of flow visualization test results.
石谷 嘉英 中村 友道 佐郷 ひろみ 白石 直 渡壁 壽人 此村 守 山口 彰 藤井 正
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2004, no.7, pp.105-106, 2004-09-04

A 1/3scale flow-induced vibration test facility that simulates a hot-leg piping of the Japanese sodium-cooled fast reactor (JSFR) is used to investigate the pressure fluctuations of the pipe. To evaluate the flow-induced vibrations for the hot-leg and cold-leg pipes, the random force distributions along the pipe and their correlations are estimated. As the result, the power spectrum densities of pressure fluctuations are classified into four sections, the correlation lengths of axial direction into three sections, and the correlation lengths of tangential direction into four sections. The maximum flow-induced random vibration force in the pipe is estimated in the region of flow separation downstream the elbow.
親川 兼勇 小池 徹 馬渕 幾夫
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.59, no.558, pp.543-549, 1993-02-25

The local heat transfer coefficients downstream of a backward-facing step were measured at various jet locations and jet velocities by discharging a jet perpendicularly to the main flow to control the heat transfer characteristics. It was found that flow field is characterized by the formation of a circulating bubble at the rear of a jet port on the opposite wall of the step surface (i.e., the jet port side), where the bubble causes acceleration of the main flow and shortening of the reattachment point length. Furthermore, at the optimum position X_j/H=2. 1(X_j : location of jet, measured from the step)position, H : the step height), the augmentation of mean heat transfer coefficients can be as much as 1. 6 times the value without jet discharge. Thus, by using a jet it is possible to control the heat transfer effectively.
中村 直人 相見 優 河口 秀夫
vol.2004, no.14, pp.406-408, 2004-07-11

This is a description of new technologies that we have started to develop for a heat exchanger and pump unit, focusing attention on energy saving in the heat transmission of air-conditioning systems. The heat source of this system uses an absorption chiller/heater, while the indoor units are general-purpose air conditioner. Water is used to transmit heat vertically through the building, whereas HFC refrigerant is used to transmit it horizontally. The HFC is conveyed to the indoor unit by a low-head pump. One of the most important benefits is that energy consumption of heat transmission can be reduced approximately by 50% compared to heat transmission by water and approximately by 10% compared to heat transmission by refrigerant. This can be achieved by no water head and latent heat of HFC.
小川 哲生 杉山 渉 横田 昌弘
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2004, no.2, pp.409-410, 2004-09-04

The ventilation system of Higashiyama tunnel of Nagoya expressway No.2 Higashiyama line is the type which Portal exhaust system was combined with Trans-verse ventilation system. A change in an evacuation environment in the fire by the difference in the ventilation control pattern was evaluated at a stage of a plan by the numerical simulation. However, there were a few fire experiment cases at the actual tunnel of transverse ventilation system, and relative comparative data couldn't be found in it. This paper describes about the fire experiment enforced in Higashiyama tunnel last year.
馬渕 浩一 今 尚之
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2009, no.5, pp.349-350, 2009-09-12

This paper gives an account of the development of Japan's concrete dam construction technology in the 1950's and 1960's by analyzing the project documentary films, which record both the technical and human aspects of the projects. As the results of examining 25 project documentary films on the major dams including Maruyama, Kamishiiba, Sakuma, Ikawa, Arimine, Okutadami and Kurobe dams, it is suggested how the mechanized construction method and the concrete cooling method, required for the dams over 100 meters high, were established. The details are as follows: (1) Both machinery operations at the project sites and the final works after the mechanized materials transportation were supported by highly skilled workers. (2) Pumps, vibrators and steel forms made in Japan were rapidly improved by trial and error, and they were systematized to achieve an effective dam construction method. (3) The concrete cooling method was established after some researches.
森 亮太 成岡 優 土屋 武司 鈴木 真二
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2006, no.5, pp.469-470, 2006-09-15

A neural network modeling approach has been developed to analyze human pilots' control by utilizing the recorded time history of visual cues and pilot control inputs. An experimental method is developed to record the time histories of visual cues and pilot control inputs by analyzing recorded video data at a real flight. The developed method makes it possible to obtain neural network model of a pilot at a real landing case. In this research, the reliability of this method is confirmed by comparing the video data with GPS/INS data. The obtained results of the contribution ratios and sensitivities reveal the characteristics of the pilot's control.
松浦 晃子 鈴木 真二
vol.2006, no.15, pp.245-248, 2006-12-13

This paper presents an on-line navigation and adaptive flight control for waypoint tracking and course tracking of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) using neural network (NN). The UAV learns to fly above the designated points and course. This system consists of a navigation guidance part for making rolling angle command from the relative position of the aircraft and the target or the course, and the Feedback Error Learning (FEL) part for rolling angle control. For waypoint tracking, the rotation rate of the line of sight is needed, and for course tracking, the relative position of the aircraft is needed. FEL is a learning scheme of NN proposed by Kawato et al. The NN controller is included in a conventional feedback (CFB) controller. By minimizing CFB signals through a learning process in FEL, the NN obtains inverse feedforward dynamics of a nonlinear plant, in this case the aileron-rolling angle system. A numerical simulation using this method is performed to show the effectiveness of the method. It is considered that this system is appropriate for small UAVs whose computer resources and measurement hardware are restricted.
森 亮太 鈴木 真二
vol.2006, no.15, pp.273-276, 2006-12-13

A neural network modeling approach has been developed to analyze human pilots' landing control at visual approach by utilizing the recorded time history of visual cues and pilot control. In real flight analysis, we develop the new method to obtain the necessary data by analyzing recorded video data. In this research, the accuracy of the obtained data is confirmed by comparing the video data with GPS/INS data. Moreover, several real flight experiments with various flight conditions are carried out and the characteristic of each pilot control method for each flight condition is revealed by contribution ratios analysis and sensitivity analysis.
橋村 真治 小松 恭一 藤岡 寛
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2008, no.4, pp.99-100, 2008-08-02

In this study, influences of lubricants for self-loosening and Fatigue characteristics have been investigated. The self-loosening tests and the fatigue test under transverse vibration were performed using three lubricants, machine oil ISO VG46, MoS_2 grease and special lubricant for bolt tightening. The results showed that the special lubricant for bolt tightening had higher strength for the self-loosening than MoS_2 grease. The results also showed that the apparent transverse fatigue limits using the special lubricant and MoS_2 grease had higher than the apparent transverse fatigue limits using machine oil.
塩野谷 明 畠 圭祐 篠田 崇 西條 暁里 江田 茂行
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2008, pp.281-284, 2008-11-05

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the spike shoes for the sprint race by the parallel measurement of mechanical power of foot joint and the lower limbs muscular strength. To perform this purpose, the system for the parallel measurement of mechanical power of foot joint and the lower limbs muscular strength was developed. Furthermore, the mechanical power of subject's foot joint in wearing the high performance spike, the general competition spike and the running shoes was measured in the conditions of the plantar flexion jump (PFJ ), the counter movement jump (CMJ) and the drop jump (DJ) using the sliding seat. The experiment led us conclusions as follows; the mechanical power of the high performance spike in DJ was the highest of experimental shoes. The increasing ratio from CMJ to DJ of the high performance spike was the highest of these, too. The iEMG in wearing the high performance shoes in DJ was the lowest. The high performance spike could be output the high mechanical power in the phase of the plantar flexion.
越後 潔 菊地 宣史 山田 篤志 横田 和隆 尾崎 功一 山本 純雄
vol.2002, pp.105-106, 2002-08-29

This paper reports evaluation of gait of the legged robot for uneven terrain. In order for the legged robot to move on the uneven terrain without tumbling down, appropriate walking plan is necessary. The paper proposes a new walk planning method comprising path planning, gait planning, and trajectory planning, and quantitatively evaluates the gait generated by the proposed method.