広瀬 弘忠 Slovic Paul 石塚 智一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.9, no.2, pp.114-122, 1994

A Cross-cultural questionnaire survey on the perception of sixteen risks was carried out in Tokyo, Japan and Eugene, Oregon, USA in 1991. The sixteen risk items consisted of environmental risks, technological risks, epidemics, natural disasters, societal risks and political-economic risks. Samples were collected from male and female college students in both cities. Although both Japanese and American samples judged war and nuclear power plant accidents among the risks for which it was most urgent to avoid harm, other perceptions differed considerably between the two samples. The Japanese were most concerned with the global environmental risks such as global warming, destruction of forests and acid rain. The Americans rated risks such as AIDS and illegal drugs as the most serious risks in their country. The former risk orientation was global and the latter one was somewhat more localized. Females tended to have more confidence than did males in the effectiveness of efforts put forth to reduce these risk.
山中 一英
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.13, no.2, pp.93-102, 1998

The purpose of this study was to investigate same-sex friendship development within a small group of three male and eight female freshmen by the case study method. The subjects completed a questionnaire four times over a three-month period. The questionnaire included the following scales: (1) the rating of each of the group members on a 21-point-scale measuring liking; (2) the rating of the frequency with which the subjects interacted with each member on a 6-point-scale. In addition, the questionnaire included open-ended questions, in which the subjects were asked to describe each member's noticeable behavioral events, personality, and so on. Major findings obtained were as follows. The group structure based on "liking" found at the early stage did not prevail. That is, the number of persons whom the subjects liked increased as the time passed. On the contrary, the group structure based on "interaction frequency" continued for three months. In effect, the persons whom the subjects liked best were different from those whom they were always together with. It suggested that they had "doubled friendships".
李 津〓
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.13, no.3, pp.183-190, 1998

The purpose of this study was (1) to investigate the impact of perceived humor on advertising effects, and (2) to examine the moderating role of product involvement and prior brand attitude in the impact of perceived humor on advertising effects. Two kinds of printed advertisement were presented as stimuli to 91 undergraduate students. The subjects were then asked to answer a series of questions. Major findings of the study were as follows: (1) It was indicated that consumers may selectively attend to the humor and pay no more attention to the product related information presented with it. (2) Perceived humor had positive effect on advertising effects when consumer's prior brand attitude was negative, which supported distraction effect of perceived humor, and this distraction effect was stronger when product involvement was low.
福島 治
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.12, no.1, pp.20-32, 1996

The purpose of this study was to find out image types of self which university students wished to present to familiar others and to examine relationships between their self-presentation to these targets and mental health. In the study 1, ninety male students were asked to describe their self-images that they wished to present to familiar others (father, mother, same-sex friend, opposite-sex friend, and teacher). Fifteen different types were detected among the reported self-images. Frequencies of each image type were found to strongly depend on the type of target person. In the study 2, seventy-nine male students were asked to select five types from the 15 images, which they wished best to present to the targets, and to rate the degree of their being successfully presented each image. It was also found that the selection was strongly affected by the type of target person. These findings were explained in terms of Schlenker & Weigold's (1989) self-identification theory. Though most subjects assertively presented themselves in familiar relations, these tendencies correlated with neither the level of self-esteem nor of social anxiety.
金 官圭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.14, no.3, pp.123-132, 1999

The purpose of this study is to make clear shat variables influence impression formation in computer-mediated communication. The personal impressions consisted of 7 dimensions: the big five factors of personality (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness), and the communicator credibility (expertness, trust worthiness). All independent measures were composed of 27 variables of eight categories. A questionnaire of fj (from Japan) newsgroup's users was conducted by e-mail and responses of 150 users were valid. Regression analysis indicated that each personal impression was influenced by several important variables in categories of message quality evaluation, presentational style of message, perceived message function, and communication manner. We can see that impressions of communicator were formed from whatever meager cues are availabel in computer-mediated communication, even though nonverbal cues, relative to face-to-face interaction, are lacking.
五十嵐 祐
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.17, no.2, pp.97-108, 2002

The use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) technology has increased in society, and CMC is useful in making interpersonal relationships. This study investigated the effect of social skills on loneliness, based on the social network mediation model and the cognitive bias model (Levin & Stokes, 1986). The social network mediation model suggests that social skills affect loneliness through mediation by social network variables of both face-to-face (FTF) communication and CMC. The cognitive bias model states that social skills directly affect loneliness through cognitive processes. Two-hundred eleven college students (study 1) and 164 participants recruited through the Internet (study 2) completed self-report measures of loneliness and social skills in addition to instruments assessing their social networks on FTF and CMC. The results were as follows : (a) the effect of social skills on loneliness was mediated by the social network variables of FTF ; (b) CMC variables were affected by social skills, but had only weak effects on loneliness ; c social skills directly affected loneliness. The lack of nonverbal cues in CMC was discussed as a possible explanation for the weak effects of social network variables of CMC on loneliness.
山岸 俊男 渡部 幹 林 直保子 高橋 伸幸 山岸 みどり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.11, no.3, pp.206-216, 1996

An experiment was conducted to test three hypotheses concerning effects of social uncertainty and general trust on commitment formation, hypotheses derived from Yamagishi & Yamagishi's (1994) theory of trust. First two hypotheses were supported, while the last one was not. First, increasing social uncertainty facilitated commitment formation. Second, low general trusters formed mutually committed relations more often than did high trusters. Finally, the prediction that the effect of general trust on commitment formation would be stronger in the high uncertainty condition than in the low uncertainty condition was not supported. Theoretical implications of these findings for the theory of trust advanced by Yamagishi and his associates are discussed.
堤 雅雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.10, no.2, pp.95-103, 1995

The sentiment of existential "emptiness" is characteristic of adolescence. The purpose of this research is to investigate the structure of the experienced emptiness, and to explore its developmental change in early, middle and late adolescence. In the preliminary survey, 54 college students responded to the open-ended questions about the associational words of "empty", opposite meaning words, and their daily experiences of feelings of emptiness. On the base of these results, a "munasisa" (emptiness) scale was constructed with 74 items (finally 54 items), then 128 college students rated this scale. Next, this scale was administered to 82 junior high school and 87 high school students to measure the experienced levels of emptiness. The data of all 297 samples were analysed by using factor-analytic technique, and as its result, three factors were found. These factors were named (1) sense of purposelessness (inactivity), (2) loneliness, (3) negative views of self. ANOVA revealed that (1) and (3) were declined with age, but (2) had no significant age effect. Sex difference was seen only in the third factor items, and no significant interaction was found. The results were discussed in relation to the state of self in adolescence.
広瀬 幸雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.1, no.1, pp.45-53, 1985

This study proposes a tentative model of consumer's decision making in the hoarding panic and presents some evidence that in the present system of goods distribution the hoarding panic is triggered easily by less than 10% of total consumers. The toilet paper hoarding panic in 1973 in Kansai is divided into four sequential stages; precursor, outbreak, expansion, and termination of panic. Four categories of consumers, based on different decision making processes are hypothesized, corresponding with each stage. The early hoarding consumer begins to lay in a large stock from a self-reward maximization motive, anticipating the high rise in price of toilet paper by low credible rumor. The middle hoarding consumer acts by indirect support of the rumor from newspaper accounts. The late hoarding consumer rushes into hoarding from a defensive motive, strongly afraid of life without toilet paper. The no-hoarding consumer with enough stock is also dragged into the tragedy of commons, thus suffering from high price caused by panic.
和田 実 西田 智男
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.7, no.1, pp.54-68, 1992

The purpose of this study was to investigate what factors determined sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors. The scale for sexual attitudes was constructed by Wada and Nishida(1991) in the light of previous studies and consisted of three subscales (sexual permissiveness, sexual responsibility, and sexual instrumentality). As for sexual behaviors, the level of sexual experience between an opposite-sex partner and the number of contact with sex industries were asked. Personal backgrounds, parents' backgrounds, friendship, and social conscious-ness were considered to be determining factors. Subjects were 163 national university students (72 males and 91 females) and 87 private university students (46 males and 41 females). Major findings were as follows: (1) The more sexual permissive they were, the more sexual behaviors they experienced. (2) Male sexual permissiveness was determined by school record, socio-economic status of his home, and father's view of sex. Female sexual permissiveness was determined by age, commutation to university, mother's view of sex, amount of talk with family on sex, focusing on her own life and emphasis on her own senses. (3) The level of male sexual experience were determined by commanding money for a month, school record, having a lover or not, and socio-economic status of his home. That of female sexual experience were determined only by having a lover or not.
清家 美紀 高田 利武
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.13, no.1, pp.23-32, 1997

Three experiments were conducted trying to examine the self-assessment theory (Trope, 1983) in Japan. As self-assessment motivation seems to be derived from the independent construal of the self (Markus & Kitayama, 1991), it was hypothesized that the motivation will be suppressed by theinterdependent construal of the self which is ubiquitous in Japanese culture. Experiment 1 replicated self-assessment behavior, using the same manipulations as in the previous studies where the subjects felt almost no concern about interpersonal relationships. In Experiment 2, it was demonstrated that subjects displaying a high level of interdependency did not show self-assessment behavior in the conditions where interpersonal concerns were activated. On the other hand, the results in Experiment 3 did not reveal such suppression of self-assessment in the case of subjects who lacked the independent or interdependent construal of the self. These results suggested that Japanese subjects tend to inhibit their self-assessment motivation in favor of self-devaluation process.
斎藤 耕二
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.3, no.2, pp.12-19, 1988

Children and adolescents who have returned from overseas have been increasing in numbers. Their adjustment and education has become an important social concern. However, psychological research investigating their adjustment process is very limited. This study reviewed Japanese research findings and suggested methodological problems from the view point of cross-cultural psychology. Adjustment model for cross-cultural migration was criticized, for its ethocentric and pseudo-medical bias. Instead, an approach from the social skill model was suggested to be effective in developing multi-cultural competence.
山口 一美 小口 孝司
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.2, pp.83-91, 2000

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality and employment and job satisfaction as an airline cabin attendant (CA) or customer service agent (CSA). Study 1 focused on the initial employment of CAs and CSAs. Study 2 dealt with subjects who succeeded in finding work as CAs and CSAs. Study 3 considered the factors leading to job satisfaction as CAs and CSAs. The subjects of studies 1 and 2 were 154 female students in a vocational school. The subjects of study 3 were 61 female CAs and CSAs. The results of study 1 demonstrated that a greater ability to modify self-presentation was significantly correlated with being employed in these positions. In study 2, lower sensitivity to expressive behavior in others and lower social anxiety were positively correlated with being employed later on. Public self-consciousness and duplicity were found in study 3 to have significant negative correlations with job satisfaction. Consequently, these results suggest that self-monitoring is a significant situational personality that is positively related to employment as a CA or CSA.
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.11, no.1, pp.18-29, 1995

This paper reports an analysis of enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system by means of using cult mind-control techniques. The study analyzed mainly using a questionnaire administered to 272 persons of former cult members, furthermore with the use of content analysis of textbook on dogma, video tapes of the dogma and interviews wiht the former cult members. The result of factor analysis from the questionnaire data revealed that the cult mind-control techniques have produced following six situational factors for enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system; namely they are 1) restriction of freedom, 2) restriction of sexual emotion, 3) physical exhaustion, 4) avoidance of outgroups, 5) reward and punishment and 6) time pressure. It could be concluded from this result and other studies that the following three psychological factors influence the enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system that controls behavior; 1) conditioning, 2) self-deception, 3) cognitive dissonance. Furthermore, the controls of information processing operate in the following four dimensions; 1) gain-loss effect, 2) systematization, 3) priming effect and 4) threatening messages. In addition, the reinforcement of group memberships were enchanced by 1) selective exposure to stimuli and 2) strengthening social identity. It was also found that factor of physiological stress facilitates these controls.
金政 祐司 大坊 郁夫
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.19, no.1, pp.59-76, 2003

This study was conducted to examine the effects of early adult attachment styles on intimate opposite-sex relationships. In particular, this study focused on the theoretical duality of attachment. Thus, for examining the validity and adjustability of attachment styles on both relational and general distinctions, the images toward romantic love and experiences in a specific relationship were distinguished in this study. Subjects were 449 undergraduates. The results revealed that (a) "secure" individuals tended to have relatively positive images toward romantic love, showed high scores on Sternberg's three components of love, and valued the importance of the relationship highly, (b) oppositely, "avoidant" individuals had relatively negative images toward romantic love, showed low scores on the three components of love, and did not regard the relationship as important, and (c) "ambivalent" individuals tended to hold an image of romantic love as one which imposes restraints from their partner. Moreover, causal models of the influence process among variables were constructed and analyzed for each attachment style, and the results showed that three attachment styles had different influence processes respectively. These indicated the self-fulfillment of attachment styles. These results are discussed in terms of the validity and continuity of attachment styles.