塚本 靖
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.94, pp.279-289, 1894-10
遠藤 直久 藤関 利光 平尾 和洋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.747, pp.869-876, 2018-05

&nbsp;In this paper, We modeled a method of idea forming as a designing support tool which we used &ldquo;form expression that is not like a conscious intention (automatic drawing the following, &ldquo;A-dw&rdquo;)&rdquo; positively for a stage in early period of design (the following, &ldquo;A-dw's method of idea forming&rdquo;). And we reported the substantial result that we analyzed by design experiment using this method. We repeated time savings at the beginning from 60 seconds by preliminary experiment 1, and tested drawing time per one sheet to draw in five minutes for 20 students majoring architecture design. As a result, we judged the most suitable time for drawing "A-dw" as six seconds (50 sheets). At this time, we could confirm a phenomenon to repeat similar drawing (the following, &ldquo;chain drawing&rdquo;) in continual drawing.<br>&nbsp;By preliminary experiments 2 and 3, the usability of the idea method for the subject, time allocation of each STAGE(01 - 04) , on the premise with the conscious "the drawing that was unrelated to intention-like problem", "A-dw" assuming the problem explanation was made and reference method of "A-dw" from influence on STAGE02 by "the chain", above-mentioned four points from inspection. As a result, I set by the flow of the "A-dw&rsquo;s method of idea forming "(Fig11).<br>&nbsp;We compare (This experiment) subject group to apply the A-dw&rsquo;s method of idea forming (the following, "ON team") with the subject group designing it freely (the following, "OFF team") in at the time of a design. We assumed the problem like the preliminary experiment, organized into two teams by 12 students for 24 architectural design students and tested a design. And, for the last proposal, we evaluated it by two kinds of following methods by five business designers who did not know the contents except the problem at all.<br>&nbsp;1)Rank scale evaluation: we added up a mark of the last proposals to make an order them,<br>&nbsp;2)Five phases of six items evaluations : we performed five phases of evaluations about six items [context] / [novelty] / [concreteness] / [form] / [space] / [expression]<br><br>&nbsp;The findings are as follows.<br>&nbsp;1)ON team which employed "A-dw&rsquo;s method of idea forming" had high assessment score in the final proposal about both an order standard evaluation and Five phases of six items evaluations, an order standard evaluation, and an evaluation of [novelty] was particularly high in six items.<br>&nbsp;2)ON team compared with OFF team, scored higher in the final proposal at the average points of idea. It is thought that the early idea emission (A-dw) promoted the emission of the subsequent idea.<br>&nbsp;3)Contents of "Starting point Idea(Sp-I)", there is a clear difference, ON team [Non architecture (Other than building relations)] &hArr; OFF team [Architecture (Building relations)].<br>&nbsp;4)In higher group of ON teams, compared with lower group had higher Ratio to convert into a new form and concept from "A-dw" which was similar to [Have no concept].<br>&nbsp;In other words drawing not to be connected to the contents which are targeted for a design(problem) like [Have no concept] directly is easy to lead conversion to the new recognition and interpretation that are like "unexpected discovery", and it is thought that it was more likely to lead to the high suggestion of the evaluation.
相模 誓雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1471-1478, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)

This study indicated that Okura-syo owned by Kaga domain located in Etty&ucric; Province are to be classified into three types. By analyzing the factors that affect the spatial structures of each type, it was affirmed that domain's agricultural policies such as Nakadashi and Sakujiki giving consideration to farmers resulted to create these types.
千代 章一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.522, pp.313-319, 1999
1 1

This paper aims to elucidate the generation of the site vision in Le Corbusier's architectural conception concerning the hill of Ronchamp. His visit to the site inspires the first concept concerning the chapel, the esplanade and the campanile in order to materialize a "response to the landscape". However, some concepts will change their meanings and his complex vision influenced by the landscape 'from the site' will shift to the vision of a chapel united 'with the site'. Thus, the architect finds out the totality of the "architectural place" where site and building interact.
上野 淳
no.1746, 2021-02-20
堀 賀貴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.741, pp.3031-3040, 2017 (Released:2017-11-30)

Pompeii had a grid pattern of narrower streets, which were suitable for one-way traffic. On this paper, the traffic-controlling is discussed, followed by the reconstruction of carts and some impediments related to the carts such as stepping-stones, public fountains, and parking animals/carts, and town gates. The main cart-traffic artery can be detected, finally, besides the broad streets called Cardo and Decumanus. Carts running in Pompeii: on the narrow streets a 4-wheeled carts were severely to be restricted to a minimum and the use of certain 2-wheeled carts encouraged. In addtion to the 4- or 2- wheeled carts, which should be preceded by a 'runner' (cursor) in Pompeii, pack donkeys and men carrying packs were also possible. The runner on the cart, who controlled the cart using the brake, was also definitely need, because of the slopes quite steeply in that town. Impediments on the streets: the stepping stone and public fountains were physical impediments against the cart traffic. Parked animals and carts, which also partially obstructed the streets, are negative evidence of well-regulated lane traffic. On a distribution maps of tethering holes of parked animals cut into sidewalks (Fig. 14) the designated find occurs in sufficient numbers and they spread for meaningful patterns to emerge as below. 1) All observed streets have holes cut into sidewalks on both sides except for a unique case of the southern part of Via di Porta Nocera. 2) Outside of the gates, there is no example of the holes. This means that animals could be quite popular in the transportation inside of the gates. 3) Some areas that form throughroutes to the Vesuvio, Sarno, and Nocera Gates tended to have a high frequency with which these holes are found, as well as a high occurrence at the wide streets around the Forum. 4) The holes in the north-east area of Pompeii occurred more frequently than in the south-west area. We possibly overestimate the capacity of Strada Stabia for transportation and underestimate that of Strada Consolare without any stepping-stones and public fountains as obstacles against cart traffic (Fig. 9). Gates: the town gates of Pompeii were built to a common design, narrowed to only one lane and providing one-way alternating traffic, except for the Ercolano Gate. That means the carts entering and exiting the town through the gates were stopped, even though the streets leading to the gates were enough to accommodate two lanes of cart traffic moving in opposite directions. An attempt has been made to classify these gates not by shape, but function, such classification do much to aid our understanding of the cart traffic. This comprehensive and orderly classification of their 5 types in Fig. 18: the highest is the Ercolano Gate build on almost flat ground with two-way lanes, two sideways, two passing places on both sides, and holding area on the outside. Main cart-traffic artery: Strada Consolare shows a few of design feature directly related to their function as the main traffic artery, most importantly to provide secure one-way alternating traffic, such as good visibility and waiting places. Cart drivers chose this route connecting to Via della Fortuna and Strada Stabia rather than the Strada Stabia leading to or from the Vesuvio Gate. Pompeian local government keep cart traffic moving not by standardising the construction of vehicles and streets, and not by controlling or regulating the behaviour of drivers either. But it forced cart drivers to follow the route they intended by avoiding snarled, inconvenient, and inefficient traffics.
堀 賀貴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.642, pp.1895-1904, 2009-08-30 (Released:2010-01-18)

The streets in Pompeii were orderly structures, with lava for paving of its roadway, sidewalks, step stones, and ruts; and a conspicuous feature of the whole site is the elaborate and carefully planned system of drainage. The drainage from rainwater could cause slight undulation of the surface as water seeks its own level. Here, the water flows on the streets were manipulated by Pompeian builders, but their manipulation depended on human technology to slightly rise or lower the surface and thus to control the flow. When public bathes and aqueduct providing huge mount of water, were built, sometimes the mound was constructed by piling an artificial slope against the original configuration of the ground, and the swelling or settlement of the surface on the intersections of the drainage routes, such as Horconius crossing, must have been carefully planned to avoid overflow and standing water. The Pompeian streets appear to be a good example of the application of appropriate technology, this paper stresses the planning of the drainage system in connection with the design of its urban fabric.

1 0 0 0 ニフレル

北村 仁司 原 哲也 荒木 為博 大平 眞
no.2016, pp.70-71, 2016-08-24
堀口 捨巳
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.971, 1966-07
原戸 喜代里 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.665, pp.1293-1299, 2011-07-30 (Released:2011-11-17)

After the Taisho enthronement, the buildings used for the ceremony were granted to various places in Kyoto.This paper shows the analysis of how these buildings in educational facilities were converted.The time of Taisho enthronement was also the time of expanding and arranging an administration of school education.After the enthronement, dismantled buildings were granted to various educatioal institution such as elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools. When looking at the conversion of granted buildings we can see there was a different attitude of each institution toward the buildings. Their differences may have been caused by the each institution's reaction to Taisho enthronement.