大城 渡
法政研究 (ISSN:03872882)
vol.68, no.2, pp.567-581, 2001-10-17
阿尾 安泰
言語文化論究 (ISSN:13410032)
vol.15, pp.61-68, 2002

Jean-Jacques Rousseau parle de Louis XV dans l'Histoire du précédent écrit en expliquant son projet de déposer ses manuscrits. Quand il s'agit du roi que l'on appelle le Bien-Aimé, nous ne pouvons pas étudier son règne sans faire la lumière sur un événement très important: l'attentat de Damiens. Ce forfait horrible a exercé de grandes influences sur des domaines fort diversifiés. La police a fait tous ses efforts pour éclairer le complot de Damiens avant d'arrêter les coupables. Dans ces poursuites, apparaît l'affaire d'Armand. Ce garçon, âgé de 13 ans, fut accusé d'avoir prononcé des mots horribles contre le roi. Sans le crime de Damiens, cette histoire aurait pu être trop minime pour laisser des traces dans les archives judiciaires et policières. L'importance que l'on accorda aux actes de ce garçon s'explique par les intentions partagées par les contemporains qui visent à interpréter l'outrage de Damiens du point de vue de la communication avec le souverain. Il s'agit de la communication entre le roi comme un père bienfaisant et le peuple comme ses enfants dociles. Pour surmonter l'horreur de cet événement on essaya de rétablir ces relations avec Louis XV qui perdait graduellement la confiance du peuple à cause d'erreurs politiques et fiscales. En effet après cet attentat, nombreuses furent les cérémonies qui fêtaient la guérison du roi blessé afin d'attester d'une unité totale et nationale. Mais il convient de souligner le fait que cet essai de réorganisation sera mis en cause par la Révolution qui remplacera cette relation féodale par de nouveaux liens unissant les frères et les scjeurs de la Nation dans les actes patriotiques.
金子 周平
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.4, pp.243-250, 2003-03-31

This research examined the change in Positive Illusion (PI; Taylor & Brown, 1988) by the experience of unconditional regard. An unconditional regard was given to the Subjects (N=46) through the Assumed Writing method (Fukushima & Ushiku, 1995). and the change in "PI Inventory (PII)" measured before and after the experiment was examined. The PII is composed of 5 factors "Unrealistic Positive View of the Self", "Expectation of the Others Evaluation", "Illusion of Control", "Interpersonal Optimism", and "Unrealistic Optimism". The High and the Low group were specified by the self-esteem score, and a 2 (H・L) ×2 (pre-post) ANOVA (each of the PI's 5 factors) was done. A significant interaction in "Unrealistic Positive View of the Self"and a main effect of the experiment in "Interpersonal Optimism" and "Unrealistic Optimism" was confirmed. It was clarified that the influence that the experience of unconditional regard produced on PI was not the same. Moreover, the validity of the Assumed Writing Method as the experiment technique was considered.
JAIN Sapna
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics (ISSN:13406116)
vol.62, no.1, pp.189-200, 2008-03

An array code/linear array code is a subset/subspace, respectively, of the linear space $ \mathrm{Mat}_{m \chi s} (F_q) $, the space of all $ m \chi s $ matrices with entries froma finite field $ F_q $ endowed with a non-Hamming metric known as the RT-metric or $\rho$-metric or $ m $-metric. In this paper, we obtain a sufficient lower bound on the number of parity check digits required to achieve minimum $\rho$-distance at least $ d $ in linear array codes using an algorithmic approach. The bound has been justified by an example. Using this bound, we also obtain a lower bound on the number$ B_q (m \chi s, d) $ where $ B_q(m \chi s, d) $ is the largest number of code matrices possiblein a linear array code $ V \subseteq \mathrm{Mat}_{m \chi s} (Fq) $ having minimum $\rho$-distance at least $ d $.
古川 貴之
法政研究 (ISSN:03872882)
vol.71, no.2, pp.513-524, 2004-10-12
尾野 喜孝 岩元 久雄 高原 斉 岡本 正夫
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.34, no.1, pp.39-46, 1979-12

Effect of castration on the live weight and the growth rates of skeletal muscle, abdominal fat, intermuscular fat, skin, bone and viscera were investigated in this study. Capons and cocks of New Hampshire (NH), Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR) and capons of BPR treated with testosterone propionate (TP) from 26 to 31 weeks of age were used. Live weights and the various weights of each organ and tissue were compared between the experimental groups at 20, 30 and 31 weeks of age. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Live weights of capons were the same as those of cocks in NH and BPR breeds during experimental periods. The weights of TP treated capons were increased gradually after the administration of TP and became 250 g heavier than those of BPR cocks and the capons at 31 weeks of age. 2) Castration had no effects on the growth of skeletal muscle until 20 weeks of age, but showed a marked effect on it after 20 weeks of age. Skeletal muscle weights of capons were apparently smaller than those of cocks at 30-31 weeks of age in NH and BPR breeds. TP administration recovered completely the decrease of these weights after castration, and became equal to those of cocks at 31 weeks of age. 3) Castration had also a marked effect on the growth of abdominal and intermuscular fat after 20 weeks of age in NH and BPR breeds. TP administration decreased the weights of abdominal and intermuscular fat in BPR capons, but these weights were heavier than those of the cocks at 31 weeks of age. 4) Castration exerted some effects on the growth of skin. These weights were increased following the castration in NH and BPR breeds, and became obviously to be heavier than those of cocks at 30-31 weeks of age (21-22 weeks after castration). 5) No effects were found on the growth rates of viscera and bone following the castration and the TP treatment. In conclusion, castration has a remarkable effect on the muscle production and the fat deposition. It decreases the skeletal muscle weight and increases the fat deposition. It is supposed that TP administration on the capon stimulates the growth of skeletal muscle.本実験では去勢が生体重,骨格筋,腹脂肪,筋間脂肪,皮膚,骨および内臓の成長に及ぼす効果について研究した.供試鶏としてはNew Hampshire(NH)種とBarred Plymouth Rock(BPR)種の去勢鶏と雄鶏,それにBPRの去勢鶏にtestosterone propionate(TP)を26~31週齢時まで投与したTP処理鶏を用いた.それぞれ計量した生体重,器官および組織について,去勢鶏と雄鶏間では20,30,31週齢時に,去勢鶏とTP処理鶏間では31週齢時に比較検討を行つた。その大要は次のとおりであつた.1.去勢鶏の生体重の成長は両品種とも雄罵と同じであつた.BPRのTP処理鶏のTP処理後の生体重の成長速度は次第に大きくなり,31週齢時におけるその生体重は,去勢鶏および雄鶏よりも250g重くなつた.2.去勢は20週齢時までは骨格筋の成長に何ら影響を及ぼさなかつたがそれ以後は著しい影響を及ぼし始め,30~31週齢時になると,去勢鶏の骨格筋重量は両品種とも雄鶏のそれに対し劣つていた.BPRのTP処理鶏の骨格筋重量は,TP投与により去勢のために劣つていた分を完全に回復し,31週齢時になると雄鶏のそれと等しくなつた.3.去勢はまた20週齢以後両品種の腹脂肪,筋間脂肪の成長にも著しい影響を及ぼし,去勢鶏の腹脂肪,筋間脂肪重量の増大をもたらした.そしてBPR去勢鶏へのTPの投与は腹脂肪,筋間脂肪重量のかなりの減少を引き起こした.しかし,31週齢時における雄鶏のそれらと等しくさせるにはいたらなかつた.4.去勢は両品種の皮膚の成長にも影響を及ぼし,去勢鶏の皮膚重量は30~31週齢時には雄鶏のそれよりも大きくなつた.5.内臓と骨の成長には,去勢の影響は見られなかつた.以上のことから,雄鶏の去勢は著しい産肉量の減少と脂肪量の増大という2つの効果をもたらした.そして,去勢鶏へのTPの投与は骨格筋の成長を刺激するものである.