大枝 良直 角 知憲 中西 啓造 椿 辰治
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.1997, no.555, pp.83-90, 1997

本研究では, 業務を目的とした航空旅客の出発時刻選択行動のモデルを提案する. 長距離業務交通では, 業務の開始時刻を規定されている. 旅客はこの時刻に合わせて旅行のスケジュールを決定することが多い. この行動が長距離交通の時間的変動を支配し, 高速交通機関の選択行動に影響を与えると考えられる. 提案するモデルは, 到着指定時刻に対し, 当日の航空便を選択するモデルとその前日の航空便を選択するモデルの2つからなる. これらのモデルは行動時刻に対して人が日常の生活パターンの中で感じる不都合の度合いを非効用の概念で与えている. モデルを千歳発東京着の航空路線に適用し再現性を確認した. このモデルにより, 交通所要時間の変化や空港の運用時間の変化に対する旅客の行動を予測することができる.
眞岸 克明 和泉 裕一 光部 啓治郎 中西 啓介 久保田 宏
日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:02851474)
vol.32, no.2, pp.83-85, 2003-03-15

今回,われわれは,大動脈四尖弁に伴う大動脈弁閉鎖不全症の弁置換術を経験したので報告した.症例は,63歳男性で心原性ショック発症後の精査で大動脈弁閉鎖不全症の診断となり,経食道心エコーで大動脈四尖弁を認めた.手術所見では,大動脈弁左冠尖と無冠尖の間にやや小さなaccessory cuspを有する四尖弁を認めた.Hurwitzらの分類ではtype bに相当すると考えられた.手術は大動脈弁を切除し,Edward-MIRA21mm弁で置換した.術後経過に問題なく,元気に社会復帰した.大動脈四尖弁は希な疾患であるが閉認不全を伴うことが多く,文献的検討を加え報告した.
安藤 理 井上 公人 中西 啓喜 有海 拓巳 苅谷 剛彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.43-67, 2009-03-10

The social difference is controversial in modern society. Regarding this issue, high school education study has developed its work on high school students, as the subject of the research, of going on to various courses after graduation or those born in lowgrade family. It is said that those in relatively weak tier are likely to have more disadvantage, which depicts the clearer aspect of differentiated society./ On this matter, we pay an attention to students graduating in privileged high schools or those going on to four-year university after such style of high schools. We additionally divide the region of high schools that the mentioned students graduated into “rural part” and “urban part” in order to make an argument based upon differences among the concerned areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability and consciousness of those thought to steadily pave the way the route in order to gain the socially stable life and to argue differentiated society from varied aspects. Mainly four subjects as followed are to be analyzed./ Japan has various regional differences. In such a society,/ 1. Who considers them elite ?/ 2. Who will be in favor of redistribution ? We are, upon the two written subjects, to clarify the influence of the regional movement. Meanwhile, there has been issued the differences from the birth levels. We make an analysis with an attention to Honda's proposal (2005) “post-modern ability”. Specifically analysis is to be assigned as below./ 3. What kind of ability developed in high school can make “post-modern ability” be in full swing at university ?/ 4. What kind of person can make “post-modern ability” be in full swing at university ? This study aims to analyze the ability and consciousness of those, without sexual difference, on social difference and to clarify their real aspects so that we can see the future of the differentiated society.
中西 啓太
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.120, no.4, pp.496-519, 2011-04-20

Due to continuing tax increases during the Russo-Japanese War, postwar regional society became faced with the serious problem of increased tax burdens. This article takes up strata of powerful local figures at the time, which have been dealt with in almost all of the research to date in the context of regional improvement movement and the expansion of political parties, shedding new light on their relationship to the local taxation system. The author offers Saitama Prefectures as a typical example of where large increases occurred in the income tax and points to a little known tax institution, the Income Investigation Commission (IIC; Shotoku Chosa Iinkai 所得調査委員会), which was involved in calculating individual income tax amounts and whose members were chosen by taxpayers in local elections. The article begins with a quantitative study to determine the place of income taxes within the context of regional society, showing how both tax revenue and the number of taxpayers increased during the War and how after the War social strata with vested interests in the question of taxation greatly expanded. As to the process of choosing members of the IIC, elections were held mainly county by county (gun 郡), while candidates and the distribution of posts were controlled by local leaders under non-competitive conditions. Elected members tended to be holders of important local offices, such as village headman, and were involved in local improvement projects in collaboration with national policy. However, in 1909, members of the IIC clashed with the Department of Tax Affairs, demanding a decrease in the income tax burdens of local residents. Saitama IIC members filed complaints with higher authorities and were supported by village headmen. Despite the refusal to meet their demands, the following year they lobbied the National Diet and both political parties to pass legislation, in a non-partisan spirit that also marked the movement to lower land taxes. The author concludes that the power elite in post-Russo-Japanese War regional society came to possess a dual character: one complacently conducting projects along the policy lines of central bureaucratic agencies; the other in conflict with how the national tax revenue authority was dealing with regional society.
中西 啓子

安藤 理 井上 公人 中西 啓喜 有海 拓巳 苅谷 剛彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.43-67, 2008

The social difference is controversial in modern society. Regarding this issue, high school education study has developed its work on high school students, as the subject of the research, of going on to various courses after graduation or those born in lowgrade family. It is said that those in relatively weak tier are likely to have more disadvantage, which depicts the clearer aspect of differentiated society./ On this matter, we pay an attention to students graduating in privileged high schools or those going on to four-year university after such style of high schools. We additionally divide the region of high schools that the mentioned students graduated into "rural part" and "urban part" in order to make an argument based upon differences among the concerned areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability and consciousness of those thought to steadily pave the way the route in order to gain the socially stable life and to argue differentiated society from varied aspects. Mainly four subjects as followed are to be analyzed./ Japan has various regional differences. In such a society,/ 1. Who considers them elite ?/ 2. Who will be in favor of redistribution ? We are, upon the two written subjects, to clarify the influence of the regional movement. Meanwhile, there has been issued the differences from the birth levels. We make an analysis with an attention to Honda's proposal (2005) "post-modern ability". Specifically analysis is to be assigned as below./ 3. What kind of ability developed in high school can make "post-modern ability" be in full swing at university ?/ 4. What kind of person can make "post-modern ability" be in full swing at university ? This study aims to analyze the ability and consciousness of those, without sexual difference, on social difference and to clarify their real aspects so that we can see the future of the differentiated society.