グエンカムリー 瀬尾 茂人 竹中 要一 松田 秀雄
vol.2010-BIO-20, no.7, pp.1-8, 2010-02-25

医薬品開発の大きな課題の一つとして,新たな薬の候補となる化合物を効果的に発見するため,化合物集合の中から特定のタンパク質に作用する可能性のある候補化合物を計算機によって探索する過程がある.候補化合物の探索には化合物の構造類似性が用いられていることが多いがデータベースに登録されている化合物量が日々増加しており,類似化合物検索の高速化が必要とされている.本研究では,化合物の部分構造情報を数値化した構造キーと,その類似尺度の一つとして Tanimoto 係数を用いた高速な類似化合物検索方法を提案する.提案手法では,化合物集合をクラスタリングするより類似化合物検索を高速化する.また,提案手法を従来手法と比較し,提案手法を評価する.
中牧 弘允
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.49, pp.349-379, 1993-03-25

松崎 憲三
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.18, pp.141-168, 1988-03-30

Traditionally, folklorists have had a marked tendency to choose depopulated areas as their favorite field, because it was these remote places that seemed most likely to maintain folkways permitting them an efficient investigation. They never tried, however, to study seriously the problem of depopulation itself. In natural consequence, it has been rare for them to try methodological examinations, such as those aimed at discovering how to interpret depopulation and change in folkways.In accordance with these reflections, we tried to analyze the colony of Amagase in Nishihara Section, Kami-Kitayama Village, Yoshino District, Nara Prefecture. Three viewpoints, that are 1) the ecological viewpoint 2) the social viewpoint and 3) the religious view and consciousness structure, were defined as analysis indicators to be used in comprehension of the transformation of folkways.Nishihara is composed of five colonies of Amagase, Hiura, Izumi, Hosohara, Obara. The first two colonies are called ‟Amagase-gumi” (Amagase group), and the last three are called ‟Mikumi” (three groups). The Amagase and Mikumi groups were separated from each other by four kilometers, but the abolition, during the Meiji era, of the highway passing through the Amagase area left it abandoned far behind the main highway and urged some of inhabitants to move into the Mikumi area. The reparation works of the National 169 around 1970 made for a decisive urge to leave the Amagase area completely abandoned. Facilities for shopping and traffic communication as well as the human inclination for togetherness must have concentrated inhabitants' dwellings along the roads of Mikumi.However, even after they dispersed among the inhabitants of Mikumi, members of the Amagase group maintain their original unity performing their group duties in festivals or mutualaid association events and showing a greater attachment to the Kumi (group) than to the Daiji (section).In any case, it may be said that the Amagase group, in a way, overcame the danger of depopulation by moving to the Mikumi area and reorganizing their colonies. What made it possible was the their ownership of common forests and worship of a god as symbol of their unity. However, both the Amagase and Mikumi group show great attachment to the Kumi, and it is not so that the life of Nishihara area as a whole is reorganized. Depoputation of the Nishihara area as a whole is, as slow as it is, in progress. The area on the whole will face the need of some action in near future.
河野 武
Otsuma review
vol.40, pp.69-81, 2007-07
手塚 千鶴子 テズカ チズコ Chizuko TEZUKA
vol.14, pp.79-97, 2002-03

This study attempts to examine the Japan-U. S. perception gap regarding the atomic bombing highlighted in the Enola Gay controversy, by exploring influences of meanings of silence and silencing on remembering and discussing the bombing in the two countries. It first describes the American perception as the victors' story and the Japanese one as the victims' story. Then the study claims that a major Japanese silence in terms of not expressing anger against the bombing coupled with not addressing the bombing responsibility to America in the overall framework of compliance to censorship indicates their desire to evade the war responsibility and aggression while the extensive Government information control and manipulation for preventing and suppressing criticism against the bombing have prevented Americans from listening to victims' stories. In so doing, cultural factors underlying or contributing to silences are discussed. It concludes that both countries have ended up being equally unbalanced and less comprehensive in their respective perceptions.