西野 常夫
Comparatio (ISSN:13474286)
vol.5, pp.lxxxii-xc, 2001

The high frequency in use without apparent reason of the fatalistic affirmation "it was certain that…" in Akutagawa's late autobiographical short stories "Cogwheels" and "A fool's life" makes the writer's style very unique and can even confuse the reader. The difficulty in understanding possible reasons for his use of this affirmation are more explicit in English, French and Russian versions, where the translators often seem to give up the idea of preserving the meaning of this expression and simply eliminate it. In the foreign versions, as a result, Akutagawa's style is more moderate and less fatalistic than in the Japanese original.
杉山 あかし
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.11, pp.1-13, 2005

This article examines the potential of the internet as a public sphere of communication. In the period after the 9.ll terrorist attack in the U. S., five hundred thousand messages were posted in "2-channel", Japan's biggest BBS site. This article examines these messages through a comparison with newspaper articles. The Habermasian concept of the `public sphere' has a twofold meaning, as both the so-called Public sphere in society and as an idealized communication space where rational communicative actions prevail. Accordingly, Habermasian discourse highlights the idea that in proper dialogue situations people can develop their critical ability to be more rational. This article takes this concept as a departure point to critically inquire into the quality of communication found in BBS systems. The initial research findings about the potential for rational communication through BBS are negative. (l) Words included in each posting are too few to discuss anything. The average length of a posting is one tenth of that of a newspaper article. (2) The monthly quantity of postings corresponds to that of newspaper articles, which may mean that there is no original development of discussion. Previously, the author did a case study about the Gulf War in 1991 using a similar methodology. This case study shows that computer mediated communication has the potential to act as an idealized communication space. The average number of words included in each posting was twice as many as that of newspaper articles and the monthly quantity of postings changed independently from that of newspaper articles. Furthermore, a content analysis has shown that there were original agendas deployed in BBS. When the HTML system was invented in 1991, popular computer mediated communication networks were not Internet based, but rather based on personal computer communication. Thus the BBS that was analysed in this article falls into the category of being part of the latter network. To conclude, the Haberrnasian concept can be adopted for an analysis of privileged media and personal computer communication, however for popularized media such as the Internet, the same cannot be said. Thus, in this context the following question arises. How can we expect rationality to progress in society? A theoretical consideration is included in last part of this article that addresses this important question.
湯川 淳一 緒方 一夫 多田内 修 矢田 脩 上野 高敏 紙谷 聡志 加藤 内蔵進 鈴木 英治 鎌田 直人 秋元 信一

柴田 篤
哲學年報 (ISSN:04928199)
vol.61, pp.29-42, 2002-03-20
板東 充彦
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.6, pp.107-118, 2005

Support for the socially withdrawn requires not only strong commitment from family, but also the discovery of a support method that the individual can make use of. It is also considered important for such individuals to have group experience at transitional facilities before they return to society. With an easy-to-use support method in mind, this paper reviewed the literature related to the application of the group approach for support of "hikikomori" (the socially withdrawn) and attempted to further conceptualize the issue. As a result, seven group approaches, namely "group psychotherapy," "day care," "ibasho (place of belonging)," "self-help group," "hospital treatment," "overnight facilities," and "support group," were conceptualized. Characterization was performed from the three viewpoints of the supporter (specialist - non specialist,) the framework (medical - community mental health,) and the support structure (comprehensive - hard - soft - free.) In order to offer effective support that is also easy to make use of by the socially withdrawn, it was proposed that specialists work in the area of community mental health. Recovery from a state of social withdrawal was understood as a process in which a person rediscovers his/her place, and the group approach was realized as a way to determine how to offer support for such recovery.
板東 充彦
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.8, pp.185-193, 2007

The purpose of this research is to clarify psychological conditions of the social withdrawal and draw up the guideline of initial treatment of them. The books and theses written and narrated by the social withdrawal were used as the materials to understand their actually feeling as psychological conditions. Three clinical psychologists analyzed 350 cards by using KJ method and abstracted the results as 82 small groups, 18 inside groups, and 4 large groups. Then, the four large groups "Social maladjustment", "Shutting away", "Loss of autonomous", and "Disappearance of future" were shown as the center of a figure with the flow of time. According to the results, the following points as the supporting guideline toward the social withdrawal are shown as below: (1) Soft attitudes and words bearing in mind. (2) Rapport established from the tiny contacts. (3) Hope and self-esteem are supported. Moreover, it showed that the significance those who have the various background and problems understood as "Social withdrawal" collectively.
Ishibashi H. Diaz-Fernandez R. Carrillo E. Koike H.
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.6, pp.37-45, 2000

The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata is listed the IUCN Red List as critically endangered. At the COP 10 of the CITES meeting held in i997, Cuba proposed to downlist the population of hawksbills from Appendix I to Appendix II to allow limited trade. In this reportδ^15N and δ^13C measurements were used for scute-sourcing, whereδ^13C values allow differentiation between oceanic plankton ecosystems and coral reef ecosystems, and δ^15N values indicate the consumer's trophic level in a regional food web. A total of 118 scute samples were analyzed from the Caribbean Sea region including Cuba, Haiti and Mexico, from the Pacific Ocean region and from the Indian Ocean region. Breeding individuals from Cuba had higher δ^15N vaglues than wild individuals from Cuba, indicating the isotope analysis will be useful for distinguishing the scutes of breeding populations, which will be targeted for export approval under CITES, from the wild populations specimens obtained by traditional fishing. The samples from the Caribbean Sea region are characterized by less negative δ^13C values than samples from the Pacific Ocean region, suggesting a higher dependance on coral ecosystems. The most positiveδ^15N values were from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, suggesting a higher dependance on sponges or other animal species.
鶴崎 新一郎
法政研究 (ISSN:03872882)
vol.66, no.4, pp.1859-1869, 2000-03-27
丸山 マサ美 桑本 美智子 安藤 満代
九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:02862484)
vol.29, pp.49-53, 2002-03

Present study tried to examine patient A's view of life, sense of value or happiness by her essays, letters, or diary in the struggle with illness, for the purpose of groping about terminal care of school children. Though medical staff usually have had a tendency to chink of children in terminal stage from the view of medicine, but it is also important to think of children from the view of various aspects, such as the ability of decision, parents' acting judgement or role, children's own life in the life course. In the present case, classroom for weak children was the base of A's heart, and A's classroom was the place of establishing identity. The important point for QOL of school children in terminal stage is the view of recognizing them as growing with death because they are in the process of growing and development. So it is important to take in to consideration how children spend their time and limited space from the viewpoint of children. In addition, it is very necessary for nurses to be an advocacy as well as their parents.
丸山 マサ美 安藤 満代 松崎 彰信
九州大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:13482319)
vol.2, pp.85-90, 2003-09

Recently, due to the increased recognition of the importance of patient-focused medical care, the concept of informed consent or patients' understanding ability in terms of truth-telling is reconsidered. This report proposes the adaptation of concept narr
田中 浩司
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.1, pp.139-146, 2000-03-10
