佐々木 隆 林 基哉 荒谷 登
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.384, pp.20-26, 1988

Diese Abhandlung wird tlber die Beschlagdicht der Luftschicht zwischen den zwei Scheibenfenster bes-chrieben. Der Schllisse sind wie das Folgende; 1) Die AuBenluft flieBt in die Luftschicht gegen der Windrichtung des Gebaudes ein. 2) Das Verhaltnis des Einflusses von AuBenluft in die Luftschicht nimmt zu, wenn der Schwingungsweite groB ist und die Frequenz hoch ist. 3) Filr die Beschlagdicht der Luftschicht soil die auBeren Llicke etwa 1/50 gegen der inneren Lucke als die DurchlaBigkeit brauchen.
山本 竜也 三宅 博行 山口 秀樹 吉澤 望
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
no.783, pp.451-461, 2021-05

<p>While improvements in the energy-saving performance of buildings are required, productivity improvements and health management are also getting more necessary due to work style reforms. This trend demands the development of new methods which enable us to quantitatively assess the physiological and psychological quality of the built environment from the design stage. In terms of the light and visual environment, spaciousness is one of the factors that affect the comfort, intellectual productivity, and health of users of interiors.</p><p>In this research, definition of "spaciousness" by Inui will be used, but the purpose of this study was to propose a comprehensive quantitative spaciousness evaluation index of the interiors, including spaces of different sizes and shapes, considering various factors related to light and visual environment.</p><p>In recent years, technological developments have made complex data processing possible and expanded the range of experiment methods. VR technology is one of them, and there are many merits of using it in promoting spaciousness evaluation, such as to virtually compare spaces that are separated from each other by a great distance. This research aims to verify the validity of using VR with HMDs for spaciousness evaluation, through subject experiments in six real spaces with different volumes and usages. Volumes ranged from a minimum of 35 m<sup>3</sup> to a maximum of 1,969 m<sup>3</sup>, and vertical illuminance ranged from 30 lx to 720 lx at the subject's observation position. Openings were blocked from line of sight and daylight was shut off by closing the blinds. VR spaces with several lighting environments for each space were reproduced. In experiments using ME method, we compared and verified the cases where the real space and the VR space were used as the reference stimulus for the comparative stimulus of the real space. Major findings are as follows:</p><p> 1) In order to verify how well the VR space could reproduce the real space from the point of view of the optical environment, we compared the luminance of the targeted real space and the VR space, and found that high-luminance parts could not be reproduced on HMD: Oculus Quest, which has an output limit of approximately 100 cd/m<sup>2</sup> or higher in luminance. However, the overall luminance balance, including main parts such as the floor, walls, and ceiling, could be well reproduced on VR display.</p><p> 2) There were no statistically significant differences (5% level) in 62 pairs among 65 pairs. As to the remaining 3 pairs, the light source had a large effect on the reproducibility of luminance and the relative error from the real space was relatively large. In particular, when the subject's evaluations were divided around 2.0, as in Experiment III, where the reference stimulus was 120lx and the comparative stimulus was 30lx, a reversal phenomenon occurs in which the average luminance of the real space of 30 lx including the light source is larger than that of the VR space of 120 lx including the light source due to the influence of the large light source. In conclusion, it is approximately possible to use the VR space, which does not cause luminance problems, as a reference stimulus for spaciousness evaluation.</p>
田中 智子 石飛 知華
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.537, pp.149-156, 2000
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The purpose of this study is a proposal for the planning of the facilities for leisure for the elderly. We ask 153 privately managed housings for the elderly to send us the data about activity of them, from July to November 1997. The available answers number are 47. In Part 1, we clarify the real state of the activities of the residents and the usage of the facilities. As a result, there are 7.2 activity rooms on the average in those housings. The residents do many activities there. But activity rooms are not used so long hours in a week.
古川 容子 佐野 友紀 土屋 伸一 藤井 皓介 佐藤 泰 畠山 雄豪 長谷見 雄二
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.728, pp.845-853, 2016

&nbsp;Recently, enrollments in nursery schools have become higher and higher. This is largely due to the social progress of women, with the increasing number of working mothers. Additionally, the number of three-generation households is decreasing. Nursery schools are traditionally low-rise structures, with a playground, but deregulation of the law now allows for the placement of nursery schools in middle floors of high-rise buildings. In Japan, the ages of nursery school students are generally from infancy to five-years old, which means that they can't evacuate the premises by themselves during a fire, so we must research ways to evacuate them safely. And the scheme of planning safe evacuations from buildings has not been sufficiently researched, so we have investigated the practice of fire drills and have interviewed teachers and students of nursery schools. The following is what we have learned:<br>&nbsp;(1)Characteristics of evacuation ;drills of nursery schools: Students evacuate in class groups, lead by their teachers, who provide the indications. Time is needed for evacuation preparation (setting up strollers, gathering infants and preparing to carry them out, and giving instructions regarding exiting, etc., ) and before starting evacuation, and time for confirming the numbers of students, and waiting time is needed when they are evacuating, so these times must be considered in the calculation of evacuation time.<br>&nbsp;(2)The characteristics of evacuation abilities of nursery school students : Infants (up to one-year old), and students who can't easily walk by themselves must be carried by a nurse or other adults, which makes evacuation movements and management after evacuation more manageable. Two-year-old students are able to walk alright on their own but cannot sufficiently grasp the situation. It's difficult to follow the teachers' instructions, so a lot of assistances are need. Children aged three and over can, of course, walk even better, and can grasp the severity of a fire. But they tend to walk more slowly as they feel frightened in cases when they are at earlier age, or they have to take an escape route that they are not familiar with. In order to shorten evacuation time, older students should evacuate first, as they can walk faster than younger students, thus their escape time won't be hindered by slower evacuees.<br>&nbsp;(3)Notes of buildings that include a nursery school: Regarding the situation of using stairways for evacuation, there are many points of concern regarding the safety of children. Because there are many dangerous points related to stairways, such as the fact that stairways often arouse fear in younger students during emergency evacuation, and as a result they walk more slowly. Consequently, older students try to pass the younger, slower students. Especially in cases when a nursery school is on a middle floor of a multi-use building, there is a possibility that confusion is caused among the evacuating children who walk slowly, along with their teachers, as evacuating people from other facilities mix with people evacuating from the nursery school. Thus, having a dedicated set of stairs for children is better. In addition, nursery schools that are in existing buildings that were not designed to accommodate nursery schools, have higher handles and the height of steps rise.<br>&nbsp;(4)Decreasing evacuation route length: Due to the fact that nursery school students' bodies and minds are not fully developed, their circumstances during a fire are more severe than those for adults. Thus, nursery schools should be on lower floors of buildings or should have their own buildings. Also the distance from the rooms to the temporary evacuation place should be as short as possible
森 勇樹 井上 隆 前 真之 佐藤 誠 村上 雄飛
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.700, pp.515-523, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-07-15)

The objective of this research is to grasp the effect of high insulation bathtub on heat-retention of hot water, by means of web questionnaire, laboratory experiment, and actual survey in houses. As a result, the followings were obtained; 1) It is indicated that high insulation bathtub is remarkably effective for restraining falling in temperature of hot water in bathtub, and that the insulation effect is not observed clearly when the lid of bathtub is opened even if it is the high insulation bathtub. 2) The insulation performance of bathroom also affects the decrease in water temperature as well as that of bathtub. As with insulation of the bathtub, it is important to insulate the bathroom. 3) It is suggested that to estimate water temperature drop by using bathtub heat loss coefficient would be possible.
前川 裕介 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.517, pp.185-192, 1999
2 1

The purpose of this study is to propose the basic factors of available information from "intermediate and mountainous areas", where local governments have broadcasted programs. The factors consist of four pieces of information ; community, environmental, industrial and governmental information. With the factors, which are blended correctly they can propagandize to "city areas". The principal contents to be made obvious are as follows. 1. The tendencies of communication with other areas using "CATV" and "CS" as infrastructures are increasing nationally. But the way of broadcasting and receiving the TV programs are so different. 2. The differences of the information from outside, the community relations in intermediate and mountainous areas and the investor relations to city areas are great ; especially environmental information, governmental information and industrial information as "basic factors of information".
宮谷 慶一 松本 直之 熊谷 亮平 権藤 智之 松村 秀一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.790, pp.2689-2698, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the cement suppliers for each construction site during the interwar period when cement consumption increased in Japan. Specifically, the authors picked up and analyzed the cement suppliers at each construction site from the contents of the "Completion Reports", which are the construction records made by Shimizu-gumi during this period. There are 3,186 completion reports in total, of which 1,729 have a description of the cement supplier. These 1,792 cases are summarized in tables and figures by use, structure type, prefectures, year of construction, and total floor space. (See Table1-Table3, Fig.2-Fig.3) The findings are as follows: 1. The Cement suppliers can be classified into four types: "Manufacturing Companies", "Shimizu-gumi itself”,"Merchant" and "Supplied by Client". (See Table4) 2. By region, the percentage of “Shimizu-gumi itself” was high in the Kanto, and the percentage of “ManufacturingCompanies” was high in the Hokuriku. On the other hand, the percentage of “Merchant” was high in Chukyo, Osaka, and Kyushu. 3.By period , the percentage of “Merchants” has increased since the Ⅳ period (1936-) .(See Fig.5-Fig.9) 4. The percentage of “Manufacturing Companies” in each region was almost the same as the shipment percentageset by the regulation. (See Table6 and Table7) However, in the Chukyo, the number of cases of Mikawa, which is closely related to the Shimizu-gumi, was the highest. 5. Since the section handling cement was established at the head office, the cases of “Shimizu-gumi itself” were concentrated in the area under the jurisdiction of the head office, especially in Tokyo. 6. Looking at the breakdown of “Merchants” by region, there are some “Merchants” who have a lot of trades, but since there are many cases of "Others", it is indicated that there were trades with various “Merchants”. (See Table8) 7. Looking at the breakdown of “Supplied by Client", there were almost the same number of governments works and private works, and there were many cases of civil works and industry (See Table9). And there were many cases before 1930, when cement sales control began. (See Table9)
吉野 博 中村 安季 池田 耕一 野崎 淳夫 角田 和彦 北條 祥子 天野 健太郎 石川 哲
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.641, pp.803-809, 2009-07-30 (Released:2010-01-18)
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In order to make clear the relationship the chemical substances concentration and symptom of sick house syndrome, an investigation of 62 houses in Japan has been done for 9 years. The results showed that the indoor air of many sick houses was polluted with high carbonyl compounds and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) concentrations exceeded the criterions of Japan Standard. In addition, high concentration was found not only in the houses which were just built or renovated, but also in the houses with well-air-tightened and low air change rate.
郡司 浩和 木下 光
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.107-117, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

Osaka city has been rapidly urbanized since the end of the Meiji period, and the population of the city was more than 1.5 million in 1916. However, this development has problems such as price hike and poor living environment. How to stabilize the expanding citizen's eating habits for Osaka city at that time was an important policy task. Therefore, Osaka City opened the temporary public markets at 4 locations in April 1918 in order to adjust the price and provide inexpensive and stable daily necessities. Thereafter, 60 public markets were planned because of citizen's popularity. At the time of the second city limit extension (1925.4), the arrangement of the public market in the new city area was discussed. This study aims to clarify the formation of retail commercial space focused on Public Market in pre-war Osaka city on following 3 aspects. 1. The public policies and roles of the Public Market were analyzed through Osaka's Council Minutes. 2. 35 locations of public market established since October 1921 were classified into 4 types “Old city area”, “Traditional town”, “Newly developed area” and “Rural area”. 3. Interview survey for 65 shop owners since pre-war indicated the relationship between the formation of shopping street and public market. The main results were summarized as follows. 1) The public markets that were opened after being referred to as "establish a public market for resident of the newly opened area" in the city council of October 1921 are located from residential-industrial coexistence area to residential area in the wake of the second city limit extension (1925.4). In addition, it became clear that they gradually increased its location to area with high open space rate. 2) The public markets in the old city area opened near the public facilities constructed in the Meiji period. The public markets in the traditional town has been established near the old roads and temples that have relations with the area from long ago. The public markets in the newly developed area opened near the public facilities planned at the same time. The public markets in rural area opened on the old roads and approaches of temple. In this way, it was clarified that Osaka city arranged the public markets of pre-war to be the core of the retail commercial space planned differently for each site. 3) The formation of retail commercial space was classified into 3 patterns. First, the public market opens in existing shopping streets. And shopping streets develop by gathering stores and private markets. (For example, Kujo, Nigiwaimachi and Abeno public market) Secondly, when the public market opens, stores will gather, and the shopping streets will form. Later, the shopping street develops in stores independent of the public / private market. (For example, Tsuruhashi, Hirano, Izuo, Kagaya, Kitatanabe, Ikuno and Anryuu public market)Third, the private market opens first and the public market opens. Shopping streets form by stores gathering each other. (For example, Tanabe public market)
小林 純子 長澤 悟
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.694, pp.2481-2490, 2013-12-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

Deterioration by aging goes ahead through the restroom of school, but improvement has not advanced because of a large number. As a result, comfort is spoiled, and some students are reported not to have excretion at school. A purpose of this study is how to lead quick and effective restroom renewal through the project of Setagaya-ku having 94 schools, which was started in 1998, and inspecting an effect and evaluation for 14 years until 2011.After grasping problems and demands, design concept and common specifications document for model school was summarized. Expert performed a model design, and then standard common specifications document is made in consideration for term of works and the cost, performing a periodical revision based on the inspection.This paper summarizes the effect and subject and has proposed the possibility of future quick school restroom renewal.
坂田 明
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.1401, 1997-02-20