Takashi Unuma (@UNUSB)


RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper "SolaCam: A Deep Learning Model for Solar Radiation Estimation Using Consumer Cameras" by D. Sugiyama et…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper "Regional Extreme Precipitation Events in Wintertime Japan Facilitated by East-Asian Large-Scale Flow Pat…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper "Development of a New Particle Imaging Radiosonde with Particle Fall Velocity Measurements in Clouds" by…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper "Mass-Extinction Conversion Factor (MECF) over the Gobi Desert by a Tethered-balloon-based OPC and a Ceil…

3 0 0 0 OA Editorial

RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA Special Edition "Research on Extreme Weather Events That Occurred around East Asia in 2017-2021" Editorial https:/…
An Equilibrium Raindrop Size Distribution Associated with a Heavy-Rain-Producing Convective System in Japan https://t.co/bj0SxpcOke https://t.co/t76a2VfhWU
Our new paper is available in early online release! This paper showed an equilibrium state in raindrop size distributions occurs with a convective system that produce substantial heavy rainfall by using optical disdrometer and polarimetric weather radar. https://t.co/bj0SxpcOke
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release Naka & Takemi Characteristics of the Environmental Conditions for the Occurrence of Recent Ex…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release Fujiwara et al. Response of Intensity and Structure of Typhoon Jebi (2018) before Landfall to…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release Reevaluating the surface energy balance and soil thermal diffusion equations in the Noah multi…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release Internal Precipitation and Kinematic Structure of the South Pacific Convergence Zone https://t…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release Simultaneous Observations of Atmosphere and Ocean Directly under Typhoons Using Autonomous Sur…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release Tropical Cyclone Track Modified by a Front Located to the Northeast https://t.co/Q94zd6vfyO
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA early online release A projection of future JPCZs by WRF dynamical downscaling simulations based on MIROC6 Scenario…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper! "Monitoring of Recent Aridification in Türkiye Using MODIS Satellite Data from 2000 to 2021" by Kimura,…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper! "Water Vapor in the Upper Troposphere above Syowa Station in the Antarctic: Its Variations and Causes"…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper "Bimodal Distribution of Precipitation Found in the Multimodel Climate Prediction over Central Japan in W…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA paper "Observed Concentric Eyewalls of Supertyphoon Hinnamnor (2022)" by Kanada & Nishii https://t.co/PokAAuxUF0…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper! "Regional Dependency of the Cloud Droplet Growth Process in Combined Analysis of Aqua MODIS and CloudSat…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA new paper Horinouchi, T., and T. Mitsuyuki "Gross assessment of the dynamical impact of numerous powergenerating sai…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Ken Hirata, Miho Sekiguchi, Yousuke Sato, and Masaru Inatsu, Biases in Shortwave Three-Dimensional Radiati…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Ken Sawada, Naoko Seino, Takuya Kawabata, Hiromu Seko, Impacts of an Urban Canopy Scheme and Surface Obser…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Matsumoto et al., Regional dependency of the cloud droplet growth process in combined analysis…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Horinouchi and Mitsuyuki, Gross assessment of the dynamical impact of numerous power-generating…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Yang Zhao, Seok-Woo Son, and Seung-Yoon Back, The Critical Role of the Upper-Level Synoptic Disturbance on…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Masaki Satoh and Keisuke Hosotani, Characteristics Analysis of the Senjo-Kousuitai Conditions in the Kyush…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Ger Anne W. Duran and Joseph Q. Basconcillo, Decreasing Quiescence of Tropical Cyclones in the Western Nor…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Migyeong Kim, Jeong Hoon Cho, and Sang-Boom Ryoo, Development and Assessment of ADAM3 Ensemble Prediction…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Sawada et al., Impacts of an Urban Canopy Scheme and Surface Observation Data on a Heavy Rain E…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Cao et al., Simulating the Impact of Bushfires in Australia on Local Air Quality and Aerosol Burden in the…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Zhao et al., The critical role of the upper-level synoptic disturbance on the China Henan “21.7…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Hirata et al., Biases in Shortwave Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Calculations for High-R…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Ger Anne W. Duran and Joseph Q. Basconcillo, Decreasing quiescence of tropical cyclones in the…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kim et al., Development and assessment of ADAM3 Ensemble Prediction System, SOLA, DOI:10.2151/s…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Satoh and Hosotani, Characteristics analysis of the senjo-kousuitai conditions in the Kyushu re…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Cao et al., Simulating the impact of bushfires in Australia on local air quality and aerosol bu…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Sasaki et al., The Importance of Dynamical Downscaling for Explanations of High Temperature Rises in Winte…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Kazuto Takemura and Hitoshi Mukougawa, Mechanism for the Abnormal Extension of North Pacific Subtropical H…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Shengning Zhang and Yaokun Li, A Fractional Recharge-Discharge Model for ENSO, SOLA, 2022, Vol. 18, 254-25…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Takemura and Mukougawa, Mechanism for the Abnormal Extension of North Pacific Subtropical High…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Zhang and Li, A fractional recharge-discharge model for ENSO, SOLA, vol.18, DOI:10.2151/sola.20…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Kanamori et al., Global Warming Effect and Adaptation for a Flooding Event at Motsukisamu River in Sapporo…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Yuta Tamaki, Sosuke Okubo, Kei Horie, Insurance Loss Dependence on Typhoon Maximum Wind Speed, Translation…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kanamori et al., Global warming effect and adaptation for a flooding event at Motsukisamu River…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Zhang and Li, A fractional recharge-discharge model for ENSO, SOLA, vol.18, DOI:10.2151/sola.20…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Amane Nakamura and Tsubasa Kohyama, Reconsidering the Oscillation Center of the El Niño Southern Oscillati…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Kobori et al., Estimating Volcanic Eruption Column Height and Growth Rate Using X-Band Marine Radar at the…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Batbold et al., Spatiotemporal Dispersion of Local-Scale Dust from the Erdenet Mine in Mongolia Detected b…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Maki et al., Changes in Dust Emissions in the Gobi Desert due to Global Warming Using MRI-ESM2.0, SOLA, 20…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Anu Gupta and Jun Matsumoto, Modulation of Spatial Distribution of Aerosol Species by the Monsoon Intrasea…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Tamaki et al., Insurance Loss Dependence on Typhoon Maximum Wind speed, Translation Speed and S…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Nakamura and Kohyama, Reconsidering the oscillation center of the El Niño Southern Oscillation,…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Tetsuya Kawano and Ryuichi Kawamura, Remote Effect of Kuroshio Warm SSTs in the East China Sea on Heavy Ra…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Takemura et al., Contribution of Anomalous Circulation to the Early Onset of Baiu in Western Japan in 2021…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kobori et al., Estimating volcanic eruption column height and growth rate using X-band marine r…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Kazuaki Nishii, Bunmei Taguchi, Masato Mori, Yu Kosaka, Hisashi Nakamura, Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Eurasian…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Niwano et al., Estimation of Seasonal Snow Mass Balance all over Japan Using a High-Resolution Atmosphere-…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Maki et al., Changes in dust emissions in the Gobi Desert due to global warming using MRI-ESM2.…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Batbold et al., Spatiotemporal dispersion of local-scale dust from the Erdenet mine in Mongolia…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Keita Fujiwara and Ryuichi Kawamura, Appearance of a Quasi-Quadrennial Variation in Baiu Precipitation in…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Jae-yong Lee, Seung-Min Lee, Seung-Jae Lee, Ground- and Satellite-Based Evaluation of WRF Snowfall Predict…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Gupta and Matsumoto, Modulation of spatial distribution of aerosol species by the monsoon intra…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Takemura et al., Contribution of Anomalous Circulation to the Early Onset of Baiu in Western Ja…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Niwano et al., Estimation of seasonal snow mass balance all over Japan using a high-resolution…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kawano and Kawamura, Remote Effect of Kuroshio Warm SSTs in the East China Sea on Heavy Rainfal…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Mubarrok and Jang, Annual Maximum Precipitation in Indonesia and its association to Climate Tel…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Fujiwara and Kawamura, Appearance of a quasi-quadrennial variation in Baiu precipitation in sou…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Yasutaka Hirockawa and Teruyuki Kato, Improvements of Procedures for Identifying and Classifying Heavy Rai…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Xie et al., Pattern Transition of Dust Events over Northern China and Mongolia and Its Modulating Circulat…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Inovasita Alifdini and Teruhisa Shimada, Diurnal Variation of Surface Wind Divergence in the Maritime Cont…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Sho Kawazoe and Masaru Inatsu, Predictability of Heavy Snowfall Days in Western Hokkaido from JMA Operatio…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Lee et al., Ground- and Satellite-based Evaluation of WRF Snowfall Prediction, SOLA, vol.18, DO…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Usui et al., Numerical Simulations and Trajectory Analyses of Local “Karakkaze” Wind: A Case That Could Ha…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Sun et al., Weather Reduced the Annual Heavy Pollution Days after 2016 in Beijing, SOLA, 2022, Vol. 18,135…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Xie et al., Pattern Transition of Dust Events over Northern China and Mongolia and its Modulati…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Hirockawa and Kato, Improvements of Procedures for Identifying and Classifying Heavy Rainfall A…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Shion Sekizawa and Tsubasa Kohyama, Meteotsunami Observed in Japan Following the Hunga Tonga Eruption in 2…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Yoshio Kawatani, Takeshi Horinouchi, Naoki Sato, Storylines of Projected Climate Changes around Japan Asso…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Alifdini and Shimada, Diurnal variation of surface wind divergence in the Maritime Continent us…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kawazoe and Inatsu., Predictability of heavy snowfall days in western Hokkaido from JMA Operati…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Usui et al., Numerical Simulations and Trajectory Analyses of Local “Karakkaze” Wind: a Case th…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper : Ryuho Kataoka, Stephen D. Winn, Emile Touber,Meteotsunamis in Japan Associated with the Tonga Eruption in…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper : Moroda,Tsuboki,Satoh,Nakagawa,Ushio, and Kikuchi,Lightning Bubbles Caused by Upward Reflectivity Pulses a…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Sun et al., Weather reduced the annual heavy pollution days after 2016 in Beijing, SOLA, vol.18…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Sekizawa and Kohyama, Meteotsunami observed in Japan following the Hunga Tonga eruption in 2022…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kawatani et al., Storylines of projected climate changes around Japan associated with upper tro…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Hayashi and Shiogama, Assessment of CMIP6-Based Future Climate Projections Selected for Impact Studies in…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Goto and Satoh, Statistical Analysis of “Senjo-Kousuitai” in East Asia and Characteristics of Associated L…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kataoka et al., Meteotsunamis in Japan associated with the Tonga Eruption in January 2022, SOLA…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Komatsu and Nishimura, Calculation of Snowdrift Distribution over Complex Topography to Improve the Accura…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Saito et al., Effect of Upper-Air Moistening by Northward Ageostrophic Winds Associated with a Tropical Cy…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Li and Kang, Energy Dispersion of Westward Propagating Rossby Waves in Tropical Easterlies, SOLA, 2022, Vo…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Moroda et al., Lightning Bubbles Caused by Upward Reflectivity Pulses above Precipitation Cores…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Saito et al., Effect of Upper-Air Moistening by Northward Ageostrophic Winds Associated with a…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Watanabe et al., Continuous Measurements of Microbial Particles in Central Japan Using a Real T…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Sasaki and Motoi, Accelerated Increase in Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential in the Typhoon Rapidly Intensify…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Terasaki and Miyoshi, A 1024-Member NICAM-LETKF Experiment for the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, 2…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Endo et al., Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation and Their Association with Tropical Cyclone Activity…


共著論文が本公開されました。Unuma et al. (2023)による、二重偏波レーダー(による雨滴粒径分布推定手法)と地上光学式ディスドロメータを用いた大雨時の平衡雨滴粒径分布に関する研究です。 https://t.co/OU929h1zuS
The SOLA Award in 2022 Maejima et al. Nasuno et al. Congrats
Two years since the heavy rainfall disaster in Kyushu in July 2020. Published in #SOLA Hirockawa et al. 2020: Characteristics of an Extreme Rainfall Event in Kyushu District, Southwestern Japan in Early July 2020 https://t.co/sr5zkFdUHs https://t.co/qttl9JIst4
Our new paper on the analysis of wind effect on high-rise buildings. #dpri #ssaelab J-STAGE Articles - 領域気象モデルWRFで得られた風向・風速を入力データとしたスペクトルモーダル解析による超高層建築物の最大応答加速度の推定とその精度検証 https://t.co/3grTA1pCxC
論文・解説等紹介 加瀨紘熙、筆保弘徳、北本朝展、Danlan Chen、吉田龍二、竹見哲也(2019) 「深層学習を用いた台風強度推定に対する台風の特徴の影響」 天気、66、51-58 https://t.co/2DcsFXm3Ut #天気 #短報 #気象学会
Sola new paper: Katsumata et al., Corrigendum: “An Attempt to Retrieve Continuous Water Vapor Profiles in Marine Lower Troposphere Using Shipboard Raman/Mie Lidar System”, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, c1-c4, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-022, https://t.co/pr8zTPUs7m https://t.co/QsZlydpn0h
Back to an old paper in SOLA. Application of Quantile Mapping Bias Correction for Mid-Future Precipitation Projections over Vietnam https://t.co/a3eKco0lfN https://t.co/CLjrW7Bh9f
Wu and Takemi "The Impact of Topography on the Initial Error Growth Associated with Moist Convection" https://t.co/Hz5kKjDKsV A paper by one of my PhD students. Congratulations, Wu-san! https://t.co/2FuGxTf94L
New JMSJ Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/v0BeyY3mLp Takata, K., and N. Hanasaki, 2021: Investigating runoff sensitivity in the land-surface model MATSIRO to reduce low runoff bias. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/3KIvp8qFbA. https://t.co/7VRggR7G6f
New JMSJ Publication (Vol. 99, No. 1) now available online! Unuma, T., and T. Takemi, 2021: Rainfall characteristics and their environmental conditions during the heavy rainfall events over Japan in July of 2017 and 2018. JMSJ, 99, 165-180. https://t.co/UrxzugN7Wr
This topic was published in SOLA. Quantitative estimation of strong winds in an urban district during Typhoon Jebi (2018) by merging mesoscale meteorological and large-eddy simulations. https://t.co/N21PsX0CML https://t.co/4aKmoyTW2F
Nayak and Takemi (2020) Clausius-Clapeyron Scaling of Extremely Heavy Precipitations: Case Studies of the July 2017 and July 2018 Heavy Rainfall Events over Japan https://t.co/VsMcGflzNk
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/HybJcZ4VHO Unuma, T., and T. Takemi, 2021: Rainfall characteristics and their environmental conditions during the heavy rainfall events over Japan in July of 2017 and 2018. https://t.co/UrxzugN7Wr https://t.co/Q8Pcp10Zmf
We are pleased to announce the new JMSJ Editor's Highlight in 2020! https://t.co/TU9e3PxTv2 Kawabata, Y., and M. Yamaguchi, 2020: Probability ellipse for tropical cyclone track forecasts with multiple ensembles. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/aUmNnuwS46. https://t.co/ozQCohCGbE
Just published! Miyamoto, Y., S. Nishizawa, and H. Tomita, 2020: Impacts of number of cloud condensation nuclei on two-dimensional moist Rayleigh convection. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 437-453. https://t.co/7A4bi3y0ra https://t.co/0sTwdMLL1N https://t.co/MmY1an8aiA
Just published! Tomita, T., and T. Yamaura, 2020: Interannual variability of Baiu frontal activity in May and its connectivity with June. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 329-351. https://t.co/mRp7O8WIG0 https://t.co/w1cC5sTaVB https://t.co/8t9KdK9UVp
Just published! Hohenegger, C., L. Kornblueh, D. Klocke, T. Becker, G. Cioni, J. F. Engels, U. Schulzweida, and B. Stevens, 2020: Climate statistics in global simulations of the atmosphere, from 80 to 2.5 km grid spacing. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 73-91. https://t.co/4lsnImuKOn https://t.co/r5X90efdtF
Just published! Fudeyasu et al., 2020: Development conditions for tropical storms over the western North Pacific stratified by large-scale flow patterns. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 61-72. https://t.co/owNL9caeCN https://t.co/k1ryYLNVz2 https://t.co/GGd0CYkBlI
Just published! Ito, K., C.-C. Wu, K. T. F. Chan, R. Toumi, and C. Davis, 2020: Recent progress in the fundamental understanding of tropical cyclone motion. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 5-17. https://t.co/g7OKDKSd2S https://t.co/zJwH8bHMeQ https://t.co/rFrguHTAqW
We are pleased to announce the new JMSJ Editor's Highlight in 2020! https://t.co/6o1Kz3o2YR Stevens et al., 2020: The added value of large-eddy and storm-resolving models for simulating clouds and precipitation. JMSJ, 98, Special Edition on DYAMOND, https://t.co/b9bNcvqLys. https://t.co/PhUEoKtLBn
Just published! Miao, J.-E., and M.-J. Yang, 2020: A modeling study of the severe afternoon thunderstorm event at Taipei on 14 June 2015: The roles of sea breeze, microphysics, and terrain. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 129-152. https://t.co/EOj8Hgx7Up https://t.co/QFhyEtBSkL https://t.co/UxlyKSYD3u
Just published! Seo, J. M., H. Lee, S. Moon, J.-J. Baik, 2020: How mountain geometry affects aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions: Part I. Shallow convective clouds. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 43-60. https://t.co/NcZzL4DSHD https://t.co/GaU7sQ6Yw4 https://t.co/xZx7bj1rel
SOLA New paper: Takemi and Unuma, Environmental Factors for the Development of Heavy Rainfall in the Eastern Part of Japan during Typhoon Hagibis (2019), SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 30-36, 10.2151/sola.2020-006, https://t.co/xaKFXuZktL https://t.co/LPAcPEJk3v
BTW, the paper is published in SOLA (Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere) (see my profile). The paper is found here: https://t.co/ofbkO0AzBS 昨年の台風19号、積乱雲「形成層」が流入で豪雨に 京都大防災研が解明 https://t.co/MgQjlQ6q2h via @Sankei_news
New Graphical Abstract! https://t.co/w1cC5sTaVB Tomita, T., and T. Yamaura, 2020: Interannual variability of Baiu frontal activity in May and its connectivity with June. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/mRp7O8WIG0. https://t.co/FElZwvUxEd
SOLA New paper: Sugimoto, S., Heavy Precipitation over Southwestern Japan during the Baiu Season due to Abundant Moisture Transport from Synoptic-Scale Atmospheric Conditions, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 17-22, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-004, https://t.co/mBJOp2NYHJ https://t.co/b9sqInVPJN
SOLA Early Online Release: Yoshida et al., Observation System Simulation Experiments of Water Vapor Profiles Observed by Raman Lidar using LETKF System, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-008, https://t.co/L79mnbhhKk
The SOLA Award in 2019 is awarded to the following papers: Imada et al., The July 2018 high temperature event in Japan could not have happened without human-induced global warming, SOLA, 2019, VOL.15A, 8-12, doi:10.2151/sola.15A-002, https://t.co/0An9S7lHFr
SOLA New paper: Shiozaki and Enomoto, Comparison of the 2015/16 El Niño with the Two Previous Strongest Events, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 12-16, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-003, https://t.co/mxVsfgrJgj https://t.co/7HMsrzlePu
SOLA New paper: Amemiya et al., Improving the Observation Operator for the Phased Array Weather Radar in the SCALE-LETKF System, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 6-11, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-002, https://t.co/KlBemGqdwP https://t.co/rk5pobTSVw
SOLA Early Online Release: Takemi and Unuma, Environmental Factors for the Development of Heavy Rainfall in the Eastern Part of Japan during Typhoon Hagibis (2019), SOLA, 2020, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-006, https://t.co/hry8ixcapf
Our paper on the heavy rainfall by Typhoon Hagibis in October 2019 (Typhoon #19). J-STAGE Articles - Environmental Factors for the Development of Heavy Rainfall in the Eastern Part of Japan during Typhoon Hagibis (2019) https://t.co/ofbkO0AzBS
SOLA Early Online Release: Sugimoto, S., Heavy precipitation over southwestern Japan during the Baiu Season due to abundant moisture transport from synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions, SOLA, 2020, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-004, https://t.co/bygsrwbBzc
Kanada et al., Future Changes in Typhoon-Related Precipitation in Eastern Hokkaido, SOLA, 2019, VOL.15, 244-249, doi:10.2151/sola.2019-044, https://t.co/FoxBLp2Pzx https://t.co/jquBdZrPX6
Enomoto, T., Influence of the Track Forecast of Typhoon Prapiroon on the Heavy Rainfall in Western Japan in July 2018, SOLA, 2019, VOL.15A, 66-71, doi:10.2151/sola.15A-012, https://t.co/5EhkCxmyGy https://t.co/4FYuwFsjDH
SOLA Early Online Release: Yasunaga et al., An increasing trend in the early-winter precipitation around Japan and its relationship with enhanced heating over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean, SOLA, 2019, doi:10.2151/sola.2019-043, https://t.co/gOCkOB1z3U
Ito, K., C.-C. Wu, K. T. F. Chan, R. Toumi, and C. Davis, 2020: Recent progress in the fundamental understanding of tropical cyclone motion. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/g7OKDL9NUq https://t.co/FweWe8fAPN https://t.co/KbKOdECKXz
台風の進路に関する主に2014年以降の基礎研究をレビューした論文の速報版がJMSJから出ました。第19号に関連しそうな話題はないですが、興味のある方はどうぞ。台風の進路の基本を知りたい人にはこの中で挙げているChan(2010)がおすすめ。 https://t.co/aGXoJh84rd
西日本豪雨 上空湿度は熱帯並み80% 水蒸気量から豪雨予測も - 毎日新聞 https://t.co/6syF8tAG0b 原著論文 Diagnosing Environmental Properties of the July 2018 Heavy Rainfall Event in Japan Tetsuya Takemi, Takashi Unuma https://t.co/BtsKEtjD5S https://t.co/xys8HnZp9j
SOLA New paper: Takemi and Unuma, Diagnosing Environmental Properties of the July 2018 Heavy Rainfall Event in Japan, SOLA, 2019, VOL.15A, 60-65, doi:10.2151/sola.15A-011, https://t.co/uwF7xoLtsc https://t.co/D8Mu4OQiqa
@itokosk 僕の先輩の論文に、不安定モードが実際に出てきてRossby波の不安定構造と同じように説明できる旨が書かれておりますので合わせて紹介します(p.9最後あたりから)。 https://t.co/KsOoCkYX54
SOLA New paper: Shimpo et al., Primary Factors behind the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 and the Subsequent Heat Wave in Japan, SOLA, 2019, VOL.15A, 13-18, doi:10.2151/sola.15A-003, https://t.co/ZBa5FPIniO https://t.co/bTLT7ifNDu
SOLA New paper: Takemi, Impacts of Global Warming on Extreme Rainfall of a Slow-Moving Typhoon: A Case Study for Typhoon Talas (2011), SOLA, 2019, VOL.15, 125-131, doi:10.2151/sola.2019-023, https://t.co/ChrDvs8ZkB https://t.co/1bDmomyB4e
SOLA New paper: Takemi et al., Quantitative Estimation of Strong Winds in an Urban District during Typhoon Jebi (2018) by Merging Mesoscale Meteorological and Large-Eddy Simulations, SOLA, 2019, VOL.15, 22-27, doi:10.2151/sola.2019-005, https://t.co/maRQunRN2k https://t.co/waj7e7MlAq
SOLA New paper: Ishizaki and Matsuyama, Distribution of the Annual Precipitation Ratio of Radar/Raingauge-Analyzed Precipitation to AMeDAS across Japan, SOLA, 2018, VOL.14, 192-196, doi:10.2151/sola.2018-034, https://t.co/QileHUYJpM https://t.co/FQdbhANI4Q
【論文】航空機観測を用いた台風強度解析と予測に関する論文がSOLAから出版されました ⇒ https://t.co/w5XeRxgh6s
“検定に対する考え方は様々だとしても, 理論を理解せずに検定をおこなうことによる誤用は明らかに問題で, その結果が示すのはデータや母集団の性質ではなく,論文著者の「統計力」のなさだけである.” 肝に銘じたい。 https://t.co/yZXLNYjjOg
福岡 義隆「地理学における気候学の存在理由」https://t.co/V39AWKvy1q >気象学が人間不在でも成り立つ大気の科学であるのに対して,気候学は必ず人間の存在と密着した大気の科学である 隣接の理工学に対する自然地理学のポジショナリティについて触れられている https://t.co/Zda6E9aORR
【地理学評論掲載論文】髙根雄也・日下博幸・髙木美彩・岡田 牧・阿部紫織・永井 徹・冨士友紀乃・飯塚 悟 2013.岐阜県多治見市における夏季晴天日の暑熱環境の実態調査と領域気象モデルWRFを用いた予測実験.地理学評論86A: 14-37.https://t.co/Ul28uH2p66
CFL条件は双曲型偏微分方程式の差分近似の解析において,最も重要な条件の1つである.この条件は差分スキームの安定性関連して論じられることが多いが,本来は差分解の収束に対する必要条件で ある .https://t.co/L4c9zoAMPn
CFL条件は双曲型偏微分方程式の差分近似の解析において,最も重要な条件の1つである.この条件は差分スキームの安定性関連して論じられることが多いが,本来は差分解の収束に対する必要条件で ある .https://t.co/L4c9zoAMPn
アメダスのメッシュデータからすごく細かい気候区分ができる、というお話。寒帯もあるのか。 #今日の論文 『1kmメッシュデータによる北海道の気候変動解析』 地理学論集 Vol. 88 (2013) No. 2 p. 37-48 https://t.co/gvV8v3bEcj
いつの間にか新しい論文がオンラインで公開されていました.http://t.co/SCadFKSEqG 天から送られたメール(大気・雲のマイクロ波放射)をデータ同化で解読しようという技術開発と精度検証の話.興味のある方はぜひご覧ください http://t.co/wwgaybTeSK
木口 雅司, 沖 大幹, 2010: 世界・日本における雨量極値記録. 水文・水資源学会誌 23: 231-247. http://t.co/MhG452A9A6 @OBA1417861533
@UNUSB @masuomso @itokosk こういうのですか? http://t.co/ASd0Tjk3jk
論文のページにもSNSのシェアボタンが付くようになりましたね. 研究業界こそSNSと親和性が高いと思うんです. 信頼度が命だから,実名のFacebookは特に. http://t.co/215608ycJM

