弘胤 佑
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.64, pp.53-62, 2015

This article identifies the actual state of the earthquake measures in the eighth century. Before the Taika Reform, as the feature of the earthquake measures before enforcing so-called Ritsuryo nationwide, it could be listed up the religious ceremony of "God of earthquake" based on an ancient nature of God faith. It was recognized that God faith and disasters brought closer together among those who at the time. In the Tenmu period, along with forming the political system of a state, the circumstances of damage had been described in detail through reporting from each local government to the central government. The earthquake damage information system centered by the government was established through developing the local government system. The establishment of Ritsuryo state that the government aimed was completed with Ritsuryo enactment in Taiho 1 (701). The government management was conducted by adapting regulation in various situations of administrative affairs and policy planning as well as the earthquake measures. Under the Ritsuryo state, the earthquakes were significant matters to send Chieki(馳駅) and there was also a comprehensive regulation to adequate earthquake damage. In addition, through Tenpyo 6 earthquakes in not only "Shokunihongi (続日本紀)" but also "Izumonokunikeikaicho (出雲国計会帳)", the central government and each local government brought closer together by the system of"Kenshi(遣使)" and" I(移)" and it had been identified that they dealt with earthquakes.
白石 崇人
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.55, pp.83-92, 2006

This report aims to clarify how the Educational Society of Japan (Dainihon-Kyouikukai) turned educational research into a business in 1888. Following the directives of the Ministry of Education, Empire University, and journalists, the Educational Society of Japan ventured to organize educational research as a business.
山田 みき 岡本 祐子
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.55, pp.339-348, 2006

The purposes of the present study were to construct a new self-acceptance scale which consist items regarding self-acceptance based on self and on others, and to consider it's validity. New self-acceptance items, Acceptance by others scale, Self-esteem scale and Social anxiety scale were administered to 244 university students. The main results were the following : ①Both self-acceptance based on self scale and self-acceptance based on others scale consisted of three factors: orientation, interpersonal personality and physical attraction. ②The new self-acceptance scale's construct validity was confirmed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis; and relationships between The new self-acceptance scale and the self-esteem scale, and the new self-acceptance scale social anxiety scale were proved. ③Degree of influences of self-acceptance based on self and on others upon self-esteem and social anxiety were different. This suggested that self-acceptance based on self and on others were different.
陳 瑞娟
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.52, pp.161-169, 2003

The purpose of this paper is to examine basic structure of the employment system for the college graduates in China during planned economy period. Under planned economy system, college graduates were recruited centrally by the governments, and tuitions, fees and stipend were given by the government, and job placement of the graduates are done by the governments in cooperation with colleges and universities. National department of education, national department of planning, national and local governments, public corporations and national and local colleges and universities had played their distinctive roles. The principles and roles of these organizations are examined in detail. In addition, actual job placement of new graduates was analyzed by using student records in a college. Educational achievement determined the first destination of the graduates, and the higher achiever got academic and professional jobs suitable for college education.
池野 範男 田口 紘子 李 貞姫 宇都宮 明子
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第二部 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.57, pp.39-48, 2008

The purpose of the study is to analyze the lesson on history in the elementary school, 'National Unification under the leadership of Nobunaga,' and to evaluate the lesson by researching cognitive structure and conceptual framework of students, assessing their attainment levels and conceptual change and suggesting alternative lesson plan. In this study we used two devices, structure of knowledge and conceptual framework, researched cognitive structure in the lesson and alternative conceptual framework of each student and evaluated the lesson. Then we analyzed points of teaching and learning in the lesson and improved the lesson plan. From the analysis, we found as follows. --The lesson has the framework that the teacher constitutes of four elements. --The teacher aims to make students build up its framework, but doesn't success. --In the lesson, students build up different alternative frameworks from its framework, think and discuss history according to these alternative frameworks and make new conception of history with teacher. --The teacher doesn't use these alternative frameworks well.
吉田 裕久
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.59, pp.113-122, 2010-12-24

I researched at The Prange Collection (Maryland University) 13 times for clearing of the Japanese sub-reader publishing after the World War II. I have made a booklist; author, title, date, publisher, for every materials. Sub-reader is, a reference book, a workbook, a guidebook, juvenile literature, self-study book (note). The Prange Collection has too many books, what are not owned by Japanese library. These books are handed in for censord by G2 of GHQ.
越中 康治 新見 直子 淡野 将太 松田 由希子 前田 健一
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.56, pp.319-323, 2007-12-28

The present study examined effects of motive and purpose on preschoolers' judgments about aggressive behavior. 61 preschoolers made judgments about 4 types of aggressive behavior that combined motive (selfish, altruistic) and purpose (defense, retribution). Children under the age of four (n=16; average age, 44 months; range, 33-47 months) judged all types of aggressive behavior to be wrong. However, four-year-old children (n=18; average age, 55 months; range, 50-59 months) and older children (n=22; average age, 68 months; range, 60-75 months) allowed all types of aggressive behavior. Especially, older children allowed altruistic aggressive behavior more than selfish aggressive behavior. Moreover, retribution was allowed more than defense. The results indicate that judgments of older children are based on moral concepts (harm, welfare, and justice), whereas judgments of younger children tend to be oriented toward authority.
中村 和世
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465546)
no.54, pp.123-132, 2006-03-28

This paper is about the influence of Albert C. Barnes on the development of John Dewey's theory of aesthetic education. Based on the content analysis of correspondences between Barnes and Dewey from 1917 to 1934, their relationship is discussed regarding two questions. One question is concerned about the psychological aspect of their relationship; what kind of personal relationship did they develop? They developed mutually intimate and sincere relationship, which helped them exchange and form their theories of aesthetic education. Another question is concerned about Barnes's theoretical support for Dewey's development of aesthetics. This study reveals that the support given by Barnes to Dewey is not only the knowledge of art, but also insightful thought on aesthetic experience, which consequently helped Dewey develop essential thoughts on his aesthetics. Such thoughts are classified into five topics: the knowledge of art, form of art, objectivity in taste, criticism, and reproductive aspect of an experience of art. It is concluded that with Barnes who agreed with Dewey's theory that the interaction between the live animal and the environment is fundamental to aesthetic education, Dewey was able to carry out his study of naturalistic humanism further in the field of art.
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.58, pp.145-149, 2009

Properly using condoms is one of the most effective types of protection against HIV. To clarify the contents of normative beliefs regarding purchasing and using condoms, 390 undergraduate student volunteers were surveyed. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed that both males and females held two types of normative beliefs, namely formal normative beliefs and informal normative beliefs, regarding purchasing and using condoms. Formal normative beliefs were concerned with the necessity of condoms on the one hand, while informal normative beliefs were concerned with private norms within reference groups on the other. Moreover, a t-test revealed a significant gender difference in formal normative beliefs regarding purchasing condoms, with females regarding purchasing condoms as less necessary than males did. These results were discussed from the view of HIV prevention education.
渡邉 眞依子
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.55, pp.185-192, 2007-03-28

Dieser Beitrag berichtet die Projektpraxis in Deutschland. Seit Mitte der 80er Jahren wird das Verhältnis zwischen Fachunterricht und Projektunterricht diskutiert. Herbert Gudjons und Johannes Bastian vorschlagen eine neue Unterrichtsform „Projektlernen im Fachunterricht". Damit werden die Projektidee in den Fachunterricht hineingetragt kann. Diese Studie analysiert drei Beispiele; (1)Projektunterricht in einem Mathematikgrundkurs; (2)Projektzeiten als Fachtage; und (3)Projektlernen bei fächerÜbergreifendem Thema. Die Grenze des „Projektlernen im Fachunterricht" liegt darin, dass Über Abweichungen bzw. Reduzierungen von Projektmerkmalen nachgedacht werden muss. Aber die Hineinnahme von „Projektarbeit in den Fachunterricht" ermöglicht das Lernen am Leben fürs Leben, SchÜlerorientierung und die Überschreitung der gewohnten Schranken des Schulalltags.
冨安 慎吾
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第二部 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.55, pp.183-191, 2006

The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the restrictions on the use of Kanji (Chinese characters) and the trend of thought of the KANBUN education in the Showa 20's. In Showa 27, some criticized this education system because of its restrictions on the use of Kanji. There were two following argument against it. (1) One side insisted on the abolition of the restrictions on the use of Kanji. (2) The other accepted the restrictions on the use of Kanji, but insisted on the particularity of the KANBUN education.
品川 由佳
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.55, pp.297-306, 2006

This study investigated whether counselors exhibited a clinical bias against gay men by examining counselors' clinical judgments and attitudes regarding male clients, as well as counselor variables such as homophobia. Counselors (n = 98) in graduate schools watched a videotape of a male client actor in one of two conditions (homosexual or heterosexual) and rated the client on several clinical dimensions by completing a questionnaire. Then the counselors' homophobia was measured using a separate scale. The results showed that counselors' homophobia had a significant effect on the clinical bias against gay men. Moreover, the counselors' gender also had a significant effect on this bias. Homophobic counselors and male counselors showed more negative attitudes toward homosexual clients. However, in certain dependent variables, counselors showed more negative attitudes toward homosexual clients regardless of the counselors' homophobia or gender. The effectiveness of the method used this study and its limitations are discussed.