奥田 和子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編 = Studies in human sciences (ISSN:13471228)
no.41, pp.57-70, 2005-03-18

Our country has long lived on rice. However, meat consumption has gained in quantity during the last half-century. The eating of meat has been growing in popularity. It differs completely from eating food from vegetable matter. Here arise several points for discussion: 1. Killing animals is an act of cruelty. 2. Since the amount of energy needed in producing meat is ten times greater than that for producing grain, the productivity of meat production is lower than that of grain. Grain can feed far more people than meat. As a large swell in the population of the world is expected, we will surely face a shortage of food. 3. Eating meat intakes not only protein, but also animal fat. It is injurious to our health. It can cause obesity, heart disease, cerebral blood problems and cancer. 4. It may be difficult to avoid infections such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, foot-and-mouth disease and chicken influenza in raising cattle or pigs and breeding chickens. Such affected animals are not fit for providing a steady supply of food. Plants and grain are better qualified as food sources. 1 looked over the Bible to pick up some ideas about the contract between God and man, His ideas on eating meat, and the co-existence between man and animals. Here I have followed up the Book of Genesis, which consists of fifty chapters. The contents of the Book of Genesis are as follows: the Creation of Heaven and Earth, the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, from Adam to Noah, the Flood and Noah, the New World Order, the Tower of Babel and the Family Tree of Abraham, the Story of Abraham and the First Half of the Life of Isaac, the Latter Half of the Life of Isaac and the Story of Jacob, the Family of Esau, the Last Blessing and Death of Jacob, and the Death of Joseph. Finally, I came to understand "what" and "how" man eats, how man eats "meat" and how "created man, plant and animal" can co-exist.
郷良 淳子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編 = Studies in nursing and rehabilitation (ISSN:18825788)
no.4, pp.181-187, 2010-03-18

吾妻 知美
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編 = Studies in nursing and rehabilitation (ISSN:18825788)
no.5, pp.1-11, 2011-03-18

前田 勇子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編 = Studies in nursing and rehabilitation (ISSN:18825788)
no.4, pp.211-221, 2010-03-18

三次救急医療機関において入院治療を受けた重度外傷患者を対象に外傷体験が心理面に及ぼす影響を検討した。切断指・肢、多発外傷、多発骨折などの患者58名を対象として、退院後3~10ヵ月目にアンケート調査を行い、30名(51.7%、男性21名、女性9名)から回答を得た。Impact of Event Scale-Revised(IES-R)は、19.6±15.9点であり、25点以上の強いストレス下にある患者は33.3%であった。Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale(HADS)の不安は4.6±2.7点、抑うつは4.9±3.8点であり、不安、抑うつの可能性がある8点以上の患者はそれぞれ16.7%、23.3%であった。仕事・家事への復帰、趣味・娯楽活動の再開、退院後のセルフケア、生活の満足度は、それぞれHADS抑うつと関係した。重度外傷患者では、退院後も長期にわたり心理的ストレス、不安、抑うつが生じることから、患者の心理面をふまえたサポートの重要性が示された。
前田 勇子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編 = Studies in nursing and rehabilitation (ISSN:18825788)
no.4, pp.211-221, 2010-03-18

三次救急医療機関において入院治療を受けた重度外傷患者を対象に外傷体験が心理面に及ぼす影響を検討した。切断指・肢、多発外傷、多発骨折などの患者58名を対象として、退院後3~10ヵ月目にアンケート調査を行い、30名(51.7%、男性21名、女性9名)から回答を得た。Impact of Event Scale-Revised(IES-R)は、19.6±15.9点であり、25点以上の強いストレス下にある患者は33.3%であった。Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale(HADS)の不安は4.6±2.7点、抑うつは4.9±3.8点であり、不安、抑うつの可能性がある8点以上の患者はそれぞれ16.7%、23.3%であった。仕事・家事への復帰、趣味・娯楽活動の再開、退院後のセルフケア、生活の満足度は、それぞれHADS抑うつと関係した。重度外傷患者では、退院後も長期にわたり心理的ストレス、不安、抑うつが生じることから、患者の心理面をふまえたサポートの重要性が示された。
奥田 和子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編 (ISSN:13471228)
vol.42, pp.81-93, 2006-03-18

According to the Book of Genesis, the food that God gave to human beings was "vegetable food - plants with seeds, namely grains and fruit". However, after Noah's flood, God gave human beings permission to eat meat, with some restrictions. The Book of Deuteronomy 12: 20-22 says as follows: You may eat as much meat as you want". It is said to be a compromise given to human beings by God. I concretely considered how this compromise was carried out. I examined the history of meat-eating after Genesis through the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. I came to the conclusion that meat was eaten in exact accordance with the regulations which God established. Fundamentally people were requested to be sacred in the context of God's sacredness. Meat-eating was no exception and was treated within the frame of sacredness. In concrete terms, the regulation was strict not only about the kinds of meat, but also "where", "who", what" and "how much". Meat was the offering to God at the ritual service. Some of the meat offered to God was burnt, but in most cases the remainder was eaten by the people in the company of God, in the tent. People arrived at compensation, atonement, or reparation in the presence of God. Meat was eaten for justifiable reasons, not by the people's thoughtless free will.
奥田 和子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編 (ISSN:13471228)
vol.43, pp.79-89, 2007-03-20

The Book of JOSHUA describes the deeds of Joshua, the successor of Moses. The crossing of the Jordan and the conquest of Jericho, also the total sovereignty established by the tribes. The Book of Judges is to show that the fortunes of Israel depended upon the obedience or disobedience of the people to God's law. Whenever they rebelled against him, they were oppressed by pagan nations ; when they repented, he raise up judges to deliver them. The Books of Samuel comprise the history of about a century, describing the close of the age of the Judges and the beginning of monarchy in Isral under Samuel and David. So far, having described about meat-eating, animal, (2, 3, 4), here, I would like to continue todescribeon the meat-eating, and animal in the Book of Joshua, the Book of Judges and the Books of Samuel of the Old Testament.