橋本 学
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.48, no.4, pp.521-530, 1996-03-12 (Released:2010-03-11)
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We calculate static stress changes for the fault model derived from geodetic data before and after the magnitude=7.2 Kobe earthquake of January 17, 1995 in order to examine the possible correlation between changes in seismicity in the surrounding regions and stress changes.The Coulomb failure function (CFF) for right lateral slip on NE-SW or nearly E-W trending vertical faults may increase in the north of the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, where the activation of seismicity is observed. CFF for left lateral slip on NW-SE trending vertical faults may also increase around the Yamasaki fault, northwest of Kobe, which is consistent with the activation of seismicity there. In the northern Kinki district, where seismicity became a little bit lower, CFF is predicted to decrease. CFF may change a little in the Wakayama region, where significant seismicity changes are not observed.The Kobe earthquake may have loaded the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, segments of the Median Tectonic Line in Wakayama and Tokushima and westward dipping thrusts in the Osaka plane. Therefore we should carefully monitor the crustal activity around these tectonic lines.
三好 遼 長田 典子 橋本 学
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.88, no.2, pp.168-173, 2022-02-05 (Released:2022-02-05)

Facial expressions are expressed by subtle changes in the shape of the eyes and mouth, wrinkles between the eyebrows, etc. However, it is difficult to capture these changes. In this study, we propose a Recurrent Attention Module (RAM) and a facial expression recognition method using RAM to capture subtle changes in facial expressions. In our experiments, we used CK+ and eNTEFRACE05 databases. In CK+, the recognition accuracies of ConvLSTM and Enhanced ConvLSTM are 93.0% and 95.7%, respectively, while the addition of RAM improves the accuracies by 2.7% and 1.2%, respectively. Furthermore, the recognition accuracies of ConvLSTM and Enhanced ConvLSTM in the eNTERFACE05 database were 39.8% and 49.3%, respectively, while adding RAM improved the accuracies by 4.6% and 0.6%, respectively. In comparison with the conventional method, the proposed method could not outperform the conventional method in CK+. On the other hand, the proposed method improves the accuracy of the eNTERFACE05 database by 0.6% over the conventional method.
橋本 学
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

地震調査委員会は,南海トラフにおいて今後30年間にM8〜9クラスの地震発生確率が70〜80%(2019年時点)と評価している.最近,地震発生確率が「水増し」された,との報道があった.筆者は,2011年からの南海トラフ地震の長期評価に分科会委員として関わった.その中で,さまざまな点,特に時間予測モデルを用いた確率評価について問題点を指摘した.この評価に関する問題点をまとめておく必要性を感じたので報告する. 南海トラフの長期評価は第1版が2001年に公表された[地震調査委員会,2001].M8クラスの東南海・南海地震,連動すれば最大M8.7の地震が,今後30年間に60〜70%の確率で発生すると評価された.確率の計算には,Shimazaki and Nakata(1980)による時間予測モデルが採用された.東日本大震災を受けて,この評価が見直され,2013年に第2版が公表された.最大地震規模はM9.1になり,個別の地震に対する評価はなく,多様性が強調された.しかし,地震発生確率の評価においては,2001年と同じく時間予測モデルを採用した.ただし,第2版において,時間予測モデルによる確率評価に使用されたデータは,室津港のデータのみである.すなわち,宝永1.8 m,安政1.2 m,昭和1.15 mの隆起量である.そして,これらの数値を時間予測モデルに当てはめて,昭和の地震から次の地震までの発生間隔(88.2年)を推定している.この値を用いて計算をすると,標記の確率が算出される. 計算の元になった室津港のデータは,宝永・安政については今村(1930),昭和については沢村(1953)が原典である.今村(1930)は,地元に残る古文書の記載から,安政の地震では約4尺海面が低下したことと,宝永地震から52年後の宝暦9年(1759年)までの間に約5尺の変動があったことを発見した.Shimazaki and Nakata (1980)は,室津周辺の水準測量から推定されている沈降率(5〜7 mm/年)を用いて補正し,宝永地震直後の変動としている.一方,沢村(1953)のデータは,旧汀線の高度の実測である. ところが,再来間隔の計算では測定誤差を一切考慮していない.宝永と安政の地震については,(1)計測方法や地点に関する情報がないため,計測誤差の評価ができない,(2)計測日時の記載がないため,月齢による潮位変動を見積もることができない,(3)波浪等気象・海象に関する記載もない,等の問題点がある.また,宝永の地震については,地震発生から計測時までの約50年間の変動の補正において,余効変動を考慮していない.一方,沢村(1953)の昭和の地震のデータも,水準測量と同程度の精度があるとは考えられないので,大きな誤差が伴うと考えるのが妥当である.試みに昭和の隆起量に10cm,安政と宝永に30 cmのランダムな誤差を加えて計算すると,次の地震発生は2020年代から2050年代まで大きくばらつく.このばらつきを考慮すると,確率はもっと低くなるであろう. 時間予測モデルによる再来間隔の推定には,平均隆起速度が重要で,室津港のデータに対しては13 mm/年となる.Shimazaki and Nakata (1980)では,これが応力蓄積速度に対応するものと考えられている.一方,弾性反発説に従えば,地震間の応力蓄積速度は室戸岬周辺の水準測量や験潮による沈降速度に比例する.しかし,これは前述のように5〜7 mm/年であり,平均隆起速度と大きな差がある.室戸岬周辺の地震時隆起には,弾性反発による隆起と残留隆起(=塑性変形)が含まれる.弾性変形は5〜7 mm/年の沈降速度に等しいと考えられるので,これを除いた量が塑性変形となる.余効変動を無視すると,宝永地震では最大約0.7 m,安政地震は約0.6 mの残留隆起があることになる.前杢(2001)の室戸岬周辺のヤッコカンザシの化石群体データからは,1,000年以内に1m以上の隆起は確認できない.また,塑性の力学に従うと,降伏応力を超えると変形と応力の比例関係は崩れるので,単純に残留隆起と地震の規模等との比を取ることは適切でない. 第2版の議論では,Scholz(1990)の時間予測モデルに否定的な研究なども取り上げられた.さらに,南海トラフ全体をひとまとめにして扱うことにしたので,第1版と同じ考え方で時間予測モデルを適用するのはおかしい,という指摘もあった. これらの批判的な議論が大勢を占め,分科会は時間予測モデルの採用に反対した.そして,他の海溝型地震や活断層の評価と同様に,再来間隔の平均値を用いた確率評価を使うべきであると結論した.この場合,確率は大きく低下する.このため,その後の地震調査委員会と政策委員会関係者の会議において,時間予測モデルの結果を採用する方針が決まった.筆者は,科学者と防災政策関係者との会議で,このような判断をしたことを批判するものではない.南海トラフの地震サイクルについての科学的知見が十分でなく,実際に90年で再来した事実がある以上,防災政策面からの議論が優先しても致し方ない,と考える.しかし,報告書にはこの経緯が記載されていない.筆者はこの経緯の記載を強く主張したが,受け入れられなかった.結果的に,あたかも科学的な判断のみで結論されたと見做される状況を招いてしまった.このことこそ,批判されるべきである.
堂前 幸康 川西 亮輔 白土 浩司 原口 林太郎 藤田 正弘 山内 悠嗣 山下 隆義 藤吉 弘亘 秋月 秀一 橋本 学
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.38, no.1, pp.95-103, 2020 (Released:2020-01-16)

We proposed a picking robot system which is apllicable to various mixed items in shelves. The robot has a two-finger gripper which can change the open width of the finger. To determine the position, the pose and the open width when the gripper pick items, we proposed efficient determination algorithm which is based on a RGBD sensor data. In our experiments, 25 items of Amazon Picking Challenge 2015 can be picked well by our proposed system. In this paper, we describe the system, the algorithms and the experimental results.
橋本 学
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.34, no.2, pp.197-211, 1981-08-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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A three-dimensional finite element method is used to simulate the observed stress state in the Southwestern Japan, which has been inferred by SHIONO (1977). Two different types of model are presented here, one is a locked model and the other is a decoupled model, where the former preserves a tight contact between the subducting Philippine Sea plate and the overriding continental plate, while the latter has a weak zone between them. In these models three different types of force are applied;(1) a negative buoyancy due to the density contrast between the subducting plate and surrounding mantle, (2) a northwestward compressional force generated by the movement of the Philippine Sea plate, (3) a westward compressional force due to the subducting Pacific plate.It is found that the observed extensional stress parallel to the leading edge of the subducting Philippine Sea plate may be caused mainly by a negative buoyancy, suggesting that the plate seems to sink down into the mantle by its own weight. The observed E-W compressional stress field prevailing in the Inner zone appears to be closely associated with the subduction of the Pacific plate. The northwestward horizontal compressional force may be smaller than the westward compressional force, and seems to be less than 500bars. The present calculations suggest that a low velocity layer between the oceanic and continental plates gives appreciable effects on low-angled thrust faulting off the Kii peninsula and the Shikoku island.
長谷川 昂宏 山内 悠嗣 山下 隆義 藤吉 弘亘 秋月 秀一 橋本 学 堂前 幸康 川西 亮輔
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.36, no.5, pp.349-359, 2018 (Released:2018-07-15)

Automatization for the picking and placing of a variety of objects stored on shelves is a challenging problem for robotic picking systems in distribution warehouses. Here, object recognition using image processing is especially effective at picking and placing a variety of objects. In this study, we propose an efficient method of object recognition based on object grasping position for picking robots. We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) that can achieve highly accurate object recognition. In typical CNN methods for object recognition, objects are recognized by using an image containing picking targets from which object regions suitable for grasping can be detected. However, these methods increase the computational cost because a large number of weight filters are convoluted with the whole image. The proposed method detects all graspable positions from an image as a first step. In the next step, it classifies an optimal grasping position by feeding an image of the local region at the grasping point to the CNN. By recognizing the grasping positions of the objects first, the computational cost is reduced because of the fewer convolutions of the CNN. Experimental results confirmed that the method can achieve highly accurate object recognition while decreasing the computational cost.
有賀 治樹 西山 乘 橋本 学 長田 典子
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J98-D, no.2, pp.328-330, 2015-02-01

浜島 良吉 勝山 邦久 橋本 学 金折 祐司 長尾 年恭 早川 正士 勝山 国久 呉 智深 鈴木 隆次 古宇田 亮一 竹村 友之 西村 進

後藤 和哉 橋本 学 奥田 洋司
Japan Society for Simulation Technology
日本シミュレーション学会論文誌 (ISSN:18835031)
vol.7, no.1, pp.1-9, 2015 (Released:2015-05-13)

In this study, we investigated the convergence of parallel iterative linear solvers in structural finite element analyses with multipoint constraints (MPCs) treated by implicit and explicit master-slave elimination. Iterative linear solvers are indispensable in large-scale analyses due to its superior parallel scalability compared to direct solvers. For stable convergence of iterative linear solvers, it is important not to deteriorate condition of matrices when imposing MPCs. We previously proposed an implicit implementation of master-slave elimination, MPC-CG method, which had a drawback that it is difficult to implement effective preconditioners. In this paper, we compared MPC-CG method and explicit master-slave elimination by estimating condition numbers of preconditioned matrices, and by studying convergence of preconditioned iterative linear solvers. The results showed that the explicit elimination provided better convergence than the MPC-CG method. It was also observed that the overhead for explicit computation of matrix to be solved was small enough with respect to the total solution time. It was concluded that the explicit masterslave elimination is effective when iterative linear solvers are used for large problems with MPCs.
橋本 学 多田 堯
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.41, no.1, pp.29-38, 1988-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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Displacements and strains during the recent 80 years in Hokkaido are investigated by the analysis of triangulation or trilateration data. According to the distribution of displacements and strains, Hokkaido can be separated into three blocks, eastern, middle and southwestern Hokkaido.In eastern Hokkaido, northwestward displacements and NW-SE contractions are dominant before the 1973 Nemuro-Oki earthquake, while seaward displacements and EW extensions are detected after the event. Summing up them, westward displacements are left, which suggests westward sliding of the outer Kurile arc along the volcanic front and colliding at the Obihiro Tectonic Line [TADA and KIMURA (1987)].The Ishikari Low Land, which is considered to be a relic trench, may be the boundary between middle and southwestern Hokkaido along which E-W contractions are prevailing. This observation suggests that northern Honshu would not belong to the North American or the Okhotsk plate.Displacements associated with four major earthquakes which occurred during the period between the first and the last surveys are computed. Results show that the 1940 Shakotan-Oki earthquake may not give much influence on Hokkaido. Theoretical displacements computed by models for the 1952 Tokachi-Oki (M8.1) and 1968 Tokachi-Oki (M7.9) earthquakes are inconsistent with the observation, which may require re-analyses of data. The model for the 1973 Nemuro-Oki earthquake can predict the observed displacements qualitatively. The observed displacements are greater than the computed ones by a factor of two or three, which means that old triangulation surveys might suffer from scale errors.
橋本 学
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.54, no.4, pp.283-288, 2017-04-18 (Released:2017-06-16)

改正障害者雇用促進法により2018年4月から精神障害者も法定雇用率算定式に加えられることになり,精神障害者雇用義務化が行われることになった.精神障害者の就労については従来の職業リハビリテーションの「保護的環境で職業訓練してから就労する(train-then-place)」方法では訓練内容が汎化せず,「早く就労の現場に出て仕事に慣れながら訓練する(place-then-train)」方法のほうが就労アウトカムを改善させるという考え方が有力となった.このような援助付き雇用プログラムの1つがindividual placement and support(IPS)である.IPSは多くのrandomized controlled trial(RCT)によって有効性が示されている.今日では,IPSに認知リハビリテーションを併用することでさらに効果を高めようとする試みが行われている.
小林 文男 橋本 学 柴田 巌
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.16, pp.41-84, 1993

The purpose of this paper is to verify differences of the 'Peace Declarations' delivered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1993. Needless to say, both these 'Declarations' appealed the total abolition of nuclear weapons and complete disarmament in the earth. But, in practice, there were so many differences of content between them. The authors sent out questionnaires for 311 members of Hiroshima university students. The question is 'As to the 'Peace Declarations' made in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1993. Which 'Declaration' do you feel sympathy for Hiroshima's or Nagasaki's ? And give your reasons for choosing it'. As a result, Nagasaki 'Peace Declaration' proved to have far higher opinions of the subjects than Hiroshima. The main reasons are as follows: (1) It was easier to understand 'Peace Declaration' of Nagasaki than of Hiroshima. (2) Hitoshi Motoshirna, the Mayor of Nagasaki,admitted that Japan had aggressed the Asian countries from 1910 to 1945, showed more friendly attitude to these countries than Takashi Hiraoka, the Mayor of Hiroshima. Nagasaki 'Peace Declarations' have had higher opinions than Hiroshima since the authors began this investigation on 1990. However, the 'Declaration' of Nagasaki in 1993 have more faults than the past 3 years beyond doubt. Because the support rate against it have come down than before. The faults are as follows: (1) The Nagasaki 'Declaration' never mentioned 'PKO' (Peace Keeping Operation) which Japan come up against now. (2) The Nagasaki 'Declaration' didn't definite the concreate compensation and assistance to non-Japanese victims of Atomic Bomb.
有賀治樹 岡明也 橋本学 長田典子
vol.2013-MUS-100, no.11, pp.1-6, 2013-08-24

本稿では,演奏者によらず使用できる,マーカレス・ピアノ運指認識手法を提案する.距離画像中のわずかな手掛かりをもとに指先候補位置を多数検出し,ピアノキー位置との対応を確率的に表現したものを仮説群として生成する.各仮説から手全体の姿勢を推定して画像化し,入力距離画像との手全体の整合性を求めることによって最尤仮説を決定する.このとき,各指先 (親指~小指) の存在確率マップを用いて指先候補位置を確率的に表現し,仮説の尤度に反映させる.汎用 3-D ハンドモデルを用いて仮説をオンラインで画像化することにより,個人ごとの事前の実データ学習が不要となり,演奏者固有の演奏時の手の姿勢に影響されにくい,汎用的な運指認識を実現した.計 128 音からなる初心者向け楽曲を用いた実験により,認識成功率 88% を確認した.
岡明也 有賀治樹 杉山健太朗 橋本学 長田典子
vol.2013-MUS-100, no.10, pp.1-4, 2013-08-24

ピアノ演奏の練習において,特に初心者の場合には正しいキーを正しい運指で弾くという基本的な練習が重要であることから,演奏状況をモニタリングし,客観的な誤りをタイムリーに提示するピアノ演奏スキル評価システムが望まれている.本研究では,2 つの要素技術を組み合わせることによってこれを実現した.1 つめは,楽譜上の音符と実際に打鍵されたキーを照合する音列照合技術である.練習時には未打鍵や余打鍵の発生に加えて,正しい演奏でも多少の揺らぎが発生するため,DP マッチングに基づいて柔軟な照合を実現した.2 つめは運指認識であり,練習中の自然な演奏を妨げないために,距離センサで得られた動画像列に汎用 3D -ハンドモデルを適用する仮説検証型手法を提案した.実際の楽曲を用いた実験評価により,単純マッチングに比べ検出数約 83% 削減でき,処理時間 0.6 秒を確認した.
渡邉 瞭太 橋本 学
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.82, no.5, pp.473-480, 2016-05-05 (Released:2016-05-05)

In this research, we propose charts of description for analysis of assembly work and the sensing system which has facility of automatic description. Charts of description consist of ”motion procedure chart” and ”trajectory chart for hands and eye-gaze”. ”motion procedure chart” can describe kinds of motion and it time. ”trajectory chart for hands and eye-gaze” can describe trajectories of hands and eye-gaze. The sensing system describes the motion based on mutual interferences of hands and objects. It also describes the eye-gaze estimated by the device which is a work cap equipped with two laser pointers. We evaluated the accuracy of description. As a result, we confirmed that the description success rate of the motion procedure is 83.4% on average. And we confirmed that the error in trajectories of hands is within 20mm beside the error in the trajectories of eye-gaze is within 13.4mm on average.
野地 善恵 小原 伸樹 山本 純偉 橋本 学 萩平 哲
pp.245-261, 2020-03-01

患者に対して手術中の無記憶や不動を保証するのは,麻酔科医が日常的に行っていることである。しかし,同じことを手術室外の,普段とは異なる環境で実現しようとすると,さまざまな制約に直面する。 今回の症例カンファレンスでは,これまで全身麻酔を行った実績のないCT室におけるドレナージ手術において,術中覚醒の既往のある患者の無記憶を保証したい,という状況でどのような麻酔方法を選択するかについて検討した。 それぞれの施設における環境やルーチン,麻酔科医の経験などによって戦略も変わるだろう。読者自身の施設であればどうするか,よりよい管理方法について考える機会になれば幸いである。
橋本 学
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.111, no.2, pp.298-307, 2002-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

We attempt to simulate the activity of earthquakes of moderate to large sizes in and around the Japanese islands using a block and fault model, in which slip deficit rates were derived from triangulation and trilateration data covering one-hundred years. The original block and fault model has 104 faults. However, the original fault size is too large to simulate moderate earthquakes. Therefore, we divide each modeled fault into 5 × 5 elements to generate earthquakes as small as M5. In total there are 2600 elements. We assume stress accumulates according to the estimated slip deficit rates. Interaction between fault elements is represented by changes in Coulomb Failure Function (hereafter Δ CFF) induced by the movement of other faults that are determined by the geometrical relationship and the direction of slip deficit rates. When stress reaches the threshold level, accumulated CFF is released by a forward slip and redistributed to surrounding faults according to the CFF changes calculated above. If the redistribution of CFF induces the next rupture, the same process is repeated until there are no more rupturing elements. We assume rupture thresholds to be 2.5 MPa for interplate boundaries and 10 MPa for inland faults, respectively. We simulate seismicity for 10000 years with a time step of 1 year.In this simulation large events that rupture almost all elements of a fault rarely occur. This suggests that strain rates derived from geological data or historical earthquake catalog might be underestimated. Simulated seismicity does not satisfactorily fit the GutenbergRichter's law, because moderate events occur more frequently than small or large events. This suggests that we have to incorporate heterogeneity in the rupture threshold or the size of elements on a fault plane. The correlation between interplate earthquakes along the Nankai trough and inland events in southwest Japan is not clear, but there seems to be a complementary relationship in activities between both regions. Migration of large events along the Nankai trough is occasionally seen in this simulation, but its direction is different from time to time.