細田 優人

場の量子論の数学的モデルを構成する上で基礎となるものがフォック空間である。特に、ボース場のモデルを構成する上で基礎となるものはボソンフォック空間と呼ばれ、その上で働く生成・消滅作用素は重要な役割をもち、正準交換関係 (canonical commutation relations ; CCR) という特徴的な交換関係を満たす。この代数的な関係式であるCCR に着目し、これを満たすようなものを一般的に考察していくことにより、より普遍的な量子場の数学的構造が明らかとなる。
小葉田 淳
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.58, no.2, pp.153-212, 1975-03-01

服部 春彦
京都大學文學部研究紀要 (ISSN:04529774)
vol.27, pp.23-64, 1988-03-31

石 和静
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
vol.46, pp.33-55, 1999

This paper elucidates the plans for Korea's neutralization by Russia between 1900-1903 and evaluates its connection with Count Witte's Manchurian policy It deals with a series of three attempts to realize Korea's neutrality under the auspices of a "joint guarantee by the Powers," which was invented by the Russian government. In most of the literature reviewed, discussions about Russia's Korean neutralization plans have failed to view them as policies initiated by the government as a whole, and tended to interpret them only as impromptu, unauthoritative proposals by Russian Ministers on the spot. Witte, as the Russian Minister of Finance who had the greatest influence in Russian East Asian affairs, sought to strike separate under-the-table deals with Japan concerning Korea's neutrality. Japan in fact wanted a free hand for itself in the Korean peninsula, however, which seemed to Russia absolutely unacceptable in view of Korea's paramount strategic significance. This study shows that Korea's neutralization was Russia's ultimate goal, and this goal conflicted with lapan's stance on the Korean and Manchurian issues. In the end, these tensions contributed to the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. The Korean neutralization policy was originated and conducted by Witte. This was due to Witte and his ministry's involvement in all aspects of Russian foreign affairs. Witte's solution to the Korean problem was always connected with the situation in Manchuria, where the Russians wanted to exercise their extraterritorial rights. He brought up the Korean neutralization policy as a temporary means to defend against the lapanese from "getting into Korea" while Russian troops were actively engaged against the Boxer Rebellion in Manchuria. Witte argued that Japan would be handicapped by the expenditures it was making in Korea and that it would be much more susceptible to Russian pressure, especially once the Transsiberian Railroad was completed. All of which would make it easier for Russia to take possession of Korea later, if circumstances required. In other words, Witte was simply searching for a modus vivendi until Russian preparations were complete. Henceforth Russian troops occupied Manchuria on 7 January 1901, Izvolskii, the Russian Minister to Japan, proposed Korea's neutralization under international guarantees, that is, by Japan and Russia, which in substance would divide the Korean peninsula according to each side's sphere of influence. The Japanese government, however, replied that they would not discuss Korea's neutrality until the Russians took steps to move their armies out of Manchuria. By replying through Chinda, the Japanese Minister to St. Petersburg, Japan by- passed lzvolskii who had been entrusted by the Czar with the authority to negotiate the neutralization issue. The two countries' relations continued to be very strained. The "war crisis" of Spring 1901, caused by the conflict and mutual distrust between Russia and lapan on the Manchurian and Korean questions, had a number of consequences. First, it tended to unite Japanese statesmen who had previously been undecided with the proponents of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. Second, for Witte, Russia's primary concern was to avoid war with Japan, and the best means for solving the Manchurian problem was to renounce any political intentions in Manchuria and limit Russian interests there to the protection the Chinese Eastern Railway's interest as a private company With regards to Korea, he felt that if lapan demanded the country's annexation, the proper course would be to open the issue to international discussion. Even if Japan seized Korea, Russia should not consider it a casus belli. Following the "war crisis," a second neutrality scheme was attempted by Witte himself. In July 1901, when his ideas were accepted as the basis for a plan for the three-stepped e vacuation of Manchuria with some reservations, he approached the Japanese Minister in St. Petersburg and suggested, unofficially, a conditional arrangement regarding the crucial Korean problem. Russia, he said, would agree to a settlement making Korea a neutral area, but allow Japan the right to supply the Korean government with administrative and fmancial advisers as well as with a chief of police. In return, Iapan would officially recognize Russia's preponderance in Manchuria. Witte's practical proposals would have conceded Japan's demands in Korea with some reservations and normalized relations with China. The main concern of Wiitte's counterpart, however, was Korea, and for Japan it was seen as matter of life and death for Japan to keep Russia out of Korea. Japan could not question the actions of Russia in Manchuria merely on the basis of the London Times revelations of reported Russo-Chinese secret ne gotiations to consolidate Russia's occupation of Manchuria. By tying in the Manchurian question with Korea they hoped to ascertain Russia's intentions. The Russian proposal ended in failure because lapan would not enter into an agreement concerning Korea until the fate of Manchuria was decisively settled. Russia did not take this to mean a breakdown in negotiations. In Decernber 1901, while the question of a military retreat from Manchuria was a heated subject of discussion between Russia and China, Witte suggested more specific neutrality terms in St. Petersburg, in talks with Ito, Iapan's former Premier. It is evident that the Russians accepted the Japanese demands with respect to Korea only with the following qualifications: guarantees to maintain Korea's independence, not to use any part of Korean territory for strategic purposes, and not to hinder Russia's free passage through the Korea Strait. In return, Russia was to be left with a free hand in Manchuria. On the other hand, Ito brought with him an itemized plan setting forth Japan's desire for a free hand in Korea commercially, industrially, militarily and politically, as well as offering a guarantee that the country would not be used for military purposes against Russia. In the end, Russia's final plan was refused by the Japanese government. Japan felt compelled to conclude an alliance with England which would provide it with the guarantees it needed for primacy over Korea rather than negotiate an agreement with Russia which would have hindered it in attaining this goal. The last secret attempt by Russia to achieve Korea's neutrality was the proposal for the "Neutralization of Korea under the joint guarantee of the Three Powers, Russia, Japan, and America." This plan was aborted almost as soon as Russia had begun proposing it, mainly because America had already made a decision not to interfere in a matter being pursued by the Japanese government. At the time lapan questioned Russia's approaches to America. It is evident that with the first scheduled evacuation in Manchuria coming soon, Witte probably considered the plan as a way of placating America and to encouraging them to develop a new understanding regarding Korea. To restrict Russia's activities in Manchuria and in support of the Anglo-Iapanese Alliance, the United States demanded the 'Open Door' policy in China. It should be also noted that the fmal neutralization scheme proposed in September 1902 was a more concrete version of the plan "under the joint guarantee of the Powers" which had been formally proposed in January 1901. The main feature of the negotiations on Korea's neutralization between Russia and Japan was that the Russian proposals were repeatedly rejected by the Japanese, who were always one step ahead of Russia. The pattern of Russia's abortive schemes for Korean neutrality did not change in official discussions on the Manchurian and Korean questions after August 1903, the period of so-called "w ar diplomacy." From the Japanese point of view," the neutralization of Korea" meant the sacrifice of its position on the peninsula. In fact, Japan, not yet viewing itself as a fully independent actor, had the support of England and America behind it. Agreeing to anti-Russian common interests, the Western powers did not stint in their promises of diplomatic support to Japan. It can be surmised that the failure of Russia's schemes to neutralize Korea, aimed at putting lapan's imperialistic ambitions to rest, was a by-product of general trends in power politics in East Asia since the last decades of the nineteenth century.
Akita Hidetaka Ito Rie Kamiya Hiroyuki Kogure Kentaro Harashima Hideyoshi
John Wiley & Sons
The Journal of Gene Medicine (ISSN:1099498X)
vol.9, no.3, pp.197-207, 2007-03

Background: Heterogeneity of transgene expression, the presence or absence (below the limit of detection) of transgene expression on a cell-by-cell basis, is a severe disadvantage in the use of cationic lipid-mediated gene vectors for gene therapy and experiments in molecular biology. Understandings of intracellular trafficking and the function (transgene expression) of vectors related to cellular physiology are essential in terms of clarifying the mechanism underlying the heterogeneity. Methods: To distinguish the contribution of nuclear transfer efficiency and subsequent intranuclear transcription efficiency to the overall heterogeneity in transgene expression, a novel imaging system was established for the dual visualization of the nuclear transfer of pDNA and marker gene expression (lacZ) in single cells. Results: The expression of LacZ occurred in only approximately 30% of HeLa cells of the nuclear pDNA-positive cells, indicating that intranuclear transcription efficiency contributed to the heterogeneity. Dual imaging against synchronized cells further revealed that the efficiency of nuclear delivery was comparable irrespective of cell cycle status, which is contrary to the generally accepted hypothesis that nuclear import of pDNA is enhanced during cell division when the nuclear membrane structure is perturbed. The most significant finding in the present study is that nuclear transcription efficiency in terms of the ratio of LacZ-positive cells to nuclear pDNA-positive cells drastically increased in the late S and G2/M phase. Conclusions: This is the first demonstration to show that cell cycle dependent intranuclear transcription appears to be responsible for the overall heterogeneity of transgene expression. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
丸山 隆一
vol.37, pp.255-259, 2022-10-29

前田 隼
pp.1-62, 2017-08-03
堀内 萌未
Hokkaido University

ニホンウナギの養殖では天然資源に依存しない安定的な種苗生産技術の確立が求められている。そのためには雌雄の親魚が必要であるが、本種は飼育下では性比が著しく雄に偏ることが知られている。現在は、雌性ホルモンであるエストラジール-17β(E2)を投与することで雌化を誘導しているが、商業生産を見据えるとステロイドホルモン投与に依存しない雌親魚の安定供給技術の確立が必要である。ウナギの性分化には飼育密度等による環境要因が関与していると考えられているが、飼育下で性比が著しく雄に偏る直接的な要因は不明である。本種は環境依存型あるいは環境感受型性決定をすると考えられるが、その分子機構についてはほとんど調べられていない。そこで本研究では、性分化に関与する遺伝子および性分化に影響を及ぼす環境要因に着目し、ニホンウナギの性分化の分子機構を明らかにすることを目的とした。 まず、先行研究により本種の性分化に重要な時期であるとされた全長25-35 cm の天然個体のRNA サンプルを確保するため、新たに天然個体を採集し、宮崎および大分天然ニホンウナギ189 個体の組織学的観察により、詳細な性分化過程を調べた。その結果、形態的性分化の兆候は全長25 cm 前後からわずかにみられ始め、卵巣様構造あるいは精巣様構造が認められた。その後、全長30 cm 前後から分化過程の生殖腺が現れ、全長31-34cm の非常に短い期間に卵巣あるいは精巣に分化することが示唆された。また、耳石を用いた年齢査定の結果、同じ年齢であっても生殖腺が形態的性分化後の個体は未分化個体に比べて全長が大きかったことから、生殖腺の性分化には年齢よりも体サイズが関与していると考えられた。既知の卵巣形成関連遺伝子の発現は、増殖期の卵原細胞および減数分裂初期の卵母細胞を含むシスト状の構造を有する卵巣でcyp19a1a、foxl2a のmRNA 量が高く、より発達した卵母細胞を含む卵巣ではfigla、sox3、foxn5、zar1、zp3 のmRNA量が高値を示した。このような卵巣におけるcyp19a1a の一時的な発現はニュージーランド天然オーストラリアウナギおよび福島天然ニホンウナギでも同様であると考えられ、cyp19a1a およびその転写因子とされるfoxl2a によるE2 産生は卵原細胞増殖に重要な役割を果たしていると予想された。また、精巣形成関連遺伝子のgsdf、amh、foxl2b、foxl3b のmRNA 量は全長33.7 cm 以降の精巣からより高値を示す傾向がみられ、本種の精巣分化に直接関わる遺伝子がそれらの発現以前に存在する可能性が考えられた。しかし、形態的未分化生殖腺では、既知の性分化関連遺伝子の発現に二型性がみられる個体はほとんど認められなかった。 次に、天然個体との比較を行なうため、飼育個体の性分化過程を調べた。飼育下で卵巣個体を得ることは難しいことから、性分化に飼育密度(他個体の存在)のストレスが影響しているのではないかという仮説のもと、自然環境下での単独および低密度飼育実験を行なった。養成ニホンウナギの性分化過程は天然個体とは異なり、全長20 cm 前後から卵巣分化、遅れて全長25 cm 前後から精巣分化を開始する個体が観察され、卵巣への分化が先に起こることが示唆された。さらに、精巣分化過程では精巣卵を持つ個体もいくつか観察されたのに対し、天然個体では観察されなかったことから、飼育環境が影響している可能性が考えられた。既知の性分化関連遺伝子の発現は、cyp19a1a、foxl2a、foxn5、zar1、zp3 は天然個体と同様の発現動態であったが、gsdf、amh のmRNA 量は卵巣分化過程および分化後の卵巣以外の全ての生殖腺で高値を示す傾向がみられた。また、形態的未分化生殖腺が9 個体認められたものの、卵巣様構造および卵巣分化過程の生殖腺を含む卵巣が28 個体、精巣様構造の生殖腺を含む精巣が27 個体認められ、性比はほぼ1:1 になった。従って、本種は基本的には遺伝的性決定をするが環境(特に他個体の存在)の影響を受ける環境感受型性決定をすると思われ、他個体の影響がない飼育環境下では雌作出が可能であることが明らかになった。加えて、現在行なわれているE2 投与による雌親魚の作出は遺伝子攪乱を招くことも懸念された。 最後に、性分化の分子機構を明らかにするため、卵巣精巣間で発現に差のある遺伝子を次世代シーケンスを用いたRNA-seq 解析により網羅的に探索し、その後定量PCR によりmRNA 量に差のある新規性分化関連遺伝子を絞り込んだ。本研究では卵巣個体間でも既知の卵巣形成関連遺伝子の発現にばらつきがみられたため、cyp19a1a のmRNA 量が高値を示す天然個体および単独/低密度飼育個体の卵巣分化過程の生殖腺および卵巣、cyp19a1a のmRNA 量が低値を示す単独飼育個体の卵巣、天然個体および単独飼育個体の精巣を用いてシーケンシングを行ない、得られたリードをニホンウナギのドラフトゲノム配列へマッピングした。続いて、マッピングされたリードをもとにコンティグを形成し、それらの相対量(RPKM 値あるいはFPKM 値)を卵巣分化過程の生殖腺および卵巣と精巣で比較することにより候補遺伝子を選抜した。卵巣分化過程の生殖腺および卵巣で相対量が高い49 遺伝子、精巣で相対量が高い11 遺伝子をそれぞれ候補とし、実際に定量PCR によりmRNA 量の測定を行なった。その結果、cyp19a1a のmRNA 量に関係なく比較的高い発現を維持し続ける可能性のある5 遺伝子(zglp1、pkp4、aurkc、sdc1、erbb3)が同定された。特に、zglp1 はごく最近マウスで卵母細胞の分化に必須な転写因子として同定されており、本種においても同様な役割を果たすことが示唆されたことは特筆される。また、EGF(上皮成長因子)受容体として知られるerbb3 をはじめとする4遺伝子は細胞分裂に関与する遺伝子であり、卵原細胞の増殖に関与すると推察された。さらに、精巣では、9 遺伝子(col1a1、pcdha8、prkar1a、recql、map2k5、rgs11、ednrb、arsd、Tetraspanin)が高いmRNA 量を示した。これらはコラーゲン産生、細胞接着および体細胞増殖などに関与する遺伝子であり、精小嚢形成に関与すると思われた。本研究により、既知の卵巣形成および精巣形成関連遺伝子よりも先行して発現する多くの遺伝子を初めて同定できた。 以上本研究では、天然ニホンウナギおよび養成ニホンウナギの両方の生殖腺における詳細な性分化過程と、既知の性分化関連遺伝子の発現動態を初めて明らかにした。これまで、本種はE2 投与個体の卵巣分化過程のみが報告されていたが、本研究ではE2 未投与の飼育個体の卵巣および精巣を用いた性分化機構解析が可能となった。また、自然環境下での単独飼育により、得られる生殖腺の性比がほぼ1:1 になり、本種の性は遺伝的に決まることが示唆された。さらに、全ての卵巣分化個体で共通して発現する遺伝子を初めて同定した。これら遺伝子の発現動態から、形態的未分化生殖腺であっても性の予測が可能になると期待される。本研究成果により、不明瞭な点が多かった本種の性分化の分子機構解明が大きく前進した。また、これらの知見は、将来的に本種で未だ実現していないホルモン投与に依存しない性統御技術の確立に貢献できるであろう。
横山 啓太
pp.1-12, 2020-06-01

本課題では、数学の定理やその証明の難しさ・複雑さを数理論理学の視点から評価・分析する、逆数学と呼ばれる研究を複数の視点から推し進めた。特に、組み合わせ命題ラムゼイの定理の評価分析において長年の未解決問題であった2次元無限ラムゼイの定理の「証明論的強さ」すなわち無矛盾性証明の困難さを確定する問題を解決し、さらにそれを理論計算機科学における停止性検証に応用する手法を考案した。 さらに有限組み合わせ命題の順序数を用いた解析手法を証明論における証明の長さの析学における新たな逆数学現象の発見等、関連研究を推し進め、逆数学研究の基盤を拡張した。研究成果の学術的意義や社会的意義: 2次元ラムゼイの定理の証明論的強さにおける長年の問題の解決とそのための手法の導入は逆数学研究におけるマイルストーンとなり、逆数学や証明論分野の国際会議で関連する多くの話題が取り上げられたほか、ウエブジャーナル Quanta Magazine でも取り上げられた。また、上の結果により、2次元ラムゼイの定理の強さがヒルベルトの還元主義プログラムの視点で十分弱いということが解明されたため、この結果の哲学的意味についても議論がなされた。 : In this project, we investigated the complexity and difficulty of mathematical theorems from the view point of reverse mathematics. Especially, we developed some new techniques to analyze the strength of combinatorial principles such as Ramsey's theorem, and solved a long-standing open problem on the proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs. Besides the above, we introduced some arguments to apply the above result and related techniques to the termination analysis, the study of sizes of proofs, found a new phenomenon on the reverse mathematical study of functional analysis, and expanded the field of reverse mathematics with those new points of view.