立花 希一 TACHIBANA Kiichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.64, pp.33-44, 2009-03-01

This paper has two aims. The first is to warn Japan against making the same mistakes made by the Israelites of ancientIsrael in their choice of government. After the Exodus, because the people were sovereign, they initially had the opportunityto choose their form of government using democratic procedures. The government they chose, however, wasanti-democratic theocracy, and they eventually abandoned their popular sovereignty. Their choice, therefore, may be describedas democratic suicide.The second aim of the paper is to integrate a desirable theory of sovereignty with Popper's theory of democracy inwhich all kinds of (unchecked) sovereignty are rejected. The integrated theory of democracy proposed in this paper willbe suitable for the idea of democracy as popular sovereignty in Japan, which is prescribed in the current Japanese constitution(Minshushugi in the sense of Kokumin-shuken or Shuken-zaimin).
藤井 慶博 高橋 省子 門脇 恵 FUJII Yoshihiro TAKAHASHI Shoko KADOWAKI Megumi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. Educational sciences (ISSN:24334952)
vol.73, pp.79-85, 2018-02-23

A questionnaire-type survey on the function of special needs schools as resource centers for students with health impairments was conducted on such schools nationwide. The results showed differences in implementation, and depended on whether the school had been established as an independent entity, a branch, or created alongside other educational facilities. While counseling and information services to faculty members were found to be extensive, few specific actions to support the students are being taken. According to the survey, "improvement in specialization as teachers at such schools," "greater understanding toward their function as a resource center," "closer coordination with relevant organizations," etc., were listed as solutions necessary to enrich these schools’ function as a resource center. To implement these solutions, greater support from administrative authorities is necessary, along with systematic improvement of the schools and coordination with relevant organizations.
高田屋 陽子 小山 高志 清水 潤
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. Educational sciences (ISSN:24334952)
vol.73, pp.41-46, 2018-02-23

秋田県内の特別支援学校においては,教員の「各教科等を合わせた指導」の授業力向上を目指し,基礎研修, 授業実践,授業研究会等を効果的に関連させることで,担当教員の授業力を向上させるとともに,その成果 を各特別支援学校において共有し,学校全体において実践的な授業力の向上を図る「授業改善プロジェクト」 に取り組んできている。平成28年度は「遊びの指導」に取り組み,指導の要点について共通実践することで 指導の充実を図った。本研究では,この取組について報告するとともに,プロジェクト型研修の有効性と課 題について検討した。
和泉 浩 IZUMI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.71, pp.25-36, 2016-03-01

There has been a flurry of studies on senses, sound, hearing and listening, alongside of studies on body, inhumanities and social sciences since the early 1990s. These studies reconsider the modern visualist paradigm,hegemony of vision and modernity through excavating other senses ― hearing, touch, taste, smell ― in varioussocial, historical and cultural contexts, therefore they share aims, concepts and theoretical frameworks with postmodernism,post-structuralism, gender studies, queer studies, post-colonialism, spatial-turn. This paper outlines thesociological perspective on relationships between senses and society, sees viewpoints of recent studies on senses,especially sound studies in a sociological light, and sheds light on the problems relating to ‘alternative’ ways ofthinking and ‘reflexivity’ ― positioning and accounting for own positions and questions ― which is insisted as animportant point of sensuous scholarship and sound studies. Including this abstract, studies on senses are obsessedwith visualist concepts and metaphors, and ‘alternative’ ways of thinking and ‘reflexivity’ should confront thisthorny problem which might not be solved by constructivism, contextualism and thought of ‘in-betweenness’which apparently deny dualisms. This paper also points out that sound studies must take seriously Judith Butler’sassertion: ‘It would make no sense to define gender as the cultural interpretation of sex, if sex itself is a genderedcategory’, in order to reconsider dualisms; nature and society, sound and auditory culture, body (matter) andsociety, and sound studies should reflect its naturalistic name.
和泉 浩 IZUMI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences (ISSN:24334979)
vol.73, pp.11-21, 2018-02-23

The purpose of this paper is to consider Tim Ingold’s four objections to the concept of The purpose of this paper is to consider Tim Ingold’s four objections to the concept of soundscape, in order to reconsider the concept of soundscape in relation to the concepts of light, sound, landscape, related to sound studies, study of visual culture and auditory culture. Ingold thinks ‘the concept of sound scape would be better abandoned’ based on the four reasons. This paper points out six problems with Ingold’s objections. (1) Ingold defines sound as ‘I can hear’ depending on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and he also situates sound as ‘medium’, but he does not explain the relationship between Merleau-Ponty’s ‘il y a’ and James Gibson’s ‘medium’. ‘il y a’ and ‘medium’ are different. (2) Phenomenological existential conditions are fundamental in a sense, but cultural, social and historical contexts or conditions of sound, light and ontology should be considered. (3) Sound and light have different aspects. (4) His strong nostalgia for nature and past causes narrowing experiences of sound and soundscape. (5) Although he criticizes the confusion of ‘scape’ with ‘scope’, he confuses them in his argument. (6) One can explain nothing in the pure fluxes of medium, distinctions must be made to say something.oundscape, in order to reconsider the concept of soundscape in relation to the concepts of light, sound, landscape, related to sound studies, study of visual culture and auditory culture. Ingold thinks ‘the concept of sound scape would be better abandoned’ based on the four reasons. This paper points out six problems with Ingold’s objections. (1) Ingold defines sound as ‘I can hear’ depending on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and he also situates sound as ‘medium’, but he does not explain the relationship between Merleau-Ponty’s ‘il y a’ and James Gibson’s ‘medium’. ‘il y a’ and ‘medium’ are different. (2) Phenomenological existential conditions are fundamental in a sense, but cultural, social and historical contexts or conditions of sound, light and ontology should be considered. (3) Sound and light have different aspects. (4) His strong nostalgia for nature and past causes narrowing experiences of sound and soundscape. (5) Although he criticizes the confusion of ‘scape’ with ‘scope’, he confuses them in his argument. (6) One can explain nothing in the pure fluxes of medium, distinctions must be made to say something.
立花 希一 TACHIBANA Kiichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.71, pp.37-49, 2016-03-01

This paper considers how we distinguish between authoritarian and critical societies. The critical tradition ischaracterized by a negative attitude toward surreptitious changes. A society may therefore be called critical if it isalert to any surreptitious changes. Is this the case with Japanese society?
森田 信博 MORITA Nobuhiro
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
no.58, pp.65-73, 2003-03-01

The purpose of this study is intended to investigate progress of Budos(japanese military arts, chiefly Kendo and Judo) in Akita prefecture in Meiji era. The national institute of gymnastisc insistes upon normal gymnastics for school physical education. After 1886 military gymnastics were used inschools as teaching materials, too. But traditional Budos were not adopted as indispensable teaching materials in Meiji and Taisho era. Conclusions of this study are following.1. Tradional Budos were adopted as teaching materials in number of lower secondary school in Akita.And after 1906 Budos were used as indispensable materials.2. Budos were more popular as extra-curricular activities(club) that extensively executed interclass and interschool matchs.3. The participants of interschool Budo meeting (Kendo and Judo) increased every year. This meetingwas most important aim among all students in Akita.4. The encouragement plans for Budos in Akita made Budos more popular in School and local society.
徐 志嘯 石川 三佐男
秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要 (ISSN:13449214)
no.26, pp.89-99, 2004-04

本研究は平成十五年度秋田大学教育改善推進費の助成を得て行った合作研究「日本亜州文化研究」の成果である。それを踏まえての徐による秋田大学教育文化学部における学術講演、二十日余に及ぶ徐と石川の意見交換が基本になっている。ちなみに本論考で扱った赤塚忠先生は、石川三佐男の大学院時代の指導教官である。東京大学教授・日本中国学会理事長等を歴任されるなど、日本を代表する中国思想・哲学・文学研究者として世界的に知られる。本論考の主な内容は以下の通りである。一、楚文化の起源とその特徴 : 1、特有の楚文化、2、楚文化形成の原因、3、楚文化を切り開く段階、4、楚庄王と楚文化の繁盛、5、呉起変法と楚文化の変化、6、楚文化の特徴と歴史中の位置、二、赤塚忠先生の楚辞研究 : 1、赤塚先生について、2、赤塚忠先生の楚辞研究の内容と方法、3、赤塚先生の楚辞研究の特点と貢献