鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.205-223, 2020 (Released:2020-03-17)
2 1

In 2012, a high school student who was the captain of a school basketball team committed suicide after suffering repeated corporal punishment from the head coach, who was a physical education teacher. This sort of tragic incident always prompts discussion about the current state of Japanese sports clubs. However, although such incidents occur repeatedly, Japan has not been able to eradicate violence in sports clubs. The purpose of the present study was to examine the reasons why Japanese society has tolerated corporal punishment by coaches or seniors in sports clubs, focusing on a popular belief that the roots of these practices lie in behavioral patterns that were prevalent in the old Japanese military during the Second World War. Initially, the paper proposes reasons why many people in Japanese society have believed and shared this view for a long time, although it has not been proven. Secondly, an attempt is made to reveal this as a problem for ordinary people who have consciously or subconsciously accepted corporal punishment as an intrinsic aspect of sports clubs, rather than considering it as an issue specifically for coaches or seniors. The following points were clarified: 1) For critics of corporal punishment, the “military origin theory” supports their opinions powerfully. Because this logic demonstrates the relationship between sports clubs and the old military, it is able to emphasize the problematic and inhuman nature of corporal punishment in sports clubs. This is one explanation for why this belief has been shared by many Japanese people for so long. 2) The “military origin theory” is a way of shifting the responsibility for violence in sports clubs away from the perpetrators. This has been supported by the general feeling of Japanese ordinary people against the old Japanese military. 3) The existence of violence in sports clubs reflects a degree of maturity in the general public viewpoint about sports by a considerable proportion of Japanese who do not or can not distinguish between hard training and violent behavior. Consequently, this belief negates the chances that many Japanese people consider corporal punishment in sports clubs to be their own problem.
藤部 文昭 松本 淳 鈴木 秀人
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
天気 (ISSN:05460921)
vol.66, no.8, pp.513-527, 2019 (Released:2019-09-30)

鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.409-427, 2021 (Released:2021-06-16)

Hirobumi Daimatsu was a legendary sports coach in Japan, especially after coaching the Japanese women’s national volleyball team (“the Oriental Witches”) that won the World Championship in 1962 and the gold medal in the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. He was famous for his extreme training methods and had a great influence on coaching methodologies for Japanese sports as a whole. Although many studies have examined his way of thinking from various perspectives, the relationship between his war experiences and his approach to coaching has not been analyzed sufficiently. The present study aimed to examine how Daimatsu’s first-hand war experiences (“keiken”) developed into his coaching beliefs (“taiken”), focusing specifically on a theory created by Yoshida that war veterans’ understanding of their experiences had been changing over time from when they re-entered society and grew older. Yoshida made this transformation clear by referring to 5 periods since the end of the Second World War in 1945. Firstly, many demobilized soldiers including Daimatsu had to face civilians who hated the Japanese military just after defeat. They lost their morale, from 1945 to around 1950 could not talk about the military or the War. Secondly, even after former professional officers and wartime politicians had been rehabilitated, the veterans themselves still found it difficult to positively address some topics related to the War in the 1950s. Thirdly, the generation that had experienced the War who shouldered the responsibility of reconstruction from the destruction and devastation gradually gained confidence and became able to talk about their wartime experiences. Some of them discovered a positive meaning in their own experiences on the battlefield from the late 1950s to the late 1960s. Daimatsu was a typical example of the third period because he spoke clearly about the positive meaning of his war experiences. Penultimately, in the 1970s and 1980s, that generation of Japanese became able to accept the responsibility for the War, especially in Asia, and to gradually acknowledge the negative aspects of their experiences. Finally, in the 1990s, a small number of survivors chose to disclose tragic stories that had not come to light previously. Thus, Daimatsu was only one of a generation that had experienced the War and who became recognized as a spokesman for many of that generation who held common feelings.
鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.106_1, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)

鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.409-427, 2021

Hirobumi Daimatsu was a legendary sports coach in Japan, especially after coaching the Japanese women's national volleyball team ("the Oriental Witches") that won the World Championship in 1962 and the gold medal in the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games.<br> He was famous for his extreme training methods and had a great influence on coaching methodologies for Japanese sports as a whole. Although many studies have examined his way of thinking from various perspectives, the relationship between his war experiences and his approach to coaching has not been analyzed sufficiently. The present study aimed to examine how Daimatsu's first-hand war experiences ("keiken") developed into his coaching beliefs ("taiken"), focusing specifically on a theory created by Yoshida that war veterans' understanding of their experiences had been changing over time from when they re-entered society and grew older. Yoshida made this transformation clear by referring to 5 periods since the end of the Second World War in 1945.<br> Firstly, many demobilized soldiers including Daimatsu had to face civilians who hated the Japanese military just after defeat. They lost their morale, from 1945 to around 1950 could not talk about the military or the War. Secondly, even after former professional officers and wartime politicians had been rehabilitated, the veterans themselves still found it difficult to positively address some topics related to the War in the 1950s.<br> Thirdly, the generation that had experienced the War who shouldered the responsibility of reconstruction from the destruction and devastation gradually gained confidence and became able to talk about their wartime experiences. Some of them discovered a positive meaning in their own experiences on the battlefield from the late 1950s to the late 1960s. Daimatsu was a typical example of the third period because he spoke clearly about the positive meaning of his war experiences.<br> Penultimately, in the 1970s and 1980s, that generation of Japanese became able to accept the responsibility for the War, especially in Asia, and to gradually acknowledge the negative aspects of their experiences. Finally, in the 1990s, a small number of survivors chose to disclose tragic stories that had not come to light previously.<br> Thus, Daimatsu was only one of a generation that had experienced the War and who became recognized as a spokesman for many of that generation who held common feelings.
鈴木 秀人
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-25, 1999-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study is to examine the present conditions of physical education lessons in English Public Schools through examining the P. E. curriculum and interviewing the director of the P. E. department of four representative Public Schools: Winchester College, Eton College, Rugby School and Harrow School.The analysis conducted in this study on the aims, objectives and contents of physical education lessons proposed by the P. E. teachers of these four schools has made clear following points.1) In these schools, physical education is a compulsory subject for the first one or two years only. The existence of extra-curricular games and the pressure of examination work have made the status of this subject less significant.2) Their ideas on the aims and objectives of physical education lessons are almost the same as the current generally accepted way of thinking. Specifically, their thinking is to try to make a meaningful, active relationship between physical education lessons and extra-curricular games after making it clear where physical education lessons are different from extra-curricular games.3) The contents of physical education lessons in these schools are so different from that of state secondary schools. Public Schools do not teach team games which are emphasised in state schools. Dance and outdoor activities are also not taught in physical education lessons in Public Schools.4) Though team games are still stressed in the extra-curricular activities, so many other activities including individual sports are taken there. This implies that their thinking on this activity has changed from Victorian values to the new approach of physical education.Consequently, the P. E. teachers of English Public Schools have made an endeavor to place physical education lessons as the foundation of all physical activities in the schools. The existence of National Curriculum which prescribes physical education as a compulsory subject may work advantageously to their endeavors.
鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.4, pp.221-233, 1995-11-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

The educational movement "Kyouiku-gijyutsu-housokuka-undou" started in 1984. This movement emphasizes practical teaching methods without the sufficient examination on the objectives and the contents of school subjects; thus aims at the generalization of the normally diversified teaching skills. The purpose of this study is to especially examine the plans for physical education lessons in this movement. The fact that this movement has not sufficiently examined the objectives and the contents of education does not signify that the plans for physical education lessons in this movement is detached from the various philosophies of traditional physical education lessons. This inconspicuous relation between the plans for physical education lessons in this movement and the theories of physical education lessons of the past will be the focal point of this study. The analysis conducted in this study on the objectives proposed by Youichi Mukouyama, the founder of this movement, exposed an evident similarity between the Mukouyama's way of thinking on physical education lessons and one of the past philosophies of physical education "education-through-the-physical" which had been popular from 1945 to 1970's in Japan. Consequently, his way of thinking implicitly reflects the philosophies of "education-through-the-physical". This implies the possibility that the teachers like Mukouyama who don't examine the objectives or contents of education could not escape the influence of the educational paradigm of the past and are constricted to the reproduction of the deficient traditional lessons.
鈴木 秀人 松村 亜紀子 福永 久雄 原口 忠男
日本機械学会論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.62, no.603, pp.2501-2505, 1996-11-25

Influences of the recycling process on the fatigue crack propagation (FCP) property of glass fiber-reinforced PEEK were examined. In the present research the influence of the recycling process on the property of matrix resin was focused on. The main results were as follows: (1)It was noted that the FCP property of recycled PEEK/GF materials were as superior to that of virgin material. (2)The length of glass fibers in PEEK resin as not markedly reduced during the recycling process, due to the good fluidity of PEEK resin. (3)FCP curves on a da/dN-&Delta;K diagram for virgin and recycled PEEK/GF materials were expressed as one curved line on a da/dN-&Delta;K/E diagram. It was found that the elasticity modulus had been improved by repeated melting and crystallization during the recycling process.
鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第69回(2018) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.83_1, 2018 (Released:2019-01-18)

暴力的行為(体罰やしごき)が繰り返されてきた運動部の過去を振り返ると、それを行使する側の問題を問う必要があることは勿論であるが、結果的にそれを長期間にわたって許してきた側の問題を問うことも必要ではないか、というのが本研究の根底にある問題意識である。 暴力的行為を許してきた側を問う視点として発表者が着目してきたのは、かかる行為とその行使の基盤となっている監督と選手間や上級生と下級生間の封建的な上下関係の起源を旧軍隊の行動様式に求める「軍隊起源説」という俗説である。 発表では、当の軍隊が消滅してしまった後々まで、軍隊に起源があるとされる行動様式がなぜ運動部の中で継承されたのかを説明できないという弱点を持つにもかかわらず、我が国の多くの人々がこの説を共有してきた理由を明らかにし、暴力的行為を許容してきた側に見られる問題を新たに提起する。
鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.28_3-29, 2017

<p> 私は体育科教育学が専門であり、学生への講義や実技指導とともに、現場の先生方とよりよい体育授業の在り方を検討している。そうした立場としては、歴史研究からの貢献を、例えば「体育理論」の授業で歴史研究の成果を活用できるというように矮小化したくはない。今回は体育授業の大半を占める実技の実践に焦点を当てて、目の前の授業を改善していく上で歴史研究を活かしてきたと考える私のこれまでの取り組みをいくつか紹介したい。教育現場では日々多くの授業実践がなされているが、「たとえ、ある特定の立場に立ってプログラムをつくろうとする意図的な企てがなかったとしても、それぞれのプログラムは、体育についての何らかの信念や思想を暗黙の裡に反映させている」というシーデントップの見解は、かかる取り組みの出発点となったものである。この見解をもとに、マニュアル的な指導法の習得に走りがちになる授業づくりの現実に対して向き合い、さらに授業の具体を考えていこうとする時に公式ルールを絶対視しないルールの工夫を導く手がかりを得たり、授業で常にもめごととなる審判の在り方について検討する時にも、歴史研究は重要な示唆を与えてくれてきたのである。</p>
東谷 仁志 鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, pp.283-284, 2003

A steady market extension of the surface modification with the diamond like carbon continues. The application of DLC has been limited to fields such as molds and tools, and the application example of the machine part increases so far, too. In this research, an actual application example with the car product of the DLC coating and the electrical machinery and apparatus, etc. is extracted by the case study, the strategy for the application expansion in the machine part of the DLC coating in the future is examined, and the market growth of the DLC coating in the future is analyzed.
鈴木 秀人
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.21, no.2, pp.51-62, 2013-09-30 (Released:2016-08-01)

一般的には、現在行われている体育授業の直接的な起源は、19世紀後半に成立した「体操」の授業と考えられている。しかしながらここでは、英国のパブリック・スクールで課外活動として行われていたスポーツを、現在の体育授業の1つのルーツと措定する。なぜなら、現在の体育カリキュラムにおける内容の大半は「体操」ではなく「スポーツ」であり、かつ英国パブリック・スクールにおいて、それらのスポーツは単なる身体の規律訓練を超えた教育的な価値を見出されたからである。 本論文の目的は、英国パブリック・スクールに焦点を当てながら、体育科教育の過去を把握し、その過去に規定されていると思われる体育科教育の現在を描き出し、さらには、その超克を志向するという方向で体育科教育の未来を展望することである。 スポーツ活動が教育として承認されていく過程は、3つの段階にわけることができる。まず最初に、教師たちがスポーツを抑圧したり禁止したりした18世紀後半から19 世紀初頭の時期があった。次に、教師たちが校内の規律を維持するために、生徒たちの協力を得ることをねらってスポーツを公的に承認した19 世紀初めから半ば頃までの時期があった。そして第3番めに、教師たちが生徒の人格形成に役立つというスポーツの教育的な価値ゆえに、スポーツを積極的に奨励するに至った19 世紀半ば以降の時期があったのである。 最も重要な段階は第2番めの段階である。この時期のスポーツ活動の特徴は、教師たちにとっては社会統制の1つの手段であったスポーツも、生徒たちにとっては純粋に「遊び(プレイ)」であったに違いないということにある。我々は、教育としてのスポーツの出発点が、生徒たちの自発性によって導かれたというこの事実に注意を払うべきである。 このような体育科教育の歴史を振り返ると、これまでの体育科教育は運動を行う側にとっての根本的な意味、そこにある面白さを十分に考えてはこなかったことに気がつく。そういった視点からすると、運動のプレイとしての要素を重視する「楽しい体育」という体育授業論の可能性は、体育科教育の未来にとって1つの方向性を示しうる。
片平 和俊 鈴木 秀人 岡田 昌巳 友田 陽 岩野 利彦
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.64, no.622, pp.1475-1480, 1998-06-25
7 1

To improve the fatigue reliability for SMn 435 steel by an environmentally sound surface modification, the influence of the modification on fracture mechanism was studied experimentally. The fatigue properties of SMn 435 are found to be obviously improved by gas soft-nitriding, so that they can no longer be estimated by using a concept of "S-N Globe"which has successfully been applied to many surface-treated materials. The detailed observations have revealed that fatigue crack initiation in a gas soft-nitrided SMn 435 specimen occurs in a hardened region near surface not in a subsurface region with virgin microstructure. The crack initiation is attributable to cyclic plastic deformation in the subsurface region. Such a crack initiation mechanism is different from that previously observed in other surface treated materials, explaining the reason why the S-N Globe concept can not be applied to the present case.
鈴木 秀人 ? 偉民 永井 邦和 松山 健也 伊藤 吉保 柴田 良一
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.61, no.585, pp.894-899, 1995-05-25
20 5

An influence of cooling rate on the fatigue reliability of aluminum alloy castings (AC4CH) was investigated. The results obtained were as follows : (1) As the cooling rate of AC4CH was increased, the porosities and the microstructure were controlled fine. (2) The fatigue strength of AC4CH produced through rapid cooling rate was superior to that produced through slow cooling rate, specially on the fatigue limit (N=10^7). (3) The effect of stress gradient on the fatigue limit is due to the probability that the maximum stress can put on the largest porosity in the specimen. (4) Micro porous defects were always observed at the origin of fatigue crack. Then, it could be interpreted that the fatigue life was related to the size of porous defect, based on fracture mechanics. (5) From the above relation and the statistical analysis on the size of porous defect, the fatigue limit of 99% remaining probability could be estimated.