バックハウス A. E.
vol.1983, no.83, pp.61-78, 1983

この小論の目的は, 現代日本語の語彙のうち, 「ぶつ」「みみっちい」 などのように, 語源的には和語でありながら, 一般の和語とは異なった特徴をもっている単語 (接辞も含む) を表出語 (expressives) と名づけ, その特徴を音韻, 表記, 意味, 文体の観点から分析し, 表出語が現代日本語の語彙の一つの語群を構成していることを主張することにある。ここでいう表出語は次のような特徴をもっている。<BR>(イ) 濁音で始まることがあり, 促音, 撥音, 拗音が現われやすい。<BR>(ロ) かな (原則として, ひらがな) で表記される。<BR>(ハ) 表出的, 感情的な意味をもつ。<BR>(ニ) 文体は話しことば的, 俗語的である。<BR>上記の特徴に注目しながら, 表出語をさらに中心的なものと, 周辺的なものとに区分けし, 代表的なものを出来るだけ多く例示してみた。
梶 茂樹
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.142, pp.1-28, 2012

梅田 博之
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1994, no.106, pp.1-22, 1994

In the Seoul dialect, the pronunciation of vowels is different according to the age of speakers, and so the vowel system is also different. Generally speaking, speakers over sixty years of age pronounce the vowel e in two ways;one is [*] and the other is [*:].The former [*] corresponds to the Middle Korean vowel e in a low or high accent and the latter [*:] to e in a low-high accent.These two vowels appear almost complementary to each other, i.e. [*] appears as a short vowel and [*] appears as a long vowel in most cases.In spite of that, I think that each of these two vowels falls to a different phoneme for the following reasons: (1)each vowel of the Seoul dialect, except [*] and [*], has an opposition of quantity in the word-initial syllable, but the sound value of a long vowel is not different from the correspnding short vowel, (2) usually, [*] appears as a long vowel and [*] as a short vowel, but there are a few examples where [*] appears as a short vowel and we can also find a few examples where [*] appears as a long vowel.Therefore I consider [*] and [*] correspond to different phonemes.Consequently, there are nine vowel phonemes, /i, e, e, a, a, o, u, i, a/;and each vowel has the opposition of quantity in the word-initial syllable in older people's pronunciation.The vowel system of speakers over sixty years of age is shown as [2] of table 1.<br>In contrast to older speakers, younger people have a very simple vowel system which consists of seven vowels, /i, e, a, o, u, i, A/. Thus we find the very interesting situation that speakers of the Seoul dialect have different vowel systems depending on their age group.This is the result of diachronic changes that have occurred over the last few decades.<br>I investigated eighteen informants who were native to the mid-town area of Seoul in 1988 and 1989 to clarify how vowels changed according to the age of speakers.The types of vowel systems shown at table 1 were found in the investigation.<br>The vowel changes according to the speakers'age groups can be pictured as shown at the table 5.<br>[*:] of groups [1] and [2] phonemically changed into [i:] in groups [3] and [4] for basic words which they learned orally in their childhood, but in literary words they borrowed [*:] from the older people's pronunciation.<br>[*:] was brought into the pronunciation of group [5] by the influence of the written language, i.e.spelling pronunciation, as language education began to follow a regulated curriculum from primary school, and additionally due to the analogical change in the verb conjugation which first occurs in this group. In group [6], [i:] and [*:] joins [*:] due to the increasing influence of the written language and in addition by the analogical change in verb conjugation.<br>In group [7], long vowels lose length and accordingly [*:] changes into [A], losing lip-rounding.<br>With respect to the front vowel opposition, group [1] and [2] have a clear distinction in initial syllables, but in non-initial syllables it hasalready disappeared as a rule except in morpheme-boundary position. Roughly speaking, most informants of groups that follow group [3] show unstable distinction even in initial syllables.<br>Considering the above-mentioned vowel change, it can be summarized that the change goes on very gradually in each age group because it occurs under the linguistic influence of elderly groups to restrain from the change and also being receded by interference of the written language and analogical change.Thus we see the reason why the different vowel systems can exist synchronically in the same speech community.
南 不二男
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1966, no.49, pp.11-27, 1966

The purpose of this study is to analyze morphophonological &ldquo;realization&rdquo; processes of morphemes in the subject dialect, and to represent the results by ordered rules.<BR>Studied here is the dialect of Kuchinotsucho, Minamitakakigun, Nagasaki Prefecture.<BR>Two phases are assumed in the description: morphological phase, and phonological phase. Three units are assumed as constituent elements of the morpheme forms: morphophoneme (keitaionso), morphophone (keitaion), and phoneme (onso).<BR>In the morphological phase, morphophones are selceted from morphophonemes depending on morphological conditions. Morphological conditions are those total conditions in which are found the morphemes constituting the environment and the morphemes having the morphophoneme as a constituent element of their forms, and includes the tactical relation between the two morphemes. The following phenomena are treated in this phase: alternation of phonemes, e. g. t-d, s-h, e-u, e-i o-u, etc. and lengthening of vowels, e. g. toru (bird) qoori (dative form).<BR>In the phonological phase, phonemes are selected from morphophones depending on phonological conditions (the selection is conditioned by the phonemic system of the subject dialect). Phonological conditions are those total conditions in which are found the morphophones constituting the environment for the morphophone which happens to appear, and the tactical (phonotactic) relation between the two morphophones. The following phenomena are treated in this phase: alternation of phonemes as conditioned by the phonemic system, e. g. t-c, d-z etc.; assimilation of phonemes in the final morae of some words, e. g.-bu+bV&rarr;-Q+bV, -bu+mV&rarr;-N+mV etc.; dropping of consonants or semi-vowels, C1C2&rarr;C1, je, ji&rarr;e, i; shortening of long vowels, CVVN&rarr;CVN, CVVQ&rarr;CVQ etc.<BR>Each realization process is represented by a rule. Each rule consits of two parts: conditions, and result. Conditions are comprised of the logical product of the environmental element, tactical relation, and other conditions. e. g.(T<SUB>1</SUB><<M) &cap;(T<SUB>1</SUB>=1) &cap;(M=T<SUB>1</SUB>E<SUB>2</SUB>) &cap;(x<SUB>1</SUB>prM) &cap;(x<SUB>1</SUB>M=II):(T1&rarr;d)<BR>In general, the application of the rules of the morphological phase has precedent over the rules of the phonological phase.
金田一 春彦
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1950, no.15, pp.48-63, 1950
神保 格
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1954, no.26, pp.1-15, 1954

Take those facts usually called Social Usage, &lsquo;Custom, &rsquo;&lsquo;Convention, &rsquo; etc. By analysing them, we find, among others, the following attributes:(<I>a</I>) Voluntary behaviour, (<I>b</I>) Mutual imitation, (<I>c</I>) Frequent repetition. We take up those facts which contain these attributes, and give them a provisional name &lsquo;Social Usage&rsquo;(or simply &lsquo;Usage&rsquo;). Corollaries to these are-1. Usage requires to be learned and memorized, to be &lsquo;taught&rsquo; by environing persons. 2. Usage is fixed in abstract, as compared with each concrete instance of acts. 3. Number of persons who know and act a given Usage is limited, thus making up a &lsquo;Usage-Community.&rsquo; cf.&lsquo;language (or linguistic) community.&rsquo; 4. Usage has a power outside of individuals, an existence that &lsquo;transcends&rsquo; individuals.(A warning is here necessary, a warning against a confusion of (a) being outside of, transcending individuals and (b) being outside of, transcending all <I>human being</I>.) 5. Usage is subject to historical change.<BR>Each individual has a memory-idea of a usage. He can realize it in actual behaviour, but a voluntary act can be checked at will, or be replaced by other voluntary acts. We combine in daily life many voluntary acts in order to attain a remote end, (non-voluntary behaviours usually accompany them.) E. g. Catching a street-car (remote end). 1st. I rise up from my seat; 2nd. walk toward the door; 3rd. open the door; etc. etc. Each act is a voluntary one, containing in stself an end and a means (muscular movements). It is, so to speak, a &lsquo;Unit&rsquo;.
石黒 魯平
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1950, no.16, pp.29-36,160, 1950

Although words stand, theoretically speaking, for their referents merely in an indirect relation, and the further advanced the language the more indirect their relations grow, yet some words are in themselves highly suggestive of their referents. Hence are noticed the so-called imitative words, i. e., echoisms and onomatopceias. In those kinds of words our Japanese notably abounds, but besides those we exceptionally indulge in another kind of imitative words: we have a good many words of Mode-Analogy as I freely call them. They are sometliins like such English words as "pall mall", "pit-a-pat", or "zigzag".In closely examining about 700 imitative words of: these three kinds, I can not but complain of the prevailing misinterpretation of their real nature, and have come to take the liberty to suggest a reformed classification of them. They are to be assorted in these three kinds: Imitanturs (模写語), c. 170, Interpretanturs (註写語), c. 80, and Transferranturs (転写語), c. 450. The last are nothing than the so-called Mode-Analogy words. They are invented by, as it were, ql."translating" anything but acoustic phenomena into sounds. This third kind may be subdivided into A. of the Impression by Object and B of the Impression by Subject, each being viewed under two headings:<BR>A,(1) of Visual Impression, c. 180,(2) of General Impression, c. 180;<BR>to B (1) of Sensory & Visceral Impression? c. 40,(2) of the Reflection, of Mental State, c. 50.<BR>The corrected interpretation of the nature of Mode-Analogy words naturally rejects the prevailing name for them, "Gitai-go"(擬能語). The name "words imitating some states or appearances" as they use it is not comprehensive enough. <SUP>s</SUP>n>Moreover, zoologists have "long used the word" "Gitai", and that in the sense of imitative state or appearance not of "imitating other states or appearances" as linguistidians invertedly intend to designate by it Learning requires as little confusion vas possible in conception?
有元 光彦
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.158, pp.1-28, 2020 (Released:2021-02-16)

平山 輝男
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1979, no.76, pp.29-73, 1979

The Totsukawa dialect (TD) shares the accent of the Tokyo type, though TD is located in the area of the accent of the Keihan (Kyoto-Osaka) type. The accent of TD is derived originally from the accent of the Keihan type. Actually, the neighbouring dialects of Tanabe, Hongu, etc. exhibit the accent of the Keihan type clearly, namely they have more accent patterns than TD has.<BR>It can be concluded that the accent of TD has been transformed from the original type of acceet which had more patterns. This conclusion is supported by historical developments and the geographical distribution of dialects in the said area.<BR>As for other linguistic features such as segmental phonemes, morphology and vocabulary, TD is similar to the dialects of Tanabe, Hongu, etc.
千野 栄一
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
no.61, pp.1-16, 1972-03
志波 彩子
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.158, pp.91-116, 2020 (Released:2021-02-16)

早津 恵美子
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.148, pp.143-174, 2015 (Released:2016-05-17)

伊藤 創
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.154, pp.153-175, 2018
