苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2007

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to ""good"" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue ""elite"" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2008-03-10

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to "good" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue "elite" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
苅谷 剛彦 堀 健志 安藤 理 平木 平木 有海 拓巳 漆山 綾香 日下 田岳史 井上 公人 高橋 渉 中西 啓喜

本研究は、公立-私立、大都市-地方という教育における分化の進行を背景に、地方の公立高校のはたす役割はどのようなものかを、ユニークな教育実践に取り組む公立進学校に焦点を当て、実証的に明らかにすることを目的に行われた。地方の公立進学高校は、大都市部の私立中高一貫校と同じ土俵にのって、大学進学競争を強化しようとしているだけなのか。地方のための/地方からの人材形成という機能を、どのようにとらえ、どのように実践しようとしているのか。そして、その成果は、生徒たちの実際の進路形成や価値意識の形成として、どのように現れているのか。本研究では、たんに大学進学の実績を上げることに汲々としている進学高校ではなく、教育改革のねらいにも符合する「プラスアルファ」の教育をも合わせて実践している地方公立高校を中心に取り上げ、総合的な調査研究を行うことによって、これらの問題を明らかにした。研究方法としては、特色のある教育を実践している地方の公立普通科高校を含む、11 校の高校に対する質問紙調査と、12校の高校を対象とした質問紙調査による。質問紙調査においては、同一対象者に対し、継続的な調査を行うパネル調査という方法を用いた。この方法を用いることで、高校時代の教育経験が、卒業後にどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを追跡することが可能になるからである。パネル調査として、高校3年次を対象とした生徒を、さらに卒業後1年目、2年目と二度にわたり追跡した。こうしたパネル調査を用いることで、プラスアルファの教育の効果を、時間をおいてとらえようとしたのである。これらの調査の結果、以下の知見が得られた。(1)地方から大都市の難関大学に進学することにより、地域間再分配政策に賛成しやすくなるというかたちで社会的責任が形成されること、(2)高校時代に学校行事に熱心に参加していた生徒ほど大学で自ら学んだり、成果を発表したりできていること、そして、(3)学校行事には出身階層下位の生徒が参加しやすいことを考慮すると、高校時代の学校行事には、階層下位の生徒が大学で学習しやすい環境を整えるという意味で階層間格差縮小の機能があるということである。これらの知見により、生徒たちの意識の差異を確認することで、高校段階における「プラスアルファ」の教育がその後のキャリア・社会生活(今年度は大学生活)に及ぼす影響を把握できたことになる。
村田 敬 伊藤 佳代子 高木 洋子 森 栄作 安藤 理子 中川内 玲子 阿部 恵 河野 茂夫 山田 和範 葛谷 英嗣
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.51, no.9, pp.845-848, 2008 (Released:2009-05-20)

症例は2型糖尿病の男性(49歳),前医にてインスリンおよびエパルレスタットの処方を受けていたが,歩行障害悪化を主訴に来院.BMI 14.9 kg/m2, 下肢優位で左右対称な軽度筋力低下,下肢優位の小脳失調症状を認めた.HbA1c 15.6%, 糖尿病網膜症なし,神経伝導速度は運動・感覚ともに低下.入院後,次第に筋力低下と歩行機能が改善.入院時の残血清中ビタミンB1濃度は0.6 μg/dlと低値.フルスルチアミン100 mg/日の点滴を行ったところ,筋力回復し,軽快退院した.管理栄養士による聞き取り調査では白米中心の偏食傾向があり,ビタミンB1の推定摂取量は0.5 mg/日と所要量(1.2 mg/日)の半分程度であった.以上のような検査結果・臨床経過から総合的に判断して,本症例の歩行障害の主因はビタミンB1欠乏症による脚気神経炎であった可能性が高いと診断した.脚気神経炎は糖尿病性多発神経障害と症状が似ており,つねに鑑別診断として念頭におく必要がある.
安藤 理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.47-65, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

Studies in the sociology of education have not paid sufficient attention to the social effects of intergenerational academic background mobility. Intergenerational academic background mobility means the change between an individual's academic background and that of his/her father. This paper examines support for redistribution to clarify the effect. Using the integrated data of JGSS-2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the author finds that college graduates whose fathers are also college graduates tend to not support redistribution compared to college graduates whose fathers are graduates from compulsory education alone. This means that intergenerational academic background mobility has a gap-widening effect. People who receive an advantage by the fact that their own fathers are college graduates tend to not support redistribution, implying that the gap will continuously expand.The policy implication of this paper is that as the percent of students pursuing higher education increases, people who tend to not support redistribution will also increase. It is possible, thus, that it will become more difficult for policy makers to implement redistribution policies.
安藤 理 井上 公人 中西 啓喜 有海 拓巳 苅谷 剛彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.43-67, 2009-03-10

The social difference is controversial in modern society. Regarding this issue, high school education study has developed its work on high school students, as the subject of the research, of going on to various courses after graduation or those born in lowgrade family. It is said that those in relatively weak tier are likely to have more disadvantage, which depicts the clearer aspect of differentiated society./ On this matter, we pay an attention to students graduating in privileged high schools or those going on to four-year university after such style of high schools. We additionally divide the region of high schools that the mentioned students graduated into “rural part” and “urban part” in order to make an argument based upon differences among the concerned areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability and consciousness of those thought to steadily pave the way the route in order to gain the socially stable life and to argue differentiated society from varied aspects. Mainly four subjects as followed are to be analyzed./ Japan has various regional differences. In such a society,/ 1. Who considers them elite ?/ 2. Who will be in favor of redistribution ? We are, upon the two written subjects, to clarify the influence of the regional movement. Meanwhile, there has been issued the differences from the birth levels. We make an analysis with an attention to Honda's proposal (2005) “post-modern ability”. Specifically analysis is to be assigned as below./ 3. What kind of ability developed in high school can make “post-modern ability” be in full swing at university ?/ 4. What kind of person can make “post-modern ability” be in full swing at university ? This study aims to analyze the ability and consciousness of those, without sexual difference, on social difference and to clarify their real aspects so that we can see the future of the differentiated society.
安藤 理 井上 公人 中西 啓喜 有海 拓巳 苅谷 剛彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.43-67, 2008

The social difference is controversial in modern society. Regarding this issue, high school education study has developed its work on high school students, as the subject of the research, of going on to various courses after graduation or those born in lowgrade family. It is said that those in relatively weak tier are likely to have more disadvantage, which depicts the clearer aspect of differentiated society./ On this matter, we pay an attention to students graduating in privileged high schools or those going on to four-year university after such style of high schools. We additionally divide the region of high schools that the mentioned students graduated into "rural part" and "urban part" in order to make an argument based upon differences among the concerned areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability and consciousness of those thought to steadily pave the way the route in order to gain the socially stable life and to argue differentiated society from varied aspects. Mainly four subjects as followed are to be analyzed./ Japan has various regional differences. In such a society,/ 1. Who considers them elite ?/ 2. Who will be in favor of redistribution ? We are, upon the two written subjects, to clarify the influence of the regional movement. Meanwhile, there has been issued the differences from the birth levels. We make an analysis with an attention to Honda's proposal (2005) "post-modern ability". Specifically analysis is to be assigned as below./ 3. What kind of ability developed in high school can make "post-modern ability" be in full swing at university ?/ 4. What kind of person can make "post-modern ability" be in full swing at university ? This study aims to analyze the ability and consciousness of those, without sexual difference, on social difference and to clarify their real aspects so that we can see the future of the differentiated society.
安藤 理 Satoru ANDO 東京大学大学院 Graduate School University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.47-65, 2006-12-10

Studies in the sociology of education have not paid sufficient attention to the social effects of intergenerational academic background mobility. Intergenerational academic background mobility means the change between an individual's academic background and that of his/her father. This paper examines support for redistribution to clarify the effect. Using the integrated data of JGSS-2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the author finds that college graduates whose fathers are also college graduates tend to not support redistribution compared to college graduates whose fathers are graduates from compulsory education alone. This means that intergenerational academic background mobility has a gap-widening effect. People who receive an advantage by the fact that their own fathers are college graduates tend to not support redistribution, implying that the gap will continuously expand. The policy implication of this paper is that as the percent of students pursuing higher education increases, people who tend to not support redistribution will also increase. It is possible, thus, that it will become more difficult for policy makers to implement redistribution policies.