徳田 正孝 叶 萌 BUNDARA Borut SITTNER Petr
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.65, no.631, pp.491-497, 1999-03-25
7 9

Quite unique and interesting behaviors of shape memory alloy under complex loading conditions, including the complicated path dependency, have been observed in systematic experiments by applying some combiened loads of axial force and torque to the thin-walled tubular specimen of Cu-based polycrystalline shape memory alloy. A set of constitutive equations is proposed, which can describe the complicated behaviors observed in the experiments. The mesoscopic approach is employed in the formulation because the complicated behaviors are closely related with the microstructural changes of materials, and the obtained equations show a reasonable coincidence with the exprimental results. In this first paper, the process of modelling and the detail of formulated constitutive equations are described, and the comparison between experimental resutls and computed results by using the proposed constitutive equations are shown in the second report.
橋本 孝雄 長谷川 裕晃
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2008, pp.201-203, 2008-11-05

In the present study, impact force measurements and biomechanical analysis were carried out during the KERI (kicking) of SHORINJI-KEMPO. The impact force and kinetic parameters were measured by using the proposed impact force measuring device with strain gages, accelerometer and three-dimensional rate gyro sensors. Furthermore, the force of pivot leg was measured by a 6 degree-of-freedom force sensor, and the movements of KERI-ASHI (moving leg during KERI motion) were measured by using accelerometer. The trained SHORTNJI-KEMPO players showed the larger impact force in contrast to that for un-trained players. The impact force was affected by the pivot leg movements. It is important to increase the impact force that the player supports the body with the toe side and the inside of the pivot leg and the body is stabilized by the large reaction force of pivot foot when the player starts the KERI motion.
吉川 恒夫 鄭 心知 森口 知規
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.60, no.578, pp.3335-3342, 1994-10-25

A system for displaying feel information while manipulating dynamic virtual objects is presented. A unified description of the dynamics of virtual objects based on the Lagrangian formulation is derived. The detection of the grasp states and the friction effects at the grasp points on a virtual object surface, which are important to help us recognize the object and handle it more dexterously, are treated explicitly. Display algorithms which create and present the dynamic operating feel of an object as well as the fricton feel on the object surface to the operator are proposed. Experimental verification of the proposed approches is performed and the results are outlined.
下田 昌利 塚田 聡
計算力学講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:1348026X)
vol.2010, no.23, pp.368-370, 2010-09-23

In this paper, we present a free-form optimization method for designing shell's form in order to control the vibration mode at a prescribed frequency to a target mode. With the free-form optimization method, an optimum shell with smooth free-form surface can be obtained without any shape parameterization. We introduce a squared displacements error norm at the prescribed surface as the objective functional to control the vibration mode to a desired one in a frequency response problem. It is assumed that the shell was varied in the normal direction to the surface and the thickness is constant. A non-parametric shape optimization problem is formulated, and the shape gradient function is theoretically derived using the material derivative method. The shape gradient function is applied to the shell surface as the pseudo traction force to vary the form. The calculated results show the effectiveness of the proposed method for the optimal free-form design of shell structures aiming at mode control.
中林 功一 鬼頭 修己 加藤 義孝
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.61, no.589, pp.3122-3129, 1995-09-25

Mean velocity profiles of Couette・Poiseuille-type turbulent flow developed between fixed and moving walls have been measured. The relevant parameters for the wall, 1/2-power and core region are μ(=μ^3_*/αν, where α=1/ρ・dτ/dy) and Re^*'(=u_*h'/ν), β'(=αh'/u^2_*) and Re^*', and β(=αh/u^2_*) and Re^* (=u_*h/ν) respectively. The effects of these parameters on the velocity profiles in each region considered. Except for the core region of the Couette-type flow, each region has a reference wall. In the wall region, the wall law varies largely with μ but slightly with Re^*'. Typically, the additive constant B of the logarithmic-velocity low (or Van-Driest damping factor A^+) is shown to depend only on μ. The 1/2-power velocity law depends not only on β', as well known, but also Re^*' under low Re conditions. In the core region, the normalized eddy viscosity ε_T/u_*h' is constant irrespective of Re^* and β for Poiseuille-type flow while it depends on both Re^* and β for Couette-type flow. This indicates that the turbulent structures of the core region are quite different between Poiseuille-and Couette-type flows.
小林 正和 吉村 允孝 西脇 眞二 泉井 一浩
設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480286)
vol.2003, no.13, pp.271-272, 2003-10-30

Collaborative product design implies that multiple designers will cooperate during the design of a product, by sharing knowledge and information. For practical design teams, expertise in a wide area is needed, but the area that a single designer can proficiently handle is usually quite narrow. Therefore, facilitated collaboration is indispensable to achieve efficient results from a practical design team. In recent years, customer requirements have become increasingly diversified, and companies have focused upon developing unique or increasingly sophisticated products to maintain their market share. As a result, achieving especially creative designs has become more important than ever. An additional aim of collaboration is to maximally assist this type of creative design process. This paper discusses an advanced collaborative system supporting creative design processes that depend on interactive communication among a number of designers. To implement such a system, this paper proposes a method for structurizing and visualizing communication processes.
小田 哲 矢野 満 五家 政人 小出 隆夫
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.56, no.532, pp.3416-3419, 1990-12-25

This paper presents a study on the bending fatigue strength of austempered ductile iron (ADI) gears. The bending fatigue tests for ADI, S 45 C, FCD 80, and SCr 420 case-hardened gears were carried out, and the bending fatigue limit loads of ADI gears were compared with those of other gears. The bending fatigue limit loads of the ADI gears used were found to be almost equal to those of case-hardened gears. Furthermore, shot peening was performed on ADI gears, and the effect of shot penning on the bending fatigue limit loads of ADI gears was investigated by carrying out the bending fatigue tests. The bending fatigue limit loads of ADI gears can be raised considerably by shot peening.
金子 哲也 飯塚 尚司 景山 一郎
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2005, no.7, pp.301-302, 2005-09-18

An articulated bus plays an important role as a medium transportation vehicle in cities. This can be attributed to its high mobility and its ability to bend at its connection with a small revolution radius. This paper proposes a steering control strategy for articulated buses equipped with an all-wheel steering system to eliminate off-tracking. In this system, the center of each axle passes through the same locus, which is similar to the operation of trains. This control system was validated by means of a numerical simulation using a vehicle dynamics model and some experiments with scaled model vehicles.
杉本 正雄
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.59, no.451, pp.589-593, 1956-08-05
東森 充 内海 圭祐 大本 康隆 金子 真
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.743, pp.1825-1833, 2008-07-25

This paper discusses a dynamic manipulation of an object on a plate attached at the tip of manipulator, where the basic concept is inspired by a handling mechanism of pizza master. Both the position and the orientation of object are dynamically controlled by the plate. The main driving force for manipulating the object is produced by the combination of inertial and frictional forces generated by one rotational and one translational motion of the plate. We first discuss how to make motions of object for three degrees of freedom on the plate. We then show that it is guaranteed to achieve an arbitrary set of desired position and orientation of object by the proposed manipulation scheme. Finally, we show a couple of experiments for confirming the basic idea by using a high-speed manipulator with an assistance of vision.
土井 久代 西尾 壮平 後安 慧 宮本 岳史 上田 洋
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.770, pp.2440-2446, 2010-10-25

It is very important to secure running safety of railway vehicles even when vehicles get derailed. In 2004, a Shinkansen train was derailed by a huge earthquake and its derailed wheels ran on concrete slabs. Taking account of this kind of accidents, a number of vehicle-guidance devices have been developed. Some of these devices are designed so as to lead derailed wheels onto a runway made of concrete slabs. In order to simulate the derailed cars running behavior on a runway of concrete slabs, it is necessary to make clear creep force characteristics and friction coefficients between wheels and concrete slabs, which are essential elements in determining vehicle dynamics. However, there is scarcely a study of rolling contact between steel wheels and concrete slabs; therefore the authors have executed an experimental investigation to evaluate creep force characteristics and friction coefficients between a steel testing wheel and a concrete slab.
飯田 浩平 前橋 栄一 西山 幸夫 葛田 理仁 田中 雄大
vol.2009, no.16, pp.737-740, 2009-12-02

We have developed a instrument for measuring coefficient of friction on wheels, moving on wheel tread with small creepage, which is called "Mobile u-tester." The instrument is constructed with support system and measuring unit, which is driven by flexible rack, pinion and a pulse motor. The measuring unit carries a measuring roller, which is driven by timing belt and pulse motor. Controlling above two motors then it is able to obtain small creepage condition. Meanwhile, coefficient of friction is calculated from normal force, which is supplied by a spring, and friction force measured by load cells. At first, we have measured coefficient of friction on real wheels under non-dismantling condition. Then, we have obtained rough characteristics of creep force. Finally, we have captured the effect of lubricant on coefficient of friction.
伊藤 智仁 志澤 高朗 本阿弥 眞治
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.66, no.644, pp.985-989, 2000-04-25

The phase-averaged characteristic of a single pulsed vortex generator jet which is injected periodically into a turbulent boundary layer is described. Detailed measurements of the three components of the velocity in the jet made by a hot-wire anemometer with the X-type probe show evolution of the longitudinal vortex in the jet. The pulsed vortex generator jet in the stable period has a similar longitudinal vortex structure to that in the steady one. Down-wash motion of the longitudinal vortex in the jet introduces high wall shear stress.
新井 雅隆 天谷 賢児 長瀧 翼 沖田 秀樹
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.71, no.702, pp.737-743, 2005-02-25

Ignition and combustion characteristics of diesel spray impinging on an inclined wall were experimentally investigated. Ignition position and appearance position of the luminous flame kernel were stereoscopically observed using a two-way fiber optical system. Flat impingement wall was fixed in a high temperature, high pressure combustion chamber. Inclined angle of the flat wall was set at 30 degees or right angle against the center axis of the injection spray. Distance from nozzle tip to the impingement point on the wall was set at 50mm. Effect of ambient temperature on ignition position was investigated. As the result, ignition positions were observed near the spray periphery in the both cases of 30 degrees and right angle impingements. However, the luminous flame appeared near the wall surface at downword side of inclined wall because the fuel rich region was formed around the downword side of spray impingement point.