岩﨑 洋樹 須田 大祐 渡辺 守
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.53, no.4, pp.165-171, 2009-11
4 1

Adult Sympetrum infuscatum (Selys) live in the forest gaps throughout their life except when visiting rice paddy fields for oviposition. They prey on small flying insects in the forest gaps, using sit-and-wait tactics. They perch on the tips of branches or grass all day and take off when a small flying insect comes into sight. In the present study, the foraging behavior of S. infuscatum in the forest gaps was observed. The perching height was high in the morning and evening and low around noon. The diurnal change in the perching height corresponded to the abundance of flying small insects. The mean daily frequency of foraging flights was 251 for females and 182 for males, and the mean actual number of insects captured was 109 and 89, respectively. A total of 2,935,300 small flying insects were preyed on by S. infuscatum adults during one day in the Satomaya forest gaps.
Hasegawa Masaru Arai Emi Watanabe Mamoru Nakamura Masahiko
Ornithological science (ISSN:13470558)
vol.7, no.2, pp.117-122, 2008-12
26 8

It is necessary to correct plumage color fading when comparing the plumage coloration of birds captured at different times during the breeding season. We proposed two methods for correcting plumage color fading and compared them using the throat feathers of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica gutturalis). One method uses the color shift of feathers on live birds during the same breeding season (the field method). The other method uses longitudinal color measurements of feathers placed on the open ground (the experimental method). This method has an advantage of not capturing the birds twice. The field and experimental methods estimated similar rates of fading of hue and brightness. Saturation was predicted to fade with time in the experimental method, which is unrealistic because there was no effect of time on saturation in live birds. Using the field method, we derived an equation for correcting plumage color fading in Barn Swallows. When assessing changes in plumage color, the field method should be used whenever possible since this method estimates plumage color fading in live birds.
野崎 いずみ

筑波大学博士 (教育学) 学位論文・平成5年3月25日授与 (甲第1053号)
倉本 英彦

筑波大学博士 (医学) 学位論文・平成4年3月25日授与 (甲第1032号)
荻野 昭一
經濟學研究 (ISSN:04516265)
vol.62, no.1, pp.7-28, 2012-07-12

インサイダー取引が規制されている趣旨は, 証券市場に対する投資者の信頼性の確保と市場機能の維持にある。近年, インサイダー取引規制に係る決定事実の解釈について2件の重要な最高裁判例がみられた。一連の審級の中で最大の論点となったのは, 決定事実について法令所定の「決定」があったと判断されるためには, 事実の実現可能性の高低の程度がどのように関係するかといった解釈問題である。議論の本質には, 規制体系の趣旨を重視して形成的解釈をとる論旨と, 規制の趣旨を重視して実質的解釈をとる論旨の主張が交錯し, 今日においてもなお論理的な対立を招いている。そもそも, 論点となってきた「実現可能性」などという条文に存在しない考慮要素が問題となっていることの本質はどこにあるのか。最高裁決定の考え方の背景にある形式的な規制体系を重視し, それが投資判断に対する個々具体的な影響の有無程度を問わない趣旨であると解することが, はたしてインサイダー取引規制の趣旨に適っているのかという問題について整理をし, 現実問題として決定事実に該当するか否かの判断基準としてどのような考慮要素が必要かについての考察を試みたものである。
新原 直 渡辺 守
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.53, no.3, pp.91-96, 2009-08

Although sodium ions induce puddling behavior in males of some butterfly species, the role of sodium ions in the male life history is unclear. Effects of saline intake until the second mating on the mass of spermatophore and accessory substances, as well as the number of eupyrene sperm bundles and apyrene spermatozoa, were examined in the male swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus Linnaeus. The virgin male transferred 6 mg spermatophore and 8 mg accessory substances with 38 eupyrene sperm bundles and 350,000 apyrene spermatozoa to a virgin female during copulation. A small spermatophore, a little accessory substance, and a low number of eupyrene sperm bundles and apyrene spermatozoa in the second mating of mated males the day after the first copulation were found. Mated males fed on both 20% sucrose solution and 0.01 M saline solution for two days after the first copulation transferred similar ejaculates at the first copulation. Saline intake recovered the ejaculate mass. Because a large spermatophore and a large number of sperm must be advantageous to the male under sperm competition in female polyandry, puddling behavior might be important to increase reproductive success in males.
Hasegawa Masaru Arai Emi Watanabe Mamoru Nakamura Masahiko
Journal of ethology (ISSN:02890771)
vol.30, no.1, pp.143-150, 2012-01
26 5

Female mate choice based on territory quality is difficult to study because territories often contain many resources, which are difficult to quantify. Here, using the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica gutturalis) breeding at an outdoor breeding site in Japan, where each male defends only a small territory containing old nests, we studied whether females choose social mates based on territory quality. Since the territories of this species contain few other resources, territory quality can easily be assessed by quantifying old nests in the territory. We made the following four observations: (1) male swallows displayed old nests in their territories to females; (2) the old nests used for the first clutch were less broken than the other old nests within the same territory; (3) territory quality, defined by the number of old nests weighted by the intactness of each old nest, predicted the productivity of the territory; and (4) males with better territories paired with females earlier, and hence bred earlier, than those with inferior territories. The relationships remained significant even after controlling for male morphological traits. Based on these results, we can infer that female swallows choose their mates based, in part, on territory quality.
安東 祐希

Thesis (Ph.D. in Mathematics)--University of Tsukuba, (A), no. 1351, 1995.3.23
星野 鉄哉

筑波大学博士 (工学) 学位論文・平成20年3月25日授与 (甲第4583号)
中石 誠子
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.20, pp.61-70, 1996-03-31

"Career development in organization" has been an important concept in education and training in enterprise since the 1960s in Japan. The essence of career development in organizations is to focus on the interaction between an individual and an organization. The problem on the side of the individual is how to match his/her needs throughout his/her entire career or life history with those of the organizaion. Although there have been a few articles concerning development in organizations, they only discuss practical elements and do not deal with the theoretical aspect. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of showing more interest in individual growth and development in the field of the study on education and training in enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to review and examine the studies on career development from a viewpoint of individual growth and development. Firstly, we will clarify the concept and history of career development. Secondly, we will examine the vocational development theory proposed by Super,D.E. along with the theory of career development in organizations suggested by Schein,E.H. We will then discuss some of the problems and issues concerning career development.
Yamazaki Takeshi Ishikawa Ken-ichi Kuramashi Yoshinobu Ukawa Akira
American Physical Society
Physical review D (ISSN:15507998)
vol.86, no.7, pp.074514, 2012-10

We calculate the binding energies for multinucleon bound states with the nuclear mass number less than or equal to 4 in 2+1 flavor QCD at the lattice spacing of a=0.09  fm employing a relatively heavy quark mass corresponding to mπ=0.51  GeV. To distinguish a bound state from attractive scattering states, we investigate the volume dependence of the energy shift between the ground state and the state of free nucleons by changing the spatial extent of the lattice from 2.9 to 5.8 fm. We conclude that 4He, 3He, deuteron and dineutron are bound at mπ=0.51  GeV. We compare their binding energies with those in our quenched studies and also with several previous investigations.
阿部 希望

筑波大学博士 (農学) 学位論文・平成24年3月23日授与 (甲第6120号)
石井 貴茂

筑波大学博士 (農学) 学位論文・平成24年3月23日授与 (甲第6162号)