佐野 静代 サノ シズヨ Sano Shizuyo
人文学 (ISSN:04477340)
no.205, pp.1-53, 2020-03

近世京都の近衛家別邸「御花畑」の成立過程と、その政治史上における役割を明らかにすることを試みた。御花畑邸の敷地内を流れる禁裏御用水の流路は、寛永元年から同14年の間に付け替えられたものであり、それは中世までの「構」より外側の新しい町地の開発と連動したものであった。この邸の当初の所有者は桂宮家であり、御花畑邸はその「小山御屋敷」を前身としている可能性の高いことがわかった。この邸は、天保期には近衛基前の正室であった維学心院の隠居屋敷となっていた。維学心院は尾張藩主徳川宗睦の養女であり、その屋敷の整備には薩摩藩だけでなく尾張藩の援助のあったことが確かめられる。特に維学心院の附役であった尾崎八右衛門が、この邸の「御花畑」部分の整備を行っていたことは重要である。その後の御花畑邸は、安政の大獄時には近衛忠煕の謹慎場所となり、文久2年には薩摩藩に貸与されたことが判明した。文久期の使用は藩主の一族に限られていたが、その後は小松帯刀の宿所となり、慶応3年には鷲尾隆聚ら倒幕派公家との接触の場となっていた。同年9月に近衛家は薩摩藩による御花畑邸の使用を停止させようとしており、それは幕府制だけでなく摂関制の否定にもつながる過激な武力倒幕派への反発に起因するものだったと推定される。以下の訂正あり: ①20頁6行目「…とあり、」の後に「忠征の父・忠夤と推定される」を挿入. ②22頁6行目「…示している。」の後に、「この父の下で、同じ時期に維学心院付きであった尾崎忠征も共に整備に携わっていたことが推定される。」を挿入. ③22頁11行目「近衛忠煕と尾崎」の後に「忠征」を挿入
佐野 静代
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.1, pp.19-43, 2003-01-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
8 2 2

本研究では,歴史地理学的手法による環境問題研究の可能性を再検討することを目的とし,琵琶湖沿岸域の淡水性潟湖である入江内湖を対象に,主に近世以降の景観を分析することから地域住民の生業活動と内湖の環境変化を論じることを試みた.内湖の生態的条件に応じて形成された環境利用システムの実態を,近世以来の文書・絵図資料から検証し,人間を含めた生態系としての水陸漸移帯の全体像と,その崩壊メカニズムを解明した. 入江内湖の生態的環境とその伝統的環境利用システムの崩壊は,昭和初期の水位低下に伴う生物資源の減少と,同時期に生起した農・漁複合生業形態から専業的活動への生業変化を契機としていたことが明らかになった.漁携・藻取り・ヨシ刈りなど多様な価値を含んでいた内湖=水陸漸移帯の「空間の多義性」が捨象され,「農地への転換可能地」という単一の価値観へと収斂されていったことが,干拓促進の要因となったことを指摘した.
佐野 静代
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.51, no.4, pp.352-374, 1999-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation of land reclamation caused by the local landlord in Medieval Japan, focusing on the relationship between his residence and the evolution of irrigation systems. This paper lends weight to studies of village landscapes in Medieval Japan, consisting of settlement, landlord's residence, irrigation canals and paddy fields. It seems reasonable to suppose that the social structure of the seigneurial regime is reflected in the spatial structure of Medieval landscapes.Considering irrigation systems from a spatial point of view, the author demonstrates that the location of the landlord's residence is closely related to the structure of paddy field irrigation in the Medieval Period. It followed that the local landlord constructed irrigation systems, and reclaimed waste land such as terrace surfaces and alluvial fans. Particularly in the early Medieval Period, the local landlord was concerned with the formation of the manorial system, being in complete control of Kannou-with rights being mainly based on water supply.The case study of the Ane River basin made it clear that the local landlord-Kokujin-Ryoushu-strengthened his control over irrigation in the 14th century. It has been generally considered that the developing village community, So-son, was responsible for the construction of irrigation systems and the reorganization of villages in the latter Middle Ages. However, the author demonstrates that the role of the local landlord in such situations was much more important than had been expected since it is obvious that some nucleated settlements were formed under his leadership. The spatial structure of such nucleated settlements reflects the process of Kokujin-Ryoushu expanding his territory by making his branch families invade the villages.The author considers that the purpose of studying landscape is not only to restore the different components of landscape to their original state, but also to clarify the driving forces behind its formation. Therefore, in future, it will be more important to emphasize the formation process of landscape in any historical geographical inquiry.
佐野 静代
滋賀大学環境総合研究センター研究年報 (ISSN:13491881)
vol.5, no.1, pp.31-37, 2008-07

The biological diversity and ecotone functions of lagoons, known as naiko or sekiko in Japanese,surrounding Lake Biwa or Japan Sea, are now being reassessed. For humans, the significance of suchwaterside ecotone has been as a"place with an abundance of fauna". In this study, I examinetraditional living activities of people and the use of natural resources of the lagoons, and discuss the impact that these have on the ecosystem of the littoral zone. The findings outlined in this article are based on fieldwork carried out around Hachiro-gata and many naikos. We find an ecosystem developed around the lagoon that incorporated the living activities of humans, whereby the diverse use of natural resources of the lagoon by humans developed a circular system.The fact that the littoral zone such as lagoon is"secondary nature"demonstrates that for thepreservation of this type of waterside ecotone in the future, rather than avoiding human interference and leaving the environment to its own devices, it is important to ensure appropriate level of human involvement and management. Lifestyles of the people and resource usage datums accumulated for many years in the region should be used as a valuable index in the appropriate usage and management of the littoral zone in the future, and in the recovery of these regions through ecological engineering. Andhistorical research into the long-term dynamics of"nature"is essential to understanding the natural conditions that should be preserved and revitalized, and to clarifying the goals for such restoration.
佐野 静代
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.51, no.4, pp.352-374, 1999

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation of land reclamation caused by the local landlord in Medieval Japan, focusing on the relationship between his residence and the evolution of irrigation systems. This paper lends weight to studies of village landscapes in Medieval Japan, consisting of settlement, landlord's residence, irrigation canals and paddy fields. It seems reasonable to suppose that the social structure of the seigneurial regime is reflected in the spatial structure of Medieval landscapes.Considering irrigation systems from a spatial point of view, the author demonstrates that the location of the landlord's residence is closely related to the structure of paddy field irrigation in the Medieval Period. It followed that the local landlord constructed irrigation systems, and reclaimed waste land such as terrace surfaces and alluvial fans. Particularly in the early Medieval Period, the local landlord was concerned with the formation of the manorial system, being in complete control of Kannou-with rights being mainly based on water supply.The case study of the Ane River basin made it clear that the local landlord-Kokujin-Ryoushu-strengthened his control over irrigation in the 14th century. It has been generally considered that the developing village community, So-son, was responsible for the construction of irrigation systems and the reorganization of villages in the latter Middle Ages. However, the author demonstrates that the role of the local landlord in such situations was much more important than had been expected since it is obvious that some nucleated settlements were formed under his leadership. The spatial structure of such nucleated settlements reflects the process of Kokujin-Ryoushu expanding his territory by making his branch families invade the villages.The author considers that the purpose of studying landscape is not only to restore the different components of landscape to their original state, but also to clarify the driving forces behind its formation. Therefore, in future, it will be more important to emphasize the formation process of landscape in any historical geographical inquiry.
佐野 静代
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.133, pp.85-108, 2006-12-20

佐野 静代
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.162, pp.141-163, 2011-01

佐野 静代
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.133, pp.85-108, 2006-12

古代の御厨における漁撈活動の実態を解明するためには,「湖沼河海」の各々の御厨を取り巻く自然環境の分析が不可欠である。自然環境の分析には,地形・気候的条件とともに,その上に展開する「生態系」,特に魚類を中心とした生物相の考察が含まれる。魚類の生態と行動(生活史・食性・場所利用など)は,古代にも遡及しうるものであり,当時の地形と漁撈技術段階との照合によって,魚種ごとの捕獲原理や漁獲時期が推定可能となる。このようにして各御厨で行われた漁法が明らかになれば,「湖沼河海」の御厨ごとの漁撈活動と,贄人の生活形態の相違が浮かび上がってくるはずである。本稿では,古代の琵琶湖に設けられた筑摩御厨を対象として,当時の地形・生息魚種の生態・漁撈技術段階を照合し,その生活実態について検討した。筑摩御厨では,春の産卵期に接岸してくるフナと,春~初夏に琵琶湖から流入河川に遡上してくるアユを漁獲対象としており,贄人の漁撈活動は,地先水面での地引網漁+上り簗漁というきわめて定着的な漁法によっていたことがわかった。御厨現地での生活実態としては,水陸の移行帯において漁撈と農耕が分かちがたく結びついた「漁+農」複合型の生業形態であったと推定される。琵琶湖岸の古代の御厨においては,漁撈のみに尖鋭化した特権的専業漁民の姿は認めがたく,古代の贄人の生活実態は,網野善彦が提起した「船による移動・遍歴を生活の基本とする海民」像とは,異なるものといえる。生業を指標とする集団の考察には,現地の環境条件との照合が不可欠であり,網野の提起した「非農業民」概念もこのような視点から再検討されるべきと考える。A study of the natural environment surrounding various mikuriya (originally cooking structures used to prepare offerings to the Emperor or deities) on the shores of lakes, rivers and the sea is indispensable when shedding light on fishing activities that took place in mikuriya from the Ancient period. In addition to topographical and climatic conditions, a study of the natural environment also includes an examination of eco-systems that developed at these sites, especially biota, with a focus on fish. Since fish ecology and its behavior (eating habits, use of places, etc) can be studied retrospectively for the Ancient period, it is possible to extrapolate fishing seasons and the principles behind the catching methods adopted for each type of fish by cross-checking the topography of the time with fishing technique stages. If this clarifies the fishing methods used at each mikuriya, a picture should emerge of fishing activities at each waterside mikuriya and differences in the lifestyles of fishermen.This paper examines the way of life in the Ancient period by cross matching the topography, the ecology of populations of fish species and the stage of fishing techniques of the time for Chikuma mikuriya erected on Lake Biwa in the Ancient period. This study revealed that Chikuma mikuriya caught crucian carp, which gathered alongside the lakeshore during the spring spawning period, and ayu, which swam from Lake Biwa up rivers flowing into the lake from spring to early summer. It also found that fishermen caught fish using a combination of dragline fishing from the site water surface and fish traps, which were extremely well established fishing techniques. As for the type of lifestyle of the people living in these mikuriya, it is surmised that they used resources of the littoral zone, leading a way of life that combined fishing and agriculture in which it was difficult to separate fishing from farming. It is difficult to find any trace of fishing people who specialized in fishing and only honed methods of catching fish. This differs from Yoshihiko Amino's portrayal of fishing people from the Ancient period, according to which "they were people who moved by boat and led an itinerant lifestyle." When studying groups to find what occupations they engaged in it is essential to validate the environmental conditions of their locations. Consequently, this perspective should be adopted for a reexamination of the concept of "non farming people" as proposed by Amino.
佐野 静代
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.4, pp.588-619, 2015-07
