宮尾 学 原 拓志
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.33, pp.61-72, 2014

In this study we will explore a case of innovation to examine the re-invention process. Re-invention is defined as modification by users of a technology during the diffusion process. Previous research on re-invention has had three problems: there was insufficient explanation of the reasons behind the modification of technology by users, innovation was researched independent of users, and it overlooked non-user agents and other structural/material factors that have an influence on the re-invention process. In order to overcome those problems, we will apply the social shaping of technology approach in case analysis. We will also examine the applicability of this approach within this area of research. We chose to analyze the case of smart card innovation (contactless IC cards used instead of railway tickets). This case study reveals the re-invention process during the diffusion of contactless IC card technology in which multiple users modify the technology and create different smart card systems. In the process of re-invention, important roles are played not only by user organizations, but also by other non-user agents such as railway passengers and local associations of transportation companies. In addition, those interactions of agents are constrained or enabled by structural factors including competitive structure, relevant laws and regulations, regional differences in temperament, as well as by material factors such as existing facilities in railway stations and whether there are dedicated machines for adding money to the smart cards. User organizations re-invent contactless IC card technology through the interactions of those factors. Therefore, innovation does not diffuse in only direction, but is reciprocal among organizations. This case study shows that, in the process of re-invention, innovation shapes users and that users also shape innovation based on interactions among various agents and structural/material factors. Such idiosyncratic interactions create the variations in technological systems during the diffusion process. Additionally, our study will demonstrate the applicability of the social shaping of technology approach to analysis of the re-invention process.
關 智一
no.5, pp.38-49, 2000-05-30

It is considering that generally the technology strategy of the MNE (Multinational Enterprise) is "Technology Development Strategy" such as marketing and R&D. But, originally that technology strategy is a general term of "Technology Development Strategy" and "Technology Control Strategy", and we specially tend to forget the latter's existence. Then, the flow of the technology strategy of the U.S. MNE can be explained as a circulation phenomenon of that two-technology strategy historically. For example, the technology strategy of the U.S. MNE was "Technology Control Strategy (Global Patent Strategy)" from the 1960's to 1970. In those days, the U.S. MNE had worldwide technological predominance, and it was the purpose of being important to appropriate fully the returns that could be earned from the development technology. The technology strategy of the U.S. MNE changed from "Technology Control Strategy" to "Technology Development Strategy (Global R&D Strategy)" from the 1970's to 1980. In those days, the technological predominance of the U.S. MNE collapsed because a new MNE in Japan and West Germany (those days) began to gain power. For that reason, the U.S. MNE had to develop a new technology in a new method. Then, "Technology Control Strategy" is restored from the 1980's to 1990. The U.S. MNE began to aim at appropriating new development technology again because it succeeded in development of software and information technology (IT). In this paper, the flow of the technological strategy of this U.S. MNE can be named "Technology Strategy Cycle". And, the U.S. MNE had this initiative of "Technology Strategy Cycle" all the time. For example, "Technology Strategy Cycle" of the U.S. MNE keeps being followed by a new MNE in Japan and Asia as it is. In the practical use side, it is said that "Technology Hegemony" of the U.S. MNE is going on at present, too.
佐々木 将人
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.29, pp.41-53, 2012

This paper examines the effect of horizontal coordination mechanisms on coordination activity in organizations and the moderating effect of organizational differentiation. In classical research, such as the contingency theory of organizations and information processing view, horizontal coordination mechanisms are effective coordination devices for organizations. In particular, to integrate differentiated functions, horizontal coordination mechanisms are treated as crucially important. However, recent studies indicate the cost of these coordination mechanisms and emphasize the importance of organizational consensus. Based on these theoretical gaps, this paper investigates the relationships among horizontal coordination mechanisms, organizational differentiation, and organizational performance in the SBUs of Japanese companies. The result shows that (1) horizontal coordination mechanisms have a negative impact on organizational coordination activity, (2) increasing functional differentiation strengthens this relationship, and (3) increasing hierarchical differentiation weakens this relationship. These findings indicate that the functions of horizontal coordination mechanisms are different in SBUs and functional organizations.
足代 訓史 木川 大輔
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.51, pp.3-17, 2022-12-20 (Released:2023-12-23)

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problems posed to platform (PF) firms by the myopic pursuit of scale in the PF business from the perspective of the inertia that acts on PF firms in response to changes in the external environment, such as the shift in generic technology and the emergence of substitute products. Specifically, this paper examines the question of why and by what process PF firms in the information market, once having secured a sufficient number of users and complements (content) in the market, eventually end up losing users and revenue. In this paper, a case study is conducted to analyze Cookpad, a consumer-generated media (CGM)-type PF business, and a video recipe service provider that is new to the market in the online cooking recipe service market. The case analysis pointed out the existence of the following two types of inertia as problems that arise when PF firms try to expand their scale of business in response to the environmental change of increasing demand for video recipe services brought about by changes in generic technology. In other words, this paper suggests that two types of inertia, (1) the cognitive inertia of management and (2) inertia due to accumulated capabilities, may have worked against Cookpad and prevented the company from adapting to the changing environment. This indicates that the inertia created by the myopic pursuit of business scale by PF firms with market positions may delay adaptation to any changes in the environment and actually create a gap in the market that allows other parties to take advantage. For PFs with a market position, complements to their strengths can be a cognitive constraint for new business development. In particular, it is difficult to manage the content contribution activities of complements in the information market PF. Therefore, problems may occur in PF when scale is expanded.
澤野 雅彦
經營學論集 第84集 経営学の学問性を問う (ISSN:24322237)
pp.22-29, 2014 (Released:2019-09-27)

大森 信
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.42, pp.27-39, 2019 (Released:2020-03-26)

This paper attempts to historically reveal why Japanese companies have long emphasized cleaning, sorting, and organizing activities. Simultaneously, we explained theoretical significances in Japanese companies' valuing these activities from a management perspective. We have studied the relevance of cleaning, sorting, and organizing in Japanese companies by retrospect, through older documents, articles, or companies' in-house publications. We have also described how Japanese companies have historically solved their problems through cleaning, sorting, and organizing in their growth processes or continuing their business when facing various business issues, as they rename such activities as either 3S or 5S. Specifically, we studied the history of Japanese companies as private companies were initiated, and had to compel large numbers of employees who lacked discipline to work diligently. These companies had to decrease expenses after a major economic depression, improve worksite safety after work accidents and deaths often occurred, and improve productivity under harsh international competition with European and American companies. This paper has demonstrated that Japanese companies' managerial perspectives have incorporated a means-based management, which values cleaning, sorting, and organizing as a social practice. This management perspective has focused on specific measures toward cleaning, sorting, and organizing; for example, companies may discover new goals to foster the means, or solve their problems by utilizing such means according to their economic situation or current trends. We illustrated a meansbased management perspective contrary to the dominant perspective, which involves deciding the goal first and subsequently choosing from various means to achieve it. These two concepts contrast one another, yet are neither mutually exclusive nor opposing; rather, we would point out they are mutually complementary. Under stable circumstances, in which purposes can be easily decided in advance, purpose-based management ―which is dominant today― would be more effective and efficient. However, means-based management, based on social practice beyond time or location, would be highly effective in critical situations, or under highly uncertain circumstances. We would like to highlight, in other words, the danger of over-emphasizing either purpose-based or meansbased management.
平井 孝志
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.47, pp.46-60, 2021 (Released:2022-09-21)

Dynamic capabilities framework is becoming increasingly important for both sustainable competitive advantage and continuous superior business performance. In engaging dynamic capabilities, R&D activities plays an important role. Contribution of R&D investments to scale growth has been confirmed in past empirical studies, but its effect on profitability improvement remains inconclusive. This ambiguous result might be due to inadequate approaches to measuring the causal relationship between R&D investments and business performance. This study examines a dynamic model from the perspective of dynamic capabilities to understand the effect of R&D investments on profitability through an empirical analysis of large Japanese manufacturers. By introducing a dynamic capability perspective, we identified that long-term, disequilibrium development and circular logic are key attributes for understanding improvement of profitability. Our model also clarified how the impact of R&D activities on profitability should be measured. For the empirical analysis, we investigated the performance of 189 publicly-traded manufacturers in Japan over a period of 27 years from 1989 to 2015. The three major findings are (1) companies which continuously increased R&D intensity improved profitability in the long run; (2) R&D intensity generated larger impact on incremental profitability in R&D intensive industries; and (3) cycles of fluctuation were 4.1 years for R&D intensity, 4.0 years for operating income, and 5.1 years for sales. Our findings suggest that, even while the importance of open innovation is being touted, R&D intensity should be increased slightly but continuously to strengthen R&D activities to enhance dynamic capabilities and achieve higher profitability. Paradoxically, even in today's environment of uncertainty and accelerated change, companies may need to take a long-term view of managing disequilibrium development with a timespan of about 10 years, including 2 to 3 fluctuation cycles.
脇 拓也
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.48, pp.58-71, 2021 (Released:2022-12-16)

Based on the premise that humans are bounded ethical beings, Bazerman (M.H. Bazerman) and Tenbrunsel (A.E. Tenbrunsel) posit that “ethical blind spots” and “ethical breakdown” occur. Both these concepts are important, and useful, when analyzing corporate scandals. However, there are several issues regarding how to respond to the ethical issues proposed by Bazerman and Tenbrunsel. To solve these problems, this paper analyzes the two-level utilitarianism based on preference utilitarianism, also known as preferentialism, as posited by Hare (R.M. Hare) and further informed by Popper's (K.R. Popper) critical rationalism. Thus, it is necessary to make the behavioral ethics developed by Bazerman and Tenbrunsel a more logical and consistent theory. This was achieved by solving ethical problems, that occur because of the bounded nature of human ethics, through the hierarchical viewpoint of Hare, and then is further informed by Popper's critical rationalism. The purpose of this paper then, is to clarify this research. First, after considering the “ethical blind spots” and “ethical breakdown” as posited by Bazerman and Tenbrunsel based on humanity's ethically bounded nature, the problems in their theories are highlighted. Then, it was explained that to solve this problem, the two-level utilitarianism theory based on preference utilitarianism by Hare would be necessary for addressing the ethical problems that were presented. However, when the problems with his theory were considered, Popper's critical rationalism was applied to improve Hare's theory. Finally, it became possible to address ethical problems such as “ethical blind spots” and “ethical breakdown” brought about by the bonded nature of human ethics.
松尾 健治
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F45-1-F45-8, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

本研究の目的は,「レトリカル・ヒストリー(rhetorical history)」についての近年の研究蓄積の状況を検討したうえで,意図せざる結果や失敗のメカニズムといった論点が従来見過ごされてきたことを示し,今後の研究に向けた展望を提示することである。レトリカル・ヒストリーは「企業の重要なステークホルダーを管理するための説得戦略として過去を戦略的に用いること」と定義され,正当性の確保,あるいは組織アイデンティティや組織のレピュテーションの管理といった目的で実践される。しかしながら既存研究では,意図せざる結果,とりわけ失敗に関する研究蓄積が欠けていた。その理由としては,当事者が協力を忌避しがちであることや,歴史を物語る際の聴き手の反作用についての考慮が不十分であるといったことが考えられる。本稿ではこうした問題意識に基づいたうえで,今後,意図せざる結果や失敗についての研究を蓄積していく上で必要な方法論に関する考察を行う。
福原 康司 間嶋 崇 堀野 賢一郎
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F15-1-F15-9, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

安達 房子
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F10-1-F10-7, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

テレワークとは,パソコンに代表されるコンピュータとインターネットを使って,空間的・時間的な制約を克服した働き方である。テレワークには,在宅勤務,モバイル勤務,サテライトオフィスや自社オフィスなどを使った勤務形態などがある。本稿ではテレワークを,企業と雇用関係をもつ労働者の働き方という狭義の意味でとらえている。 このようなテレワークを組織マネジメントの視点から分析する視点として,本稿ではバーナード=サイモン理論を基礎にしつつ,その研究成果を受け継いできた情報処理アプローチを整理し,意味形成アプローチを展開している。本稿では,安達(2016)『ICTを活用した組織変革』を踏まえて,共通認識・共感・共有ビジョンと組織文化の関係について論及した。
藤原 雅俊
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.22, pp.3-14, 2008-10-10 (Released:2017-08-01)

The aim of this paper is to find out the untouched common research site in innovation research and Resource-Based View. So far these two types of researches have developed independently, and each of them has created many specific problems gradually. However, since they are essentially close to each other, we try to point out each problem and to integrate innovation research and RBV. To achieve this purpose, we mainly review two researches on innovation and Resource-Based View. The structure of this paper is as following; in the first section, we review papers about technological change and its impact on competition. We show that researchers rarely take account of whether established firm is diversified or not. Therefore, they fail to analyze the merit of diversified firm in adapting to technological change. In the second section, we review researches on RBV, especially dealing with diversification strategy. We present that many researchers regard a technology as given so that they tend to focus heavily on technological relationship among divisions. As a result, they rarely refer to the possibility of creating new technologies and also the possibility of losing the value of existing technologies. In the final section, we declare that innovation research and RBV have a common research site. This site stems from those two researches separately, but can contribute to both of them simultaneously. We conclude that this untouched field is not sterile but worth cultivating.
吉田 悠記子
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.45, pp.29-42, 2020 (Released:2021-09-01)

What value can startups derive from investment by non-financial companies? It has been revealed that venture capital (hereinafter VC) provides not only capital but also various supports for early growth of startups (Carpenter and Petersen, 2002). Financial companies including banks are also analyzed as the source of capital for startups, especially in terms of their differences from VC (Winton and Yerramilli, 2008; Marcus et al, 2013). In addition, the importance of open innovation is increasing (Chesbrough, 2003). Because of non-financial company’s benefits by collaborating with startups, the investment ratio of non-financial companies is still high. However, the impact caused by non-financial companies on the growth of startups has not been fully clarified in previous research. Based on the institutional logic and the resourced-based view, this study analyzed the impact caused by non-financial companies as well as VC and financial companies on initial public offerings (hereinafter IPOs) of startups. This study analyzes the data of startups that went public on the Japanese stock exchange from 2007 to 2009. The dependent variable is the period up to IPO, which is an indicator of the speed of growth of startup. The independent variables are the investment ratios of five types of investors before IPO, non-financial companies, financial companies, corporate venture capital (hereinafter CVC) by non-financial companies, CVC by financial companies and independent VC, which are indicators of impact caused by investors. As a result, it is confirmed that the period until IPO is shortened when the investment ratio of non-financial company is high. This means that the growth of the startup up to IPO was promoted earlier because of the investment by non-financial companies. The contribution of this research is that it has clarified the impacts for the growth of startup caused by non-financial companies, under the situation with several types’ investors.
中條 秀治
經營學論集 第86集 株式会社の本質を問う-21世紀の企業像 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.29-36, 2016 (Released:2017-03-23)

本報告の論点の第1は,中世キリスト教に由来するcorpus mysticum(神秘体)という概念が株式会社の本質に深くかかわるという主張である。ここではカントロビッチの『王の二つの体』という著作で展開されるcorpus mysticumが社会制度に援用される歴史的展開を概観し,corpus mysticumという概念が教会から国家へと援用され,やがて各種の永続性を志向する団体に伝播する経緯を確認する。 第2の論点は,会社観には二つの流れが存在するという主張である。一つはcompany という用語で示される「共にパンを食べる仲間」としての「人的会社」の流れであり,もう一つはcorpus mysticumという人間以外の観念体を立ち上げるcorporationという用語で示される「物的会社」の流れである。 大塚久雄の『株式会社発生史』を批判的に検討すると,ソキエタス(societas)の中心人物に匿名的に投資する分散型コンメンダ(commenda)と「会社そのもの」に投資する集中型コンメンダの二つのパターンがあることは明白である。大塚はこの両者を共にマグナ・ソキエタス(magna societas)として同じものとして扱うが,この二つのマグナ・ソキエタスは性格の異なる会社観として捉えられるべきものである。この考えを推し進めれば複線型の株式会社発生史となる。つまり,一つはソキエタスの性格を残したcompanyへの流れであり,これは合名会社・合資会社につながる。他は「会社それ自体」がcorpus mysticum として法人化するcorporation,つまり株式会社への流れである。
中川 功一 福地 宏之 小阪 玄次郎 秋池 篤 小林 美月 小林 敏男
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
no.34, pp.3-14, 2014-12-10

This study investigates a microfoundation of the structural change of business ecosystem. While previous studies point out environmental shocks and subsequent entrepreneurial behaviors, we focus on the effect of several actors' interactions within the ecosystem. By using the concept of Weick (1979)' s enactment, we build up the chain reaction framework of multiplayers' interpretation and action. Through an in-depth case study of the transition of Silicon Valley ecosystem from an IPO-centered model to a M&A-centered one, we illustrates how startups, established business companies, venture capitals and research institutes interact each other and how those interactions effect on ecosystem transition.
坂爪 裕
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
no.16, pp.95-110, 2006-04-20

The purpose of this study is to identify the mechanisms behind advantages and conditions for successful implementation of assembly cells from the viewpoint of the theory of division of labor. In this study, the implementation of assembly cells is considered as a change in the way the division of labor takes place; that is, from a functional division of labor to a parallel division of labor. Drawing on this idea, hypotheses were extracted with respect to its mechanisms behind advantages and conditions capable of tolerating disadvantages in assembly cells. By applying these hypotheses, case studies of eight manufacturing companies in Japan were conducted. As a result of case studies, seven different types of mechanisms behind advantages were identified: 1) facilitating coordination with other functions and processes; 2) accelerating learning because of the ease of understanding whole process of work; 3) reducing the loss of the division of functions and processes; 4) reducing the adjustment required to respond to uncertain market conditions; 5) reducing the adjustment required to respond to uncertain conditions within organizations; 6) attaining increased competition through the parallel division of work; and 7) reducing the diversity within the parallel groups involved. Case studies also identified seven different types of conditions capable of tolerating disadvantages: 1) tolerating the deterioration of specialized worker skills; 2) tolerating the wasteful use of resources until the workers reach a certain level of proficiency; 3) tolerating the interruption of work when switching to another function or process; 4) tolerating the restrained development of function-specific tools and equipment; 5) tolerating the restrained use of low-cost labor that is appropriate to the level of proficiency; 6) tolerating the redundancy of resources; and 7) tolerating an increased adjustment of resources shared with the preceding and subsequent processes.