宮澤 克人 鈴木 孝治
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.50, no.8, pp.577-581, 2004-08

尿路結石の再発予防に対して適切な飲料物を,市販の缶またはペットボトル飲料の成分分析により考察した.また尿路結石の既往がない正常男子6名を対象にビール350ml×3缶飲酒前後の24時間尿の尿生化学検査を行い,ビールの尿路結石形成への影響を検討した.麦茶,ミネラルウォーター,オレンジジュース,ワインは尿路結石形成・再発予防に対して適切な成分を含有していた.ビール飲酒により尿量は有意に増加し,尿浸透圧と尿中クエン酸排泄量は有意に低下したが,尿中尿酸排泄量の有意な増加は認めなかった.ビールに比べプリン体カット発泡酒は容認できる飲料物と考えられるが,尿中クエン酸排泄量低下のリスクがあり,食事同様バランスを考慮した摂取が必要であるThe incidence of upper urinary stones has been increasing since World War II in Japan. One of the causes is the change in dietary habit to a more westernized diet. The consumption of animal protein, fats and oils also correlates with the incidence of upper urinary stones. The results of numerous treatments for preventing formation of calcium stones are not sufficient, and the improvement of daily life habits and dietary advice have been proposed to be important. An increased intake of fluid is of great value for patients with stone diseases, irrespective of the stone composition. We discuss whether or not non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, are appropriate for prevention of stone diseases from the viewpoint of the contents of the beverages.
若月 晶
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.51, no.11, pp.737-740, 2005-11

2001年1月から3年間に受診した亀頭包皮炎189例を,化膿連鎖球菌を分離した47例(PYO群),他の細菌を分離した93例(B群),細菌の検出がない27例(NB群),不必要のため細菌検査をしない22例(N群)に分け,臨床像と感染経路を比較検討した.その結果,PYO群は他の3群に比べて,臨床症状の膿性分泌及び疼痛,症状出現前の性的接触が多く,潜伏期間及び発症から受診までの期間が短い傾向が見られた.PYO群では包茎のない症例を7例認めた.更に,2004年1月から1年間に化膿連鎖球菌による亀頭包皮炎11例に対してamoxicillinを使用した結果,全例で治癒が確認されたBetween January 2001 and December 2003, 189 adult patients with balanoposthitis were treated in my clinic. Swab culture from the affected lesion detected Streptococcus pyogens in 47 cases (PYO group), other bacterial species including Candida albicans in 93 (B group), no bacterial growth in 27 (NB group) and swab culture was not done because clinical symptom was trivial in 22 (N group). The PYO group had a significantly higher prevalence of purulent discharge (68.1%) and local pain (38.3%), compared to the B group (25.8% and 21.5%, respectively) or the NB group (33.3% and 11.1%, respectively). Phimosis was absent in 7 cases in the PYO group. The route of infection in the PYO group was considered to be predominantly via sexual contact (PYO group 78.7%, B group 52.7%, NB group 59.3%), especially through fellatio by commercial sex worker for the majority of the PYO patients. The latent period (from sexual contact to the onset of symptoms) was 3 days or less in 40.5% and 4 to 7 days in 35.1% in the PYO group, whereas it was more than a week or not remembered in the majority of the B and NB groups, disapproving the causal relationship with sexual contact in such cases. Treatment with tosufloxacin tosilate or amoxicillin was effective in most cases of streptococcal balanoposthitis. Our results suggest that Streptococcus pyogens is one of the causative organisms of sexually transmitted balanoposthitis.
小林 裕章 金子 剛 西本 紘嗣郎 内田 厚
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.55, no.12, pp.749-752, 2009-12

Pheochromocytoma occurs in 0.1 to 5.7% of patients with type 1 neurofibromatosis (NF1). Radiological findings of pheochromocytoma are often similar to those of neurofibroma ; therefore, any pheochromocytoma should be excised in hypertensive patients with NF1. A 60-year-old male patient with NF1 was referred to this hospital for an incidentally discovered right adrenal mass, 7×6 mm indiameter. The patient had multiple benign tumors and suffered from hypertension for 4 years. Laboratory findings showed increased serum and urine catecholamine levels. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, which was enhanced by gadolinium contrast. The mass was positive for 131 I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy. A laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed. A histopathological diagnosis of pheochromocytoma was made. The patient's post-operative course was uneventful, and blood pressure was normalized. Screening of the adrenal tumor is strongly recommended for NF1 patients with hypertension, since any unfavorable events due to catecholamine such as cardiomyopathy and fatal arrhythmia can be avoided by adequate surgical intervention.

2 0 0 0 OA 46XX maleの1例

長井 辰哉 高羽 秀典 三宅 弘治
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.36, no.1, pp.91-95, 1990-01

A 37-year-old man consulted our hospital with a complaint of male infertility. He was masculine but 159.9 cm in height. His beard, axillary hair and pubic hair were all normal. The penis and scrotum were also normal, but bilateral testes were very small (1 ml. respectively). Semen analysis revealed azoospermia. Endocrinological examination showed elevated serum lactating hormone and follicle stimulating hormone level, and extremely low level of serum testosterone. Testicular biopsy disclosed severely hyalinized seminiferous tubules and hyperplasia of Leydig cells. No ovarian tissue could be detected. The chromosomal analysis revealed a karyotype of 46 XX. This case was diagnosed as a case of 46XX male. The Japanese literature of 46XX male is reviewed.
酒徳 治三郎 卜部 敏人
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.3, no.3, pp.221-225, 1957-03

True hermaphroditism is even rarer, an d the rarest form of all is true lateral form. We have had the good fortune to discover and report a case of true lateral hermaphroditism in detail. The case we are about to report is the fifty-sixth in the literature. It is the seventeenth of the lateral or alternating variety. Patient, aged 15 and reared as a boy, was admitted Dec. 14, 1953, complaining of an undescended right testicle, with malformation of the penis and urethra. We refer to the patient as "he" The body configuration conformed to t h e male type with exception of hair distribution. The external genitalia were unusual in appearance, showing well-developed down-curved phallus and a condition of complate scrotal hypospadia (Fig. 1). In left scrotum normal testicle, epididymis and seminal cord were palpable, although right scrotum was empty. There was no sign of a vaginal opening in perineum, and "he" said "he" had neither ejaculated nor menstruated. The 17-ketosteroid excretion in our case extended from 7.2 to 13.4 mg/24 hrs., it is among the lower values for the normal male in our laboratory. Retrograde pyelogram showed normal renal shadow and no evidence of adrenal tumor. At operation for right undescended testicle, an infantile ovary, small uterus and fallpoian tube with fimbriated end were discovered in groin (Fig. 2, 0, U and T), but no testicle was detected elsewhere. Panhysterectomy and a Denis-Browne type repair for hypospadia was performed successfully. Microscopic examination of sections from the removed ovary demonstrates the presence of numerous primordial follicles and a typical ovarian stroma (Fig. 3). Histological finding of uterus is illustrated in Fig. 4. Subsequently we discovered a vaginal orifice opening into the posterior urethra, and its smear replesented typical vaginal epitheliar pattern (Fig. 5). A left spermatocystogram showed a rudimentary Seminal bladder and simultaneous vaginogram showed bicorna .te vaginal contour (Fig. 7, S and V). A biopsy of the left gonad in the scrotum showed a mature tissue of testicle (Fig. 6). On Feb. 1, 1954, an amputation of vagina was done. Taking the g ross and microscopic features into account, it would seen that there are reasonable grounds for regarding the case as one of true lateral hermaphroditism. (Read at 47th Anual Meeting, Kinki Section of Japan Urological Association, Osaka, Japan, June 6, 1954.)
武村 政彦 井﨑 博文 小森 政嗣 仙崎 智一 布川 朋也 山本 恭代 山口 邦久 中逵 弘能 高橋 正幸 福森 知治 金山 博臣
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.59, no.2, pp.91-95, 2013-02

A 61-year-old woman was referred to our department with a diagnosis of left solitary adrenal metastasis from cervical cancer in September 2011. She presented with postmenopausal bleeding in September 2010. The patient received seven courses of paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) and carboplatin (6 mg/GFR+25) for stage IV cervical cancer with paraaortic, bilateral common iliac, mediastinal lymph node metastases and left adrenal metastasis from October 2010 to April 2011. Paraaortic radiation (50.4 Gy) was subsequently administered from May 2011 to July 2011. Abdominal nonenhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed a left 26×21 mm adrenal mass with regular margins (attenuation values 53 HU). On enhanced CT, the mass showed heterogeneous enhancement. F fluoro-2-deoxy D-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/CT images showed moderately increased FDG-avid uptake in the left adrenal tumor which was high enough to be suspicious of malignant tumor (standardized uptake value max : SUVmax 6.8). There were no other foci of pathologic uptake of FDG in the whole body. The plasma endocrinological examinations was all normal. Left laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed. The final pathologic evaluation revealed adrenal cortical adenoma.
松本 成史 島田 憲次 細川 尚三 松本 富美
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.43, no.8, pp.593-596, 1997-08

9歳女児,7歳女児.「トイレの花子さん」というどこの学校にも存在するうわさ話・怪談の為にnonneurogenic neurogenic bladder(Hinman症候群)の初期像ともいえる臨床症状を示した症例を経験したTwo girls aged 6 and 7 years old with established urination habit complained of daytime incontinence and deterioration of nocturia after they started school life. They were quite afraid of the lavatory and sometimes skipped urination during school time completely. Voiding cystography revealed bladder trabeculation and vesicoureteral reflux. On cystometry, bladder compliance was preserved with no uninhibited contraction. Ghost tales about labatories, such as "the tale of Ghost Hanako," prevail in almost every elementary school in Japan. In some children, especially schoolgirls, lavatory phobia results in dysfunctional voiding. Such "Ghost Hanako's syndrome" may be an early phase of non-neurogenic neurogenic bladder (the Hinman syndrome). Detailed information regarding school life and urination habit is important for the treatment of this entity.
福原 慎一郎 川村 憲彦 角田 洋一 今津 哲央 原 恒男 山口 誓司
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.53, no.11, pp.829-831, 2007-11

33歳男性。患者は血尿および失神を主訴に近医を受診, 救急入院となり, 膀胱鏡にて球部尿道に出血を伴うびらんを認め, 精査加療目的に著者らの施設へ紹介入院となった。静脈性腎盂造影・腹部CTおよび生検では異常所見は認められず, 陰茎MRIにて外因性による尿道損傷が疑われた。一方, 失神の原因検索を行うも明らかな異常所見は認めず, 入院後も尿道よりの出血を伴う失神発作を繰り返した。失神する場所が常に個室トイレであること, バルーンカテーテル留置中は尿道出血だけでなく失神発作も起こさないこと, 明らかな原因疾患がないことより, 自慰行為を含めた自傷行為が強く疑われた。確定診断には至らなかったが, 繰り返す出血に対し対症療法にて経過観察を行ったところ, 偶然ウエストポーチの中より血液の付着した塗り箸がみつかり, これによる自傷行為と判明した。精神科による検査の結果, ミュンヒハウゼン症候群の診断に至り, 患者は精神病院へ転院となった。A 33-year-old man presented with urethral bleeding and syncope. Urethroscopy revealed erosive lesion with bleeding at bulbar urethra. Magnetic resonance imaging, biopsy, and blood examination were performed, but the cause of urethral bleeding was not identified. By accident, chopsticks with blood ware detected in his ward. It was revealed that urethral bleeding was caused by self-mutilation with chopsticks. He consulted a psychiatrist, and was diagnosed with 'munchausen's syndrome'.
金子 茂男 水永 光博 宮田 昌伸 八竹 直 松田 久雄 杉山 高秀 朴 英哲 栗田 孝
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.37, no.11, pp.1361-1366, 1991-11

正常成人の夜間の陰茎勃起現象は,1時間20~25分ごとに約20~40分間生じている.勃起時の陰茎の周径は約4 cm太くなり,硬さは約85%(RigiScanの硬度指標)であった.夜間陰茎硬度・周径連続測定方法によりインポテンスの診断,とくに器質性,機能性勃起不全の鑑別は信頼度の高いものになると思われる
尼崎 直也 栗田 孝
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.50, no.8, pp.573-575, 2004-08

池田 龍介 鈴木 孝治 田中 達朗 谷口 利憲 白岩 紀久男 卞 在和 津川 龍三 中村 武夫 岩佐 嘉郎 田近 栄司
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.30, no.2, pp.183-189, 1984-02

当科において1974年より1981年までの7年4ヵ月,富山県立中央病院泌尿器科において1961年より1981年までの20年11ヵ時間と経験した尿路結石のうち,赤外線分光分析が行なわれた1514結石についてマイクロコンピューターを用いて臨床的分析を試みた.男子930例,女子344例,年齢は1歳より90歳に及び平均は男子44.7歳,女子41.6歳であった.結石成分分析には日立赤外線分光光度計EPI-G3型を,マイクロコンピューターとしてはSHARP MZ-80Cを用い,年齢,性別,発生部位,内層成分,外層成分,血清電解質,尿中電解質などを入力し,color display, green display, printer, X-Y plotterに出力,表示させた.4年前に報告した300個の結石における成績と比較すると,若干の変化が見られ,年齢分布において腎結石,膀胱結石含有患者の老齢化の傾向が認められたIn our laboratories, more than 1,500 urinary calculi have been analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. These data were statistically analyzed by microcomputer. The most frequent type was calcium oxalate combined with calcium phosphate, followed by pure calcium oxalate and magnesium ammonium phosphate combined with calcium phosphate. In particular, the composition of magnesium ammonium phosphate combined with calcium phosphate increased as compared with that four years earlier. Four years ago, we spent one month to statistically analyze 300 urinary calculi. But in this study, only sixteen days was required to analyze 1,500 urinary calculi by using a microcomputer.
石川 英二 川喜多 睦司
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.50, no.5, pp.305-308, 2004-05

14年8ヵ月間の包茎症例242例のうち48例について包茎の程度の経時的変化を検討した.包皮口は思春期前後に開大し,亀頭の露出症例が増えた.2年以上経過を診た包茎の包皮口は発育と共に開大し,外科的処置治療の必要性はないと考えられたThe natural course of preputial development is still not clearly understood. The preputial retractability was evaluated in 242 Japanese boys. The incidence of having a retractable prepuce gradually increased with age from 0% at age 1 year to 77% by the age of 11 to 15 years. In 48 boys, preputial development was followed up for 2 to 10 years with the self-retract maneuver. Non-retractable prepuce was found in 9 boys, which then became retractable within 2-7 years. The prepuce became retractable in most of the boys with balanoposthitis. In conclusion, forced retraction or circumcision is unnecessary for phimosis in boys with or without balanoposthitis.
宍戸 俊英 三浦 一郎 渡辺 和吉 野田 治久 林 建二郎 桶川 隆嗣 奴田原 紀久雄 東原 英二
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.51, no.11, pp.731-735, 2005-11

尿膜管疾患14例について検討した.その結果,尿膜管膿瘍は10例で,臨床症状は下腹部痛/臍部排膿と発熱が多く,尿細胞診はclass IIが最も多かった.尿膜管癌は4例で,全例に無症候性肉眼的血尿が見られ,class IIは2例で,血清腫瘍マーカーの上昇を3例に認めた.尿膜管膿瘍では腹部エコー及びMRIを施行した症例では全例で病巣部を描出することができ,T2強調画像で低信号を呈したが,尿膜管癌では内部不均一な等~高信号であった.尿膜管膿瘍の8例に尿膜管摘除術を施行し,尿膜管癌3例には骨盤内リンパ節郭清と尿膜管摘除及び膀胱温存のため膀胱部分切除術を行った.尿膜管癌の2例のみ再発を認め,両症例共に癌死したが,尿膜管膿瘍では再発は認めなかった
武本 征人 奥山 昭彦 坂口 強 宮川 光生
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.20, no.9, pp.595-598, 1974-09

In 1959 O'Donnel suggested that inadequate rupture of the hymen might be a cause of recurrent inflammation of the female lower urinary tracts. In our clinic, 28 female patients, who have urethral-hymenal fusions and repeated complaints of cystitis following coital activities, have undergone hymenoplasty. No exacerbation of such post-coital cystitis has been experienced in 22 out of 23 cases who have been followed for more than twelve months postoperatively.
松田 知己 山田 幸隆 三宅 弘治
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.40, no.10, pp.893-895, 1994-10

平井 耕太郎 喜多 かおる 三賢 訓久 藤川 直也 北見 一夫
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.51, no.4, pp.283-286, 2005-04

14歳.学校の健診で膿尿を指摘され受診した.1日15~20回程度の頻尿および1日に2~3個のパッド使用を要する尿失禁を自覚していた.排尿性尿路造影で骨盤内に6cm程度の円筒形と考えられる異物を認めた.問診では1年前にスプレー缶を自分で腟に挿入し,抜去しようとしたところキャップが腟内に残ったまま抜けてしまい,そのまま放置していたとのことであった.膀胱造影で膀胱後方への造影剤溢流を認め,膀胱腟瘻が示唆された.用手的に異物の除去を試みたが不可能であったため,全身麻酔下に腟内異物除去および経腟的膀胱腟瘻閉鎖術を施行した.腟内を膀胱鏡で観察すると腟口から約2cmのところに異物が認められ,非観血的に摘出できた.膀胱腟瘻は閉鎖術後3ヵ月で再発したため経腹的閉鎖術を施行し,以後再発はないA 14-year-old girl was referred to our hospital with severe pyuria pointed out in a school health check up. An intravenous pyelography and a cystography revealed a foreign body in the pelvic region outside the bladder and pooling of contrast medium in the vagina. Conputed tomography confirmed the foreign body in the vagina. About 1 year earlier, she inserted a hair spray can into the vagina but could not remove its cap. Under the diagnosis of vesicovaginal fistula due to vaginal foreign body, the cap was removed manually and transvaginal repair of the vesicovaginal fistula was performed under general anesthtesia, but it recurred twice. Finally, she underwent successful abdominovaginal repair of fistula. Although a variety of self-introduced objects in the vagina illegally used as a means of sexual gratification have been described, a vesicovaginal complication is very rare.
平井 耕太郎 喜多 かおる 三賢 訓久 藤川 直也 北見 一夫
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.51, no.4, pp.283-286, 2005-04

坂本 亘 川島 秀紀 西島 高明 千住 将明 成山 陸洋 岸本 武利 前川 正信
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.33, no.12, pp.2095-2102, 1987-12

This is a case report of a 5-year-old girl with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) who had clitoral hypertrophy and vagina opening at verumontanum between the bladder neck and external urethral sphincter. Female pseudohermaphroditism with CAH is the most common type of intersex problem seen in children. In females with this disorder, the internal genital organs are usually normal, but variable degrees of virilization can be observed externally. We discussed the indication of the surgical correction of ambiguous external genitalia in this syndrome in view of sexual function and cosmetic problems.
時実 昌泰 竹内 正文 水谷 修太郎 紺屋 博暉
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.11, no.2, pp.129-135, 1965-02

A case of interstitial cell tumor of the left tes t is in an eleven year old boy with bilateral gynecomastia, atrophy of the right testis, small penis and female-like skin is reported. No pseudopsychosexual precocity commonly seen in prepuberal case was noted except for rapid growth in height and weight and slight occurence of pubic hair. Urinary 17-K e tosteroid excretion was within normal range. F r iedman reaction was negative. Estrogen excretion was not determined. The specimen demonstrated both m acroscopic and microscopic characteristics of interstitial cell tumor of the testis. So far within two m o nths after orchidectomy, the right testis is rapidly increasing in size. But other changes are not yet remarkable.
天野 俊康 今尾 哲也 竹前 克朗 岩本 晃明 馬場 克幸 山川 克典 中澤 龍斗 吉田 勝美 杉森 裕樹 田中 利明 方波見 卓行 田中 政巳 テストステロン軟膏共同研究グループ
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.53, no.1, pp.25-29, 2007-01

男性更年期障害(LOH)で暫定的指標として定めた値である血中総テストステロン(TT)3.18ng/ml, 遊離型テストステロン(FT)10.0pg/ml未満を示した50名(年齢34~81歳)を対象としたが解析可能は36名であった。調査項目のCut off値を定め, 男性更年期障害の症状スコア(AMS)総得点50点未満の軽/中等症25名と50点以上の重症11名, TT3.18ng/ml以上の高値12名と未満の低値24名, FT7.3pg/ml(YAM値の50%)以上の高値20名と未満の低値16名, FT9.1pg/ml(YAM値の60%)以上の高値7名と低値20名を重症度分類で2分割し比較した。男性ホルモン軟膏使用前後におけるAMS, 国際勃起機能スコア(IIEF5), 健康調査票(SF-36)変化ではAMSの心理ドメイン, SF-36の体の痛み(BP), 社会生活(SF), RE日常的役割においてAMSスコアが高い重症群に, より改善が見られ有意差を認めた。また, TT値の高値群においてSF-36のBPに, より改善が見られたがその他に有意差は認められなかった。