サエーンソイ ワラーンカナー 名和 豊春 トウーンカチョーンキット ピパット
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.73, no.631, pp.1433-1441, 2008-09-30 (Released:2009-09-30)
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This study is aimed to elucidate the influence of ambient relative humidity on the compressive strength of fly ash cement paste. The ambient relative humidity has an influence on both the internal relative humidity and the hydration reaction, and further influences the compressive strength development. The experiment results revealed that the compressive strength of paste decreases with a reduction in ambient relative humidity. The same tendency can be found on the internal relative humidity and the hydration reaction as well. The detriment of strength development at low ambient relative humidity is affected by the retardation of the hydration reaction of C2S and C4AF. Moreover, the internal relative humidity at the time of test also has an influence on the compressive strength. The compressive strength decreased with the reduction in the relative humidity below the relative humidity lower than 95%. In addition, the compressive strength can be expressed as a function of the internal relative humidity and the hydrated gel volume derived from the degree of hydration of cement and the degree of pozzolanic reaction of fly ash.
小南 弘季
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.762, pp.1827-1833, 2019 (Released:2019-08-30)

This paper is continued from ‘The establishment of ‘Ujiko-iki’ in the early Meiji period-A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 1)’ and ‘Revising small-scale ‘Ujiko-iki’ after the abolition of Ujiko shirabe- A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 2)’. A term ‘Ujiko-iki’ means a territory where Ujiko, which means a worshiper to a specific Shinto shrine, live around the Shinto shrine. Ujiko-iki area is very important for research of urban history in comprising the most basically part of the city. The purpose of this paper is classifying Ujiko-iki in Tokyo in patterns especially from the side of spatial characteristics and discussing about peculiarity of the metropolitan Tokyo in the modern transition period. Firstly, specific characteristics of ‘Ujigami’ shrines in Tokyo is described by analyzing an investigation ‘Ujiko chomei do jinnin shirabecho’ which was made to determine Ujiko-iki and shrine ranking in 1872. In chapter 2, ‘Ujiko chomei do jinnin shirabecho’ is analyzed to comprehend a situation of Ujiko-iki before the abolishment of Ujiko shirabe. As a result, it is defined that there have been four phases until Ujiko-iki were formed and only shrine which was over certain criteria established by Shajigakari of Tokyo Prefecture was authorized to possess Ujiko as a ‘Ujigami’ shrine. In chapter 3, the reality of ‘Ujigami’ shrines and rekkaku, which means gaining any of shrine rankings to a shrine, in the city area of Tokyo is described by comparing ‘Ujigami’ shrines with the shrines which possessed some Ujiko in the Edo period. First point is that there were many shrines which possessed a small number of Ujiko towns as an ‘Ujigami’ shrine. Especially it is noteworthy fact that Shajigakari suspended the determination of Ujiko of shrines which have not been gained any ranking with an exceptional flame ‘Sonsha-gai’ against the principle of Gosha precepts. Second point is that large-scale shrines that possessed adequate Ujiko, which was basically over 10 hundred houses, to be ranked as Gosha equally existed around the city area of Tokyo. Then, in chapter 4, spatial characteristics of Ujiko-iki in Tokyo are described by analyzing how to divide previous samurai residential area into each Ujiko-iki in the point of view of the scale of Ujiko-iki while comparing to the distribution of Ujiko towns in the Edo period. Ujiko-iki in the city area of Tokyo in Meiji period generally divided to success the territory of Ujiko towns in the Edo period. From the viewpoint of specific character of territory gained to each shrine, Ujiko-iki in the city area of Tokyo, which were established in the early Meiji period, are classified into three types. Type A is Ujiko-iki which corresponded a traditional widely region. Type B is Ujiko-iki which corresponded a small-scale region from the old time and an area of only a town. Type C is Ujiko-iki which owns bigness and political symbolism only for Hie-Jinja Shrine and Kanda-Jinja Shrine. Shrines with Ujiko-iki of Type A have been called ‘Sochinju’ traditionally, which has been worshiped as a shrine to guard a territory larger than a village or a town and are generally most old in that region with some legends concerned about the creation of the region. In Tokyo, Kanda-Jinja Shrine and Hie-Jinja Shrine (Type C) are in the center of the city and Type A are scattered equally around two cores and Type C lie beside and in Type A. The following is a summary of the above. Shajigakari formed Ujiko-iki and organized a modern administrative system of shrine by reevaluating the traditional spatial characteristic.
荒木 康弘 腰原 幹雄 大橋 好光 坂本 功
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.69, no.579, pp.79-85, 2004-05-30 (Released:2017-02-08)
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This paper attempts to build the parameters of hysterisis models for resisting shear walls of timber structures. These parameters enables engineers to make models easily by summation of the parameters. In order to establish these parameters, this paper focuses on the following three subjects. First : Proposition of a hysterisis model fit for timber structures. Second : Proposition of parameters of the resisting shear walls, based on about 100 tests. Third : Prediction of shaking table tests from the models of summation of the walls. In the first part, the combination model of bilinear model and slip model is adopted for its simple mechanism. In the second part, the database serves for determining parameters of five different types of walls. In the third part, three models of one full-scale wooden house are proposed. The earthquake responses obtained by the models correspond to the shaking table tests, and this result confirms the accuracy of the parameters.
大佛 俊泰 土屋 拓也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2325-2333, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

Establishing a disaster mitigation planning is an urgent issue in Japan where people are facing the high risk of a devastating earthquake. We need to utilize various information for supporting quick and safe wide-area evacuation. This is especially important for densely built-up wooden residential areas where many building collapse and big fires are presumed. For instance, the locational information and the route information of evacuation areas will contribute for quick and safe evacuation. Also, the information of the fire-spreading and street-blockages is expected to reduce the risk of fire-exposure. As the means to obtain the information such as fire-spreading or street-blockages, Social Network Services (SNS) by portable terminals will have the great potential. They might enable us to acquire various and real-time information efficiently and effectively. However, there are many issues to be discussed for acturalizing the evacuation surpport system by SNS. These include the quality and accuracy of information and robustness of the information network. Under the situation with difficulty in using SNS and in getting the information through portable terminals, not only bulletin boards but also the information-hearsay among evacuees are expected to play an important role. Even if the information is scattered by the information-hearsay between evacuees, however, incorrect information may be generated and adversely affect on evacuation. We need to investigate the influence of information-hearsay on wide-area evacuation in a situation of the incorrect information outbreak, for realizing quick and safe evacuation. In this paper, we construct a model that describes the information-hearsay and the wide-area evacuation behavior of evacuees immediately after a large earthquake occurs. Using the model, we evaluate quantitatively the effects of the information-hearsay on evacuation time and safety of evacuation routes. The principal novel findings about the influence of information-hearsay on wide-area evacuation are as follows; (1) In areas where most people are unfamiliar with geographical information, the unuseful information is repeatly exchanged through the information-hearsay of evacuees. This is because that the limited number of people have correct information about the locational information of evacuation areas. As a result, the evacuation time and the risk of evacuation may increase. (2) If a few guides who are familiar with areas start guidance immediately after a large earthquake occurs, the correct information spreads through the information-hearsay between evacuees and may greatly reduce the evacuation time and the risk of evacuation. (3) If the guides share the information each other, they can instruct and support evacuees using the latest and wide-area information, and not only the risk of evacuees but also the risk of themselves can be reduced. Next, we construct a model that describes the process of the generation of incorrect information by the misrecognition in order to inspect how the incorrect information affects on the wide-area evacuation, and obtain some new findings as follows; (1) In case of high probability of misrecognition, the incorrect information around the evacuation areas spreads out and may affect on the wide-area evacuation, since many evacuees need the information around the evacuation areas. (2) In areas where population density is high, the correct information is scattered and evacuation becomes effective. However, under the condition in which much incorrect information is generated, it is scattered rapidly and immediately after a large earthquake occurs, and this results in affecting on the evacuation time and the risks of evacuation.
三森 弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.753, pp.2141-2150, 2018-11

&nbsp;The Nagoya University Daikou Campus is originated from the Daikou plant of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the former aircraft related war plant and the building which was used in those days is left at the campus now.<br>&nbsp;The Daikou plant was the plant that took an important and central role in the development of fighter planes including Zero fighter plane, and these technological accumulations have been applied and developed in later aerospace industry, etc., and it has contributed to the rapid economic growth against the background of post-war technological superiority.<br>&nbsp;In this report, I used literature documents related to Jiro Horikoshi (known for design and development of Zero fighter plane) and Junji Fukao (known for engine development), I clarified the characteristics and significance of the Daikou plant and the former main building by studying from the planned and historic process.<br>&nbsp;As a result,<br>&nbsp;(1) From the "Rocket Research Meeting" documents, it became clear that it was estimated and confirmed that Jiro Horikoshi had a connection with the Daikou plant and the former main building, and that building has a significance from the aircraft industry history aspects. (2) As a background, it was mentioned that Daiko plant has played a role as an important base for aircraft development and manufacturing along with the Oye plant, under the war situation.<br>&nbsp;Also, from the documents of Junji Fukao, etc. (3) The high probability that the former main building is the building where the design room is located, (4)Participants of the rocket research group were stakeholders in the design department located in this design room, It was led to the estimation of (1) that it was confirmed that intimate exchanges with the design staff of the Daikou plant to which Jiro Horikoshi belonged.<br>&nbsp;(5)In addition, it became clear that the Daikou plant had incorporated an advanced architectural philosophy that overturned the general plant concept at the time, based on overseas visits by Junji Fukao, and its characteristics of the former main building are contributed to estimation of (1). The reason for that is the same as the background of held the previous Rocket Research Meeting, with the expansion and deterioration of the war situation at the time, it became clear that the idea of getting out of position as a technologically backward country was reflected by improving technical capabilities with the trends of Western countries kept in mind and preparing a rational and efficient environment.
ハビビ・セイド・ムスタファ 小野 尋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.756, pp.407-414, 2019 (Released:2019-02-28)
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The capital Kabul is growing at a fast pace than any other city in Afghanistan, it experienced a dramatic expansion over the past decade. The population has increased by almost 10% per year which caused a significant increase in the number of slums, as an unwanted consequence today informal settlements have covered about more than 69% of the city. This paper explains an afghan model of Land Readjustment which applied on an informal settlement area of Kabul with a very minimum compensation and contribution ratio. It appeared more applicable due to the preservation of historical buildings and low destruction cost.
侯 寧 西名 大作 杉田 宗 姜 叡 大石 洋之 金田一 清香 清水 晶浩
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.86, no.785, pp.670-679, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

The presentation technology about architectural design has been developed in recent years. Virtual Reality as one of the newest method which was born from the modern technology, has been used at practical design. In addition, some of the universities had set up VR laboratories for design education. Compared to the traditional method using 2D drawings and models for presentation, VR will be expected to understand the space more easily without specialized knowledge, and it will be more useful for improving the designers’ ability. Therefore, in order to grasp the designers’ awareness about the applicability of VR Space, we conducted a hearing survey with 12 university professors in Chugoku region who worked in the field of architectural design or design education. According to the results, many of the professors thought “Scale feeling” was “the ability to measure the distance with the eyes”, and they had negative viewpoints about to learn “Scale feeling” in VR space, such as “It is difficult to understand the distance in VR Space” or “Drawing by hand is more useful to nurture the scale feeling than VR”. Therefore, this research was focused on the “Scale feeling”, and conducted an experiment to verify the effectiveness of VR by comparing the learning effect about “Scale feeling” in “VR Space” with “Real Space”. The procedure of this experiment, first, for grasping the original “Scale feeling” of subjects, the subjects were asked to answer the length of 15 objects in Test Space. Then, the subjects were divided into two groups to learn “Scale feeling” in two types of learning spaces. One group learned in “VR Space” and another group learned in “Real Space”. After learning, the subjects came back to “Test Space” and answered the length of 15 objects as the same manner at first. The difference between the “Answered length” and “Actual length” in “Test Space” was defined as the “Inaccuracy”. Finally, we compared the learning effects by the average and the standard deviation in “Inaccuracy” between the two groups. The degree of “Inaccuracy” reduction was similar. Therefore, the “Scale feeling” can be developed in VR space as same as Real space. Although, in “VR space”, the objects which have no actual shape have a larger standard deviation of the “Inaccuracy” than “Real Space”, we considered that it’s more difficult to grasp the distance between objects without shape in “VR space”. For the future research, we will consider in more detail based on the visual characteristics of the learning method.
南 一誠 千葉 早織 馬 凌翔 鈴木 敦也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.785, pp.1969-1979, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

The authors investigated the housing estate “Tsurumaki -3” of Tama New Town in the west suburb of Tokyo. It was one of the first experimental project, named KEP (Kodan Experimental housing Project) which Japanese Housing Corporation started in 1973 in order to research and develop the flexibility and adaptability of housing. The most important object of this research is to investigate how residents have adopted the design concepts to suit their individual needs and how they have adapted their living environments to changes in their lifestyles over time by remodeling rooms and changing the position of partitions, especially that of KEP movable partitioning system. The authors found some residents renovated their units by relocating the KEP movable partitions and storage systems and some residents did not. As children grew, and as they left home, some families used the KEP system to adjust the room arrangements to fit their changing lifestyles. This study has confirmed the effectiveness of KEP in introducing movable storage walls and movable partitions in a family dwelling unit of about 90 m2, with the aim of changing the floor plan without significant financial burden or impact on life.  The English translations of the Fig.4 not shown in English in the text are as follows. Index for Symbols: W: toilet, washbasin, B: bathroom, K: kitchen, C: change of storage, I: repair of infill decoration, S: moving or removing of KEP movable storage wall, M: moving or removing of KEP movable partition wall, M’: renovation of conventional partition wall, P: change from Japanese room to flooring room, F: comprehensive renovation by returning the house to the state of base building, O: repair or removing of water heater, ● [red spot]: change of the user of the room, mainly the room for sleep,  Index for the color of each line: white: first living resident, gray: second living resident, deep gray: third living resident, light gray: unknown,  ★1: the unit shown in Fig. 5 (3.4.1) ★2: the unit shown in Fig. 6 (3.4.2) ★3: the unit shown in Fig. 7 (3.4.3)★4: the unit shown in Fig. 8 (3.4.4) ★5: the unit shown in Fig. 9 (3.4.5) The grids with ◆ represent repair or renovation done in the year. The inferred durations are represented with dotted lines when the exact years of renovation are unknown. The red dotted lines indicate the lifestyle changes, the green lines indicate the layout changes (S, M, M’), the blue lines indicate the water section changes (W, B, K), and the black lines indicate any other renovations (C, I, F, O, D) that have been done.  *Note 1: the first column represents the types of each unit.*Note 2: the red vertical lines represent the time that repair and renovation work for the base building, such as the repair of waterproofing and repainting of exterior walls were implemented. *Note 3: Fig.4 is based on the analysis of data obtained from the 65 units that continuously contributed this research.
浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.785, pp.1936-1947, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

This study clarifies the relation between expansion process of Urbanization Promotion Area (UPA) in the past and the designation of Residential Inducing Area (RIA) as recent Urban Facility Location Plan by comparative studies of 10 local cities. We analyze characteristics of the relation mentioned above, concretely aerial quantitative index and form of designated area, and discuss land use characteristics of removed area from RIA. The followings are concluded. 1) While removed area from RIA is generally larger in comparatively recent included area into UPA, the area which has been included in UPA at the first area division or in earlier revision is also removed widely in cities which have removed RIA at large scale.2) In the process of urbanizing there are 6 types of urban expansion form, on the other, there are 4 types of urban shrinkage form in depopulating. 4 types are ‘shrinking from peripheral part’, ‘sponge’, ‘shrinking along linking axis with another city’ and ‘finger’. Urban shrinking types of urban form depends on the extent of shrinkage.3) On the relation between removed area and location or densely inhabited district (DID), area having included in UPA at the 1st area division has different characteristic from area included in revision of area division. From the viewpoint for keeping DID or keeping balanced urban form, it is appropriate to be removed from area included in revision of area division. Regarding on land use, it proves appropriate that removied areas included lots of industrial area, roadside area and interchanges. But in the suburban area, because there are many examples including good infrastructure area with land readjustment especially in area included in revision of area division, careful verification on the appropriateness would be necessary.4) In the city of ‘shrinking from peripheral part’ or ‘sponge’, those forms are characterized by removing problematic area to reside, like industrial area, roadside or poor infrastructure area, on site. On the other, in the city of ‘shrinking along linking axis with another city’ and ‘finger’, which remove infrastructure area widely, RIA is designated on the convenience for public transit like railway or bus service line, depending not on appropriateness of removing areas characteristics. Because Urban Facility Location Plan seeks for city planning image in 20 years future, it is considered that some cities might set removing area widely not coinciding to actual shrinking situation. It might be natural that widely removing RIA, widely included appropriate area to reside, for example, good infrastructure area in suburban. And removing RIA widely reaches lastly at ‘finger’ formed by ‘compact plus network’ concept. But some local cities have no better public transit service network fundamentally. Therefore, the appropriateness of removing from RIA is verified carefully along each city situation.
秋本 福雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.773, pp.1427-1436, 2020 (Released:2020-07-30)

Peter Hall wrote, in the history of the green belt idea in Britain there have been several possible objectives of green belt policy: “one is pure containment: the idea of stopping towns growing any larger”(o1, hereafter); “another is to give adequate access to the countryside for recreation of townspeople”(o2, hereafter); and “a third is …to preserve agriculture and a rural way of life”(o3, hereafter), while there are also several different forms of green belt: “at one extreme, a narrow green belt”(f1, hereafter), and “at the other extreme, the countryside can be preserved in toto, with urban development allowed at intervals against a green background” (f2, hereafter). In July 1924, the International Federation for Town and Country Planning and Garden Cities held an international town planning conference in Amsterdam and passed seven resolutions, the third of which said “it is desirable for the built-up parts of cities to be enclosed by green belts intended for, and to remain set apart for agriculture and horticulture, cattle breeding, etc. in order to prevent the formation of endless seas of houses”. In 1938, the Urban Planning Tokyo Local Committee proposed a plan of a narrow circular greenbelt of two kilometers wide (f1) around the City of Tokyo “for the prevention of over-grown city” (o1).  After World War Two, some speculated that the prototype of the Tokyo Circular Green Belt was the third resolution of the Amsterdam conference. Thereafter, this view has been widely accepted in Japan. However, among the Japanese planners being involved in plan-making process of the Tokyo Circular Green Belt plan, only few people including Toitsu Takahashi at the Urban Planning Tokyo Local Committee, and Kouma Matsumura, the Planning Director of the Interior Ministry, referred to the third resolution. Saburo Kimura, who studied the history of London Green Belt Plan and was also involved in the Tokyo Circular Green Belt Plan, did not mention the third resolution at all. And the planner Kazumi Iinuma, who introduced the Amsterdam resolutions into Japan and repeatedly referred to them, did not present the third resolution as the prototype. The fundamental problem of this hypothesis is the lack of verification: it has not yet analyzed the background of the third resolution through the Amsterdam conference minutes. This paper refutes the prevailing view by analyzing the green belt ideas of Howard, Purdom, the conference resolutions, Unwin’s Greater London Regional Planning Committee’s report as well as those of the Japanese planners from the 1920s to the 1940s, and reaches the following conclusions: (1) The third resolution proposed not “a ring-like narrow green belt (f1) to contain a large city (o1)”, but the continuous agricultural areas against which garden cities would constantly multiply (f2, o3). (2) In the Greater London Regional Planning Committee’s Second Report in 1933, Unwin introduced a green girdle, or a narrow green belt (f1) for containment (o3) as well as the recreational use (o2). (3) The Tokyo Circular Green Belt Plan was made with reference to Raymond Unwin’s Greater London Regional Planning Committee’s reports. Hence, the prototype was not the third resolution but Unwin’s report 1933. (4) Hajime Seki and Kazumi Iinuma, reading the conference minutes, got interested in preserving agricultural land as well as recreational space. They proposed the preservation of both lands by establishing a new zoning system.
中野 茂夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.554, pp.281-288, 2002-04-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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The purpose of this study is to consider the influence of traditional industry on a spatial transformation in a modern city. The case of this study is Noda Shoyu Company Limited, which is the predecessor of Kikkoman Corporation. Industrial foundation was essential for the sake of traditional industry's development. At first, however, owners of traditional industry only had their own plants. Afterwards, large-scale infrastructure and modern industrial equipment were introduced by the Noda-shoyu guild. Thereafter as the second stage of their progress, those owners established Noda Shoyu Company limited. That company tidied up a loop road and improved suburbia. It caused the spatial transformation of Noda City.
曾 天然 藤川 昌樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.732, pp.411-421, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

In order to understand the differences between company towns, this paper focused on the relationship between a brewing company and a city. Three kind of data, the ratio of the company's profit in Yibin's GDP, the company's employees in Yibin's total population, and the company's lands in Yibin's area, were used as evaluating indexes to analyze the relationship between the enterprise and the city from the economy, population and urban space aspects. Specialized brewing studios showed up in the Ming Dynasty in Yibin. After the establishment of the People's Chinese Republic of China, these studios were combined to one national company, and a rapid industrial expansion was realized after the Reform and Open Up. In the 1990s, the company went public and purchased some related companies with a large sum of capital. As a result, a production chain has been fully established. If looking at the urban space, it will be found that the factories were mainly constructed in the countryside, along the northern riverbank before the 1980s. After 1990, as the number of the employees increased to 17,832, a city-sized factory housing complex was built. In addition, in order to create a convenient transportation system for the products, the company also paved some main roads connected to the city center. Comparing with Luzhou, Yibin has a similar general flow of the industrial modernization. The difference is that in Yibin, the company caught the chance of the system reform in the 1990s. It purchased some related enterprises within the city, by raising a large sum of funds independently before the rapid urban expansion. This is the biggest reason for evaluating the relationship of the enterprise and the city as moderate. As a conclusion, in Yibin, the enterprise constructed housing complexes, city infrastructures, and has formed a separated urban space within the city, therefore, it can be classified as “A City Within A City” company town. This structure has been formed due to the balance of the enterprise and the city government, the national polices and so on.
初田 香成
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.590, pp.215-220, 2005
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This paper aims to describe and analyze Hideaki Ishikawa's thoughts on amusement places and their meaning in urban history. Especially this paper deal with three issues as follows. First, we describe his thought diachronically to figure out his origin and it's evolution. Second, we describe his practice in Tokyo during postwar reconstruction to clarify his effect on urban space. Third, we explore the background in urban history which made him to act matters as mentioned. In consequence we clarified that his act was linked to urban problem and trend of academic discourse in those days.
大黒 雅之 アレンズ エドワード デディア リチャード チャン ウイ 片山 忠久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.561, pp.31-39, 2002
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1.はじめに 無風時の全身の着衣量についてはすでに多くの基準の中に整理されている。また、裸体表面については、無風・有風時の部位別の対流熱伝達の研究例も多い。しかし、部位別の着衣表面での対流熱伝達率や着衣熱抵抗に関する研究は少ない。2.研究方法 (1)従来法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 着衣抵抗を求めるに当たり、従来法は(1)、(2)式に基づいている。つまり、裸体表面における空気層抵抗をもって、着衣表面の空気層抵抗とする方法が取られている。(2)直接法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 人体各部の熱抵抗は(3)式で表され、サーマルマネキンで熱量と皮膚温度が解っていれば、着衣の表面温度を測定することにより、着衣抵抗が直接算出できる。(3)対流熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の熱損失は(4)(5)式で表され、各部の総合熱伝達率から放射熱伝達率を差し引くことにより各部の対流伝達率が算出できる。(4)放射熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の放射熱伝達率は(6)式で表され、放射率と有効放射面積率より各部の放射熱伝達率が算出できる。3.計測方法 (1)サーマルマネキン 計測に用いたマネキンは皮膚温度可変型の女性体のサーマルマネキンで、主に室内の不均一温熱環境の評価用として開発されたものである。部位の分割数は16であり、表面積は表-1、有効放射面積率は表-2のよう求められている。制御は(7)式に基いており、設定温度を変更することにより皮膚温を変更できる。(2)着衣 計測に用いた着衣は下着、綿100%の長ズボン、および綿100%の長袖シャツ、靴下、靴である。頭にはセミロングのかつらを取りつけ、着衣の一つとして評価した。また、人体各部の着衣からの熱損失量を明確にするため、マネキンの各部位の境界をビニールテープで縛り、着衣内での部位間の熱の移動がないよう配慮した。図-1に写真を示す。(3)着衣面積率 着衣面積率は写真法により、表-3のように求められている。(4)実験手順 制御環境室内にマネキンを設置した。マネキンの周囲には、天井から布を垂らし、気流を防ぐとともに、室温と放射温度を一致させた。座位の場合はメッシュチェアーを使用し、自然に背もたれにもたれさせた。表面温度測定は、熱画像をマネキン正面と背面から測定した。熱画像を解析することにより、各部位の正面と背面の着衣表面温度を求め、それらを平均することにより各部位の着衣表面温度とした。実験条件としては、裸体時についてはマネキンの設定温度を20、25、30、36.5℃、着衣時については25、30、36.5℃で実験を行った。室温はおよそ15℃とした。4.結果および考察 (1)対流熱伝達率 図-2に立位の裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。裸体では、足、下腿で特に大きい。また、手や前腕でも胸や背中に比べ大きい。着衣時では、全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に頭や胸では裸体時の2倍近くになる。さらに、腰、胸、背中で温度差の増大に伴う対流熱伝達率の急激な増加が見られる。図-3に座位の裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。着衣時では、立位と同様に全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に腰、頭、胸、背中では裸体時の2倍以上になり、立位の時よりさらに大きな着衣の影響がみられる。全身でみても、立位・座位とも着衣の影響は大きい。また、立位の方が着衣時における温度差の影響が顕著である。(2)対流伝達率のモデル 表-5、6に対流伝達率のモデルを示す。モデルはべき乗則(h_c=a(v)^b)または対数則(I_<cl>=a ln(v)+b)で近似される。裸体部位別では、円筒に対するべき指数0.25に比べ、大きくなる傾向があり、結果として、全身立位が0.43、全身座位が0.59となった。着衣時では、裸体時に比べ全身立位が41%増加、全身座位では53%増加となった。(3)着衣熱抵抗 着衣熱抵抗の測定結果を図-5〜7に示す。立位では、温度差の増大に件い、着衣抵抗は低下する。特に着衣熱抵抗の高い頭、胸、背中、腰で低下が著しい。一方座位では、それらの部位を含め着衣抵抗の低下は立位と比べ緩やかである。全身でも同様の傾向がみられた。また、着衣抵抗の算出方法による差異が見られ、特に、部位別では非常に大きな差になる場合がみられる。5.まとめ 無風時の部位別の着衣抵抗と着衣表面の対流熱伝達率を着衣の表面温度計測により求めた。着衣時は裸体時に比較して対流熱伝達率の増大が認められた。特に頭、腰、胸、背中で大きくなる傾向がみられ、全身では40〜50%程度の増大がみられた。着衣熱抵抗については、算出方法による差異が見られ、特に部位別では非常に大きな差になる場合がみられた。最後に、実用に供するため、対流熱伝達率について近似モデル式を作成した。なお、本論文で求めた対流熱伝達率や着衣抵抗は通気の影響を含むものであり、同タイプの着衣にのみ適用すべきである。