[シン] 東風
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.179-194, 2010-06-30

Earthquakes are one of the extraordinary natural phenomena that strike people with terror. Quite a few accounts of this phenomenon can be found in Buddhist scriptures, which help us understand how earthquakes, a great force of nature, were perceived in Buddhism. With precise analyses of earthquake behavior and accompanying phenomena, each of these scriptures interprets earthquakes as a desirable phenomenon for people living on earth, attributing the tremors to mysterious supernatural powers possessed by Buddha, bodhisattvas, other Buddhist deities or venerable monks. This interpretation of earthquakes as auspicious cannot be seen in other religions, and is unique to Buddhism. Given that the Zai-yi Theory in Confucianism, which developed in the same region as Buddhism, regards earthquakes as a disaster caused by deities expressing strong criticism of earthly rulers, the uniqueness of Buddhism's view of earthquakes is more clearly identified. By analyzing and interpreting earthquake-related documents found in Buddhist scriptures, this paper demonstrates that Buddhism acknowledges earthquakes not as a mere phenomenon of nature, but as a phenomenon of religious significance. In particular it shows that the causes and functions of earthquakes serve a religious purpose, and that Buddhist accounts of earthquakes represent the religion's unique perspective on this phenomenon, based on its view of world and mythology.
本間 栄男
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.47, pp.93-137, 2013-03

In this paper I examine the special features of the construction of Alexander Bain's theory of emotion by comparing it with other theories prevalent before the mid-nineteenth century. In Section 1, I outline Bain's life and the history of the publication of his well-known textbook The Emotion and the Will. In Sections 2 and 3, I consider the varying estimations of Bain's work (especially his theory of emotion) in the history of psychology. In Section 4, I discuss the Japanese translations of words related to emotion, and in Section 5, I clarify the origin of Bain's three divisions of the mind and the influence of his theory in Japan. From Section 6 to 9, finally, I examine the construction of the part of emotion in psychology books written during Bain's day and before.
徐 龍達/伊代田 光彦 伊代田 光彦
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.167-207, 2016-07-22

This paper deals with the history of academic, education and cultural exchange between Momoyama Gakuin (Osaka) and Keimyung (Daegu) University (1981-2016). Ever since they established their sister university relationship on 14 December 1981, the two universities developed multi-level exchanges among academics, students and administrative staffs and have obtained rich results. This is perhaps not only the longest but also the most worthwhile and unique example of the sister university-exchange between Japan and Korea. We explore this accomplishment by tracing the development of each individual exchange. The paper also includes (1) the prehistory of exchange agreement, and (2) professors' opinions from the perspective of Keimyung University. Finally, we have included a tentative conclusion with evaluation comments. [This issue covers Preface, Chap. 1, Chap. 2, Chap. 3, and Resources I.]
浜根 知恵/大野 順子 大野 順子
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.43, pp.121-143, 2012-11-21

The pioneering activities on the Hojyo Dunes, Tottori Prefecture, came about due to the abundant cultivation of cotton and colza that took place during the Edo period. This changed to the cultivation of mulberry with the advent of the Meiji period because of the importation of cotton from foreign countries. This Dune area was irrigated using a small artificial pond known as the beach well and it was used to draw up subterranean water it came to be called the "Wife-killer beach well" because of the intense labor it required. In the 1950's the government provided this area with irrigation facilities. With these government sponsored policies and advances in farming technologies it became possible to cultivate items such as grapes, tomatoes, melons, eddo potatoes and leeks that could be used to make monetary profit in the market in addition to more traditional crops of sweet potatoes, shallots and watermelons. Farming in this desert area, which demanded that fields be treated with artificial measures due the lack of water created a state of affairs where there had to be a switchover to growing crops that were profitable and in demand in the marketplace along with the implementation of modern irrigation techniques. This resulted in advancing cooperation simultaneous with the development of large scale management that exceeded the range of the then existent traditional community. And thus, with the introduction of modern irrigation facilities along with the elimination of excessive labor connected with the Wife-killer beach well, we also see the development of communal farming and the sharing of production and distribution activities in the area and other areas as well as the advancement of usage regulations involving water used for agricultural purposes. With this, there also rapidly came into existence, a large-scale form of agricultural management concerned with the renting and leasing of land.
卞 載雄
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.38, no.3, pp.41-59, 2013-03-29

1974年に設立されたスペインを代表するブランド,ザラ(ZARA) は親企業Inditex 社の中で最も人気の高いブランドであり,現在の中・低価格ファストファッション(SPA) 企業の代表格である。ザラは現在世界82ヵ国1900余の売場で年間2万5000点の製品を発売している。親企業であるInditex 社は2011年20兆8000億ウォンの売上を記録した世界ファッション小売業1 位の企業で,時価総額基準でスペイン第一の企業である。ザラ韓国は,2008年進出という短い期間にもかかわらず,現在27の売場を営業しており,国内売上800億ウォン(2010年),当期純利益36億ウォンと成功のうちに著しい成長を遂げている。2011年全世界の売上は12兆9976億ウォンである。この成功したザラの戦略は,強力なグローバルブランドの認知度を見ても明らかで,最近44位(2011年) に上昇した。本研究では,4Ps 戦略,競合社ユニクロとの比較,ポジショニング分析を通じて,ザラのグローバルマーケティング戦略を分析する。ザラのグローバルマーケティングが成功した秘訣は,実用的なデザインと素早い流行の反映高級イメージの構築,ブランド戦略,スピード第一主義,生産時間を最小化する秘訣,多品種少量生産方式の採用,大規模自社工場の運営,趣の異なる売場雰囲気の演出等様々なマーケティング促進技法を効率的に用いる点にある。このような戦略はSPA 競合社ユニクロ社のsimple, basic, no brand,少品種大量生産,外注依存,派遣品質管理などの戦略的な相違点を示している。ザラはこのように消費者の欲求を満たすために従来のファッションビジネスモデルを革新,つまり内部業務ルートの革新によって消費者の欲求を満たすシステムを構築して今日の成功を収めた。この点の研究に関心が高まっている。
江藤 隆之
桃山法学 (ISSN:13481312)
no.24, pp.1-34, 2014-12-22
竹中 暉雄
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.40, pp.322-269, 2011-03-30

This paper, motivated by the question of why the members of the drafting committee of Gakusei left almost no records of their work, focuses chiefly on the following four points. 1. Two poems by Hajime Uryu, a member of the drafting committee of Gakusei (one written at the time of his appointment, the other at the time of his resignation), are almost the only documents surviving that were written by members of the committee concerning their task. The poems reveal Uryu's strong dissatisfaction that the committee carried out its work with almost no sense of responsibility or team spirit, and that the original idea of "education for the national benefit" had been transformed into the idea of "education for individual benefit". If Uryu's complaint was valid, we can understand the reason why the members of the drafting committee did not talk about their work on Gakusei. 2. As the result of the situation Uryu described, Gakusei had many irregularities, not only in its main provisions but also in its Preamble, which includes the famous phrase "there may not be a village with an ignorant family, nor a family with an ignorant child". The text of the Preamble had many grammatical problems and included many historically untrue or exaggerated expressions. These problems have almost never been referred to in research on the Gakusei. 3. The problems in the Preamble to Gakusei become even clearer when we examine English versions of the text. Even the then Ministry of Education was evidently perplexed to prepare an English translation of the Preamble. 4. The new Meiji government emphasised the idea that education should be for the individual benefit in order to emphasise its position that people should not depend on the state for their educational costs. As a result, there were a number of important principles that the Preamble was unable to express. Firstly, the idea of "education for the public benefit" could not be expressed. The school charges referred to in the provisions of Gakusei began from the principle of a school district charge. Secondly, "the necessity of a uniform national educational system" could not be expressed. This system was designed in the provisions of Gakusei. Thirdly, the principle of educating people to be able to actively support the new state through their understanding of its decrees could not be expressed. The educational mission of the new Meiji state was to construct a nation governed by law.
奥山 康治
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
vol.9, pp.183-189, 1994-12-20
松平 功
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = The St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.48, pp.17-49, 2013-03-27

Although the environmental problem was once considered to be one of the important problems to affect the earth in the future, it has already now a critical issue for present people because of rapid environmental and ecological destruction. The most serious issue is the nuclear fuel problem, as we remember thedisaster of Chernobyl and of Three Mile Island, and the terrible accident that has been occurred at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan that was caused by tremendous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. People now have to ask why the gl obal destruction and the environmental crisis has developed and who is the person responsible of this critical issue. No one will be able to deny that the influence of modernization from European and American society is the major factor. If so a question will arise. As Christian countries, what kind of role has Christianity played in order to solve the environmental problems in the European and American societies? Moreover, has Christianity made an effort to perform deterrent work of environmental destruction? If so, why is the environmental issue continuing at this moment? The primary purpose of this essay will be to research the historical and ethical relationship between the factor of environmental destruction and Christianity in the West through the standpoint of Sociology of Religion. This thesis will also attempt to analyze the social structure of the West at the time of the Industrial Revolution, and to pursue people' s concepts about the environment in those days.
石川 明人
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.50, pp.113-138, 2015-03-23

Ayako Miura, the Christian novelist, once recalled that in her younger days, she was a militarist teacher. Indeed, the period of her youth spent as an elementary school teacher overlaps with Japan's wartime period. However, when Miura's autobiographical writings are analyzed in detail, it seems more accurate to say that she was not a militarist. This is because she did not consciously support militarism on the basis of sufficient knowledge or opinions about politics and the military during her days as a teacher; rather, she simply complied with and was swept along by the belligerent social atmosphere of the time. Miura's period as a "militarist" teacher can certainly be considered as a dark phase of her life. However, this does not mean that Miura's efforts within the education system of the wartime military state were either malicious or negligent. Conversely, at the time, she strove to accomplish her duties as a teacher in good faith, in the broad sense, with dedication, integrity, and sincerity. That in doing so she consequently became complicit to the evils of the war can only be termed as a lamentable paradox. Though Miura later became an outspoken opponent of war, this opposition was neither based on social scientific knowledge nor grounded in mere humanism; fundamentally, it developed as a result of her Christian faith. Through her wartime experience, Miura had become keenly aware of the fundamental weaknesses, miseries and follies of humanity as well as her own and, in her despair, turned to Christianity. In basing her opposition to war on her Christian faith, Miura failed to consider the classic quandary that religion may also be used to justify war. Nevertheless, her opposition to war is surely worthy of our attention even today.
朴 大栄
vol.41, no.1, pp.81-108, 2015-07-27

This paper discusses "the principle of dual responsibility," one of the basic principles in auditing theory. "The principle of dual responsibility" assumes that financial statements are the responsibility of the company's management and that the auditor's responsibility is to express an opinion on the fair presentation of financial statements based on his or her audit. Actually, it means the "division of responsibility." The expression "the principle of dual responsibility" seems to have taken root in auditing theory texts in Japan from the 1960s. However, it is not apparent why "dual" responsibility is refered to, instead of "division" of responsibility between management and the auditor. In addition, this expression is widely used in textbooks on auditing in Japan but it is not discussed as a principle in American texts. What's the difference between them? As complications under current accounts, there are various issues concerning accounting estimates and uncertainty of measurement. Management is required to use good judgment in the selection and application of accounting principles. Shareholders and investors require the auditor to provide much more information in the auditor's report. Whenever an auditor includes specific information on uncertainties in his report, it may be inconsistent with "the principle of dual responsibility." What is the difference between Japan and the United States in relation to "the principle of dual responsibility"? Is the provision of specific information on uncertainties in an auditor's report against "the principle of dual responsibility"? That is the theme of this paper.
鈴木 博信
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.31, no.2, pp.1-16, 1998-03-31

Western leaders and mass media, including their Japanese counterparts, quick to claim "victory" in the cold war, never took a close look at the "losers". It was assumed that Russians would take to Western forms of economic and polifical development as eagerly as they had bought Western jeans and rock music tapes on the black market. The West's, that is, our biggest mistake was to have expected more than Russia was able to become. We did not fully understand how sick Soviet society was. There was, on top of everything else, no trusted new "elite" to replace the old. A truly non-partisan civil service has always eluded Russian governments. And the so-called democrats or reformers in power are themselves nomenklatura people, their children and their acquaintances. In a word, the system never collapsed after August, 1991, despite the appearance. S. Handelman, Canadian joumalist and author of ≪Comrade Criminal≫, elucidates, in his work, that the bureaucrats and managers of the former regime acquired new capital and political strength by exploiting the legal vacuum left by departing Communist authorities. Thus, a post-Soviet mafiya emerged, in corporating (1)the most entrepreneurial element of the former nomenklatura and (2)the gangster capitalism of the new. The Comrade criminal-the personification of this new force that combines the just mentioned two elements-is now setting the rules of game in Russia. Inspired by Mr. Handelman's sardonic insight, I try to trace here, both on local and national level, though in a very sketchy way, how the nomenklatura suruives. And by drawing this sketch, I want to clarify the essence of the organisation, that had been called the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
松村 昌廣
vol.60, no.1, pp.17-45, 2018-07-30

Amid increasing North Korea’s military threat, South Korea hascontinually taken anti-Japan policy primarily on the pretext of historyissues. This behavior is paradoxical given the strong need to buttress itsnational security through foreign and security policy cooperation withJapan, or to push forward a “quasi-alliance” with the country on the basis ofthe two separate U.S-South Korea and U.S.-Japan alliances. This study is anattempt to grasp why the anti-Japan policy has been put on priority.The study will first present a comparative analysis of South Korean anti-Japan and Taiwanese pro-Japan popular sentiments as basic driver of theirgovernments’ corresponding policies. Then, the analysis will argue thatinternal security consideration has in fact overridden the imperatives ofexternal security consideration. The analytical focus will be placed on theorthodoxy and legitimacy of the South Korean state and individualgovernments in contrast to those of Taiwan, leading to understanding thepivotal importance for the former to preserve national identity as the lastbastion of national security at the very critical moment of external andinternal crises.The study will conclude that, given the current combination of externaland internal conditions, South Korea will most probably have continualresort to anti-Japan policy in the foreseeable future. This will necessitateJapan to not seek active and stable foreign and security policy cooperationwith South Korea but mere good neighborliness that is based on commonstrategic interests. Thus, Japan has to lower expectation and to fine-tuneits South Korea policy accordingly.