金政 祐司
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-20, 2009-08-31 (Released:2017-02-20)

This study was conducted to reveal the commonality between mother-child and romantic dyads in early adults, based on the relationships between early adult attachment dimensions, emotional experiences in the relationships, and evaluation of the relationships. Participants were 209 pairs of early adults and their mothers, and 103 romantic couples in early adulthood. The main results were as follows: in both relationships, attachment anxiety was positively correlated to one's own and one's partner's negative emotion in the relationship and negatively related to one's own and one's partner's evaluation of relationships. But attachment avoidance was only related to one's own negative and positive emotion in those relationships. Moreover, the relations between attachment anxiety and one's own and one's partner's evaluation of relationships were mediated by one's own and one's partner's negative emotion respectively in both relationships. The results were discussed in terms of the self-fulfilling prophecy of attachment styles.
林 幹也
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.23, no.2, pp.187-194, 2007-11-10 (Released:2017-02-08)

An experiment (N=32) examined whether an affectively neutral attitude object which always accompanied an affectively positive stimulus in a specific context was automatically evaluated as positive only in that same context. In the acquisition phase, one nonsense shape with a colored background context was paired with positive personality traits. In the alternative condition, the non-sense shape was presented with no background color context and was not paired with any stimulus. In the test phase, the affective priming method used that shape as the prime stimulus. Response latencies for positive target words preceded by the shape with the colored background context as the prime stimulus were shorter than those preceded by the shape with no background context. This result shows that automatic evaluation for an attitude-conditioned object depends on the context that was presented in the acquisition phase.
堀田 美保
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.17, no.2, pp.83-96, 2002

This study was conducted to examine the relationships among (1) generation-gaps young people perceive between themselves and their parents' generation, (2) images of their parents' generation, and (3) story-telling by their parents about the past. A survey was conducted on 284 university students. The results showed that respondents experienced story-telling more from their mothers than from their fathers, and more about events in the respondents' childhood than about earlier events. Moreover, those who experienced story-telling from their mothers more frequently rated their parent's generation as having more vitality. A similar tendency was identified regarding the fathers' story-telling among female respondents. On hearing stories, respondents who felt pity tended to have images of toughness and those who felt envy and interest tended to have vitality images about their parents' generation. Finally, those who experienced story-telling from their mothers more frequently perceived smaller generation-gaps regarding some topics. In female respondents, more frequent story-telling from their fathers was related to smaller generationgaps. Possibilities for future research on story-telling from parents and parent-child and intergenerational relationships were discussed.
高田 琢弘 湯川 進太郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.2, pp.132-140, 2014-11-30 (Released:2015-07-24)

Effects of winning versus losing, emotional states, and perceived luck on gambling behavior were experimentally examined among Japanese undergraduates. Participants (21 males and 21 females) performed a Game of Dice Task that consisted of 18 gambling trials. Their emotional states and perceived luck were assessed before the first trial and after every trial. The results indicated that after participants experienced wins, compared to losses, their emotional state became more positive and aroused, and their perceived luck increased. Additionally, their next gambling choice became more cautious after participants experienced losses, compared to wins with cautious gambling. These results suggest that the effects of winning versus losing are significant for understanding the mechanisms of gambling behavior.
中村 佳子 浦 光博
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.15, no.3, pp.151-163, 2000-03-20 (Released:2016-12-15)

The relation between the process of social support and the receiver's trust in a support provider was examined in a longitudinal design. Support receivers were 270-freshmen at university. Support providers were their parents, a new and an old friend. Analysing questionnaires indicates the following: (1) When person was subjected to high stress level, the received support improved the receivers' trust in the providers independent of the source of support. (2) For medium stress level, disparities between the receivers' support expectation and the actual receipt modified their trust in fathers and new friends. (3) The prospective receipt of support was related not only to the previous receipt support and norm on support provision but also the receivers' trust in the providers.
橋本 幸子 尾田 貴子 土肥 伊都子 柏尾 眞津子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.3, pp.241-248, 2006-02-08 (Released:2017-02-07)

Assuming that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two aspects, we conducted this research for the following two purposes. The first purpose was to develop a scale about two aspects of sophistication in clothing/makeup. A questionnaire was given to 107 female college and university students and their 107 mothers in order to gather data on both younger and older females'. The results of the factor analysis on the data indicated that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two factor structures, "external sophistication" and "internal sophistication". We verified the construct validity between the scale and the lifestyle and habit of clothing/makeup behaviors. For the second purpose, we studied the association between external/internal sophistication and gender personality by generation. As a result of a covariance structure analysis, we found that gender identity promotes external sophistication only in younger females while androgyny promotes internal sophistication in both generations. We also found that internal sophistication promotes external sophistication only in older females.
長谷川 孝治 宮田 加久子 浦 光博
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.23, no.1, pp.45-56, 2007-08-01 (Released:2017-02-08)

This study examined the mutual influence processes between self-appraisal on the Internet and actual self-appraisal. Specifically, we researched the discrepancies in each self-evaluation, and how the degree of those discrepancies related to mental health. In a forum on the Internet, a survey with a two-wave panel design was conducted on the Web for mothers with pre-school children who were exchanging childcare information. At the time of each investigation, the actual self-appraisal (SA), the reflected self-appraisal (RSA: participants infer how a significant other evaluates them), the reflected self-appraisal on the Net (RSA-N: participants infer how a significant other in the forum in which they participate evaluates them), and mild depression were measured as an index of mental health. The result showed that the discrepancy betweerl SA and RSA-N was significantly larger than the discrepancy between SA and RSA. We further found that the level of the RSA-N score was significantly lower than that of RSA or SA. However, depression was not influenced by the lowness of the RSA-N score or the discrepancy between SA and RSA-N, but was instead influenced by the lowness of the SA score or the discrepancy between SA and RSA. Moreover, Path analysis found the self-process on the Internet. Specifically, Time 1 SA affected Time 2 RSA; in turn, RSA correlated with RSA-N at Time 2. These results suggested that the self-appraisal on the Internet was formed based on actual self-appraisal by using the Internet about an actual problem.
今在 慶一朗
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.169-179, 2013-03-31 (Released:2017-03-03)

As a result of decentralization, the role which local municipalities fill in Japanese administration has become still more important. In this research, the relationship between the perceived fairness of decision-making by municipalities and people's attitudes to the region was examined. According to conventional studies on procedural justice, it has been confirmed that people use group authority as a cue to the fairness of decision-making and their attachments to the group are strengthened according to that perceived fairness. We conducted a questionnaire survey of residents in Sapporo and confirmed that city personnel tend to become a psychological factor in the perceived fairness of municipal administration. In addition, we confirmed that people in a low-income bracket tend to strengthen their attachments to their region through perceived fairness and to hold optimistic prospects concerning their livelihood.
田村 美恵
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.3, pp.146-156, 2014-03-17 (Released:2017-02-28)

Competitive and noncompetitive relationships were imposed between the two experimentally created groups according to the minimal-group paradigm. The 236 university participants received feedback either of their own success or failure performance outcomes, or an in-group member's success or failure performance outcomes. Control participants received no performance feedback. The results showed that participants given feedback of their own performance outcomes perceived high consensus for outcomes similar to their own in the in-group (false consensus effect), but not in the out-group both in competitive and noncompetitive intergroup conditions. Participants given feedback of an in-group member's performance outcomes perceived high consensus in the in-group, while they perceived low consensus in the out-group. This contrast pattern was more salient in the competitive than the noncompetitive intergroup condition. These results revealed interactive effects of intergroup contexts and feedback information on consensus estimates.
塩谷 尚正 中原 洪二郎 土田 昭司
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.2, pp.113-119, 2013-11-30 (Released:2017-02-27)

Previous studies have shown the positive effects of collective efficacy on community collective actions. As a predictor of collective efficacy, while behavioral social connectedness has shown a positive effect in some studies, the effect of cognitive social connectedness is little known. In this study, the perceived intragroup relationship (Yuki, 2003) was applied in order to investigate the relation among perceived intragroup relationship, collective efficacy, and the intention of participating in community development. We distributed questionnaires to 500 citizens and analyzed data that were collected from 121 respondents. The result of correlation analysis showed a positive relation among the intention of participating, collective efficacy, intragroup relational cognition, and behavioral social connectedness. Furthermore, a determinate process model of the intention to participate was examined using path analysis. The results indicate that perceived intragroup relationship has a positive correlation with social connectedness behavior and a positive effect on collective efficacy, but social connectedness behavior does not have a significant effect on collective efficacy.
吉澤 英里
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.2, pp.104-112, 2013-11-30 (Released:2017-02-27)

The effects of the motivational states of public speakers, such as rejection avoidance needs, as well as the presence or absence of an audience on psychophysiological responses when expecting to make a speech were investigated. Participants delivered a three-minute speech in a room with or without an audience. Participants completed the General Affects Scales before and after the speech, and the negative affect (NA) subscale scores of the scale were used to assess their psychological state. Salivary cortisol level was measured before and after the speech as an index of their physiological response. The results indicated that speakers with high rejection avoidance needs had greater NA prior to the speech regardless of the presence or absence of an audience. Moreover, they had increased cortisol levels only when speaking in front of an audience. Speakers with low rejection avoidance needs had greater NA when speaking in front of an audience, whereas they did not show increased cortisol levels, regardless of the presence or absence of an audience. These results suggest that when a speaker expects to deliver a speech, the speaker's motivational state and the presence or absence of an audience interactively cause changes in psychophysiological responses.
原田 知佳 土屋 耕治 吉田 俊和
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.1, pp.32-39, 2013-08-31 (Released:2017-02-24)

This study investigated the effect of high-level/low-level construals and deliberative/implemental mindsets on self-regulation within social settings. High- vs. low-level construals (Study 1, n=97) or deliberative vs. implemental mindsets(Study 2, n=95) were induced in participants, using previously validated priming procedures. They were then asked to complete measures about the "value" and "cost" of the behavior, "negative evaluation of temptations," and "behavioral intention" in each conflict scenario in which social self-regulation ability was required (self-assertiveness, patience, and emotion/desire inhibition scenes in social settings). The results of Study 1 showed that participants in whom high-level construals were activated had higher primary behavioral value ratings, lower evaluation of behavioral cost, and stronger intentions than their counterparts with low-level construals. No difference in negative evaluations of temptation was found. In Study 2, mindsets had no effect on the evaluation of behavior. These results indicated that the activation of high-level construals contributes to self-regulation in the context of social conflict, while deliberative/implemental mindsets had no effect on conflict behaviors within social settings.
田崎 勝也 二ノ宮 卓也
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.2, pp.75-85, 2013-11-30 (Released:2017-02-27)

The aim of this study is to identify response styles among Japanese participants. Response style research has had a methodological concern that biased responses defined by the number of counts responding to certain category options run the risk of being confounded with item contents. Thus, following the approach delineated and outlined by Billiet and McClendon (2000), this study identifies response styles with the aid of structural equation modeling. Based on the premise that stable tendencies in response behavior are related to personality traits, the impact of response styles is partialed out from item responses by modeling a "style factor." Confirmatory factor analyses on two distinctive psychological scales found a significant effect of the acquiescence response style (ARS) on item responses. On the other hand, strong evidence of the (in) extreme response style (ERS) and the mid-point response style (MRS), often mentioned as Japanese response styles, was not identified.
田端 拓哉 池上 知子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.1, pp.47-54, 2011

The present research tests the hypothesis that if people face threats to self-worth in one domain, they will elevate their self-evaluation in another domain as compensation, and that this cross-domain compensation is more likely to occur among those with high relative to low trait self-esteem. Two studies were conducted with undergraduates using a reliving task to manipulate levels of threat to the self. Participants whose academic selves were threatened exhibited self-enhancement in the interpersonal domain regardless of the level of trait self-esteem (Study 1). However, participants whose social selves were threatened did not exhibit self-enhancement in the domain of intelligence regardless of the level of trait self-esteem (Study 2). Results are discussed in terms of the asymmetry in compensation between the intellectual and social domains.
三浦 麻子 小林 哲郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.123-132, 2016

<p>This study focuses on "satisficing" (answering behaviors in which participants do not devote appropriate attentional resources to the survey (Krosnick, 1991)) in an online survey and aims to investigate, via various indices, to what extent these behaviors are observed among students whose participation was solicited by the researchers in their universities. This study also aims to explore effective techniques to detect individuals who show satisficing tendencies as efficiently and accurately as possible. Online surveys were carried out at nine universities. Generally speaking, the predictive capability of various types of detection indices was not high. Though direct comparison with online survey panels was impossible because of differences in measurement methodology, the satisficing tendencies of university students were generally low. Our findings show that when using university students as samples for a study, researchers need not be "too intent" on detecting satisficing tendencies, and that it was more important to control the answering environment, depending on the content of the survey.</p>
小宮 あすか 唐牛 祐輔 荻原 祐二 後藤 崇志
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.133-140, 2016

<p>The purpose of this study was to examine whether preference for cooperation and competition with others differs across individuals, depending on one's cultural self-construal. In this study, 35 pairs of Japanese students first completed an Implicit Association Test to measure their cultural self-construal (interdependent <i>vs.</i> independent). They then performed a creativity test assigned to either a cooperative or a competitive condition and rated their preference for the task. The results showed that individuals who scored relatively more for interdependence were more likely to report that they would like to repeat the task in the cooperative condition than in the competitive condition, whereas individuals who scored relatively more for independence were as likely to rate their preference for the task in the competitive condition as for one in the cooperative condition. We discuss the relation between implicit–explicit cultural self-construals and competitive and cooperative goals in Japan.</p>
岩谷 舟真 村本 由紀子 笠原 伊織
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.104-114, 2016

<p>This study investigated how social norms are maintained in societies with different degrees of relational mobility. We hypothesized that (1) in high relational mobility societies, where they need to present their attractiveness to be chosen as a relational partner, people would follow social norms when they thought it would earn them a positive reputation from others; (2) in low relational mobility societies, where they need to avoid isolation in closed relationships, people would follow social norms when they thought they would be rejected by others if they did not. We also examined to what extent their reputation estimation was accurate. In particular, normative aspects of participation in community activities were investigated using a social survey. As we predicted, the more the respondents in low relational mobility societies feared rejection by others, the more they followed norms regarding participation in community activities. They tended to assume that others would give a lower evaluation to a nonparticipant than they do, which means that they may maintain the norms as a result of "pluralistic ignorance." On the other hand, we did not find a significant interaction effect between perceived relational mobility and expectation of a positive reputation. This was explained by the respondents' tendency to underestimate the possibility of earning a positive reputation by participating in community activities.</p>
二木 望 渡辺 匠 櫻井 良祐 唐沢 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.81-91, 2016

<p>The present research examined the effects of perceived entitativity on attitudes toward elderly people stereotyped as "warm but incompetent." Previous research demonstrated that "warm but incompetent" stereotypes elicit active facilitation and passive harm and emotions mediate these links. Extending previous research, we predicted that entitativity would moderate these effects because of its polarizing effect. In a study (<i>N</i>=74), we manipulated the perceived entitativity of elderly people and a relative salience of stereotypes (<i>e.g.</i>, a relative salience of their warmth) by presenting scenarios. The results showed that when perceived entitativity is high, warmth elicits active facilitation and lack of competence elicits passive harm. Furthermore, admiration mediates warmth and active facilitation. On the other hand, when perceived entitativity is low, stereotypes and behavioral intentions are not associated. The findings suggest that entitativity determines the process by which stereotypes elicit behaviors.</p>
横山 智哉 稲葉 哲郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.92-103, 2016

<p>Recent studies find that political talk influences political participation. However, as of yet, there has been no clear demonstration of how political talk translates into increased political participation. This study proposes a bridging effect, which reduces the perceived psychological distance between citizens and politics. In order to test this explanation, we collected panel data on an online national volunteer sample in November 2012 and January 2013. Findings suggest that the direct relationship between political talk and participation in governmental politics may be mediated through perceived psychological distance to politics. These findings support the bridging effect explanation.</p>