樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.1, pp.61-69, 2009-08-31 (Released:2017-02-20)

The proper use of condoms is one of the most effective types of protection against HIV. One of the major factors that negatively affect the use of condoms is embarrassment caused by the purchasing of condoms. To clarify the causes and effects of embarrassment on the purchasing of condoms, 522 undergraduate student volunteers were investigated. The results showed that both males and females experienced two types of embarrassment, 'Basic embarrassment' and 'Awkwardness,' when they purchased condoms. Moreover, structural equation modeling revealed that the purchasing of condoms by males was strongly inhibited due to vagueness in the guidelines of condom-purchasing behavior, and the purchasing of condoms by females was strongly inhibited due to inconsistency with self-image and the purchasing of condoms. Implications of this study for HIV prevention, especially the intervention method of promoting condom purchasing, are also discussed.
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.1, pp.61-69, 2009

The proper use of condoms is one of the most effective types of protection against HIV. One of the major factors that negatively affect the use of condoms is embarrassment caused by the purchasing of condoms. To clarify the causes and effects of embarrassment on the purchasing of condoms, 522 undergraduate student volunteers were investigated. The results showed that both males and females experienced two types of embarrassment, 'Basic embarrassment' and 'Awkwardness,' when they purchased condoms. Moreover, structural equation modeling revealed that the purchasing of condoms by males was strongly inhibited due to vagueness in the guidelines of condom-purchasing behavior, and the purchasing of condoms by females was strongly inhibited due to inconsistency with self-image and the purchasing of condoms. Implications of this study for HIV prevention, especially the intervention method of promoting condom purchasing, are also discussed.
樋口 匡貴 荒井 弘和 伊藤 拓 中村 菜々子 甲斐 裕子
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
pp.20-112, (Released:2021-06-11)

目的 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)は2020年前半に世界規模に広がった。日本においても同年4月7日に緊急事態宣言が発出され,国民生活に大きな影響を与えた。本研究では,COVID-19の感染予防および感染拡大予防行動として個人が行う外出・対人接触の回避行動および手洗い行動を取り上げ,東京都在住者を対象に緊急事態宣言中のこれらの行動の関連要因について検討した。方法 2020年4月26~29日に,東京都在住の20~69歳の男女を対象としたインターネット調査を行った。検討の枠組みとして,リスク低減行動を説明する防護動機理論と,他者による行動が自身の行動実施へ与える影響を説明する規範焦点理論を組み合わせて用いた。最近1週間での外出・対人接触の回避行動および手洗い行動の頻度,COVID-19へのリスク認知に加え,各行動の評価として,どの程度効果があるのか(反応効果性認知),どの程度実行できるのか(実行可能性認知),必要なコスト(反応コスト),どの程度すべきかの認識(命令的規範),他者がどの程度実行しているかの認識(記述的規範)について測定した。各行動を目的変数とする階層的回帰分析を行った。結果 分析対象は1,034人(男性520人,女性514人,平均年齢44.82歳,標準偏差14.00歳)であった。外出・対人接触回避行動については,命令的規範が高いほど行動をとる傾向にある(標準化偏回帰係数(β)=0.343, P<0.001)一方で,記述的規範が高いほど行動をとらない傾向にある(β=−0.074, P=0.010)ことが示された。さらにリスク認知・反応効果性認知・実行可能性認知の交互作用が有意であり(β=0.129, P<0.001),反応効果性認知および実行可能性認知のいずれかが低い場合にのみリスク認知と外出・対人接触回避行動に正の関連が見られた。また手洗い行動については,命令的規範(β=0.256, P<0.001)および実行可能性認知(β=0.132, P<0.001)が高いほど行動をとる傾向にあり,一方で反応コスト(β=−0.193, P<0.001)が高いほど行動をとらない傾向にあることが示された。結論 防護動機理論および規範焦点理論の変数がCOVID-19の予防行動と関連していた。予防行動の関連要因を検討する上で,これらの理論の適用が有用であることが示唆された。
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.2, pp.151-157, 2010

The proper use of condoms is one of the most effective types of protection against HIV. One of the major factors that negatively affect the use of condoms is embarrassment caused by using or negotiating to use condoms. To clarify the causes and effects of embarrassment on using or negotiating to use condoms, 186 undergraduate student volunteers were investigated. The results showed that patterns of types of embarrassment were unclear when they used or negotiated to use condoms. Moreover, structural equation modeling revealed that the embarrassment felt by males was strongly promoted by apprehension of the partner's evaluation, while the embarrassment felt by females was strongly promoted by vagueness in the kind of guidelines aimed at behavior regarding condom use or negotiation to use condoms. Implications of this study on HIV prevention, especially the intervention method of promoting condom use or negotiation to use condoms, are also discussed.
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.2, pp.151-157, 2010-12-20 (Released:2017-02-21)

The proper use of condoms is one of the most effective types of protection against HIV. One of the major factors that negatively affect the use of condoms is embarrassment caused by using or negotiating to use condoms. To clarify the causes and effects of embarrassment on using or negotiating to use condoms, 186 undergraduate student volunteers were investigated. The results showed that patterns of types of embarrassment were unclear when they used or negotiated to use condoms. Moreover, structural equation modeling revealed that the embarrassment felt by males was strongly promoted by apprehension of the partner's evaluation, while the embarrassment felt by females was strongly promoted by vagueness in the kind of guidelines aimed at behavior regarding condom use or negotiation to use condoms. Implications of this study on HIV prevention, especially the intervention method of promoting condom use or negotiation to use condoms, are also discussed.
荒井 弘和 樋口 匡貴 伊藤 拓 中村 菜々子
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.3, pp.3_251-3_255, 2022-07-01 (Released:2022-07-23)

This study examined perceptions of the Tokyo 2020 Games among ordinary citizens living in Tokyo, the host city of the Tokyo 2020 Games, in the immediate aftermath of the Tokyo 2020 Games. This study was a cross-sectional survey study conducted via the Internet. Participants were asked to choose from six options that best corresponded to their views on the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Games. The results were as follows: “It should have been carried out as planned and on the same schedule” (implementation group), “It should have been carried out as planned without spectators or other measures to prevent infection” (no-spectators implementation group), “It should have been carried out as planned and postponed” (postponement group), “It should have been carried out without spectators or other measures to prevent infection and postponed” (no-spectators postponement group), “It should have been canceled” (canceled group), and “Others.” In conclusion, compared to April-June 2020, (1) the percentage of postponement group decreased by approximately one-third; (2) the percentage of no-spectators postponement group increased approximately tenfold. The significance of this study is that the data was collected immediately after the Tokyo 2020 Games, which was an unprecedented event.
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.3, pp.234-239, 2010 (Released:2010-11-05)

This research focused on (a) embarrassment at the time of condom purchase or use, and (b) stages of change (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) as psychological factors related to the use of condoms. A written questionnaire was completed by 376 university students. For condom purchases, ANOVAs revealed that scores for “intent of behavior” increased as participants moved from the “precontemplation” stage to the “action” stage. The scores for embarrassment, and many factors of embarrassment, were lower in the “action” stage than in the other stages. However, the patterns of condom use scores were unclear. These results indicate that with regard to condom purchases, persons who are in the “preparation” or earlier stages (i.e., persons who are not purchasing condoms) are particularly susceptible to embarrassment.
原田 和弘 井澤 修平 中村 菜々子 吉川 徹 赤松 利恵 池田 大樹 久保 智英
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.417-429, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Previous studies among middle-aged and older adults have shown that engagement in exercise with others is more strongly associated with better mental health than engagement in exercise alone. However, the applicability of such findings to workers remains unclear. This study aimed to examine whether 1) engagement in exercise with others and time spent exercising with others were associated with lower stress response and mental distress among workers, and 2) self-determined motivation toward exercise mediated these associations among workers. This was a cross-sectional study. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted among 810 workers aged 20 to 59 years. The survey measured respondents’ engagement and time spent exercising alone and with others, self-determined motivation toward exercise, psychological and physical stress responses, mental distress, and basic factors. Basic factors were treated as covariates. The analyses of covariance showed that engagement in exercise with others was significantly associated with lower psychological and physical stress responses and mental distress, while engagement in exercise alone was not. Multiple regression analyses revealed that longer time spent exercising with others was not associated with lower psychological and physical stress responses or mental distress. Path analyses showed that mediation effect of self-determined motivation on these associations was not significant. Although dose-response associations and the mediating role of self-determined motivation were not confirmed, this study found that engagement in exercise with others was associated with lower stress responses and mental distress among workers.
樋口 匡貴 荒井 弘和 伊藤 拓 中村 菜々子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
pp.210917144, (Released:2022-07-05)

This study examined changes in COVID-19 preventive behaviors, including social distancing and hand washing behaviors and related cognitive variables derived from the protection motivation theory and the focus theory of normative conduct. We examined the relationships between preventive behaviors and cognitive variables. We conducted eight panel surveys among Tokyo residents via the internet, each targeting approximately 1,000 people between April-May 2020 and January 2021. The panel survey data indicated that social distancing behaviors decreased immediately after the first state of emergency has been lifted compared to during the emergency period. Moreover, there was no increase in social distancing behaviors during the second emergency period. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that injunctive norms were associated with the social distancing behaviors at all assessment time points. Furthermore, the effect of risk perception was not large. We have discussed the relationship between emergency declarations and behavioral changes.
平井 啓 谷向 仁 中村 菜々子 山村 麻予 佐々木 淳 足立 浩祥
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.17239, (Released:2018-12-25)

It is necessary to develop the effective psycho-educational concepts and materials to enhance the uptake behavior of appropriate specialized institutions of mental health care, such as psychiatric clinics or centers providing psychotherapy. In this research, we developed the core concepts and materials, which can be used for the Web sites, or pamphlets intended to enhance appropriate uptake behavior, by conducting internet-based research and a formative interview based on a social marketing approach. As a result of an analysis of 819 first-time users of mental health care services that met eligibility criteria, descriptive characteristics of the uptake behavior for mental health care were revealed and the differences in mental health care literacy between people with a shorter distribution of the untreated period (DUI) and a longer DUI were clarified. By formative research based on the social marketing frame-work, we developed core concepts and materials consisting of the characteristics of the people with a shorter DUI (WHO), the messages about preventing a longer DUI (WHAT), and effective methods for presentation and communication (HOW).
樋口 匡貴 荒井 弘和 伊藤 拓 中村 菜々子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
vol.35, no.1, pp.71-81, 2022-08-17 (Released:2022-08-19)

This study examined changes in COVID-19 preventive behaviors, including social distancing and hand washing behaviors and related cognitive variables derived from the protection motivation theory and the focus theory of normative conduct. We examined the relationships between preventive behaviors and cognitive variables. We conducted eight panel surveys among Tokyo residents via the internet, each targeting approximately 1,000 people between April-May 2020 and January 2021. The panel survey data indicated that social distancing behaviors decreased immediately after the first state of emergency has been lifted compared to during the emergency period. Moreover, there was no increase in social distancing behaviors during the second emergency period. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that injunctive norms were associated with the social distancing behaviors at all assessment time points. Furthermore, the effect of risk perception was not large. We have discussed the relationship between emergency declarations and behavioral changes.
伊藤 拓 樋口 匡貴 荒井 弘和 中村 菜々子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.94, no.2, pp.129-138, 2023 (Released:2023-06-25)

Cross-sectional research has indicated that the psychological variables of the protective motive theory and normative focus theory are related to avoidance behaviors around going out or contacting others during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there has been no longitudinal research investigating whether these psychological variables predict similar behaviors. The aim of this longitudinal study was to examine whether these psychological variables predicted such behaviors immediately after the termination of the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency. A total of 781 participants completed a web-based survey immediately before and after the termination of the state of emergency in Tokyo. A cross-lagged effects model was used to analyze psychological predictors. The results indicated that the perceived self-efficacy of avoidance behaviors (β = .099), injunctive norms (β = .135), and descriptive norms (β = -.061) immediately before the state of emergency termination predicted avoidance behaviors around going out or contacting others immediately after the termination. These results suggested causal relationships between perceived self-efficacy, descriptive norms, and injunctive norms and avoidance behaviors around going out or contacting others.
樋口 匡貴 中村 菜々子
